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league of nations wasnt successful, Wilson couldnt even join and left the peace treaty before it really

got started Differences of opinion between Clemencau, Lloyd George and Wilson French argue reparations $200 billion, Britain 120, America 22 Trianon: treaty with hungary overthrow of bela kun before treaty was ratified in hungary Sevres treaty with turkey, was so unpopular that ataturk overthrew the ruling families and forced a new treaty, Lausanne to be signed meant no reparations and regain of greek territories Long term stability destroyed by Nazi rise in Germany clearly Ethnic tensions in Czechoslovakia Germany and Russia werent invited Germany: Reparations -inflation, national pride, military issues Robin W.Winks and R.J.Q Adams, Europe 1800-1945, Oxford University Press, 2003 Lack of understanding from Wilson Wilson did not appreciate how difficult self-determination was in much of Eastern Europe p13 most French people wanted revenge for the devastation of the war p16 like Clemenceau [Lloyd George] had to listen to public opinion at home p17 worried a weak Germany would be unable to stop the spread of communism p17 Clause 231 of Treaty of Versaille Germany accepts responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing the loss and damage Harold Nicolson [Wilson had] unbusinesslike methods and a lack of programme of coordination p197 If you were an ethnic minority you were often discriminated against, i.e. in Hungary more than one third of of Hungarians were now in other nations. This meant that they were negatively antagonized Did not provide certain countries with what they had been promised, i.e. Romania had joined the allies in 1916 at the Treaty of Bucharest and was promised Transylvania

John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of Peace, London, 1920 This treaty ignores the economic solidarity of Europe

John a Lukacs, The Great Powers and Eastern Europe, American Book Company, 1953 petty and furious nationalism remained the main political forces in Central Eastern Europe p17 Already the first post war years indicated the weakness of the League of Nations p18 Does the little entente mean that there was some stability in the region?

Allowed fascism to spread in the area? United states finance and credit could have made a major contribution to the stabilization of eastern and south eastern Europe p34 each newly constructed states was looking to safeguard and strengthen its own political base and economic development, the consequence was the fragmentation of Eastern Europe not just politically but economically p35 France and Britain competed with each other due to a lack of real wording in the paris treaties British and French differences of attitude and policy in eastern Europe p36

The weary victors hesitated to confer on minorities too prominent a status or provide minority defenders with the means to dispute the new order M. Boemke et al, The Treaty of Versailles: a reassessment after 75 years, Cambridge, 1998, p274

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