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Older Cheats:

(last update - Mar 16 2000)

Cheat Codes
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter the following codes to activate each cheat. Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time. Additionally, most of the codes will only work with the unpatched version of the game.

Effect 1000 Simoleons (unpatched game version) 1000 Simoleons (patched game version) Add new family history stat to the current family Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt every time a route is found Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed Automatically import and load indicated FAM file Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked Check and fix required lot objects Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT Crash game Create moat or streams Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files Create-a-character mode Display personality and interests Draw all animation frames disabled Draw all animation frames enabled Draw colored dots at each person's origin Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt Dump selected person's most recent list of scored interactions to a file Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a file Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for social interactions End sim logging Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats Floorable grid disabled Floorable grid enabled Force an assert for testing Log animations in the event log window Map editor disabled Map editor enabled Move any object No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded Prevent web browser crashes Preview animations disabled Preview animations enabled

Code klapaucius rosebud hist_add write_destlist auto_level import <FAM file> house <house number> prepare_lot flush crash water_tool shrink_text <font_size> <text> edit_char interests draw_all_frames off draw_all_frames on draw_origins core_dump dump_happy dump_mc debug_social sim_log end cht <filename> draw_floorable off draw_floorable on assert log_animations map_edit off map_edit on move_objects on tutorial off browser_failsafe preview_anims off preview_anims on

Programmer stats Quit game Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose IFF files are writable Rematch dependent textures and regenerate bitmaps for all user characters Restore tutorial Rotate camera Routing debug balloons disabled Routing debug balloons enabled Run series of random operations on unhoused families Save currently loaded house Save family history file Say "plugh" Say "porntipsguzzardo" Say "xyzzy" Selected person's path displayed Selected person's path hidden Set event logging mask Set free thinking level Set game speed Set grass change value Set grass growth Set lot size Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator Set sim speed Set time of day (unpatched game version) Set z offset for thought bubbles Sets the neighborhood directory to the path Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag. Requires rotation Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects Show memory view window in debug builds of the game Start sim logging Swap the two house files and updates families

tile_info quit #import rebuild_cp refresh_faces refresh_textures restore_tut rotation <0-3> route_balloons off route_balloons on fam_test <opcount> save history plugh porntipsguzzardo xyzzy draw_routes on draw_routes off log_mask autonomy <1-100> sim_speed <-10001000> edit_grass <number>: grow_grass <0-150> lot_size <number> sim_limit <milliseconds> sim_speed <-1000 1000> set_hour <1-24> bubble_tweak <z offset value> <directory path> lot_border <tl> <tr> <bl> <br> allow_inuse memview sim_log begin swap_houses <house number> <house number> sweep off sweep on tile_info on tile_info off visitor_control report_assets

Ticks disabled Ticks enabled Tile information displayed Tile information hidden Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard Toggle assets report

Toggle automatic object reset feature Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop Toggle camera mode Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person control menus Toggle music Toggle object compression in save file Toggle quaternion transformations Toggle sound log window Toggle sounds Toggle web page creation Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins Trigger sound event Write out an RTE file every time a route is found Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt

auto_reset sim_peek cam_mode all_menus music obj_comp quats sound_log sound html reload_people soundevent write_routes #export

Quick money
Enable cheat mode and enter the klapaucius or rosebud code. Display the cheat prompt again and type !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!:!;! (up to sixty total commands may be entered). Enable cheat mode and enter klapaucius;: or rosebud;: as a code. Then hold [Enter] so that "No such cheat" begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians. Once you reach 9,999,999 simoleons, it will stay that way for the rest of your game.

Easier repeat cheats

To make it easier to repeat a code, such as the money code, first enter the code, then make a mistake after what you have repeated. For example enter the money cheat, then enter !;!;!;!;!;!: (note the colon at the end instead of a semi-colon). The game will respond "Sorry, invalid cheat" but you will have the amount that you requested. When you click "OK", the cheat will still be at the prompt. press [Enter] again and click "OK" for another repeat of the cheat you entered. Note: The game will exit if too much money is accumulated.

Quick navigation
hold [Alt] and press the cursor keys to navigate quickly.

Hidden cartoon
When you insert the game CD-ROM and it asks whether you want to start or visit various web sites, move the pointer over the gray Maxis symbol in the bottom Left corner. It will change into colored text. Click on it to see the hidden cartoon.

Real music
Note: This trick requires a music recording/Downloading program. Record/Download the music of your choice. After that save the music files to The Sims game in the path "/Maxis/The Sims/Music/Stations/" followed by "Rock", "Classical", "Latin", or "Country". This can also be saved so that the TV plays the music by selecting the "SoundData/TVStations" path instead of "Music", then choosing "Mystery", "Romance", "Comedy", or "Action".

Easier relationships
Create a family with a male and female adult that are of the same category (such as Virgo and Virgo) and move them into a house (or created house). Immediately after selecting live mode make them kiss approximately ten times in a row to set their relationship meter to be 100. If you continue kissing the female should ask to have a baby. You can make a room especially for the parents with no doors. Use the move_objects on code and put the parents in a room with no doors. If you want them to have a baby, have them kiss a few times (not necessarily ten) and she will ask about the baby

If you are trying to get a Sim to like another Sim, and you want to propose, sometimes the game will respond "I Can't think on an empty stomach". Before the Sim arrives, make a meal. If it gets late, delete the doors, then they cannot leave.

Selling the dead

This is a useful trick if you had a Sim die. When Sims die, they leave an urn or a gravestone behind them which your Sim will mourn for 24 hours. After this time you can pick it up in furnish mode and sell it. You only get about 3 to 10 Simoleans for it, but it is better than turning your garden into a cemetery.

Get outdoor items indoors

Use the following trick to place a grill, playground, basketball court, or other outdoor items inside your house. When building your house, leave part of the wall open. The CPU will consider that room as part of the outside. Place your outdoor item in the room, then close the wall. Note: This only works in one room at a time.

Magic garbage bag

The following trick saves the time needed to take the garbage to the street. Buy the 30 simolian garbage can. Order your Sim to empty it, then cancel the order just as they remove the bag from the can. Then, order them to pick up the mess that they just created. Your Sim will return the full bag to an empty can. Repeat this each time it fills and trash will never have be brought outside again.

Double phone message

Place more than two phones in your house and wait for the phone to ring. Direct two of your Sims to answer different phones. By doing this, two messages will appear for each of your Sims. Sometimes the game will even offer some generous amount of money.

Keep baby easier

To keep a baby without social services taking it away, just have one of the parents (the person in the lower rank of their job is recommended) to miss work two days in a row to get fired. They can now pay 24 hour attention to the baby.

Another chance with the baby

If you want to keep the baby after it is to be taken away. wait for the social worker to show up. Before she goes inside, enter house edit mode and delete all the doors that lead into your house. A screen saying you have a new baby will appear and prompt you to name it. If your baby gets neglected and the social worker appears, quickly pause game play. Enable the move_objects on code and enter build mode. Select the hand, pick up the social worker, and delete her. A new baby will appear in the middle of the room, and you can re-name it.

When someone dies in a family, and there are still family members remaining, they will be haunted by the ghost of the Sim that died.

Controlling ghosts
To control a ghost, enter the tutorial house and continue until Betty enters. Put in a series of fireplaces (burn to death) or light bulbs (electrocution) and move Bob out of the house. Block all the exits and kill Betty. The game will announce that you failed the tutorial and Betty's head will still be on the control panel. Click it and her ghost will appear. If one action is done, or you wait too long, she will disappear (you can get her back). Try changing her clothes and taking baths. Note: This may not work in the patched version of the game.

Naked Sim
Enable the move_objects on code when your Sim is inside the shower, when there is no pixelated censor. Then, move your Sim/shower to somewhere in the house and you can see your Sim naked. As soon as a Sim enters the shower or bath, go to build mode and use the hand tool, to remove the shower or bathtub from the bathroom. The Sim will continue to shower or bathe, but they will be bare without the pixelated censoring.

Naked Sim in hot tub

If you have a Sim with an Outgoing rating of 7 or more, he or she will go in the hot tub naked. The first person to go in will cause an impact on all the rest. If the first person goes in naked, the rest also will, even if their outgoing is a 1. The reverse is also true -- if someone goes in with a bathing suit, a Sim with a Outgoing rating of 10 will also wear one.

Floating Sim
Enable the move_objects on code. While your Sim is asleep, enter buy mode and move the bed. Your sim will be sleeping on nothing and their comfort will continue to increase. This works also with naps.

Never take out the garbage

Buy the small blue 30 simolian garbage can. Whenever it is full, sell it for 30 simolians. Then, just buy a new one, and you will never have to take out the garbage again.

Full mood bars

Enable the move_objects on code when your Sim is sleeping. Enter buy mode and remove the bed on which the Sim is sleeping. The Sim will disappear. When you return to live mode the Sim will reappear somewhere else in the house and all mood bars will be at 100%. If your Sim is very depressed, enable the move_objects_on code and pause game play. Click on the Sim in buy/sell mode and click the bottom of the screen to delete him/her. Once deleted go to the live mode and double clock the person's head icon to go to where that Sim is located. Everything should be close to full. Enable the move_objects on code, then select a walking Sim with a bad mood in the buy mode. Then, "sell" the Sim. Go back to the live mode and click on the icon of that Sim. Check his/her mood and all except "Room" and "Fun" will be full. Enable the move_objects on code. Have your Sim to take a shower of bath. When he or she is in the shower or tub, pause game play and enter buy mode. Click on the shower or tub and delete it. Your Sim and tub/shower will be gone. Your tub/shower will be gone permanently, but your Sim will be walking around in your house somewhere else, usually their room. Their "Energy", "Happiness", and sometimes "Fun" will be almost full.

Buying multiple items

When you are buying chairs or other items that you require multiple numbers of, hold [Shift] to repeatedly place the item where desired without having to re-select it.

Never have the carpool leave

Enable the move_objects on code and place the mailbox on one side of the road and your outdoor trash can on the other side; or put a wall across the road. When the carpool appears it will not get by.

Less bills
Keep an unpaid bill until the mailman delivers the next set of bills. Pay the original bill when your mailbox is filled with the next set of bills. This should cause the bills inside the mailbox to disappear.

Less time needed to pay bills

When you get the bills, your Sim will normally walk inside put it on a table before they can be paid. Cancel the table action and that person will put it on the ground. Click on the bill and pay for it immediately.

Never pay bills

Enable the "Move any objects" code. Then, pick up the mailbox and erase it. Bills cannot be delivered if you do not have a mailbox. However, no one will know where you live. Visitors will appear at your house, but just stand there. You also will not be able to greet them.

Deleting garbage and bills

Use the hand to pick up either a plate, trash, or bills. Drag it over something on which you cannot place it, such as a couch or a plant. Then, press [Esc] and the object will disappear. This is especially useful if you do not want tocommand your Sims to clean up or pay the bills.

Cheaper wallpaper and floors

Get money for old wallpaper before you paste new wallpaper in a room. Sell the old wallpaper, then paste the new. This also works on floors.

Free snack
Have your Sim get a snack, and when he/she takes it out, cancel it out before the money message appears. Then, pick it up and eat it.

Trade snacks for money

If you need just a little money, enable the move_objects on code. Have a Sim repeatedly get a snack, but cancel it before they start eating. They will put it on the floor. Then, enter buy mode and click on it. A message stating "press Delete or click here to sell Chips for $15" will appear. The snack only cost $5, so you get a $10 profit.

Free pizza
Order a Pizza, and when the pizza man arrives, do not greet him. Before he leaves, use the move_objects on code to move the pizza out of his hand and put it inside the house.

Get dressed faster

When one of your Sims is eating, enable the move_objects on code and take away their plate. They should immediately get dressed and get on with their day.

VR head
Order a Sim to put on a VR helmet, then start to tell him/her to do something else. The Sim will have a head with a VR helmet.

Stolen vehicles
Enable the move_objects on code to steal the carpool car or schoolbus. enter "Buy mode" or "Build Mode". Use the hand to highlight the car or bus. Move it onto a piece of land. Slant Down the land around the car or bus. If done correctly, the vehicle will become stuck and begin to honk its horn. enter "Buy mode" or "Build Mode" and delete the vehicle to return to normal.

You can keep Sims hostage (kids, adults, FBI agents, and people from the neighborhood) by making a house with one door. Once people are in the house, block the door by creating a pool around the house as large as desired. You can also block the door with stoves and other appliances.

Trap sim
Have a Sim fall asleep on the floor. Enable the move_objects on code and move the Sim under the bed while sleeping. When they get up, they cannot move anywhere unless you move them again or move the bed.

Stop robberies
While the robber is busy stealing all your items, select some sofas or other big furniture and trap him in a corner, or just pile it all around him. If the police do not arrive and you do not call them, the robber will remain stuck until he dies. Note: All the items he was carrying will still be lost.

Get rid of floods

If the house floods, go to build mode, highlight the area, and click. An icon will appear. Click "Delete" to get rid of the flood.

Island house
Build your house, but do not make it too large to have enough room for the water. Take the pool maker and place water all around the house. Note: Make sure you make a small pathway to the road so your Sim can get out of the house.

Very big pool

Enable the rosebud or klapaucius code and repeat to get 9,999,999 simoleans. Enter the rosebud or klapaucius code again, then enable the move_objects on code. You can now turn the road into a pool.

Change any tile

The map_edit on code can be used to lock/unlock any tile on the whole lot. Enter the code, click on the "light" tiles that are not yours, and you will "buy" it for free. You can also click and hold and point over all the light tiles. After all of the desired tiles are yours type map_edit off to exit that mode. The whole lot, including the road, is now yours. Using this trick will allow you to place objects anywhere. You can repaint the side walk or road in any desired color, and decorate anything the way you want.

Easy way to kill a Sim

Send an unwanted Sim to a specific spot. Enter build mode and place a wall around the Sim. Do not put else inside the room with the Sim. The Sim will die in two days. First take an unwanted Sim and tell him or her to swim. Remove all the exits the and the Sim will die when he or she falls asleep. Place a Sim in the pool, then enable the move_objects on code to remove the ladders.

Get tombstones
The easiest way to get tombstones short of starving your own family is to starve your neighbors. If you like your neighbors, first create families of eight random people. Then create a closed in area, put a teleporter (custom Downloadable object from various Sims sites), and teleport your neighbors in. It works best if it is a water enclosed area because you can use the move_objects on code to move in one of your less experienced cooks and start a fire with a stove. Make sure you have enough room to keep them away from the fire until it goes out naturally. There is because even if you have a phone, the fireman cannot get to the fire and you cannot move your Sim out of the enclosure until the fire is out. Try to keep them busy cleaning up all the messes on the floor. If you do not want to go through all that trouble, just wait about four days and they will begin to die. Note: If you kill off all your neighbors, they do not reappear when you go back to the neighborhood -- they are dead permanently.

Revive dead Sims

If one of your Sims dies, sell everything in the house. Then, evict the family and buy the house again. When the house loads, all of the Sims will be alive with full mood bars.

Floating house
Build a house on the wooden pillars and make sure you cover the entire area where you are building. After you are done, destroy the pillars underneath it and build stairs to get to your front porch. Make two stories the same size as you want the top floor to be. The first has to be totally enclosed. Make stairs to the top floor then create the walls, roof, etc. You will not be able to change it later. Finally, delete the walls of the bottom floor, then delete the stairs. Your Sim will be on the top story by himself with no bottom floor. Use pillars on the first floor to create the shape of the house. Fill in every space inside the shape, except a spot for a staircase. On the second floor, build the house. Enable the move_objects on code, go to the first floor, and delete the pillars. You should now have a staircase going up to a house that is floating.

Disappearing Sim
Build a large amount for stilts in a Square pattern at least 10 wide and 10 long. Click the second level and put flooring on top of the stilts and walls around the top. Place stairs going up to the second level. Have your Sim go up the stairs, then remove the stilts. Enter build mode and delete the stairs and the house will disappear. Rebuild the stairs and click on them. The game should tell your Sim to go Down. When have him or her go back up, they will disappear at the top.

Swim indoors
Make a pool. Hire a Maid and enable the move_objects on code. Pick up the Maid and place her in the pool. She will walk around on top of the water and fall in. She will then swim inside for a while until she gets to the object that she wants to clean.

Holes in roof
Sometimes when you build a big house, Square openings will appear on the roof.

Moving statue
If you buy the Large Black Slab by ChiChi Smith and rotate it, the leg that is up will change.

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.:*No More Trash*:.

Tired of wasting time watching your Sim take the trash out to the can??? Well, lucky for you I have the perfect cheat! If you go to buy mode and select the trash can closest to the mailbox move it inside of your home where you would normally put a $30 dollar trash form buy mode. *Tadaa*!!!!! No more walking outside to empty the trash (don't worry no smell, flys, or roaches attached!!!!). have fun!!!!!
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Verified by: liljonwiles, AmberSunset Submitted by: anonymous on January 26, 2004

2 in 1 package
This works on all the sims games as long as you can get the heart bed and a cemestry set. (This might take awhile) keep on making potions, until there is a red one, then drink it and someone will show up that loves you, emediatly you can propose, (It always works) the sim will say yes. Then kiss (a lot) and have one of you sims go up to the bed and vibrate it. Then with the other sim go to its side of the bed, and select "Play in Bed" your sims will "Play In Bed" and when they get out kiss about 2-5 more times, and the obtion of having a baby will show up!
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Verified by: stillLOVEgbc, Axarcrie Submitted by: SIMBLASTER3000 on May 23, 2004

A Few Things
Here Are Some Things I Found For The Sims. Potion EffectsNOTE- You Need To Have House Party Or Makin' Magic To Get The Potion Thingy. (I Have Both.) Red - Some Random Sim Falls In Love With that Sim. Yellow -Reverse Personality Points. Orange - You are Invisible For a Short Amount Of Time. Blue - Some Needs Go Up. Green - Some Needs Go Down. Dark Green - Evil Clone Purple - MONSTER (For A Short While.) TV Tips Different Sims Like Different TV. Playful - Cartoons Grouchy - Horror Active - Action Outgoing - Romance NOTE - This Is Not ALL Of The ones that I Know. I Know MANY,MANY,MANY More.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: mbryce101 on December 19, 2008

another quick money tip

go downtown, buy magazines in any of the shopping centers. go home, wait 24 hours, go to furnish mde, pick up the mags. you can now sell them for 460 simoleans.. tidy profit, considering they only cost about 10, 15.
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Verified by: dragon_luvr Submitted by: seraphims wrath on October 13, 2008


So, you want your sims to have a baby? Easy peasy. If your sims arent in lurve then, get them talking, hugging, and kissing (pecking, polite and romantic are the best for the job). Once they are in love when the bars on the relationship scale are top - 100 and bottom - 100 do the passionate kissing, hug in between other wise the relationship will go down. Do this until a pop up comes up on the screen, Shall we have a baby? If you want your sims to have a baby click on yes if not then no (obviously). The baby will then be born. Now, this is the most important part, choose one of your sims or both if they do not all ready have a child and do ctrl shift and c then type in move_objects on (this is so you can move your sim), then press enter and click on one or both of your sims in buy mode. Put them in the bedroom or a big room in the house and the baby. Then get rid of all the doors by either doing ctrl and click on the buy a door section. If the stairs are in this room get rid of the stairs as well. Now, put all the sim essentials into the room, 1 cooker 1 fridge 1 toilet 1 shower 1 chair 1 desk 1 computer 1 double or single bed (depending on whether there is 1 or two sims) and a phone. now you have all you need to look after your baby for 3 days until it becomes a child. The thing to remember is ALWAYS answer to the baby, get ur sim to stop doing whatever it is doing and go and look after the baby. What i find affective is first feeding the baby and if it is still crying after that try singing to the baby and if that doesnt work try playing with the baby, if he or she is still crying then repeat the process. Once it has been three days as a baby it will atomatically turn into a child, this usually happens during the night when all of your sims are asleep, before it does turn into a child there will be A LOT of crying. When the baby is still well... baby then if you do not like the gender then delete both of ur sims, then click on the little circles on ur sims head/s then the baby is born again, in another gender, keep doin it until u wana baby the gender u want it to be. when the baby is a child if you want to keep the child then keep sending him or her to school, if not never ever send them to school and they will get sent to a military school and you want see them again. hope i helped.
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Verified by: aprilstarlight Submitted by: dizzy_retard on September 04, 2004

Chemistry Potions and Clowns

If you buy your sim a home chemistry kit you need to know what the potions are. I don't know a lot but here are the ones I know. When a potion is orange your sim becomes temporally invisible. If the potion is green your sim will get an evil clone. In case the potion is blue your sim will be refreshed. If the potion is yellow your sim's personality will change. Well I hope I helped and if a clown comes to get rid of hold Ctrl+Shift+C, then move objects on/off. Go to buy mode click on the clown and press Delete or call Clown Catchers. To prevent the clown from coming in the first place, don't buy picture of clown or any kind of carpet with the word "tragic" in the description.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: SummerSunshine on February 18, 2005

Dishes, trash, newspaper... Gone!

Do you get tired of your Sims not cleaning their dishes away automatically? WEll, here is a easy way out! Got to buy mode and press crtl+shft+c and type in move_obejects on and press enter. Click on you dirty dishes, trash on the floor, old newspaper that need to be recycle and delete them. So you can play and do more stuff instead of cleaning!
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Verified by: Nova70, rndelarosa3 Submitted by: kimmi on December 27, 2005

Doing Good In School

You do not have to study in The Sims to do good in school. All you need to do is make sure your sim has a good mood rating before school and if they do your grade will keep going up. It can go down if your Sim doesn't have a good mood rating when going to school.
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Verified by: aprilstarlight Submitted by: Michelle on September 02, 2006

Easier relationships
Hey dudes! Here's a hint on how to get your Sims to have a baby. Whenever they get tired, just delete them (using move_objects on code) and click on their head icon. 1)Create a family with a male and female adult that are of the same category (such as Virgo and Virgo) and move them into a house (or created house). Immediately after selecting live mode make them kiss approximately ten times in a row to set their relationship meter to be 100. If you continue kissing the female should ask to have a baby. 2)You can make a room especially for the parents with no doors. Use the move_objects on code and put the parents in a room with no doors. If you want them to have a baby, have them kiss a few times (not necessarily ten) and she will ask about the baby

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Verified by: rndelarosa3 Submitted by: bettyboop on February 13, 2004

Everything matters!
Don't think that you Sim is gonna live happily ever after just because you are married with a kid. Remember to check your income regularly and make sure the little'uns are happy and their grades are up to scratch. Otherwise MILITARY SCHOOL is heading their way! I have made my Sims millionaires using no cheats, so you can too!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Chaz on August 23, 2007

extra money without using cheat codes

see its quite simple, i found that if you have the sims makin magic expansion pack you can get a iron loveseat, i believe it is, and that loveseat is only $139 (i think not sure, but its cheap) buy a few of these and wait for at least 24 sim hours and they will be $578 (that i know for a fact ). so really you can get seven of them and you just made $4046 dollars right there! of course this only works for sims makin magic cause it comes with the package. elementary my dear watson...lol
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: tbs the devils child on September 24, 2007

Floating House
Create a two story house and ignore the bottom for now. Customize the top floor as you want it to be (walls, floors, doors, etc...) and add stairs of some sort to the bottom floor. Delete the walls on the bottom floor, and you now have a floating house!
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Verified by: stillLOVEgbc, aprilstarlight Submitted by: Exonerate on September 06, 2004

Free Money (for Lazy people)

Get the best paid job and activate the Move_Objects on. When the bus arrives to take you to work delete it and you are paid for doing nothing!
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Verified by: freesquirrel14 Submitted by: Ninja Monkey on August 16, 2005

Free Pizza
Turn the cheat move_objects on. Then order a pizza. When the pizza guy arrives go to Buy Mode then take the pizza and put it in your house. Delete the pizza man and taadaa! Free pizza!
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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: kez on September 04, 2004

Gothic Graveyard
Move 'Goth's' (bella and mortimer) out of their house and make a family of 8 adults. Make 2 fall in love with out other, but because of the amount of adults, they can't have kids. Make the other 6 adults go swimming in the pool and delete the ladder. Result? 6 portable gravestones. Your kids can help too! If you want to be really tacky, sell your gravestones for 5 simoleons!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: vanillagigglez on September 19, 2004

Guinea Pig Disease

There are three ways to cure the guinea pig disease. The first one is good old rest and relaxation. The second one is to buy the Chemistry set and to make your sims make a white potion. The odds of producing one is only one in eleven. The third and most reliable way is to purchase the Forgotten Guinea-Pig Painting. To avoid this disease, look after your guinea-pig! Addition from barbieg13: the forgotten guinea pig painting is actually a way to get the disease. If you have the painting+neglected guinea

pig and play with the guinea pig, it can bite you and you can get the disease. if you don't want the disease, don't buy the painting.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Birdie on September 20, 2004

How 2 live in a haunted house!

first, make a family, it doesnt matter wot their names r or n e thing coz ur just gonna kill them but have 8 people in that family. move them 2 a house and build a swimmin pool, make them all get in the pool and when theyre all in delete the stairs so they cant get out. Then just sit back, fast forward time and watch those poor sims die! he! he! When theyre all dead u will have gravestones around the pool. Move them some where but dont delete them... if u do the ghosts cant come out of them! Build a pretty lil grave yard (if u want 2) Then go out of that house and make a family, once uve made it move them into that house and u can build them house and stuff. Evry time its about 1 or 2:00 in da mornin u will hear this scary music and the family that were killed will b hauntin them and wonderin around their house!!!
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Verified by: Magnaillusion CM, therider Submitted by: Charlotte on January 29, 2004

how to be a single parent

want a kid but not a spouse? befriend or create a nieghbor with a kid. call and invite the kid over continuously. after maybe ten times it will ask if you'd like to adopt a baby.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: seraphims wrath on October 13, 2008

How To get a good mood without losing skill

presss ctrl+shift+c a type in move_objects on. Save the game. Delete your sim VOILA! Your in a good mood and get to keep the skills you worked hard for. AND PROMOTIONS!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: SiMmAnIaC21 on January 29, 2009

How to get back at all your enemies

To get back at all your enemies all you have to do is this: 1. Build a house with 8 (or any other number) of people. Name them after your enemies. 2. Take away all doors and stairs (AFTER all the people are in the house. DUH). 3. Put only those rocket things, in the house. 4. Have a Sim light the rocket. Vola! the house will catch on fire and all your Sims/enemies will be dead! Happy burning
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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: Sweetheart on December 29, 2004

if your sims are hungry and you have no simoleons this tip is for you. You need to know how to cancel commands by clicking on the correct command box in the top left hand corner of the screen (this only works for snacks). Tell your sim to get a snack and just as they open the fridge doors cancel the command, your sim will still get the snack and drop it on the floor but will not pay. Then just click on the snack and select eat, you can do this as many times as you like.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on January 30, 2004

keep skills after deleting your sim

To keep your sim's skills do the folling: 1. get as much skills as wanted 2. save the game

3. press Ctrl + shift + c 4. enter move_objects on 5. go to buy or build mode 6. click on your sim 7. press the DELETE button 8. go back to live mode 9. click on your sim's picture And your done

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Verified by: freesquirrel14 Submitted by: simpalyer619 on April 08, 2007

Kill the grim reaper!!!

Make a family with 2+ people, and move them into a house (any) make a mini cabin outside the house and really far away, and get one of the people to go into in, delete all doors and windows. Make sure there is a fireplace in there and lotsa chairs! Light the fireplace, and put a chair infront of it. GET THE GUY TO SIT ON IT TILL IN TURNS ON FIRE. v. important. he'll die (duuhh) and the grim reaper will come and laugh like an evilo thingy. Then he'll catch on fire aswell, cuz no one will of gone in to put it out! Dead reaper! Note - there will be a cabin with enteral fire. Happy Killing! ^^
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Lil Miss Sunshine on May 31, 2008

Lost Your Job? Get it back

To get your job back there are two ways to do it. 1. You can save your game before you miss work i.e it says the carpool will arrive in an hour for (name) and your Sim is still in bed or sleeping save it then. 2. Or if you didn't realise you were going to lose your job, turn the game off and back on again or go to the neighborhood without saving your game and go back to the house you were on. Voila. You can keep your job.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: SiMmAnIaC21 on January 29, 2009

Make Baby Grow Faster

Tired of working out the baby's mood? Well if you dedicate one sim in your family to look after the baby for the required time put the time in fast mode and only slow down to attend to the baby. Don't worry about your sims mood you can fix that later. When feeding the baby always feed it twice and sing once and it will fall asleep straight after that.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: ..:Charli:.. on July 30, 2005


To make someone fall in love with you (so you can marry them) bring them in your house, feed them and delete all the doors. So you can continue to keep proposing.
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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: Joseph T on July 25, 2005

Miserable Clown
If you get the misery clown into your family, get the clown painting and hang it over a fire place. Keep making somebody light a fire beneath it, until the carpet catches fire. The paintng will burn, and the clown with it. One of the ways to avoid getting the clown in the first place, is to not get the clown painting, as this will lower the family's happiness.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Birdie on September 19, 2004

move any objects

This cheat can move any things you car'nt move like sims. move_objects on Make sure you put the on at the end! Happy moving!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Exoticfreak on June 17, 2007

Naked Sims
if you really want to see your sims naked, then all you have to do is press ctrl + shift + c then when a box appears in the corner of the screen type in move_objects on then enter. After that tell your sim to have a shower then when they are in the shower go into build mode and select the hand and move the shower away! or if you have the love bed tell your sim/s to vibrate and when they are in take away the bed in build mode!
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Verified by: stillLOVEgbc Submitted by: wonka on January 23, 2005

no burglar!awsome cheat!readit!
first,enter in the move_objects on code and when a burglar comes,go to buy\build mode and click on the thief,then,press delete,voala!no burglar! note:you wont get a $1000 bonus,but you lose burglars! <img src="http://i.neoseeker.com/d/icons/bigsmile.gif" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" />
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: maggma99 on March 12, 2009

No more ghosts!
If you mourn tombstones or urns of recently departed sims those pesky ghosts will never appear! This will ONLY work if EVERY SINGLE sim in the family mourns every single tomb or urn on the property
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Verified by: rndelarosa3 Submitted by: Brian Kallie on August 23, 2005

Perfect Personality
Create a sim with no personality points. Move the sim into a lot and buy a bunch of chemistry sets. Have your sim make potions until a yellow potion is created. Drink the potion and the sim will have maximum personality points for each personality trait. This may take a while because the yellow potion is probably the least common potion that a sim can create. Have the sim drink every blue potion created because it helps its mood stay green, allowing it to make more potions.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on July 29, 2007

Potions - Whats what

Pink - Turn into a monster and go round the house destroying stuff (If you click x on the thing it will stop when it cannot find anything to destroy

Red - Red is for love, make sure you have the heart bed when drinking this potion a guy comes and he loves you, you can propose to him and it'll work! Blue - Ah, happy happy happy, when you drink this your sim is very happy in mood!
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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: Maddie on June 13, 2005

Quick Money
Get a new character which has 20,000 Simoleons, and make them move in with you (marriage or just move in, they will have to be in love). Then get their money and make a swimming pool. Put them in, remove the steps and forget about them, and they will die and it will be as if they were never there!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Miss Witching Hour on August 22, 2004

Real estate on everybody's property

Unlike Sim's Bustin Out, in this game, you don't really have to rely on charity. There is that cheat code that grants you over millions of dollars. What is it again? Oh yeah, "Rosebud". Add the semicolons and exclamation points after you submitted "Rosebud". First sell all of your items. Then take out the walls, doors, and windows. Then build houses in random areas, as many as you want. Then buy all the items you can get your hands on. Then go to another property and do the exact same thing as you did in your place. This works everytime. Oh and one more thing, move the mailbox to your other house and place a fence around the houses. Wallpaper, tiles, and rugs also help you. Choose anyones you want. Who cares? It works everytime.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Lee_Amped on March 15, 2009

Spontaneous Combustion
Believe it or not, your sims can spontaneously combust in any given point of the game. NOTE: This event is EXTREMELY rare, so you will be very lucky to witness this event happening.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Phoenix327 on January 16, 2006

that cute GHOST!

Ok so you have to go forwards in time! change your ds date to 12/31/2099. Then buy the ghost picture.Hang it on the wall. Admire it. Then he's your friend! He helps you on stuff.......
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: rico129 on October 13, 2008

The Magic Fan

I happened upon it by accident while downloading the objects packs (there are three called Asian and African object packs)) on the www.thesims.com website. I discovered that one of the objects downloaded was a wall fan that came up under "decorative objects". When I put it on my Sims' wall he HATED it!!! So I sold it and to my happiness found that the 81 dollar fan was now worth 800 dollars!!! Make sure that you wait a full 24 hours (fast forward like I did) and maybe buy 10 or even 100 fans to get rich REAL quick. 10 fans is a quick 8000 dollars!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: librastar on December 28, 2005

To have, or not to have... (Babies)

Here's some handy hints for all you sleep-deprived sim-parents out there! First of all, when you have a baby, and it's not quite the gender you wanted. Click [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C. Then, type in Move_objects on. Go onto 'buy mode' and delete your baby. Go back to 'live' mode and wait only a few short 'Sim minutes' until a screen pops up and your baby is 'reborn'. Just keep doing that until the baby is the gender you want. Have someone in you family spend 24/3 with the baby (after about 3 days the baby will turn into a independent Child, either mum, dad, or even sibling. For all you working parents out there, take turns with spending a whole day with the baby (you'll get a warning from your boss but one day is okay). And if you have a 'heads up' on when you want a baby. Quickly evict (leaving

all furniture if possible) your family, and add in an adult, one which you can make your maid/nanny etc. But there also is a third option for this. You can always use the 'Move_objects on' tool to delete your car pool very time it arrives, giving both parents quality time with your beloved child. Aww When it comes to keeping your baby happy, IMMEDIATLEY cater to its needs as soon as it starts to cry, you can choose a few options. Either, you can just Feed it, sing to it (may need to be repeated a couple of times). Or, if you'd like your child to be nicer, more out-going etc in future, play with it as well. But remember, you don't NEED to play with it. But it makes the child more willing to learn (pretty much just that little better than what it could be) etc. The baby DOESN'T care if it has its own room. Come to think of it, if you really must, you can make it share with the parent once it's a child, though, its 'Room' and 'fun' levels are higher if it's got its own bedroom. HANDY HINT #1: This may sound a bit strange, but you tend to find that with boy babies, they prefer to be feed and sung to twice or more times. Only few baby girls need more that one round of food and song. HANDY HINT #2: You'll probably know by now about using the 'Move_objects on' cheat to better your Sim's moods. The baby also will be nicer if the parents are happy when they feed, play and sing to it. WARNING: THESE HINTS CAN VARY WITH DIFFERENT BABIES. But not usually.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Sinnerz on October 13, 2008

Zombie sims
if your sim dies, and death comes, ask a sim to plead with death. your sim will hopefully be turned into a personalitly-less Zombie! Er Errrr! Must eat humeburgers.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: dragurn hunter on July 09, 2008

first you need to kill a sim. When the grim reaper comes beg him to not kill your sim and if he agrees your sim will become a green zombie!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: stevenlover729 on April 06, 2007

Back to topCheats

10 for chips!
Easy, just enter "move_object on" and go to the fridge and enter have a snack. When the boy/girl gets the snack go on build and hand mode and then grab the chips and sell it! The chips cost 5 and sells for 15 so theres a profit of 10.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Daniel Lane on August 06, 2006

100 Dollars from Grandpa

You must have kids first. Make them study hard, and have there report card say A+ for about a couple of days. The kids will return from school saying "I got $100 dollars from grandpa for good grades!" or you will receive $100 after studying on the computer.
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Verified by: Sorceress77, jjcf89 Submitted by: BigBalla118 on December 30, 2002

Are you WELL fed up with Sims or just mad

Ok If you are any of them 2 I suggest you do ctrl shift c (This does work!) and type in crash and that will crash the game! Bewarned if you like Sims dont do it! I no I wouldnt!

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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: Maddie on June 05, 2005

Baby grow up!!

Let me guess......... Impossible to handle the baby? Then put move_objects on and then save delete everybody in the house... It will give you the first warning then fast forward and soon your baby is born!! WALLAAAAAA THERES THE BABY!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: cheatingrox on April 19, 2007

Change baby's gender!

Ok. If the baby is a boy snd you wanted a girl (or vice versa), then do move_objects on and delete everyone in the house. When you go back on live mode, the baby is born again automatically. Carry on doing this until the baby is the gender you want it to be. Happy Simming!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: talula on April 23, 2007

Press ctrl+shift+c to bring up the cheat screen. Then you type in this : rosebud - 1000 Simoleons ! - Repeats last cheat ; - Type between codes to enter several at the same time
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Verified by: gobot Submitted by: BigBalla118 on December 30, 2002

Choose the gender of ur baby

If you dont like the gender of your baby (e.g. you want a boy and you hav a girl) then get someone else in your family of the same gender to pick the baby up (e.g. play, sing or feed it), pause game play and enable move_objects on code. Delete the person holding the baby and the baby will be born again with the same gender as the person holding it.
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Verified by: digimon_boy2003 Submitted by: missbeverage on April 06, 2004

creating ur family
Creating Your Family If you want to keep your costs down, start by creating a couple of adults or just one adult. You can create a few families and houses in your neighborhood to your liking. You really want to leave kids out of the picture right now and focus more on the relationship with your spouse or your neighbors. If you create a variety of single sims and married sims, you can expand in the future. Future possibilities could include anything from two single sims getting married, two couples moving in together, or even adding in younger members to the family. In this first section, we'll take a look at your created sim from single to married and all the way down the road of parenting to give you tips on a number of different scenarios. General There are ways to keep your sims happy without fancy, expensive sofas or video games. In The Sims, you can do a variety of things with your sim counterparts that will increase both your mood and theirs. Entertain or dance with your sims to increase their entertainment levels, give back rubs to increase comfort levels, and cheer them up when they are having a bad day to increase their mood levels. You don't always need to put a sim in front of the TV to entertain him, and though these things help, letting sims entertain each other will increase both Single If you live life as a single male or female, you can build a smaller house, which in turn will save you money in the building process. A single person isn't going to need nearly as much room as a couple would, and you can worry less about maintaining a relationship with a spouse and focus more on the things like work, which will benefit you through income. Relationships can slow you down in your career life and having a single relationship will let you move up the career ladder a little bit faster.

That's not to say you shouldn't maintain a small relationship with your neighbors, just try not to get too involved with them. Score high on the relationship charts by inviting them over every couple of days and chatting or participating in other group-related activities. A small but not too involved relationship will get you a head start later on when you will need friends to get promoted for future jobs. As you move higher up the career ladder, you want to get into relationships with the neighbors to get promoted further into friendship status. Neighbors can get very time consuming if you try and spend all your days with them, so try to maintain a steady relationship, but definitely don't stay up all night in the hot tub chatting. If you spend too much time trying to build your relationships, you may find yourself suffering in other areas such as hygiene, sleep, fun, or hunger; and that definitely won't help you out in your professional life. Remember that good relationships don't happen overnight and patience is the key to having successful friendships. As time moves on and you have established yourself with the neighbors, you can get closer and closer to these people. This will open up things like love and the end of a single life. For marriage tips, see the related section.their moods and their relationships. Couples Couples will want to consider making a bigger house so they won't feel so cramped living together. If one of your sims is making enough money to support both people, you can free one of the couple from work life if you choose. This will allow the free sim time to do some extra things around the house. A spouse with no job can go to bed a little bit earlier than the working sim, so that he can wake up to fix the working sim a meal before he heads off to work. Keeping the house clean is also another responsibility for a nonworking sim. During some free time, you may want to consider letting the sim read up on cooking and mechanical things to prevent fires and expensive repair costs. If you choose the life of two working sims, you'll want to consider a few things. First, make sure you devote some free time to your spouse. A couple of hugs and kisses can help your relationship out a lot. Babies and Children Children are bound to enter your sim-based life eventually. You can decide to add a child in your family when you first start the game, adopt one later, or even have one of your own at a later time. If you don't start off with a child, you must go through a couple of scenarios before you will be given the chance to have a child of your own. If you by chance choose the lifestyle of a same sex couple or a single adult, you may be given the opportunity to adopt a child. Before you accept the child from the adoption agency, make sure you can support the child. You can't really do much to trigger the phone call (you must have a phone to adopt a child) from the adoption agency. It's just something that pops up randomly; if you're ready for a kid, watch out fOpposite sex couples can obtain a child through other means. To have a child, you must first fall in love (reach love status in your relationship), then be really passionate to your lover. A few hugs and kisses will present you an opportunity to have a child of your own. You can't decide the sex of the child, but you can name it. Once you have your baby, taking care of it will be no easy task. The baby must be well taken care of for three straight days before it turns into a fully nondependent child. There are three things you can do with the baby: feed it, play with it, and sing to it. If the baby starts to cry, try these three things in this order: 1. Feed the baby; if the baby is crying, chances are, it's hungry. If feeding the baby doesn't shut it up, you must move on to other methods to quiet it down. 2. Try playing with the baby. If you don't play with the baby, you will make it feel neglected. Give the baby a little bit of attention, and if that doesn't work, try feeding it again. 3. Last, sing to the baby. A baby can't sleep on an empty stomach, so it sure won't care if you sing to it on one either. Once the baby is fed and feeling less neglected, singing to it should make the baby stop crying and fall asleep. Once the baby grows into a child (or if you have a child,) you can control it through the control panel. A grown child is less dependent on his parents. A child cannot get a job, but has a report card for school. The school bus shows up at 7:00 am. Give the child an alarm clock next to his bed, so he can wake up in plenty of time to catch the bus. Respond to any needs the child might have before he heads off to school. Once home from school, give the child an opportunity to have a snack. After he is done, make him hit the books (you will need a computer or a bookcase for this). When the child is done studying, give him the rest of the night to play, take a shower, eat, use the bathroom, have a social life, and so on. Make the child go to bed early, so he will be energized for school. If you decide that you don't want the child for whatever reason, you do have the option of neglecting him and letting him miss school until his grade status reaches an F. The military school will eventually come after the kid and put him in a nice boot camp. Once the kid is gone, you can sell his belongings for a fraction of their value. or that phone

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: rvd rules on May 15, 2002

Easier way to make money

Just press Ctrl+Shift+C to show the window, type rosebud or klapaucius, press enter and bring back the window again. type !; the times you want, but don't even think on fullfilling the window. then, press the space bar once (can't leave a space the last 6 spaces) and press enter, the window and the symbols don't dissapear, keep pressing enter until you have the money you want (I had by keeping it pressed for 10 minutes)
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Verified by: Nova70 Submitted by: Magnaillusion CM on July 19, 2005

Easy 1,000,000 Simoleons

Press Ctrl,shift, c. (Brings up cheat menu.) Type in rosebud (klapaucius in early versions) and type the semi colon ( rosebud;rosebud;rosebud;rosebud, etc type this in as many times as you like seperating w/ ;. Then type rosebud in 1 more time and finish it with and give letter. It will say "Sorry no such cheat!" ignore this. Look at your money. for each rosebud you typed in there is a 1,000 added to your total. Also notice that the rosebud's are still typed in. Get it? Press enter and left click until you score a million. Shazaam.
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after. make it look like this...

Verified by: Karen x Jack Submitted by: Jager_YJ on January 12, 2003

Gain Money Code

Bring up the cheat box (Ctrl + C) and type in rosebud;;: Hit enter and hold it. You will keep getting money althought your screen will say they're is no such cheat, look at your money amount.
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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: Nikki on August 02, 2004

GeT a LoVeR aNd PrOpOsE tHe EaSy WaY!

Call the person you wish to propose to and invite them to your house. Greet them and they should come inside. Talk to them and when your relationship meter is up to 30 compliment them and when it is up to 40 flirt with them. Once your relationship is up to 100 press Ctrl+Shift+C and enter the cheat move_objects on Go on buy mode and remove all the doors, so the person cannot leave. Cook a Meal. Allow the person some time to finish their meal. Turn the radio/jukebox on and dance. Click on the person and select join. You will dance with the person giving the person fun. Then flirt with the person, hug them then kiss them. Select propose, it should work if not take not note of what they say eg. I can't decide on an empty stomach. Make them a meal. If your sim is dying after all this; go on buy mode, delete your sim, then go off buy mode and click on your sims image at the bottom off the screen all needs will be as they were when they first moved into their house. Good Luck!
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Verified by: AmberSunset Submitted by: *Abbie* on April 06, 2007

How to get rid of the neighbors and news paper girl

You know how you sometimes hate it when the neighbors come by? And the paper girl? Well there's a way to get rid of them. First press control + C. Then write move_objects on. When you do this go into buy mode. Now go to the end of the sidewalk and click and it'll say pedstrian transporter blah blah blah. Well delete and no more neighbors/paper girl/ etc.
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Verified by: Phoenix327 Submitted by: annomous on March 21, 2004

How to miss work

miss work without being fired!!! [you wont get paid, but at least you'll get a vacation!] make an addition to your house...... on the street. if you live on the corner, make it both streets. you'll here the carpool honk, but it wont be able to get to your house!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on August 17, 2007

How to place a woman in the men's washroom(Requires "The Sims Hot Date" and "The Sims Maken' Magic")
Do U want to place a woman into the men's washroom, but the men's washroom door won't let you? Then here's an easy cheat for you! Read on 2 find out... 1. Your female sim must be a magic sim and knows the teleport ability. 2. Head Downtown by calling a cab. 3. Find the door with the men's washroom logo 4.Select a floor tile in the men's washroom you want to teleport to(Note: Make sure there are no non-magical sims around or the spellchecker will give you a warning) 5. Once you select the floor tile, click on Teleport Here and Presto, you in the men's washroom!!! Good Luck
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Blansive on February 25, 2008

Instant Happiness
To make getting promotions easier, 2 hours before work put in Ctrl+Shift+C. Type in move_objects on and save game. Delete your Sim and go to live mode and click the Sim's picture. Your Sim will appear in a good mood and will have full needs. Your sim will lose it's skill.
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Verified by: Omceer 1701, SiMmAnIaC21 Submitted by: SimMasterDude on May 16, 2005

Max Moods
To get all the mood bars up to full, do the following: 1. Get your Sim to sit down to eat or to watch TV 2. Pause the game 3. Enter in the move objects cheat (move_objects on) 4. Delete the chair that your Sim is sitting on by selecting it and moving it to the place where the moods or building materials are displayed. (Note: your sim will disappear until you select your sim from the bottom of the screen) 5. Select your sim 6. Your sim will now have max moods appart from bladder and fun
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Verified by: Phoenix327, Nova70 Submitted by: raiden125 on September 01, 2004

Maximize Personality Stats

You know those personality stats at the beginning when your creating a character? Well you can maximize all of them. Create as many sims as you want. Don't give them any personality stats. Then get a house and buy the chemistry set. Have your sims use it until they make a yellow potion. Drink the yellow potion and all your personality stats will be maxed out.
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Verified by: Nova70 Submitted by: anonymous on March 06, 2005

the sims money click on ctrlandc and put in rosebud;: and watch your money go up
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: emma on September 01, 2004

Money Rocket
If you are desperate for some simoleans go to buy mode and buy the rocket thingy and activate the cheat move_objects on then, when your sim fires the rocket go to buy mode and select the rocket in the air,it should say virtual head set thingy,sell it and get 2,300 simoleans.
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Verified by: wildchildgirlz Submitted by: Sambo on November 21, 2006

All u ppl keep telling everyone that to type rosebud;!;!: etc.. but theres an easier way u push shift;ctrl;c and u type rosebud;: and u hold the enter key down it'll say no such cheat but just hold the enter key down and u'll be rich!
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Verified by: liljonwiles Submitted by: megan on February 01, 2004

More Baby Please!!!

First you have to get a baby then DON'T feed it cause if you do it won't work, in about 10 or 5 minutes you should have something that said your babay is suffering and needs feeding and just ignore that and wait until the second warning arrives that should say someone's going to pick your baby up from SUFFERING. then if you see that lady walking? just delete here... AND after that just wait for 1 or 2 minutes and you'll have something that says you have a babay and name it.... YOU COULD DO THIS AS MANNY TIMES YOU WANT...
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Verified by: King Kronk90 Submitted by: anonymous on May 08, 2007

more money and potions

if you have sims unleashed you'll find mice all over your house right? well it turns out if you type move_objects on and click on the mice you can sell them for $406! -------------------------------------------------Potions red- makes a random sim in the neighborhood fall in love with the drinker blue-makes the drinker happier in some needs green-makes a clone of the drinker lime green-makes the sim fall to a negative mood by bringing down all of his/her needs purple-turns drinker into a monster that smashes anything that can be broken yellow-turns personality to the opposite of what was started with orange-turns drinker invisible -------------------------------------------------in sims unleashed if your pet is feeling lonely or sad and a warning says he/she may run away, bring up the cheat box (ctrl+shift+c)and type in move_objects on and delete your animal. don't worry your animal won't be gone. if you click on your animal's head at the bottom of the screen your pet will come back with full stats!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: little kitty kat on April 30, 2007

More money really fast!

To get money really fast bring up the cheat bar (ctrl+shift+C) type in klapaucius and you will get 1,000 now bring the cheat bar back up and put in !;!;!;!;!; etc. etc. for a while and then after you put in a ! for the end put a space and now hold down enter the bar will stay there and your money will zoom up! note o not put a cheat in between klapaucius as ! means last cheat entered.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: poke dude49 on February 28, 2006

if you do ctrl shift c and then type in motherlode you get 50000 simolians. also, if you type in any random thing and then type in motherlode press enter and then press the up arrow and keep doing that and you will be full on money!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Doggirl on February 27, 2007

Never have burgalars get near your house

do the cheat move_objects on. Then go to build mode and put a wall where neighbors and burgalars appear. if you live at a corner, you have to do this to all of the walkways. then buy a burgalar alarm and put it on the wall. then whenever a burgalar walks by, the alarm will go off and the police will come and nab him.
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Verified by: super123, liljonwiles Submitted by: simkid on August 10, 2003

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!

This is really cool! I found it on another site so I don't know if anyone has heard it already.... Build a fireplace, and put a plate of holiday cookies and a Christmas tree nearby. Then, send your family to bed early (around 8 or 9) and hopefully you'll get a visit from Santa! The first time I tried it I got a stereo......
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Verified by: Wocho, liljonwiles Submitted by: Emma on January 16, 2003


If you're ever short on cash and your SIM is a slob, chances are you've got roaches or flies. use the Ctrl/Shift/C and type move_objects on. then go to Buy mode and click on the bugs. It is not constant, but quite often you get $460 for an "SSRI Virtual Reality Game/set." this is a great trick if your just a little low on funds and want to get rid of pesky bugs anyway.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Teresa on April 05, 2007

sleeping under a bed

what you do is you type in this cheat first move_objects on (CTRL,SHIFT,C) while your sim is sleeping you can move them under a bed! trust me its funny!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: tasmin rox! on February 13, 2007

Swim with clothes

Get move_object on so you can pick up your sim and then simply just place the sim in the pool and he/she will swim clothes on.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Killer on March 14, 2007

tells you the cheats

hit ctrl+shift+c and type help tells you all the cheats almost
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on April 04, 2007

The Bare-Necessities for The Sims

To enter in a cheat, go to live mode, then hold down "ctrl", "shift", and then press "c". a gray box will appear in the upper left, this is where you enter a cheat; rosebud -gives you a thousand simoleans rosebud;!;!;!;!;!!!!!!!!! -if you type this, it doesn't really matter what order it's in, but the more you put, the more you'll get...type this in in the same pattern (doesn't have to be exact as above) and hold down "enter", and watch

the doe roll in move_objects on/off -allows you to pick up ANYTHING, including Sims. this cheat is greatly needed if your making an album grow_grass (put amount here 01/190) -if you don't have Hot Date, Vacation, or Unleashed, this is great for regrowing grass where there is none
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Shadowfax of Rohan on January 30, 2003

the sims create a family

Creating Your Family If you want to keep your costs down, start by creating a couple of adults or just one adult. You can create a few families and houses in your neighborhood to your liking. You really want to leave kids out of the picture right now and focus more on the relationship with your spouse or your neighbors. If you create a variety of single sims and married sims, you can expand in the future. Future possibilities could include anything from two single sims getting married, two couples moving in together, or even adding in younger members to the family. In this first section, we'll take a look at your created sim from single to married and all the way down the road of parenting to give you tips on a number of different scenarios. General There are ways to keep your sims happy without fancy, expensive sofas or video games. In The Sims, you can do a variety of things with your sim counterparts that will increase both your mood and theirs. Entertain or dance with your sims to increase their entertainment levels, give back rubs to increase comfort levels, and cheer them up when they are having a bad day to increase their mood levels. You don't always need to put a sim in front of the TV to entertain him, and though these things help, letting sims entertain each other will increase both Single If you live life as a single male or female, you can build a smaller house, which in turn will save you money in the building process. A single person isn't going to need nearly as much room as a couple would, and you can worry less about maintaining a relationship with a spouse and focus more on the things like work, which will benefit you through income. Relationships can slow you down in your career life and having a single relationship will let you move up the career ladder a little bit faster. That's not to say you shouldn't maintain a small relationship with your neighbors, just try not to get too involved with them. Score high on the relationship charts by inviting them over every couple of days and chatting or participating in other group-related activities. A small but not too involved relationship will get you a head start later on when you will need friends to get promoted for future jobs. As you move higher up the career ladder, you want to get into relationships with the neighbors to get promoted further into friendship status. Neighbors can get very time consuming if you try and spend all your days with them, so try to maintain a steady relationship, but definitely don't stay up all night in the hot tub chatting. If you spend too much time trying to build your relationships, you may find yourself suffering in other areas such as hygiene, sleep, fun, or hunger; and that definitely won't help you out in your professional life. Remember that good relationships don't happen overnight and patience is the key to having successful friendships. As time moves on and you have established yourself with the neighbors, you can get closer and closer to these people. This will open up things like love and the end of a single life. For marriage tips, see the related section.their moods and their relationships. Couples Couples will want to consider making a bigger house so they won't feel so cramped living together. If one of your sims is making enough money to support both people, you can free one of the couple from work life if you choose. This will allow the free sim time to do some extra things around the house. A spouse with no job can go to bed a little bit earlier than the working sim, so that he can wake up to fix the working sim a meal before he heads off to work. Keeping the house clean is also another responsibility for a nonworking sim. During some free time, you may want to consider letting the sim read up on cooking and mechanical things to prevent fires and expensive repair costs. If you choose the life of two working sims, you'll want to consider a few things. First, make sure you devote some free time to your spouse. A couple of hugs and kisses can help your relationship out a lot. Babies and Children Children are bound to enter your sim-based life eventually. You can decide to add a child in your family when you first start the game, adopt one later, or even have one of your own at a later time. If you don't start off with a child, you must go through a couple of scenarios before you will be given the chance to have a child of your own. If you by chance choose the lifestyle of a same sex couple or a single adult, you may be given the opportunity to adopt a child. Before you accept the child from the adoption agency, make sure you can support the child. You

can't really do much to trigger the phone call (you must have a phone to adopt a child) from the adoption agency. It's just something that pops up randomly; if you're ready for a kid, watch out fOpposite sex couples can obtain a child through other means. To have a child, you must first fall in love (reach love status in your relationship), then be really passionate to your lover. A few hugs and kisses will present you an opportunity to have a child of your own. You can't decide the sex of the child, but you can name it. Once you have your baby, taking care of it will be no easy task. The baby must be well taken care of for three straight days before it turns into a fully nondependent child. There are three things you can do with the baby: feed it, play with it, and sing to it. If the baby starts to cry, try these three things in this order: 1. Feed the baby; if the baby is crying, chances are, it's hungry. If feeding the baby doesn't shut it up, you must move on to other methods to quiet it down. 2. Try playing with the baby. If you don't play with the baby, you will make it feel neglected. Give the baby a little bit of attention, and if that doesn't work, try feeding it again. 3. Last, sing to the baby. A baby can't sleep on an empty stomach, so it sure won't care if you sing to it on one either. Once the baby is fed and feeling less neglected, singing to it should make the baby stop crying and fall asleep. Once the baby grows into a child (or if you have a child,) you can control it through the control panel. A grown child is less dependent on his parents. A child cannot get a job, but has a report card for school. The school bus shows up at 7:00 am. Give the child an alarm clock next to his bed, so he can wake up in plenty of time to catch the bus. Respond to any needs the child might have before he heads off to school. Once home from school, give the child an opportunity to have a snack. After he is done, make him hit the books (you will need a computer or a bookcase for this). When the child is done studying, give him the rest of the night to play, take a shower, eat, use the bathroom, have a social life, and so on. Make the child go to bed early, so he will be energized for school. If you decide that you don't want the child for whatever reason, you do have the option of neglecting him and letting him miss school until his grade status reaches an F. The military school will eventually come after the kid and put him in a nice boot camp. Once the kid is gone, you can sell his belongings for a fraction of their value. or that phone
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: rvd rules on May 15, 2002

Tired of having to study for kids and adults...?

Well... Go to create a family mode, and make an ADULT Sim. create the Sim's personality points and stuff (it doesn't really matter about the clothing because you're gonna change it). Then, when you have done that, finish it. When it goes back to the page where you put in all the family surname and stuff, click on the Sim that you have just created. Turn them into the child that you want and when you go into the real game (live mode) they will automatically have and A+! This also works with adults... Make however many kids you want to be adults, put in there names and personality points and then finish, and then edit them and change them to adults! when you go move them into a house and do live mode, they will have a random number of skill points!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Crunchie Bunch on November 17, 2007

WATER_TOOL - Puts water around your home SET_HOUR (1 to 24) - Set time of day SET_SPEED (-1000 to 1000) - Set game speed AUTONOMY (1 to 100) - Change how much the Sims think on their own INTERESTS - Change interests and personality GROW_GRASS (1-150) - Set grass growth level MAP_EDIT ON/OFF - Toggle map editor ROUTE_BALLOONS ON/OFF - Toggle tutorial SWEEP ON/OFF - Toggle "ticks" of the game TILE_INFO ON/OFF - Toggle tile info. DRAW_ALL_FRAMES ON/OFF - Toggles drawing every frame LOG_MASK - Set event logging mask

SIM_SPEED (-1000-1000) - Set sim speed SIM_LOG BEGIN/END - Creates a log of your Sims history.
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Verified by: doom_on_you Submitted by: BigBalla118 on December 30, 2002

Your own MP3s

You may not be able to have a rap radio station but you can have your own music on the radio. First select 5 of your favourite MP3s for your selected station. For example, you may pick Limp Bizkit, Deftones and Papa Roach for Rock, or J-Lo and Enrique for Latin. Then move your files into The Sims/Music/Stations and sort them out into Classica, Rock, Latin and Country. Say you've done Rock, you'd rename the MP3s, rock1.mp3, rock2.mp3 and so on until all five MP3s are renamed. Once that's done, load up the Sims and get one of your Sims to a radio. Select a radio station and hear your own music on the Sims!

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