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Trimester 1

Trimester 2

Trimester 3

1: Constructing And Gathering Knowledge (a/b/c) 2: Organizing And Understanding Information (a/b/c) 3: Applying Knowledge 4: Learning Through Experience (a/b/c)

1a: CURIOSITY AND INITIATIVE Show interest in a growing range of topics, ideas and tasks Utilize all available senses to explore and learn from the environment Ask questions for clarification and to seek meaningful information Show interest and interact with others about their work or actions 1b: RISK TAKING Demonstrate an increased willingness to participate in both familiar and new experiences Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate methods for learning information 1c: STAGES OF PLAY Engage in simple games with rules

1c: STAGES OF PLAY Engage in complex play sequences that may be continued over several days 2a: ENGAGEMENT, ATTENTION AND PERSISTENCE Attend and follow through on adults two step directions Complete short tasks, activities, projects and experiences from beginning to end independently 2b: TASK ANALYSIS Break simple tasks into steps and complete them one at a time 2c: REASONING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Try different ways to complete a task Attempt to accomplish a difficult task on own 3: CREATIVITY, FLEXIBILITY AND INVENTION Use both observation and imitation to understand information Try several ways to complete a task Produce and explain the purpose for a new creation 4c: CULTURE Explore unusual materials that represent other cultures

3: CREATIVITY, FLEXIBILITY AND INVENTION Use music, art and stories to express ideas and feeling Use materials in unique ways to represent other things Produce and explain the purpose for a new creation

Approaches To Learning Through Play

Use materials and objects to represent other objects 2a: ENGAGEMENT, ATTENTION AND PERSISTENCE Initiate and extend activities Work towards completing task independently 2b: TASK ANALYSIS Explain a routine sequence to another 3: CREATIVITY, FLEXIBILITY AND INVENTION Use materials in unique ways to represent other things 4a: HOME-SCHOOL IDENTITY Demonstrate culture and home experiences during play Understand that appropriate activities and events may differ from home to school 4b: RESILIENCE Understand how behavior may impact others response to action Understand who or where there is help when needed 4c: CULTURE Show pride in belonging to a family unit Show understanding that family structures may differ from one family to another

1: Music And Movement

1a: AESTHETIC RESPONSE Respond to different forms of music and dance through participation and discussion 2: DRAMATIC EXPRESSION Use nonconforming objects to create representations of real life objects or activities Represent fantasy and real-life experiences through pretend play 3a: REPRESENTATION Represent experiences, thoughts and ideas through visual arts

1b: EXPLORATION Use instruments to accompany music or songs 1c: CREATION Use imagination and creativity or express self through music and dance Use body to represent form in space 2: DRAMATIC EXPRESSION Repeat similar play scenarios Use pretend play to represent known or anticipated situations 3c: PERSONAL CONNECTIONS Share how artwork is connected to own personal experience 4a: PATTERNS AND THEMES Identify cultures represented by various art forms 5b and 6b: IDENTIFICATION Recognize and name a variety of art forms 6a: EMOTIONAL RESPONSE Demonstrate emotional response to viewing or creating various art works

1a: AESTHETIC RESPONSE Practice rhythms in different forms of music and dance. 3b: CONSTRUCTION Combine a variety of materials to create new products 5a: CRITICAL RESPONSE Share an opinion about others art products

Creative Thinking And Expression: Communicating Through The Arts

(a/b/c) 2: Dramatic And Performance Play: Dramatic Expression 3: Visual Arts(a/b/c) 4: Historical and Cultural Context of Works in the Arts: Patterns and Themes 5: Critical Response To Works in the Arts (a/b) 6: Aesthetic Response To Works In The Arts (a/b)

1: Self Concept (Identity) (a/b/c) 2: Self Regulation (a/b) 3: Pro-Social Relationships With Adults (a/b) 4: Pro-Social Relationships With Peers (a/b)

1a: SELF AWARENESS Demonstrate awareness of self and ones own preferences Know and state independent thoughts and feelings 1b: UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONS Express feelings that are appropriate to the situation 1c: COMPETENCE Show pride in own accomplishments Choose materials and activities independently Participate in new experiences with confidence and independence 2a: EMOTIONAL REGULATION Ask for and accept offers of help when needed or appropriate Adjust to changes in routines and activities with guidance 2b: BEHAVIORAL REGULATION Demonstrate increased self reliance in self-care activities Follow the rules and routines in classroom and other settings with reminders Use materials with purpose, safety and

2a: EMOTIONAL REGULATION Begin to understand the consequences of own behavior 4b: RESPECT AND EMPATHY Respond with empathy to others who are upset

2a: EMOTIONAL REGULATION Know when to withhold expression of feelings in certain situations 4b: RESPECT AND EMPATHY Solve simple conflicts with peers with independence

Social And Emotional Development:

Learning About Myself And Other

respect Understand and follow simple classroom rules Make transitions between activities after warning Wait for teacher approval before acting in required situations Recognize unsafe situations and tell an adult Clean up or put away materials on own with teacher direction 3a: TRUST Seek help from familiar adults when needed Respond to familiar adults questions and directions Engage in reciprocal conversation with familiar adults 3b: ATTACHMENT Demonstrate affection for familiar adults

1: Health And Safe Practices (a/b/c/d) 2: Physical Activity- Gross Motor Coordination (a/b) 3: Concepts, Principles And Strategies Of Movement - Fine Motor Development (a/b/c)

1a: Fundamentals Of Good Health Practice basic hygiene routines with adult reminders Identify fundamental practices for good health 1b: Body Awareness Identify and locate body parts 1c: Nutrition Name foods that keep us healthy 1d: Safe Practices Identify and follow basic safety rules Identify how people help to keep us safe Identify the consequence of unsafe behavior 2a: Control And Coordination Combine large motor movements with the use of equipment Move and stop with control 2b: Balance And Strength Exhibit balance while moving on large motor equipment 3a: Strength, Coordination And Muscle Control Use hands, fingers and wrists to manipulate objects Practice manual self help skills 3b: Eye/Hand Coordination Coordinate eye and hand movements to perform a task

1a: FUNDAMENTALS OF GOOD HEALTH Identify medicine and know that is it used to stay healthy Identify how people keep us healthy 2a: CONTROL AND COORDINATION Demonstrate coordination of body movements in active play Perform a variety of movement skills along side and with a partner 2b: BALANCE AND STRENGTH Show enthusiasm for mastery of gross motor movements through repetitive practice

1b: BODY AWARENESS Identify specific practices that support body development and function 1c: NUTRITION Classify foods by their food group 3c: USE OF TOOLS Use writing and drawing implements with correct grip to make pictures Use classroom and household tools independently to accomplish a purpose

Health, Wellness And Physical Development:

Learning About My Body

1: Numbers, Number Systems And Number Relationships (a/b/c/d) 2: Computation And Estimation (a/b/c) 3: Measurement And Estimation (a/b/c/d) 4: Mathematical Reasoning And Connections a. Reasoning 5: Mathematical Problem Solving And Communication (a/b)

1a: COUNT AND COMPARE NUMBERS Rote count to 10 Match a numeral to a set 0 to 5 1c: CONCEPT OF NUMBERS Count up to 5 objects using one to one correspondence 3a: CONCEPTS OF MEASUREMENT Engage in number conservation experiences 3b: UNITS AND TOOLS OF MEASUREMENT Practice using standard and non- standard measures in everyday situations 6b: ORGANIZATION AND DISPLAY OF DATA Organize and display objects by one attribute 8c: PATTERNS Identify and describe patterns 9a: DEFINITION, PROPERTY, AND RELATIONSHIP OF SHAPES Identify and name simple three dimensional shapes 9c: COORDINATE GEOMETRY Practice using directionality and appropriate vocabulary with assistance

1a: COUNT AND COMPARE NUMBERS Use counting and numbers as part of play and as a means for determining quantity Count up to 10 objects using one to one Name numerals to 10 1b: REPRESENT NUMBERS IN EQUIVALENT FORMS Differentiate numerals from letters 1d: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS OF OPERATIONS Visually quantify one to three objects Sort objects by two or more attributes 2c: NUMERICAL ESTIMATION Make estimates of a set of objects up to 6 3a: CONCEPTS OF MEASUREMENT Practice measuring by attributes 3d: MEASUREMENT AND ESTIMATION Group objects according to common properties Practice estimating distance with adult assistance 5a: PROBLEM SOLVING 6a: COLLECTION OF DATA Use environmental objects for data collection purposes Create graphs cooperatively with an adult and /or other child 6c: NUMERICAL SUMMARIES Compare groups of one to five objects 7a: CALCULATE PROBABILITIES Predict the probability of an event occurring based on observation and prior knowledge with scaffolding 8a: ALGEBRAIC PROPERTIES Compare quantities of concrete objects 8b: ALGEBRAIC MANIPULATIONS Practice and count using numbers as a means of determining quantity 8c: PATTERNS Recognize and extend simple patterns 9b: TRANSFORMATIONS AND SYMMETRY Observe symmetry

1a: COUNT AND COMPARE NUMBERS Rote count to 20 Use vocabulary to compare numbers of objects with teacher support 1b: REPRESENT NUMBERS IN EQUIVALENT FORMS Understand number concepts, vocabulary, quantities and written numerals in meaningful ways 1c: CONCEPTS OF NUMBERS AND RELATIONSHIP Use ordinal number words to describe the position of objects (first, second, last) 1d: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS OF OPERATIONS Solve oral word problems using concrete objects with assistance 2b: COMPUTATION Solve problems using manipulatives to correspond to given number 1 to 6 2c: NUMERICAL ESTIMATION Practice checking estimates 6d: INTERPRETATION OF DATA Draw conclusions with adult guidance and questioning 7b: REPRESENTATION OF PROBABILITIES Complete a simple yes/no graph to make a selection with assistance 9a: DEFINITIONS, PROPERTIES AND RELATIONS Replicate simple three-dimensional shapes Determine the attributes of basic shapes

Exploring, Processing And Problem Solving

Mathematical Thinking And Expression:

6: Statistics And Data Analysis (a/b/c/d) 7: Probability And Predictions (a/b) 8: Algebra And Functions (a/b/c) 9: Geometry (a/b/c)

1: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES a. Living and Non-Living (b) Genetics (c) Evolution 2: PHYSICAL SCIENCES a. Chemistry (b) Physics 3: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES a. Earth Structure and Processes (b) Origin and Evolution of the Universe 4: TECHNOLOGY a. Scope of technology (b) Tech and Engineering Design (c) Design World 5: ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY (a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h)

1a.1: COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE Recognize the difference between living and non living things 1b.1: HEREDITY Identify similar characteristics of own family such as hair color, eye color and height 1b.3: UNIFYING THEME Describe observable patterns in objects 2a .1: Properties Of Matter 2b.1 PHYSICS: FORCE AND MOTION OF PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES Explore and describe motion toys and objects 2b.2: Energy Storage And Transformations Observe demonstrations and make predictions about basic energy types and sources 2b.4:UNIFYING THEMES Predict a reaction based on previous experiences 3a.3: WATER Observe and explore water in solid and liquid states Identify a variety of uses for water 4a.1: Characteristics Of Technology Identify examples of technology 4c.3: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECH Identify communication devices in the home 5d: Agriculture And Society Describe the purpose of a farm Identify the products that are produced on a farm Describe the people, animals and equipment that are found on a farm

1a.1: COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE Categorize common living things into plants and animals. State that living things need air, food and water to survive 2b.3: ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC ENERGY Use magnets to explore and sort materials 2b.6 SCIENCE AS INQUIRY Participate in scientific investigation 3a.4: WEATHER AND CLIMATE Identify season that corresponds with observable conditions Identify how weather affects daily life Identify different types of precipitation 3a.5: UNIFYING THEMES Examine change through simple observation 4c.3: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Identify parts of a computer 5b: RENEWABLE AND NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES Identify objects that can be recycled 5c: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Identify how litter can have a negative impact on animals and the environment 5f: THREATENED, ENDANGERED AND EXTINCT SPECIES Identify some species that are extinct

1b.2: REPRODUCTION Describe that seeds grow into plants, eggs hatch and babies grow into adults 1c.1: ADAPTATION Match types of clothing to seasonal weather conditions 2a.2: STRUCTURE OF MATTER Recognize the different types of matter 2a.3: REACTIONS Experiment with changes in matter Experiment with changes in substances when combined 3a.1: EARTH FEATURES AND THE PROCESSES THAT CHANGE IT Identify earth forms in pictures 3b: COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE Identify the characteristics of the sun, moon, stars and clouds 4a.2: TECHNOLOGY CONNECTIONS Identify the appropriate technology to complete a task 4c.3: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Use a computer to run specific software independently 5b: RENEWABLE AND NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES Discuss the purpose of recycling

Scientific Thinking And Technology: Exploring, Inquiry And Discovery

1: Principles And Documents Of Government 2: Rights And Responsibilities Of Citizenship (a/b//c) 3: Economic Systems (a/b) 4. Scarcity And Making Choice (a/b)

1a. SOURCES, PURPOSE AND FUNCTIONS OF LAW State rules and some consequences 2a. CIVIC RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES Display awareness of role as a member of a group 2b. SOURCES AND RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT Identify one or two solutions to a conflict or a problem Attempt to independently solve a conflict with a peer 2c. POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND PUBLIC SERVICE Show interest in leadership opportunities 4a. SCARCITY AND LIMITED RESOURCES Understand that some resources and money are limited Notice when materials are gone 4b. ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES Share or offer items to others 7. HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS Identify some similarities and differences of physical and personal characteristics Demonstrate an appreciation of ones own characteristics and those of others and others cultures

8a: IMPACT OF PHYSICAL SYSTEMS ON PEOPLE Recognize that environmental changes can impact what people do 8b: IMPACT OF PEOPLE ON PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Understand how to make simple technology work 9a: CONTINUITY AND CHANGE OVER TIME Demonstrate understanding of a sequence of events 9b: HISTORICAL COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION Understand how things, people and places change over time 9c: RESEARCH Understand that information comes from many sources, such as books, computer, or newspaper

6. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Describe the location of items/areas in the classroom and areas at home 9a. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE OVER TIME Demonstrate understanding of a sequence of events Use words to describe time (yesterday, today, tomorrow)

Connecting To Communities

5. Basic Geographic Literacy 6. Physical Characteristics Of Places And Regions 7. Human Characteristics Of Places And Regions 8: Interactions Between People And The Environment (a/b) 9: Historical Analysis And Skills Development (a/b/c)

Social Studies Thinking:

1: Learning To Read Independently (a/b/c/d/e) 2: Reading, Analyzing And Interpreting Text (a/b/c/d) 3: Reading, Analyzing And Interpreting Literature (a/b/c/d) 4: Types Of Writing (a/b) 5: Quality Of Writing (a/b/c/d) 6: Speaking And Listening (a/b/c/d) 7: Characteristics And Functions Of The English Language 8: Research (a/b/c) 9: Information, Communication And Technology Literacy

1b: WORD RECOGNITION SKILLS Associate some names of letters with their shapes and sounds 1c: VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Describe pictures in books using detail Practice new vocabulary with teacher assistance Match vocabulary to picture clues Use new vocabulary when speaking 1d: COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION Respond appropriately to directions and stories Identify story details through questioning Draw connections between story events and personal experiences 2a: TEXT ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION Identify title and author of story Identify characters in story Discuss events in book or story Explain reasons for liking or disliking a book or story with prompting 2b: TEXT ORGANIZATION Practice book handling skills Identify beginning and end of a story 2c: FACT AND OPINION Differentiate between real and make-believe 2d: INFERENCES Use illustration clues and story sequence to infer and predict what happens next in a story 4a: NARRATIVE Create illustration 4b: INFORMATIONAL Share information through pictures and dictated words 5a: FOCUS Illustrate and /or tell about a specific topic 5b: CONTENT Generate ideas for a picture, story or shared writing 5d: CONVENTION Experiment with a variety of writing tools

1a: PURPOSES FOR READING Use a variety of text during play Select a variety of genre during play 1b: WORD RECOGNITION SKILLS Differentiate words and letters Continue teacher-initiated word patterns 1d: COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION Retell a simple story in sequence with picture support 1e: FLUENCY Recite rhymes, songs, and familiar text while using tracking 2b: TEXT ORGANIZATION Practice tracking from top to bottom and left to right with scaffolding 2c: FACT AND OPINION State at least one important fact from informational text 2d: INFERENCES Decide if predications were confirmed 3a: ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION Select favorite book from many by same author 3d: LITERARY DEVICES Recognize rhyming words in works of literature with teacher support 5b: CONTENT Identify and/or create illustrations that depict story detail 5c: ORGANIZATION Write symbols, words or simple phrases that communicate an idea 5d: CONVENTION Print letters in name using letter-like forms or conventional print 6a: DISCUSSION Ask and answer relevant questions 8a: INQUIRY BASED PROCESS Ask questions about topics of personal interest to gain information 9a: MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES

1b: WORD RECOGNITION SKILLS Identify upper case letters Identify familiar words and environmental print 1d: COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION Use verbs to describe illustrations showing action 3c: LITERARY ELEMENT Respond to questions about main characters, setting and events during a read aloud 7a: COMMUNICATING IN MORE THAN ONE LANGUAGE Repeat a few words in a language other than native language 8b. LOCATION OF INFORMATION AND CITING SOURCES Locate information on identified topics using resources provided by teacher 8c: ORGANIZATION AND PRODUCTION OF FINAL PRODUCT Produce a simple project based on research with assistance 9a: MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES Identify technology that can be used to gain information

racy Development: Early Literacy Foundations; Reading, Writing, Speaking And Listening

Eric Hoffer: In times of change, learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

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