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Kaitlyn Webb English 10H-2 2/12/12 FARENHEIT 451 Questions Part One- The Hearth and the Salamander:

1. Clarisse McClellan asks Montag if he is happy. He continues to ask himself this question over and over again. He begins to see things in his life that do not contribute to his happiness, that in fact make him unhappy. After the incident with his wife taking the sleeping pills and the burning of the old woman and her books, he comes to the conclusion that indeed he is unhappy even though his society defines happiness as having no books or knowledge, but having fun. 2. If I was asked this question, I would say yes I am happy because I have Jesus Christ. I think that happiness is a state of mind as is pleasure. But one can have pleasure doing something but regret it and not be happy about it later. For example, sin can be pleasurable, but at the same time one can be unhappy that they sin. In my own words, happiness is something you feel when you are excited and glad; there are not many problems in your life. 3. An example in Ray Bradburys writing of technology as being dehumanizing is when Mildred, Montags wife, goes to sleep, she sticks these insect like plugs in her ears which play music. Instead of having human interaction and conversation with her husband, she is shut out and in a far off world. Judging for Part One, the consequences of a society of technologys dehumanizing tendencies impact the people. People become cold and distant to each other, while also becoming less intelligent and able to think for themselves. 4. I think that our society is similar to this in some aspects. Technology, such as the television, can make families distant from each other because instead of talking and socializing, they all sit around a screen. However, the consequences are based upon the way one uses the technology. If it is the focal point of ones life, of course it will have a greater impact than if it is not used as much. 5. The quote that the woman said before she along with her house went up in flames was Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by Gods grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out. According to the book, a man named Latimer said that to another man named Ridley, as they were being burnt alive in Oxford, for heresy, on October 16, 1555. Because they were teaching outside of what they were allowed to, they were given the death penalty. Likewise, this old woman felt that she was in a similar situation as these two were in and that they might give her hope. Understanding this quote makes me realize how important knowledge is and how far people are willing to go to stand up for it.

6. Over all, Beatty was saying that due to the government wanting everyone to be happy, there was a necessity to burn books. As an example, he said that the smokers didnt like the fact that there were books about lung cancer involving cigarettes, so to keep them happy, it was essential to burn them. After hearing this, I felt anger towards Beatty. I did not like the fact that the government was allowed to burn any books they wanted just because someone was not happy about it. 7. Compared to Clarisse, Beatty views the novels society as good and right, where Clarisse has much to criticize. Beatty does not think about things as deeply as Clarisse does. Clarisse asks not how but why? Therefore, these two will view the same social facts in different ways. It is interesting to watch Montag figure out which of these two is correct. But he realizes that he must figure out for himself, not just take someone elses word for it. 8. It seems applicable today that people dont talk and socialize as much as they used to. I do not see anyone sitting out on their porches simply talking with their friends and neighbors. 9. Beatty might catch Montag with his books, which could end very badly, especially because he is a fireman. Beatty seems to take things as he is told, but Montag seems to want to figure things out for himself, not just take the information that is handed to him as the truth. 10. Hearth means the floor of a fireplace. Salamander means a mythical lizard creature thought to be able to withstand fire. I think that Bradbury titles Part One this because it was all about how Montag is a fireman who never gets burned due to his uniform. 11. Similar to what Montag seems to be going through, in Ecclesiastes, the Teacher has everything he could ever want and has ever pleasure that he desires, yet he feels like he has nothing and is unhappy. 12. In the novel, people are isolated from one another in that they really dont talk to each other. For example, Montag didnt find out about Clarisses disappearance till four days after it had happened. The source of isolation is that everyone is consumed with their own lives and they dont really care about anyone elses and the consequences are great. Christianity tells us to love one another, ask God questions, people are connected together through the body of Christ, and that all can be in the body of Christ if they accept Him. 13. I do not think that she should have killed herself for books, but I do agree that she can be a martyr for Christ. If one of those books was the Bible, then I believe she could be considered a martyr. The scriptures help me to justify her actions. I would be willing to give my life for Christ. 14. Beatty says that since there are religions that disagree with each other, to make them happy, they all must be burned. I agree in the fact the other religions do not agree with my religions, in fact many are completely against it, but I also do not agree that anything should be burned.

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