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Your article on honour killings and honour-related violence is grossly misleading.

Your are trying to back up your views from your so called "research". "Research" that is very very far away from real research. In your "research" you use facts from a Wikipedia article http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedersmord and some statistics from Brottsfrebyggande rdet, BR (Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention). That is very far from research "Professor". But what is worse is that you demonstrate that you do not even understand the contents of the Wikipedia article. Let's use the Wikipedia article properly and compare the result with your so called "research". Between 1986 and 2010 eight (8) honour killings caught media attention. The actual number is most likely higher. 8 honour killings out of a "Muslim" population of 450 000 is a prevalence of 0,0018%. Your figure is 0,0001%. The real figure is 18 times higher than your figure. During the period no honour killings occurred within the "Swedish" population. According to you, between 1986 and 2010 there were 1 400 murders within Sweden. Another fact that is wrong. Just between 1990 and 2005 alone 1 574 murders were committed. Then you are trying to figure out the prevalence of murders in Sweden. For some reason you then exclude the "Muslim" population, something which is also completely wrong. And as if that mistake is not enough, then you compare the prevalence of total murders in Sweden with the number of honour killings and you arrive at your figure of 0,3% of all killings are honour related. And you use that figure to argue that honour killings are not a problem. Your comparisons only proves that you don't have a clue of what to compare. What we are interested in finding out is the prevalence of honour killings in the group lethal violence within families. According to the Wikipedia article in the period of 1990 to 2006 there were 108 cases of lethal violence within families. A figure that is likely on the high side, see below. There were 5 honour killings during the same period. The prevalence of honour killings is 4,6%. The "Muslim" population" is 5%. That indicates that almost all killings within the "Muslim" population is honour related. That is of course not correct. According to statistics non Swedish females are approx. three times as often victims of lethal violence as Swedish females. And non Swedish men are approx. four times as often perpetrators. If we correct the figures it is likely that one in three murders within the "Muslim" population is honour related. This is what the WikiPedia article tells us if we can read it. Using proper statistics from Br, http://www.bra.se/download/18.cba82f7130f475a2f180009403/2007_6_utvecklingen_dodligt _vald_mot_kvinnor.pdf page 19 we will get a better picture. During the period 1990-2004 a total of 53 women were murdered within the family by a relative other than the man she had a relationship with. This is most likely the closest we can come to honour related killings. During

this period there were 4 honour killings. The prevalence is 7,5%. A very high number compared to the 5% "Muslim" population. I have shown that you cannot read and understand a simple Wikipedia article. And what you call "research" is nothing more than your prejudiced ideas of how the world is according to the "Professor". Honour-related violence is not connected to religion. Followers of Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity have used their religions as a rationale to commit honour killings. Honour killings occur in societies where the family/clan is responsible for justice. Honour killings is a cultural thing, not a religious one.

Honour-related violence is a major problem in Sweden. And honour-related violence is very different from other violence against women. Honour killings are acts of vengeance, usually death, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonour upon the family. A woman can be targeted by (individuals within) her family for a variety of reasons, including: refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, dressing in a manner unacceptable, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking a divorceeven from an abusive husbandor (allegedly) committing adultery. The mere perception that a woman has behaved in a way that "dishonours" her family is sufficient to trigger an attack on her life.

Honour-related violence is violence committed by the family against one member. In order for a victim to escape the violence she has to break away from the whole family. In "ordinary" violence against women it is one single man that is the perpetrator. And it is less difficult to break away from one single abusive man than from a whole family.

Finally. Your so called "conclusions". Swe State-feminists are artificially magnifying the honour-related violence. Why trying discredit Muslim minority on false ground? Youll see Sweden needs desperately support for its occupation war in Afghanistan, led by US., after the Saudi arms scandal Duckpond+ConsensusMentality+Chauvinism = StateFeminism 1st 2 collaborate in cultural-racist campaign! Discredit war-enemy by association? You are out of your mind "Professor". You cannot understand the contents of a Wikipedia article. You cannot make proper comparisons. You don't understand what honour-related violence is. You don't know what research is. Your are just a bigot.

The only thing you can do is write long and incomprehensible tirades about Swedish State Feminism etc etc etc Why you want to minimize the problem of honour-related violence in Sweden is obvious to me. It fits your political beliefs. But what about the victims of honour-related violence? Don't they have humans rights? I have a piece of advice for you. Change your headline "On human rights for all" to "On human rights for some". That is more in line with what you write.

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