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The WikiLeaks website says their goal is "to bring important news and information to the public...

One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth. WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organization. Their goal is to bring important news and information to the public. They provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to their journalists . Its a young organization that has grown very quickly, relying on a network of dedicated volunteers around the globe. Since 2007, when the organization was officially launched, WikiLeaks has worked to report on and publish important information.

WikiLeaks has combined high-end security technologies with journalism and ethical principles. Like other media outlets conducting investigative journalism, they accept (but do not solicit) anonymous sources of information. When information comes in, their journalists analyze the material, verify it and write a news piece about it describing its significance to society. We also have a network of talented lawyers around the globe who are personally committed to the principles that WikiLeaks is based on, and who defend our media organization. Who Else Works For WikiLeaks? Our core staff come from four different continents. Gender balance is important for us, exactly half of our staff members are women. We are young and old, and come from different cultural backgrounds

WIKILEAKS to release secret SWISS BANK accounts

WikiLeaks revealed that US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britains nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty. The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called special relationship, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website.

WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopals Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfors web of informers, payoff structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods

Blockade By U.S. Government

WikiLeaks has published the biggest leaks in journalistic history. This has triggered aggressive retaliation from powerful groups. Since 7th December 2010 an arbitrary and unlawful financial blockade has been imposed by Bank of America, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal and Western Union. The attack has destroyed 95% of our revenue.

At the same time, several U.S. Government officials have criticized WIKILEAKS for exposing classified information, harming national security and compromising international diplomacy and finally he was arrested in U.K.

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