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The Risks and Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet We all know that vegetables are a great source of nutrients that

are vital to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. But can cutting out meat and animal products and adopting a vegetarian diet increase health benefits and provide you with the proper nutrition you require? The key to maintaining healthy eating habits is to eat a variety of foods that contain all the essential requirements of good nutrition including fruit, vegetables, and sources of protein and iron, whether vegetarian or not. The following article can provide you with information about the risks and benefits of vegetarianism, and the key to maintaining a healthy diet through balance, variety, and moderation. What is Vegetarianism? There are several types of vegetarian diets that individuals generally adopt. However, the essence of vegetarianism lies in cutting down the consumption of meat and animal products such as milk or eggs. A healthy vegetarian diet, and healthy vegetarian meals, will ideally derive as much nutrition as possible from plant-based food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Of course, vegetarians differ in their attitudes as well as the reasons behind their dietary choices. In general, vegetarian diets are defined by the types of animal-derived foods that are incorporated into a diet, and include the following categories: Vegan diets consist solely of plant-based foods, eliminating meat, poultry and fish as well as animal-derived food such as milk, eggs, cheese, and sometimes honey. Lacto-vegetarian diets eliminate eggs, meat, fish and poultry but consume milk and milk products. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets eliminate red meat, fish, and poultry but eat eggs, milk and milk products Semivegetarian diets may incorporate small amounts of fish or poultry The Benefits of Vegetarianism Because a vegetarian diet incorporates less meat products as sources of nutrition, vegetarian diets commonly contain less fat and cholesterol as well as higher levels of fiber derived from vegetarian food. According to The American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, National Cholesterol Education Program and Committee on Diet and Health of the National Research Council, reducing fat intake to 30% of calories with no more than 10% of these consisting of saturated fats is recommended to lower the risk of chronic disease. Some of the health benefits associated with a vegetarian diet include the following:

Leanness. Dietary fiber can decrease the absorption of food by 2-3%, resulting in a feeling of fullness that can decrease excessive food intake. Vegetarians have also been linked to a lower risk of obesity Lower Blood Pressure. Studies have shown that vegans tend to have blood pressures between 10 to 15 mm Hg lower than non-vegetarians of the same age and sex Lower Serum Cholesterol. Whole-fat milk products and eggs can raise serum blood lipid levels due to saturated fats and cholesterol content Lower Rates of Colon Cancer. A high intake of animal fat and a diet high in meat may pose a risk of colon cancer by increasing the concentration of various carcinogens Lower Rates of Diabetes have been associated with higher consumption of nuts and whole grains Vegetarian diets have been linked to decreased risks of developing various types of cancers. Studies have shown that individuals who consume high levels of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may decrease the risk by up to 50%. Regular fruit and vegetable consumption has also been linked to decreased risks of fatal heart disease such as myocardial infarction, angina, cerebrovascular, and ischemic heart disease. Risks of Vegetarianism Balancing vegetarian food and nutrition is vital to maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet. Strict vegetarians may be at risk of several nutrition deficiencies such as vitamin B-12, riboflavin, zinc, calcium, iron, and essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. Vegans and vegetarians are also at risk of energy deficiency in the form of calories, particularly in children. Long-term deficiencies in an inadequate vegetarian diet may lead to the following complications: Osteoporosis as a result of a lack of calcium causing bone demineralization Rickets in children due to a lack of vitamin D Iron-Deficiency Anemia due to low iron storage. One study found that 27% of women and 5% of men who were lacto-ovo-vegetarians had low serum ferritin levels (iron storage) Macrocytic Anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency. This has been observed in infants breast-fed by mothers who are strict vegetarians Emaciation or Slow Growth in vegetarian infants and children Another issue facing vegetarians is low protein quality based on protein digestibility and amino acid composition. The risk associated with the protein quality of plant foods is based on a lack of certain essential amino acids that are found in natural combinations in animal protein. Combining

different vegetarian nutrition sources of protein can ensure that all essential amino acids are found in a healthy vegetarian diet.

Vegetarianism; the pros and cons of a meatless diet Kristin Higgins

As Americans become increasingly more health conscious, vegetarian diets are becoming more and more common. Produce-aisle signs stating eat 5 a day for better health are beginning to pay off, along with the USDA-DHHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which state: Many American diets have too many calories and too much fat (especially saturated fat), cholesterol, and sodium. They also have too little complex carbohydrates and fiber. Such diets are one cause of Americas high rates of obesity and of certain diseases-heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Different types of vegetarians include the vegan, who follows a strict diet excluding eggs, dairy, and all other animal products; the lacto-ovo-vegetarian, who eats a diet of mainly grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy products, and eggs, and excludes meat, fish, and poultry; the lacto-vegetarian, who excludes animal flesh and eggs; the ovo-vegetarian, who excludes animal flesh and dairy products; and the semi-vegetarian, who abstains from only red meat and poultry. Vegetarian diets have many health benefits, but can also lead to health detriments if proper precautions are not taken. Optimal health, however, can be reached through a carefully planned vegetarian diet. Health benefits of plant food .

The American Dietetic Association has taken the position that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention of certain diseases. Quite a bit of research has been done to back up this statement. Registered dietitian Johanna Dwyer, of Tufts University Medical School and the New England Medical Center Hospital, summarizes the benefits of plant food: Data are strong that vegetarians are at lesser risk for obesity, Atonic (reduced muscle tone) constipation, lung cancer, and alcoholism. Evidence is good that risks for hypertension, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and gallstones are lower. Data are only fair to poor that risks of breast cancer, diverticular disease of the colon, colonic cancer, calcium kidney stones, osteoporosis, dental erosion and dental caries are lower. Dywer says that the life span of vegetarians to non-vegetarians is similar to or slightly higher, but is influenced in the United States by adoption of many healthy lifestyle habits in addition to diet, such as not smoking, abstinence or moderation in the use of alcohol, being physically active, resting adequately, seeking ongoing health surveillance, and seeking guidance when health problems arise. Experimental studies also support such theories based on the benefits of plant-based diets. Data from the Oxford Vegetarian Study was used to determine whether or not a correlation between vegetarian diets and body mass indexes exists. One thousand nine-hundred and fourteen male and 3378 female subjects, all non-smokers between the ages of 20 and 89 were recruited to participate in the study. The subjects completed a diet/lifestyle questionnaire providing the details of their diet, along with other characteristics such as height, weight, smoking and drinking habits, amount of exercise, occupation, and reproductive status. The diet portion of the questionnaire was used to classify subjects as meat eaters and non-meat eaters, and to estimate consumption of dietary fiber and animal fats. The results show a lower BMI in non-meat eaters than in meat eaters in all age groups of men and women. Age-adjusted average BMIs in Kg/m2 were 23.18 for male meat eaters and 22.05 for male non-meat eaters (P< 0.0001). Female meat eaters averaged a BMI of 22.32, while non-meat eaters averaged a BMI of 21.32 (P < 0.0001).

Along with meat consumption, animal fat intake, dietary finer intake, past smoking, and social class were also independently associated with BMI in both men and women. The differences in average BMIs between meat and non-meat eaters, after adjusting for these factors, were 31% lower in female non-meat eaters, and 36% lower in male non-meat eaters. Thus, the conclusion was drawn that non-meat eaters are slimmer than meat eaters. This could be a result of higher intakes of dietary fiber, a lower intake of animal fats, and in men a lower intake of alcohol (Appleby, Thorogood, Mann, and Key, 1998). Vegetarian diets have been proven to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. This is largely due to their lower saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein content, along with increased concentrations of folate (which reduces homocysteine levels), and antioxidants such as vitamin C and E. In addition to lower coronary artery disease mortality rates in vegetarians, plant food diets have been found to have an arresting effect on coronary artery disease. Soluble fiber, an ingredient found in many fruits and vegetables, has been linked to reduced risk of coronary artery disease. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes that it is impossible to adequately distinguish the effects of fiber, including soluble fiber, from those of other food components Wellplanned vegetarian diets may also be effective in the treatment and prevention of renal disease. Studies show that certain plant proteins may increase survival rates and decrease proteinuria, glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow, and histologic renal damage compared with a nonvegetarian diet. With high levels of animal fat intake being a risk factor for coronary artery disease, many research studies have been done analyzing the levels of these fats in meat eaters versus non-meat eaters. 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) has been used to study lipids. Thomas, Frost, Barnard, Bryant, Taylor-Robinson, Simnrunner, Coutts, Burl, Bloom, Sales, and Bell (1996) applied 13C MRS to determine the fatty acid composition of adipose tissue in 88 healthy subjects with varying diets (39 omnivores, 38 vegans, 11 vegetarians) assessed through dietary record analysis. Results showed more unsaturated and fewer saturated fatty acids (P < 0.01) in the adipose tissue of vegans.

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, Simoncic, Klvanova, Bedevora, Babinska, and Grancicova (1997) analyzed the fatty acid levels in plasma of 27 vegetarian adults(13 males, 14 females) ages 20 to 63, with the average period of vegetarianism being 8.8 years. Half of the women and a third of the men were lacto-vegetarians, and the rest were lacto-ovo vegetarians. Results showed the levels of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in vegetarians decreased significantly as compared to levels in non-vegetarians. Higher levels of lonoliec acid C 18:2, and a significantly higher ratio of linoliec /leic acids C 18:2/C18:1, along with decreased levels of poly-unsaturated fatty acids C 20:4 (arachidonic acid) and C 22:6 (n3; docosahexaenoic acid) are seen as positive factors in the prevention of atherosclerosis in vegetarians. Incidence of cancer has also been linked to diet. The National Cancer Institute states that a third of cancer deaths may be related to diet. Vegetables from the cabbage family (cruciferous vegetables) may reduce cancer, along with along with diets low in saturated fat and high in fiber, may reduce the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum. Plant food diets rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and beta-carotene may also reduce the risk of certain cancers. Diets high in fiber-containing vegetables have also been associated with reduced risks of cancer According to Erhardy, Lim, and Bode (1997), Production of reactive oxygen species in the lumen of the colen, a process influenced by nutrition, may be a factor in the development of colon cancer. Little research on humans supporting this hypothesis exists, so the objective of Erhardy, Lim, and Bodes study was to measure the effect of varying nutrition on in vitro oxygen radical production in human feces. Seven healthy subjects received a diet high in fat (50%) and meat and low in dietary fiber for. After one week, they received a vegetarian diet low in fat (20%) and high in high in dietary fiber. At the end of each period, feces were collected and analyzed with dimethylsulfoxide for in vitro oxygen radical production. Average hydroxl radical production was 13 times greater when the subjects consumed the diet high in fat and low in dietary fiber. The difference of hydroxol radical production was associated with a 42% higher fecal iron concentration when the subjects consumed the first diet than when the subjects consumed the second diet. The conclusion can be drawn that diets high in fat and low in fiber increase the

hydroxol radical formation in human feces, which may to lead an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Specific studies have been done on the effects of vegetable proteins, which constitute large part of vegetarian diets. One in particular, the soya protein, has been linked to lower incidence of breast, prostate, and colon cancer in Asian countries. Stephen Holt, M.D., actively studies the soya protein, and has found that in these Asian countries where there has been more of a shift to a Western type diet, particularly in urban areas, there are notable increases in cancer and cardiovascular related deaths http://www.sholtmd.com/soyafor.htm. Holt believes that differences in disease profiles in many Eastern versus Western communities is attributable to a major degree to the presence of soya in the diet. According to Holt, soya protein lowers blood cholesterol. It also promotes the balance of internal milieu of the body, especially by virtue of its efficient handling by the human kidney . Holt also believes that soybeans provide a unique combination of isoflavones, including genistein daidzein, and glycetin. These isoflavones have amazing biopharmaceutical properties, including anticarcinogenic, antiangiogenic, and estrogenic effects. Holt also supports in vitro and in vivo studies involving isoflavones which confirm the medical benefit of these substances for a variety of chronic diseases. Holt believes that the soyabean is the nutrient of the future, as people began to change their eating habits to a more vegetarian style diet. Vegetarian diets also tend to lead to a lower incidence of hypertension than non-vegetarian diets. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is less likely to be a cause of death in vegetarians, most likely because of a higher intakes of complex carbohydrates and lower body mass indexes. Studies also show that vegetarians have lower morbidity and mortality rates from many chronic degenerative diseases. Nondietary factors may play a role also, but diet is a significant factor. Health detriments of plant food According to John Vanderveen, PH.D., director of the FDAs office of Plant and Dairy Foods and Beverages, "the more you restrict your diet, the more difficult it is to get the nutrients you need" Vegetarians who exclude all dairy and animal flesh products face the greatest nutritional risks, because some essential nutrients exist only in animal products.

Vegans face the risk of inadequate vitamin and mineral levels. Vitamin B12 deficiencies are found in vegans, and this deficiency can lead to irreversible nerve deterioration (5). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded in 1988 that elderly people should be especially careful when adapting vegetarian diets, because their bodies may absorb vitamin B12 poorly. Vegans and ovo-vegetarians (those who eat eggs but no meat or dairy products) may have low vitamin D and calcium intake. Lack of vitamin D can cause rickets in children, and lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis later in life. These vegetarians are also at risk for iron-deficiency anemia, not only from exclusion of animal products, but also because of the high dietary fiber content of foods such as soy protein, bran, and fiber. The dietary fiber in these foods actually inhibits iron absorption. Protein deficiency must also be guarded against, which can lead to loss of hair and muscle mass, along with abnormal accumulation of fluid. Care must be taken to ensure proper caloric intake for all vegetarian. Barr, Prior, Janelle, and Lentle (1998) have examined the association of vegetarian diets with spinal bone mineral density. The study used a cross-sectional comparison method of bone mineral density of 23 vegetarians and 22 non-vegetarians, all premenopausal. The subjects were between the ages of 20 and 40, and had normal body weights and menstrual cycles. Twenty of the women participated in repeat measurements 13 months later. Methods used to make comparisons include descriptive statistics, independent samples and paired tests, 1-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression. Results showed vegetarians having a lower mean bone mineral density, 1.148 versus 1.216 for non-vegetarians. Vitamin B-12 and body fat were factors used in predicting baseline bone mineral density. Participants in the follow-up study differed only by being slightly older. In one year, mean bone mineral density increased by 1.1% in the diet group, non-vegetarians bone mineral density increased, while vegetarians stayed the same. No other monitered variables affected bone mineral density.

Conclusions from the study state that vegetarian women should be aware of the association of low bone mineral density with a vegetarian diet. Children with vegetarian diets face additional risks

and health concerns. Gretchen Hill, Ph.D., associate professor of food science and human nutrition at the University of Missouri, Columbia, believes that many health problems arise among child vegetarians. My bet is those kids will have health problems when they reach 40, 50, or 60 years of age, she says, mostly because of imbalances with micronutrients [nutrients required only in small amounts], particularly iron, zinc, and copper. Hill believes that while vegetarian children will be missing iron from animal products, the most valuable vitamins may be copper and zinc. Copper is essential to the human body in that it builds the bodies immune system, and strengthens and builds red blood cells. A lot of Americans are marginal in this micronutrient, and as a result, are more susceptible to diseases. Children cant meet their zinc needs without eating meat. Children are also at risk of developing protein defeciency, which can lead to stunted growth. Scientific evidence in support of Hills claims does exist. Nathan, Hackett, and Kirby (1997) assessed the growth of vegetarian children as compared to non-vegetarian children. Fifty vegetarian children ages 7 to 11, were compared to a control group of 50 omnivores of similar age, sex, and ethnic group. Main outcome measurements include height, weight, upper arm skinfold thickness, and mid-upper arm circumference measurements, and were taken at baseline and one year later. The results show that only the height increment of non-vegetarians was slightly greater, .47 cm, than that of the omnivores. The difference, however, was only apparent after allowing for fathers height, maternal smoking habit and number of siblings. The tendency for vegetarians to be leaner than the omnivores was not significant. It was concluded that vegetarian children grow at least as well as non-vegetarian children. Women of childbearing age, especially pregnant women, also face additional risks. Ann Pederson of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that vegetarian women have an increase chance of irregular menstruation. Nine of the studys 34 vegetarians missed periods, as compared to 2 of the 41 non-vegetarians. The groups were indistinguishable in regards to height, weight, and age at the beginning of menstruation. Pregnant vegetarians must take precautions against inadequate caloric intake, which can lead to low birth weight. In addition, low Vitamin B12 levels in many vegetarians can become very dangerous during pregnancy. How to benefit from a vegetarian diet while avoiding the health risks.

The Institute of Food Technologists recommends careful diet planning to ensure that vegetarians get adequate amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. It is especially important for vegans, to ensure proper intake of calcium, vitamin D , riboflavin, and iron. Calcium supplements are recommended by the Institute of Food Technologists for pregnant women, breast-feeding women, infants, and children. Calcium needs can also be met by calcium fortified foods including tofu processed with calcium, broccoli, seeds, nuts, kale, bok choy, legumes,, greens, and orange juice enriched with calcium. Vitamin D supplements may be needed if one does not receive adequate sun exposure, as sunlight is essential in the bodys production of vitamin. Five to 15 minutes of sun exposure a day is the recommended amount needed to ensure this production. Older people need to take special care, as their bodies synthesize vitamin D less efficiently and their sun exposure is usually limited. Vitamin D fortified foods such as soymilk and some cereals are also available Protein deficiency can be avoided by combining legumes with seeds, grains, and nuts, which together provide high amounts of complete proteins. Substitute meat products such as vegetable burgers and soy dogs provide protein and are also fortified with B12 Special care should be taken when planning the diets of for vegetarian children and adolescents, especially those with vegan diets. Foods high in calcium, iron, and zinc make up a large part of the daily diet. To meet energy needs, vegetarian children should eat frequent meals and snacks, along with foods higher in fat. As with any dietary change, experts recommend a gradual shift to a vegetarian diet. An increase in dietary fiber from a vegetarian diet can cause intestinal discomfort from increased bulk, and it is recommended to slowly increase consumption of grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. To reap the greatest benefits of a vegetarian diet, one must include many different types of foods that provide a variety of vitamins and nutrients. The following list, compiled by the American Dietetic Association, provides vegetarians with nutritional guidelines to follow. 1.) Keep intake of sweets and fatty foods, which are low in nutrient density, to a minimum. Choose whole or unrefined grain products when possible, or use fortified or enriched cereal products.

2.) Use a variety of fruits and vegetables, including foods that are good sources of vitamin C. If you use milk or dairy products, choose low-fat or nonfat varieties. 3.) Limit eggs, if eaten, to 3 to 4 yolks a week. 4.) You do not have to eat animal products to have enough protein in your diet. Plant proteins alone can provide enough of the essential and non-essential amino acids, as long as sources of dietary protein are fairly varied and caloric intake is high enough to meet energy needs. Vegetarian diets are a healthy alternative to a meat-based diet. When properly planned, plant food diets provide all the nutritional components needed for a healthy adult lifestyle. The safety of the vegetarian diet for a child, however, should be questioned critically, as many vitamins and minerals found in meat are essential to a childs development. Variety is the key, because the more restrictive the diet, the more likely it is to be nutritionally inadequate

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