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Date ;
.SKOWANKO/ , make the following free sad vakmtary

to j^uBMY GAU mifcat AND MATTHEW PLAUCHE whom i know to be a

Representative of the United Naval Criminal Investigative Service. I make this statement of say own free will and without any threats made to me or promises extended. I folly understand that this statement is jiven concerning ray knowledge of MY DAUGHTERS DISCLOSURE OF SEXUAL ABUSE j" vfi* For purposes of identification I am a white male 30 years of age, I was born on in ,ML I currently stand about 73" tall and weigh approximately 195 pounds. I currently reside at Camellia Road in Beaufort, SC and my home telephone number is . My current duty station is with RMC aboard Panis Maud, SC and I am attached to 3* Recruit Training Battalion aboard Parris Island, SC and my work extension is extension . arriving at Parris Island, SC my wife and I were stationed at Camp Pendelton in California. I initially arrived in Camp Penelton around OCTOQ, and initially lived at Boxwood Road, Qeeanside CA 92854* The residence was a duplex, My phone number at the time was , My daughter, H SKOVRANKO, was born on in ML Around AUG02 me my wife and H .nK>\^intoanewhous&Iocatedat Alderwood Road, Oceanside CA 92054, I mink our phone number was the same. <gF^ i the time we moved into the new house located on Alderwood, we met Edwin and The EHLERS lived at Aldrewood Road, Oceanside CA 92054 aboard Camp Pendelton, I can't remember their phone number. We introduced ourselves to them and became friends soon after. We really associated more wifli Gloria more than with Edwin. Gloria has two children from a previous marriage that lived with them at Alderwood. Their children's names are Randi HESTER who is a thirteen year old female, and Sammy HESTER who is a eight year old male. I do remember that Gloria's grandmother lived with them for a while, however, I do notrememberher name. Over the course of the next three to four months our daughter would play with Sammy and frequently visit the EHLERS at their residence. H called Edwin "Mr. Eddie,** and Gloria "Mrs, Gloria.** WMle living at the Alderwood address, H; . also spent the ni^it with Charles and Tanya who lived down the hill from us about one block up, they have a daughter named K who is about the same age as H; and were friends. H also spent the night with our neighbors who lived at Alderwood Drive, I think the fathers name was Jerry I cant remember his wife's name. They had children about the same age as BL ,onewasnamedT and the other was named they were also friends. I can't remember their phone number. There could be other families that H spent time with, however, we were friendly with lots of families in the area and I can't really remember if mere any more. pf~~ We moved from Alderwood to Birch Road, Oceanside CA 92054 around the middle of DEC02. I think we had the same phone number as above at mis house as well. I remember that the
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continuation of voluntary sworn statemein of RP2 PAUL SKOVRANKO / on 03JUN04

I EHjELERS moved a few we moved, however I don't remember where their new address was located. I remember on a few occasions Gloria had H over to spend the night, but I can't Sfl s remember the exact f,^ &! * I don't rerneinljer anything strange about ray daughters behavior during this period./
When we moved my wife and I kept in touch with Gloria occasionally, my wife more so than I did. Gloria came to our house around once a week so the kids could play togethsg|jRd visit Also around this time, JAN03, EL would occasionally spend the night at the EidpSLER's residence. In JAN031 was deployed to Iraq, and stayed mere until J13L03. My wife continued to live in the house on Birch, and still had contact with Gloria during mis fene period. I remember while in Iraq, I would email my wife and she would relate that Gloria andjpdwin were having problems. I did not think anything of this because as long a I knew the EIpsiER's they had problems, I know they had trouble financially, and also had trouble sexually, according to Gloria. When I got back from Iraq, Gloria continued coming over about once aa^Bek with the children and when ever I had a company function we would drop HI . off at the EHpJBRS residence. Occasionally during this time I would see Edwin but not mat much, he would sometimes call me for a ride to into work to his second job. I think his second job was at Pizza Hut aboard Camp Pendelton. We stayed at the house on Birch until OCT03, when I was transferred to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) Beaufort, SC. Our address here in Beaufort is Camellia Road, Beaufort, SC 29902. My phone number is moved to Beaufort in OCT03, and since then Gloria has kept in touch with my wife on almost a daily basis. I heard from my wife that Edwin and Gloria have split up within the last few months, but I'm not sure of an exact date. I think they split because they were both unhappy. Edwin moved into the barracks on Camp Penelton and Gloria moved to Jacksonville, NC. My wife told me that Gloria told her Edwin was ordered to pay her some type of support and it was directly deposited into Gloria bank account. I don't know if Gloria and Edwin still keep in contact, I have never asked. Last Friday, 28MAY04, we talked to Gloria about having her children visit us here in Beaufort, she agreed and we planed to meet her in Myrtle Beach, SC later mat day. My wife and me met with Gloria, Randi and Sammy in Myrtle Beach around 173jp.^We staved in Myrtle Beach for about 20-30 minutes then left back for Beaufort with her childrer 02JUN04, around 1430, my wife called me at work and told me that sometime in the midmorning, Randi told her that H said mat Mr, Eddie touched her, and also had put his penis in H 's "gina" and in her mouth. I then told my wife that I was on the way home and ended the call. I immediately went to Chaplain GIBSON, one of my supervisors, and told him what my wife had relayed, and asked to go home. GIBSON let me go and suggested that I bring H . to the hospital. I left his office went straight home./ Upon arrival to my house, approximately 1500,1 told H I need to talk to her, my wife I if she could come in to listen, however I told her no. I asked H that I had something important to talk to her about, and comforted her by saying that I was her friend and would do anything for her. I specifically asked H , "what did Mr. Eddie do to you;" she responded by gesturing and placing a one hand on her vagina and one hand on her buttock. I then told her I need her to tell me what happened, and she said, 'Mr. Eddie touched my gina and my butt" "Gina" is what my daughter
NOS 5580/26 (1/2001) s~~~\ Page 2 of 5/7 / / / (fomedy NCISFORM 016/04-81)

i>oniiiiaatioa of voluntary sworn statement of KP2 PAUL SKOVHANKO / onOSJUMW calls vagina I her if "he" meaning Mr. Eddiei had done anything else, and she said 5%e put Ms penis ia her gjna then into her mouth and white stuff c ame out." I asked her where the white stuff came from and she said <<me round part, the little hole you pee daddy." I also remember asking her if when Mr. Eddie put his penis in her if it tickled, she told me that it did not tickle, it hurt When I asked her how much it hurt and she gestured by holding her arms stretched out, saying "this much." I also asked H "what did the white stuff taste like, "she responded by saying "bananas." I then said"H , did you swallow it," H men told me she spit it out because it tasted "yucky." I remember asking something to the effect of where it h appened. H told me that "it" happened at Alderwood, in Mrs, Gloria's house in the bathroom. I took "it" to mean what had happened with Mr. Eddie. At different times during my quesfjqnjag, I asked her several times if she was telling the truth, and she told me every time that she At that point my wife came into the room and I sent Hi out. My wife, Randi and I then fced about what H had said. I don't really remember exactly what we talked about, however, I do remember corifirming what H told everyone else is what she told me. I then sent Randi out of the room and called Gloria. My wife gave me the number and I dialed it at approximately 1630. When Gloria answered the phone I told her I needed to talk to her, and so she would not worry, I told her it was not about her kids, I told her what H had told me and let her know I was taking F to me hospital* Gloria said that she understood and told me to do what I needed to do. I don't remember too much more about the conversation, I then ended the call. I took H to the U.S. Naval Hospital located in Beaufort, SC, My wife stayed at home because she was extremely upset^ On the way to the hospital around 1645, 1 told H that a doctor would know if some one I touched her and that she needed to tell the truth, she again told me that she was not lying and he did do it. I did tell her that if she was lying mat daddy could get into a lot of trouble, and she again said that she was not lying. I mentioned that the police would also be able to tell if she was lying, however, she continued telling me it was the truth. At the entrance to the Naval Hospital I asked for fee Senior Master at Arms on duty. I think it was 2nd class DICKERSON or DICKSON something like that I explained to her why we were going to the emergency room (ER) just so security had a heads up if the ER called. DICKERSON then told me that the ER would not notify security because the incident did not occur on this base. While in the parking lot, I asked H . "what happened when he put his penis in your gina," she replayed by saying, "it felt horrible." I then asked her if anything else happened, and she told me the 'I bled a little bit, but Mr. Eddie was nice and helped me clean it up." We then went in to the hospital, I sat her in the waiting room and asked the staff if I could come in and explain the At approximately 1705, 1 told one of the staff members; I think Debbie or Debra, that I thought my daughter was sexual molested. I men told her mat some time had passes since the incident, and I was wondering if they could help, At that point several staff members had congregated in the area, and basically told me that they could do nothing at the Naval hospital. The nurses then said that their ped's department was closed and that everything like what had happened wifli Hi was handled in Savannah, GA. Debra then called the officer of the day, Lt HAYWOOD or HAYMOORE, a short time later he came down to tile waiting room to speak to me. In the meantime, security came to me and said that what had happened was out of their jurisdiction. HAYMOORE took me in to one of the exam rooms and I told him what H had told me. He told me not much could be done here
NdS 558(306 (1/2001) "


C CPOnneriyNCISK)RMOl6W-81)

Conthiaatkon of voluntary sworn statement of PAUL 3KGVRANKG / CB103JON04 H Beaufort, because of tbe time that had passed, however, he would let a doctor examine to get the ball

was checked is to the hospital by Debra, the^r took IL 's vital signs, gave her stickers and wwaited in of the rooms for a doctor. During that time I talked to H again about what happened with Mr, Eddie and she again said he cKd it While in the room I asked H why she had not told mommy or daddy about what had happened, H; told me because "Mr. Eddie said it was nasty and that if I told mommy and daddy, they would hate me, and mat Mr, Eddie would kick " me very hard if I told." We waited for what felt like an hour and a half, and no one ever came in to check on us, ThenH became itstiess and told HK mat Mr. Eddie did not do it. Being confused and frustrated at that point I exited the exam room and signed us out of the Naval Hospital, On the ride home I asked Hi "if she was telling the truth that Mr. Eddie did do what she had said." H said "yes" one time and "no" one time. At approximately 1900, we arrived at home and I told my wife what happened and why we left the hospital. My wife then asked Hi "why did you tell daddy Mr. Eddie did not do it" H told my wife, with me right there, that she was tired of being mere, I took that to mean she was tired of waiting at the Naval Hospital, I men told her "I need to know the truth, did Mir, Eddie really do this to you," H told me "yes" I took that to mean that Mr. Eddie did do what she said he did. At approximately 1915,1 let H go swimming with Randi in my swimming pool, ordered and contacted my family in referenceto what happened with H' .. I did not really talk to H about the incident anymore mat night. I was not satisfied with what had happened at the hospital and the fact I could not really do anything about the situation, so I called PMO around 2100. When I got in contact with PMO I asked to speak with the Staff NCOIC, I don't remember the guy's name, but I explained to him what my daughter had told me and^&j* gave me GySgt CHAPPIE* s phone number, bat said he would not be in until 0730 on 033UNG4.< ' 10730 on 03KJN04,1 called CHAPPIE and explained die situation. CHAPPIE told me he needed to contact his superiors and that someone would get back in touch with me. A female called me back, I think she works NCIS, and said that someone from NCIS would be calling me shortly. A short time later Special Agent GADTH1ER called me to set up a meeting9>a3^2001 met him and we discussed the incident, and scheduled a further appointment at around 170Q/ is statement, consisting of mis page and 4 other page(s) was typed for me by Matthew Plauche as we discussed its contents. I have read and understand the above statement I have been given the opportunity to make any changes or coneetions I desire to make and have placed my initials^over the changes or corrections, This statement is the truth toffee best of my kntfpBedge and beliefSignature: Sworn to and subscribed before me this.5%jL day of c.jU<L>^ in me yeafg^?^ at

NOS 5S8&26 (W2GQ1)

of voluntary swom statsinein of RP2 PAUL JOSEPH SKGVRANKG / /itnessed:_

itiva. Naval Criminal Investigative Service DERIVED FROM ARTICI 136, UCMJ (10 U.S.G- 936) AND 5 U.S.C. 303

of 5
NC3S Cl/2001) (Fonasdy NCISTORM 01&04-r>

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