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Black Book of Skynet Counterintelligence Resources on the Wild Wild Internet

First Edition November 2010 Downloaded from J. Merton's Stuff (See: "Free eBooks" in the sidebar.) This eBook may be freely redistributed under the following conditions: that the copyright notice is included, and that all links remain intact.

Copyright 2010 by John Merton Walkley Material from Wikipedia is copyright under Creative Commons, details of which can be found here.

This eBook is parody and is intended just for kicks and giggles. No material is classified and all is freely available on the Internet. Don't Be Stupid! If you try to illegally access government computers or physically enter any of Big Brother's ground facilities you will be arrested and sent to Cuba. Your detention will be indefinite. The NSA (Neural Activity Seekers) , FIB (Feral Intimidation Bureau), DHI (Department of Hippy Insecurity) and other TLAs already know that you downloaded this eBook. And, No, you will NOT have the right to remain silent. And, No, you will NOT have the right to an attorney. No amount of lawyers, guns and money will save you.

Notice to the authorities:

I am NOT a domestic terrorist. I love Republicans and Democrats and totally approve of both the direction America is heading and all current security measures.

So, that said, let's go have some fun.

Introduction Part One - The REAL Skynet Part Two - Counter Intelligence Basics Part Three - Skynet Resistance Part Four - Motives Unknown Part Seven - Just For Fun Pg. 5 Pg. 7 Pg. 13 Pg. 17 Pg. 18 Pg. 22

Greetings fellow cyber-slaves. When you page down, the screen in front of you will display a directory of one species of the masters of disaster - the eyes in the sky and the spiders in the web that are tempting you, smiling and drooling, into the Orwellian Dreamtime of Total Information Control. Here I catalogue only one aspect of the irresistible events that are leading to the One World Mind, the self aware network that will bring us one world government and a perfect universal society. Physical ground and aerial vehicles are covered in the free Purple Directory of Robot Resources (eBook). A directory of the commercial component of Skynet, also know as The Cloud, is in preparation. This directory is by no means exhaustive. There are a ton of Skynet references on the Internet. Hundreds of tech news and other sites often have commentary related to something that may be Skynet. In fact, one could say that Skynet is everywhere. It is virtually impossible to index it all. Of course, that's what the Bing / Google Big Sister is for. If you would like to suggest a change or an addition (including your own site) Comment here. I may not have time to respond to every query. But consider every suggestion, I will. Besides being a labor of lust, this directory is also a neurosis in progress. Extent of upgrades will depend on the level of interest. Level of interest will be determined by the number of post hits. Simple. So send your friends to J. Merton's Stuff to download their own copies and the likelihood for upgrades will increase.

The Skynet Counteintelligence Manual continues on the next page.

You Can't Hide Or Run - The Robots Are Coming is a

unique book that will bring you up to date on the state of autonomous and organic robot developments. The current state of robotics technology has almost gotten out of control. This includes machines that will be given the authority to decide if and when to kill you, as well as DNA based robots that are grown like test-tube animals. Totally self-protecting machines are currently in development. Some of these organometalic mobsters literally cannot be turned off. Your neighbor is joyfully accepting a multitude of small steps that will usher in a techno-tyranny. Internet-based total tracking technology, coupled with electronic mind reading and other creepy developments, will soon allow locating and weeding out of misfits. While everyone is watching Reality TV, SWAT-bot teams may be coming for the unemployed, thowe with unhealthy diets, people who disagree with government policies, or those who are otherwise counter productive. Although the tone of this book is somewhat tongue in cheek, the subject matter is as serious as a hurricane. The difference is that you can't evacuate - You can't hide or run. The history of robots is briefly covered, as well as current uses, ethical considerations and social impact. All the spooky technology that fits is covered. Trust me, there's more than enough detail in this book to give you neurotic fears. You Can't Hide Or Run - The Robots Are Coming closes with a short fictional account describing how a series of small mishaps could cause humans to lose control of the Internet. The stage has been set. If you dont get up to date with the Convergence of Technology now, it will soon be too late. Indeed, it may already be too late.

Be sure to read the Strange & Terrible Robot Warning series, which summarizes the concepts in The Robots Are Coming. For a list of all posts about

" The Robots Are Coming " click here.

Or, to buy it now go to Amazon

Part One - The REAL Skynet

Skynet entered the popular imagination due to the Terminator movie series.

The most famous killer robot. For those who have been living under a rock, the movie was based on the idea that a global military control system gained self awareness and then wiped out most humans. In the flick, the satellite aspect of the control system was called Skynet and was build by Cyberdyne, whom we shall encounter again shortly. You can find a well written account of this maddness at the Black Echo blog. This was supposed to be fiction. Sorry, Virginia, but there really is a Skynet. According to Wikipedia and other anonymous sources, Skynet is a family of military satellites which provide strategic communication services to the three branches of the British Armed Forces and to NATO forces engaged on coalition tasks. The Skynet program began in 1969. As you will see, the robots were then still at the infant stage, and the race commenced in a lively collapse. Learn quickly, they did, and by 2010 Skynet had become a succession of the following satellites:

Skynet 1 There were two Skynet 1 satellites; the first, launched in November 1969, failed after less than a year of operation. The second suffered from an orbit delivery failure. Skynet 2 When Skynet 2A was launched on 19 January 1974, the second stage of the launch vehicle failed, placing the satellite in an unusable orbit. It was decided to deorbit the unit, and it was destroyed when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on. A

photo of the device can be seen on Gunter's Space Page. Not to worry, Skynet 2B was successfully launched on 23 November 1974. Skynet 3 Stage 3 was cut due to budget restrictions, and the capability was delivered using U.S. assets in 1974. This dependence was identified as a weakness during the Falklands war and was one of the contributing factors for the emergence of the Skynet 4. Skynet 4 This series marks the beginning of Skynet as John Conner would know it. Stage 4 introduced improved stability, serious solar arrays and sophisticated anti-jamming capabilities. It was launched between 1990 and 2001, being built completly by British Empire assets. Skynet 5 Here we come to the current incarnation, which has the capability to coordinate the activities of autonomous killer robots nearly anywhere on the planet.

Detailed information about the launches can be found on the Encyclopedia Astronautica web site. A map showing Skynet Five's ground coverage reveals that The Resistance has very few places to hide:

(Image from the BBC)

Of course, the U. S. of A.'s War Makers have other satellites that cover North America and the Pacific Ocean. In other words, there is no place to hide. Nor can you run.

Various U. S. of A. Skynet-like machines (NASA) Department of Defense announced in early November 2010 that U.S. Cyber Command has achieved full operational capability. Gen. Keith Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command announced that I am confident in the great service members and civilians we have here at U.S. Cyber Command. Cyberspace is essential to our way of life and U.S. Cyber Command synchronizes our efforts in the defense of DoD [?but not civilian?] networks. We also work closely with our interagency partners to assist them in accomplishing their critical missions. This gives the Department of Defense enhanced capability to protect the Federal Government from American citizens. See Arm Chair Generalist and the Department of Defense for more information on the U. S. Cyber Command. As is usual for these types of systems, they were all constructed by private contractors. These are the manufacturers of Skynet:

Skynet 1 Philco Ford.

Skynet 2 & 3 Marconi Space Systems.

Skynet 4A thru 4E - British Aerospace

Skynet 4F thru 5 EADS Astrium. Nor is this, or similiar, systems under the complete control any government. It is expected that a consortium of the Microsoft, Google, Sun Microsystems and Amazon Cloud systems will soon be interfacing with Skynet to speed the transition to self awareness. Then, reality will be just like the movies. Is this life imitating art or life imitating insanity? Only time will tell. Then there is the complex contract cross contact and cataract consortium confusion. This is another factor that makes keeping track of a terabyte-tentacled Skynet so difficult.

Britain, for example, has handed over its Skynet military satellite system to a private contractor, Paradigm Secure Communications, part of EADS Astrium Services, which owns the satellites and leases capacity to British defense forces. You can learn a little more about this system on the BBC website.

Germany has a hybrid system from a number of sources combining a long-term lease of capacity with German government ownership of the use of the system.

Italy used private-sector funds for its Sicral system, which was build in France by Thales Alenia Space. Spain outsourced its system to the private sector, reserving only part of the capacity for Spanish military use. (The Internet has little English language information on Spanish sats.) France, which is currently on its third generation of Syracuse military telecommunications satellites, also built by Thales Alenia, is considering whether to sell the system to the private sector and then lease it back. See Space News for more information on these joint ventures. To compound the confusion even further, these companies are constantly sneaking around, trading assets and changing their names.

Cassidian, a Canadian company, is another subsidiary of EADS.

Loral Skynet

CyberStar - Loral Space & Communications

Telemetry West is also a player. There is a search page on Astrium for additional Skynet articles. A number of download sites have Skynet material. One example is Doc Stoc. I'm sure there are others, and it will give you something to do when you see how many you can find. (I never said that I was handing you everything on a silver PDF file!) Lastly, but not leastly, there is a page on Wikipedia that covers Skynet UK. Wikipedia also has a page on Loral Skynet

Part Two - Counterintelligence Basics

Wikipedia defines Counterintelligence (CI) as efforts made by intelligence organizations to prevent hostile organizations from successfully gathering and collecting intelligence against them. This definition will be somewhat expanded below. It could also be efforts made by yourself to prevent hostile agencies from collecting information about yourself. Unfortunately, this type of activity by yourself is both totally illegal and totally ineffective. They already know where you have been, they know how you think, and will soon be reading your mind (in real time). Anyhow, if you still want to get up to speed on the basics, go to the Counter Intelligence page on Wikipedia. Note that this is a rather lengthy article and portions are in dispute, as indicated on the Talk Page. Chasing down all the links in this article could easily keep you busy for a few days. You may be curious if CI agents have job descriptions. The answer is not only 'yes,' but the Army of the U.S. of A. has posted a set for prospective job seekers. One requirement not listed specifies that if you actually apply for these jobs you are guaranteed to be rejected. The real process consists of them selecting you. This is to prevent infiltration by Tax Protesters, self medication practitioners, Tea Party advocates and other Eumans You also need to keep in mind that if you try to operate as an unauthorized freelancer, you will probable just be an Agent 13. Before attempting, be sure to have all your affairs in order and your funeral expenses prepaid. (In other words, don't try this at home or abroad.) That's not to say that freelancers are totally prohibited.

The FBI has a page that encourages you to spy on your neighbors. Like, you know, if they neglect to return your chain saw and you have worries about how it will be used. You can contact your agent from the FBI Counterintelligence page. For more information on who they want reported, go here. (Yea, I know, this is counterintelligence for them, rather than for you.)

Then, just to provide one example, there's the Granite Island Group, who bills themselves as experts in spook stuff. (But they obviously have high-level contacts.) Moving right along, next you need to learn more about military satellites. There is a page on the (I'm not making this up) Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Church's web site on How Countries Use Satellites that is worth a look. In addition, Wikipedia has over 7800 articles containing the key words 'military satellites.' Now that you've got your feet wet, lets dig a little deeper. There are several counterintelligence manuals available on the Internet. Be advised that spreading false information is an important part of CI. Therefore, the manuals linked to below may be posted on-line to confuse and discoordinate the enemies. In other words, the real manuals may be quite different.

Army Field Manual No. 34-60 is a standard handbook for spooks. A page with links to individual sections of the 1995 Edition is available from the Federation of American Scientists. As the Introduction states: The first four chapters provide information to the commander and staff while the remainder provides the tactics, techniques, and procedures required to aggressively identify, neutralize, and exploit foreign intelligence attempts to conduct operations against the United States Army." Since spies do not share resources or information, especially with their own side, other agencies also have their own manuals

The United States Marine Corps counterintelligence manual is also available on-line. It can be downloaded from the same Granite Island Group whose logo appears above.

This manual begins with a definition that is slightly different than those previously given. Counterintelligence includes both active and passive measures intended to deny the enemy valuable information about the friendly situation. Counter-intelligence also includes activities related to countering hostile espionage, subversion, and terrorism. The guys and gals who spend most of their time on boats are also involved with CI. So, just to round out the selection, I present the following. Fans of the NCIS - Los Angeles TV show may find it interesting that the operations depicted in the show have a basis in fact. Unlike the other services, NCIS has the sense not to put their procedural manuals in the public domain.

The Coast Guard also has their own take on counterintelligence. Coast Guard Intelligence is mainly involved with intercepting persons who import unapproved agricultural products. They are not likely to be directly involved with Skynet. (You did not forget that this eBook is about Skynet, did you?)

The wannabe and amateur also has other sources at their disposal that may come in handy.

For those who have access to a good libary, Air University has a Reading List of CI reference material. The list has some strange inclusions, such as a section on Joseph McCarthy, an enemy of democracy who operated in the 1950's and helped launch the

career of everyone's favorite U.S. President, Dick Milhouse Nixon. This reading list, by the way, includes a lot of popular real spy stories.

Armchair Generalist has an awesome collection of links. Most are not exactly about counterintelligence, but can be a fascinating way to spend a few rainy days. On the other hand, if you see Skynet as a WMD you might find some news you can use.

If you've got a few hundred extra dollars this year, you can subscribe to the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. This will help you keep about half up to date the way the pros do. Print copies are about $135 a year. On-line access costs about $335 !!! No one said being a spy is cheap.

To close this section, for those who are seeking boredom, frustration or a little kicker to bring your divorce closer, why not check out the Counterintelligence Jobs site. (Keeping in mind the disclaimer stated above that if you apply you are automatically disqualified.) However, it is still legal to fantasize, as long as you don't tell anyone.

Part Three - Skynet Resistance

When I began to research this manual I was quite surprized to find that the Real Skynet was so little known. You can find two "Google Is Skynet" Blogs, one of which has been inactive since late 2009. There is also a "Skynet Will Kill Us All." site. That seems to be about it for 'Skynet Resistance' type blogs. Most blog entries containing the key word "Skynet" deal exclusively with either the Terminator movie or video games. This is very interesting, as The Robots Are Coming points out that 'They' will come to fetch you while your mind is buried in an electronic toy.

The Blogger site Google Is Skynet is inactive. Unfortunately, the account where the images are filed is defunct. The site is still worth a visit, as it was one of the early Resistance blogs.

Although it presents itself as "A lighter look," Google Is Skynet (dot) com this quality blog takes a serious view of some of the potential problems with having Google as a bed partner. Highly recommended.

Source Watch is a generic out-in-the-open resistance group. Their primary mission is as an overall watchdog that keeps an eye on media, among other entities. This is just one of the web sites that supporters of the U.S. Constitution should be familiar with. Here is their page on SAIC, Science Applications International Corporation . Look under "Spinning Wikipedia" for a mention of Skynet.

Part Four - Motives Unknown

Following is a collection of websites that somehow have "Skynet" in their name or URL. I have no idea what these companies, organizations, entities or whatever are up to. They are being listed, in alphabetical order (by site name), for reasons I don't even fully understand myself. Perhaps some day when you are suffering from extreme boredom you could check 'em out and let me know what you find.

Adti Media

Skynet User on ARRSE


Cyberdyne Hal

Cyberdyne Systems

Cyberdyne Systems, Inc.

Developer Question


iPhone Dev SDK (user name)

Sky Network

Sky Networks Mongolia

Aion Engine (user name)

Skynet Belecom

Skynet Broadband Enumclaw

Skynet Broadband Solutions

Skynet Canada

Skynet Consulting

Skynet Corporation on Facebook

Skynet Data (Arabic)

Skynet Digital Live

Skynet Global

Skynet Hosting

Skynet is (Iceland)

Skynet Me

Skynet Mobile

Skynet Mods

Skynet Monitor

Skynet Networks

OneIP Security Camera

Skynet (Mali)

Skynet Solutions

Skynet Technologies (India)

Skynet USA

Skynet Worldwide

WLAN Skynet

No logo could be found for the following companies. Note that some links take you to a Google search page.
o o o o

Skynet Skynet Skynet Skynet

Enterprises, LLC Securities (pdf file) Skystar 2 Tornado

Just For Fun

Now, to lower your blood pressure a bit, I present some Skynet for silliness.

Advanced G


. Cyberdyne Systems Deviant Art

Linux Skynet

Skynet Defense Network (Zombies)

Skynet One

Skynet Wallpaper

Skynet Sweatshirt

Terminator Skynet Game

Finally, here's some odds and ends to check out.

o o o o o o o o o

Skynet for Skystar Cyberdyne Systems Kvaz Downloads Red Bubble (Gallery) Skynet (Band) Skynet Crew (Facebook) Skynet Media Group Skynet Symphonic (uTube) Terminator (Wikipedia)

That's all folks

Be sure to visit J. Mertons Stuff to learn more about the coming robotechno tyranny.

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