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Final Report

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SOEN 422 Final Report Remote Explorer 422

Team information Team Number Member Name Gregorio Di Stefano Kareem Afara Jose Diaz 9127305 9252469 NA. Member SID

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Table of Contents

Page 3 Introduction Page 4 Project Description Page 7 - Hardware Design Page 9 Software Design Page 12 Development Software Page 15 System Performance Page 17 System Delivery Page 18 Project Process Discussion
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1- Introduction

The purpose of this document is to discuss the life cycle of this courses final project. We have compiled this documentation with enough information to provide guidance in re-creating the exact same project. The hardware and software subsystems are thoroughly discussed with complete details on how the systems intercommunicate with each other to produce the end result: the Remote explorer 422. Through out the documentation you will be able to see the challenges we encountered while constructing our robotic device. The report encompasses the entire steps we took to have a presentable demo. A demo can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4mgJs7G5JQ&feature=g-upl

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2. Project Description

2.1 The name and purpose of the unit The name our device is Remote Explorer 422. The purpose of this unit is to investigate its surrounding by capturing images and sending them back to our control software. The unit is also controlled wireless, via WiFi. This allows the user to manoeuvre the vehicle, and view images it captures from its surrounding. 2.2 - Unit function and performance The device is expected to function in a very simple manner. Once the Beagleboard xM is powered up it will connect to a wireless network. In our case, the system will connect to the Project1 wireless SSID. In order to increase simplicity, and to eliminate points of failure, this wireless network is not password protected / encrypted. Once connected to the wireless network, a HTTP server will be executed. The server used is called TinyHTTPD. It is configured to run, and only list the currently logged in users home directory. A software package called motion will be used to capture images from the webcam and save them to memory. This image will eventually be transferred wirelessly to the client. At this point, the server on the device is waiting for instructions on how to traverse its surroundings. The only possible instructions it can receive are received on TCP port 5555. The possible instructions are :w, a, s, and z. These instructions tell the device to move forward, left, right, and down, respectably. - Once the w instruction is received, the device will move forward for 100 milliseconds - and then stop. - Once the a instruction is received, the device will move left for 100 milliseconds - and then stop. - Once the s instruction is received, the device will move right for 100 milliseconds - and then stop. - Once the z instruction is received, the device will move backwards for 100 milliseconds - and then stop. The device runs at full possible speed of the motors. This is due to time-constraints. Instead of using analogWrite() and various speeds, we decided to use digitalWrite(). Using digitalWrite() allows use to prevent the speed from being changed, thus allowing use to write less code for the java based Control Center and server. - 4 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 5 of 21 Finally, on request, the Beagleboard updates a local file called out.jpg with an image capture from the webcam. The image is transferred over to the Client. The resolution of this file is small, due to the fact a low-quality webcam was used. The image, however, is of adequate quality. 2.3 Project Hardware Beagleboard xM This embedded system is one of the most critical parts of our device. This embedded system allows us to work in a Linux environment. This allows our device to be easily programmable in a high-level programming language, which thus lead to rapid application programming. Using the Beagleboard we were able to write a server programming in Java, and run various Linux software packages used to add functionality to our Remote Explorer 422. The Beagleboard xMs USB ports, powered and controlled by the Linux kernel, allowed us to extend the hardware on our device in a module-like fashion. We were easily able to connect a wireless card, and a webcam to the Beagleboard. Arduino Teensy++ 2.0 - This simple to program device was also crucial to our final device. The Arudino is the ultimate environment to program low-level devices with simplicity. Using the ATMEL processor the processor on the Arduino, we were able to simple communicate with the H-Bridges using the Arduinos high level programming language. Usually, this would be done using AVR assembly language. The programming of the h-bridges allowed us to easily control the electrical motors. This allowed us to move the device according to our instructions. Webcam with LED: A generic, Chinese manufactured webcam was used to capture images. We connect the webcam to the devices metal framework, and connected it to the beagleboard via USB. The technical details about this device are very limited. This is due to the fact is a no-name, generic device. Ubuntu recognized this device as a UVC device : USB Video Class device. A set of 3 LED lights is connected to webcam. They provide a mean of light-source used to illuminate the camera sensors range. Wireless Card: This device allowed us to wirelessly connect to an access point. This allowed us to connect to the server running on the Beagleboard xM using our client on another machine also connected to the same access point. The wireless cards chipset was a Realtek 8187. This device was purchased due to that fact its chipset is well recognized and fully function in Linux. The wireless card connects to the Beagleboard xM using a USB cable. Ubuntu was able to recognize the device without an additional device drivers installed. 4 Electrical Motors: These were generic, electrical motors used to maneuver our device. They were connected to the H-Bridges on our breadboard. - 5 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 6 of 21 2.4 Project Software - Project software is discussed in a detailed manner in Section 4 of this documentation.

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3. Hardware design
This section will discuss the hardware design, and the communication between the hardware. This section is written by Kareem Afara 3.1 - System Design

Figure 1-Illustrates the connectivity - Please reference diagram.jpeg

The Beagleboard xM running Ubuntu is connected to an Arduino Teensy 2.0++ via USB connection acting as an RS232 interface. The Beagleboard is also connected to a Wireless card via usb connection, in addition to a power source and a usb web cam that includes LED lights. The beagle board is powered with a custom programmed Java server that connects to the client, which runs on a separate computer. Commands are sent using the client program, that is transferred wirelessly to the beagle board that communicate to the Arduino using the RXTX java library called by the server program, the teensy receives the instructions and sends them to the H-bridges that are connected directly to a power supply and to the motors. - 7 -

SOEN422- Final Report 3.2 Subsystem Design

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The Motors are regular simple DC electric motors. When the coils are powered, magnetic field is generated around the armature, which causes the wheels to turn in the direction specified according to the current coming from the H-bridges. The H-bridge we used is the SN754410 which is a quadruple high-current half- H driver designed to provide bidirectional drive currents up to 1 A at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. The device is designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, dc and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current/high-voltage loads in positive-supply applications.(source http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet- pdf/view/28616/TI/SN754410NE.html) We connected each two motors to a separate H-bridge. The h bridge was fed with an external power supply of 5v in the Vss pin (9). All of the Vs, EN, and EN2 (1,8,16) are fed connected to the 5v pin of the teensy in order to set them as enabled. The GND pins (4,5,12,18) are connected to ground. Out1, Out2 (3,6) are connected to one motor, and Out3, Out4 (14,11) are connected to the other motor on the same side. Pins ln1, ln3 (2,15), are connected to pins 15 in the teensy, and ln4and In2 (7,10) are connected to pin 16 in the teensy. The other h bridge is connected as follows: Pins ln1, ln3 (2,15), are connected to pins 25 in the teensy, and ln4and In2 (7,10) are connected to pin 26 in the. (Referring to datasheet provided by class Moodle) The Arduino Teensy 2.0++ is connected to the beagle board using a usb cable, it is also grounded by the GND pin. The Vcc pin is connected with all the enable pins of the h-bridges. Pins 15 and 16 are connected to the In pins of the first h-bridge, this way it controls one side of the car that includes 2 motors. Pins 25 and 26 are connected to the other H-bridge to power the other two motors.(reference http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/pinout.html) The beagle board is the centre of this car, where are the command are received, processed and then sent to the teensy using the RS232 emulator. We didnt modify or hard wire anything to the beagle board, we just plugged in a web cam, a wireless card and the power supply. 3.3 - System intercommunication Give details of the hardware that provide the communication channels between the components and any external device. The hardware that we used to provide the communication between the beagleboard and the controlling computer, is the wireles usb card. - 8 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 9 of 21 The hardware that we used to communicate between beagleboard and teensy is the usb cable The hardware we used to communicate to the motors is the H-bridge, and connecting wires. Linux 4.1 System Software design & 4.2 Software Subsystem Designs Arduino (Teensy 2.0++): An open-source microcontroller enviornment. The board contains an Atmel-AVR processor, and many input/outpt connections. This device also is easily programable using a C-like programming language. This embedded device listened to input from the beagleboard, and moved the motors accordingly.

Figure 2 - Teensy 2.0++

Beagleboard xM:

This device is an open-source, system on a chip embedded device. It runs an ARM Cortex processor, has its own 128Mb RAM, USB ports, RS232, audio ports and a SDHC slot. The SD memory chip came preloaded with Ubuntu 11.10. This device acts exactly like a modern computer. We used the linux operating system extensivly to get our project full functional. Linux: Ubuntu 11.10 was used as an operating system. This allowed us to connect external devices (webcam/wireless) and run linux packages from the Ubuntu repository. - 9 -

Figure 3 - Beagleboard xM

SOEN422- Final Report Page 10 of 21 Java: We used the java programming language to develop two pieces of software. One being the client, the other being the server . The client was composed of the Swing library, in order to create the clients GUI. The gui consisted of a hardcoded ip address to connect to, and a center image box. The GUI capture input from our keyboard, and sent over the instructions to the server running on the beagleboard. The server was also programmed in java. It ran on the beagleboard. The server simply binded to port 5555, and waited for a connection. Once a connection was established, the RxTx library was programmed to connect to the /dev/ttyUSB000 device: the Arduino. Any messages sent to the Beagleboard would be parsed to a code understood by the Arduino, and transmittd to the Arduino via the RS232 cable. Linux packages: iwconfig : This is one of the Wireless tools for Linux. 'iwconfig is used to connect a wireless adapater to a wireless access point. We use this tool to connect our Beagleboard to a wireless access point. For demonstration purposes we converted a Apple OS X machine into an access point, and directed iwconfig to connect to the Project SOEN422 AP. The way this was achieved was by running the following commands: Sudo iwconfig wlan0 up sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "Project SOEN422" sudo dhclient wlan0 dhclient : dhclient is a DHCP client. All it does is request a dynamic ip address from the access point. Without this, the Beagleboard would not have an ip address, and we would thus not be able to connect to it. -motion : detects motion from a webcam and outputs it to a file. All this piece of software does it connect to our webcam (/dev/video0) , if it detects motion, it write a file with the image. We simply modified the config file for this package to out put a file called out.jpeg. So if motion was detected, a new version of out.jpeg would be written. This software package is open-source and available in Ubuntu. After being installed, this package must simply be run by executing: motion & -tinyhttpd: is a popular http server available for UNIX based operating systems. We used this to transfer over out webcam image produced via motion. We used a webserver to transfer over files simply because it could be done. It also demonstrated how simply functionality could be added to the beagleboard. We chose tinyhttpd over apache2 (most popular http server) because tinyhttpd is very simple to configure using command line arguements. Instead of having the full blown, completely customizable server that apache provides, we used tinyhttpd since it was very easy to deploy. The following code was executed to start the server, and getting it to list file from the home directory: thttpd d /home/shawarma - 10 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 11 of 21 4.3 Arduino functions used The setup portion of the Arduino code is used only to open a connection with the Serial port. This is done using Serial.begin(9600);. The only argument supplied is 9600 which is the baud rate. The setup portion also contains some code to open up some pins for output mode. This reverses the pins for the loop code, which will eventually be executed. The loop code then begins execution. Before even beginning to read the serial connection, the pins connecting to the motor are set to LOW. The purpose of these four lines of code is to switch the motors off. This is performed so that the device is not constantly moving in one direction. Then, the code begins listening to the serial input, using Serial.read(); It reads one, single byte, and runs a series of if statements. The matching if statement then executes a four digitalWrite commands with the arguments for how to control each wheel. So, for example, to move forward, the w if statement is executed. This ends up calling 4 digitalWrite commands. The first argument is the pin connected to the motor, and the second is either HIGH or LOW. 4.4 System Software Communication The system software communicates simply. We have two communication points. One wireless, and one USB. The wireless network relies on the wireless card. We simple use standard Linux commands to get the Beagleboard connected to a wireless network. iwconfig is used to connect the wireless device to an access point, dhclient is used to get an actual IP address. Once we have a physical link going, our Java application creates an application layer. This application layer, our server, binds to local TCP port 5555 and waits for a client to connect. Once a client connection is made to the server, information is recieved on the application layer on port 5555. The server than processes this information accordingly. There is also communication between the Beagleboard xM and the Arduino. The communication is only unidirectional: the Beagleboard is able to communicate only to the Arduino. The Arduino is not able to write to the Beagleboard. 5. Development Software An Apple OS X computer was used often during the project life cycle. OS X was simple to use, and also provided a UNIX foundation. Therefore, a ssh client, and screen where already pre-installed in the operating system. The Arduino IDE and loader are available for OS X. Also, a personal home computer running Arch Linux was also used without problem. - 11 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 12 of 21 Also, please keep in mind that all of these tools were easily obtainable, and installable using Ubuntus package manager, apt-get. Development on the Arduino was very straightforward. The only software that was Required was the Arduino IDE and development kit available from http://arduino.cc. The simple to use IDE was essential to writing software for the

Figure 4 - Arduino IDE running in Linux

Teensy 2.0++. The teensy loader was required to actually flash the software we wrote to the actual device.

Figure 4 - Teensy loader running in O S X

Figure 5 - Connected to Beagleboard via 'screen'

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SOEN422- Final Report Page 13 of 21 On the Beagleboard, a lot more software was involved to successfully develop and complete this project. The first challenge was to connect to the Beagleboads Ubuntu console. As an advanced Linux user Greg took control of most situations involving this device. Firstly, instead of listening to Coreys instructions on how to connect to the Beagleboard, Greg used the screen application. Connecting to the device was rather simple this way. The first piece of software installed on the Beagleboard was the openssh-server package. This was installed because using the RS-232 cable was very tedious and not to mention an outdated (but still a standard) solution to opening a shell. Once the ssh server was installed, all we needed to do was connect an Ethernet cable to the Beagleboard, and a home router. At this point, we no longer used the supplied RS-232 cable, but instead used SSH (an industry standard) to connect to the Beagleboard. vim an amazing text editor was used to edit files on the Beagleboard. This was used to edit dot files, such as the configure files provided by the motion package. It was also used to make small changes to our server without the need to re-transfer the Server.java file. Eclipse a JAVA IDE this was a useful, but not entirely useful piece of development software. Eclipse provided a nice, but heavy, work environment to develop in. We could have simply used vim instead, but we used Eclipse initially due to habit. However, vim was used match more towards the end of the life cycle. This might actually be due to the fact that vim is a lot more lightweight than Eclipse, and that most of the code was already written. Eclipse was used heavily during the initial coding, however, vim proved to be much more useful in making small changes to our existing framework. javac the java compiler was used to compile the Server.java/Client.java file on the Beagleboard/Laptop to executable bytecode. Obviously, java was one of the most important parts of the development. Without the Java development kit, nothing would have been done. java the java run time environment was used to actually execute our Server.class and Client.class file on the Beagleboard/Laptop. scp a file transfer utility that works over SHH, was used to transfer versions of the server over to the Beagleboard from our development machines. scp is a great utility for transferring files from one UNIX based machine to another. tcpdump this was used for wireless troubleshooting. tcpdump is a packet sniffer. Essentially, it displays the contents of every packet to console. During the initial wireless testing phase, we ran into problems. The Beagleboard was not getting an IP address and the issue was localized to the Beagleboards environment or the actual - 13 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 14 of 21 wireless adapter. This utility assisted in determining the source of the problem. The problem will be discussed further in the next section of this report. Finally, we chose Java for several reasons. Obviously, its portability was one of main reasons. With Java, we were able to write a Server and Client, without the use of any native operating system code. This made it feasible to run the client on different operating systems without rewriting any code. During our initial demo, we tested the Client on an OSX machine, and a Linux machine and at both times it worked flawlessly. In addition to portability, Java is a simple language to program in. Programming a GUI and sockets in C++, for example, would have required much more work. Java provided a very simple way of using sockets, and a GUI in Swing. Finally, we were taught Java at Concordia, and have used it heavy since. We were very happy with out decision in picking Java.

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6. System Performance

In this section, the testing phase of the projects life cycle will be discussed. We will not cover the Beagleboard and Arduino as components, since if they were the point of failure it would have been immediately obvious. 6.1 Component testing Motors: The motors were tested simply by writing a simple sketch in the Arduino IDE and making sure the motors responded accordingly. We initallaly tested without using a H-bridge, but eventually incorporated the H-bridge between the Arduino and the motors. The motors never caused us any problems, however, once we incorporated the H-bridges, we noticed some serious problems. H-Bridges: When we initially incorporated the H-bridge in lab 4, there were no obvious problems. We successfully completed our lab, and everything was functional. We were able to change the PIN from high to low on the H-bridge, and it acted according and change the polarity of the motors. It was not until the beagleborad was introduced to the project, that difficulties arose. The problem we encountered was strange. Towards the end of the project, when everything was put together, everything was working well, except for the fact that our Robot was only able to move (or process instructions for its direction) more than a couple steps, before the Beaglebaord would crash. We knew the Beagleboard was crashing because of the obvious kernel panic being displayed on the Beagleboards console session. At first, we had no idea what was going on, however, we got to the conclusion that the problem was only occuring when we change the direction of the motors. A further look at the situtation confirmed a problem with the H-bridge. Mistakenly, the PIN on the H-bridge designed to be connected to an external power source, was actually being connected to the Arudinos +5V PIN. We changed this configuration, so that the datasheet and our actual were setup were identical. Viola! The Beagleboard stopped crashing. It was pretty interesting that the Beagleboard was crashing, when the actual problem was isolated to the Arduino. Somehow, correcting the issue with the H- Bridge fixed the problem. Webcam: The webcam was very easy to introduce to Beagleboard since it was already being used on my Linux machine. Simply looking at the Ubuntus log messages on the Beagleboard showed that the device was being recognized, and configured by Ubuntu. Wireless: Like the webcam, this wireless device was already working on a personal home entertainment system powered by Linux. Verifying Ubuntus log showed that the device was being detected, and configured without any problems. - 15 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 16 of 21 6.2 System test The first part of the system testing consisted of testing the communication between the server and the client. We had a hard time getting the server to print the command the client was send over to it (we were just testing the client/server on the loopback device). The software we used to troubleshoot the problem is called netcat . netcat has the ability to run as a server, or as a client. This enabled us to easily determine where the source of failure was. Eventually, with the help of netcat we were able to isolate a simple but with the server.
netcat t <port> (to act as a server) netcat <host> <port> (to act as a client)

One of the major problems discovered during the last steps of putting together the project was that the wireless card was not getting an IP address. Initially, the Beagleboard was being tested without the wireless connectivity. We simply connected the Beagleboard to the router using an Ethernet cable and testing that the Java application, webcam, and motors were all working correctly. The problem with the wireless card was that after following the following set of commands: Sudo iwconfig wlan0 up sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "Project SOEN422" sudo dhclient wlan0 The dhclient would stop responding. Verbose output of dhclient showed that the machine was waiting for an IP address, but was never being assigned one. A quick Google search (after 4-5 hours of fiddling around with Ubuntus wireless setting!) provided a solution to the problem. network-manager was removed using Ubuntus package manager, and soddenly, dhclient started working! The Beagleboard was equipped with an IP address! The java applications worked seamlessly. We encountered very few problems. The only one that comes to mind is that that the IP address in the client is hardcoded into the source code, instead of reading the mutable input bar we placed that said IP Address. This was not properly implemented due to a lack of time (and possibly lack of motivation since we were so please with our work J). - 16 -

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7. System Delivery

Since the reboot was submitted in tacked, this section will ignore the exact wiring of the components. 7.1 System initialisation These instructions assume that the user does not have access to a personal router. Using a personal router would simplify the following instructions, but since routers are not always available, we will use the RS-232 to connect to the Beagleboard. Also, please not, I am assuming the user is using a OS X or Unix based operating system. The following lists of instructions are required in order to get the robot functional. 1- Connect the external power source to a computer/ USB plug adapter. This power source draws 5V from the USB standard. 2- Connect the Beagleboards AC/DC adapter to an external power source. This is used to provide electricity to the Beagleboard. a. Please take note that that the Arduino is directly connected to the Beagleboard, and thus drawing power from it. 3- Connect the Beagleboards RS232 to your personal laptop/computer using the RS-232 USB adapter. 4- Once connected, connect to the Beagleboard using screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 (or connect via SSH if a personal router is available) 5- Once the terminal is opened. You simply must instruct the Beagleboard to connect to a wireless network. This is achieved by executing the following code: Sudo iwconfig wlan0 up sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "<SSID TO CONNECT TO>" sudo dhclient wlan0 6- Once connected to the wireless network, the following commands will execute the software required to acquire messages from the webcam, open a webserver, and run the Java software: motion &
thttpd d /home/shawarma & java ~/Server

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SOEN422- Final Report Page 18 of 21 7- At this point the Beagleboard/server is functional. Now it is time to power up the client. 8- Now, on the laptop/computer we will simply run the java Client program. 9- To run the java client, simply run the following code on the client machine: java ~/Client 7.2 System operation The Client GUI is very simple to use. Once the java Client is executed, the Client is constantly reading the input from the keyboard. The directional arrows are the keys used to control the device. So if the up arrow, left arrow, right arrow, or down arrow are pressed, the direction is going to be sent wirelessly to the Beagleboards server, and the device will move in the specified direction. In the center of the application, there is an image frame. Whenever the image is clicked on, the image is updated with the latest feed from the webcam. The image has to be clicked on for an update because we did not have the time to add a thread to the program to automate the process.

Figure 6 - The Client GUI

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8 Project Process Discussion

The completion of the project went rather smoothly. We did have some problems with the hardware, and some problems with the Wireless connectivity, but with due time, we were able to resolve this problems and create a successful device. A good understanding of the Linux operating system was largely attributed to this projects success. Much of the work being performed is done on the Beagleboard. Without a solid understanding on how the command line interface works, this project would not have been possible. The webcam, the wireless adapter, and the communication protocol is implemented on the Beagleboard. Thankfully our group was experience enough in Linux to configure all the devices correctly. The learning experience this course provided was very useful. The entire Arduino environment is fascinating, and great to work with. Also, the beauty of a system on chip, such as the Beagleboard, is wonderful. The power such a tiny device can hold is incredible. As mentioned during our demo, it almost felt as if we create a remote control investigation device used by police enforcement. At first, one of the most challenging parts of this course actually knew how to wire the Arduino on the Beagleboard. However, with the help of the labs, and the teacher assistant, Corey, we became more comfortable wiring the Beagleboard. Finally, I would like to mention the difficulty involving our group. The project and report was not distributed equally around all three partners. This led to a lot of the project and report being created by two people, and not three. - 19 -

SOEN422- Final Report Page 20 of 21 Appendix Please see the Source code folder for a complete source code. Serial.println("forward"); //echo the Arduino code command Serial.print(">"); }
//16 and 17 left side wheels 16=H 17= L means forward //26 and 25 right side wheels 25=H 26 L means forward byte inbyte = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //open the serial port pinMode(16, OUTPUT); pinMode(17, OUTPUT); pinMode(25, OUTPUT); pinMode(26, OUTPUT); } Serial.println("Super Motor Control for Super Falafel"); Serial.print(">"); //simulate prompt } void loop() { digitalWrite(25, LOW); digitalWrite(16, LOW); digitalWrite(26, LOW); digitalWrite(17, LOW); // delay(100); inbyte = Serial.read(); //Read one byte (one character) from serial port. if (inbyte == 'w') { digitalWrite(16, HIGH); digitalWrite(25, HIGH); digitalWrite(17, LOW); digitalWrite(26, LOW); delay(100); if (inbyte == 'a') { digitalWrite(16, LOW); digitalWrite(26, LOW); digitalWrite(25, HIGH); digitalWrite(17, HIGH); delay(100); Serial.println("left"); //echo the command Serial.print(">"); } if (inbyte == 'd') { digitalWrite(25, LOW); digitalWrite(17, LOW); digitalWrite(16, HIGH); digitalWrite(26, HIGH); delay(10a0); Serial.println("right"); //echo the command Serial.print(">"); } if (inbyte == 's') { digitalWrite(16, LOW); digitalWrite(25, LOW); digitalWrite(17, HIGH); digitalWrite(26, HIGH); delay(100); Serial.println("back"); //echo the command Serial.print(">");

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if (inbyte == 'k') { digitalWrite(25, LOW); digitalWrite(16, LOW); digitalWrite(26, LOW);

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digitalWrite(17, LOW); delay(100); Serial.println("stop"); //echo the command Serial.print(">"); } }

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