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critics - About Slavery


About Slavery
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim, [In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful]

I seek Almighty Allah's forgiveness for any mistakes that I may make.

InshaAllah this will be a rebuttal to a blogger named Ayalah.

Slave-girls as sexual property in the Quran

--A Topic present at the Blog "Ayalah Namun" on Blog Spot. At the end of the rebuttal there is a challenge to James Arlandson and Ayalah Namun. ______________________________

Author states ]][[The Quran makes women subordinate to men in many ways.]]

[[ My Rebuttal]]

This is an incorrect statement; let us first correct this misconception.

In this time and age Islam has received negative publicity and false statements of the media in portraying Muslim women as oppressed. The media paint the Muslim women as being oppressed and under suppression by the Muslim male. Now, before I go any further, I would be an ignorant hypocrite if I failed to mention that in some parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan as well as Arab countries, women are treated as second class citizens, not being able to go out in public as well as have the opportunity to do menial tasks like driving a care, however this is a cultural issue and not an Islamic issue.

Islam should not be blamed for the cultural opinion of a certain race of people in regards to their treatment of women. If this were the case, we could blame other religions like Christianity and Judaism, for example, for the mistreatment of women in western countries. Mistreatments such as spouse abuse, neglect, infidelity, etc I wish to prove that this is not a teaching of the religion of Islam. In Islam, women have equal rights to that of men and have played a vital role throughout Islamic history. Women have the right to own property,

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the right to marry and initiate a divorce, the right to a personal identity, etcAllah(swt) has made Himself clear in The Holy Quran on the subject of women;

"...I will not suffer the work of any worker from among you to be lost whether male or female, the one of you being from the other." Surah Al-Imran 3:195

"O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to take women as heritage against their will. Nor should you straiten them." Surah Al-Nisa 4:19

These are just two examples of many. There are also many beautiful Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (saas) in regards to women, especially of mothers;

the world lies at the feet of mothers. Prophet Muhammad (saas)

O ye men. Fear Allah and treat your women with kindness. Prophet Muhammad


Also, in the farewell pilgrimage of Prophet Muhammad (saas), during his farewell speech, he implored men to be good and kind to their women and to deal with them justly. Where else would one find a religious book which dedicates an entire Surah (chapter) to the subject of Al-Nisa (women) (see chapter 4) in the most respectful terms other than Islam?

The answer is nowhere.

One of the tools used by the western media in portraying Muslim women as being under subjugation by their male counterparts is the HIJAB. What these ignorant minded media moguls fail to realize is that these Muslim women choose to wear the Hijab, with no compulsion. That is the True Islam. Today, we have Muslim sisters in France fighting for the right to wear the Hijab in the face of that governments law that bans them. It is noteworthy to mention that while France claims its reasons to ban head wear stems from its claim to be a country void of religious affiliation, it proved just how Catholic it was after the death of Pope John Paul 2, where flags where flown at half mast, Catholic churches becoming the centre of attention and all in the government and media referred to the Pope as His Holiness. Hypocritical indeed. As for the Muslim sisters fight for the right to wear Hijab, does that not account for anything in the eyes of the western media? Obviously not.

In Ontario, Canada, a Muslim sister was expelled from her college because she refused to remove her Hijab. Does this sound like someone who is being forced to wear something that she does not want to wear? It most certainly does not.

Up until the advent of Prophet Muhammad (saas), women were considered of no value. The act of infanticide against female babies was practiced in abundance in the time of Prophet Muhammad (saas) and it is an evil that is still practiced in some parts of the world even

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Now, the biggest critics you will find, in regards to the treatment of women in Islam, are the Christian Evangelists. It is for this reason that I will draw a comparison between Islam and Christianity as far as the status of women is concerned, with a slight mention of Judaism. Now please keep in mind that my comparison is drawn from the opinion of the established Christian church and not necessarily the Christian individual, although sadly, this teaching and opinion seems prevalent in the thoughts of most of the Christian lay people, at no fault of their own. We can only hope and pray that InshaAllah (God Willing), our Christian brothers and sisters will open their minds and hearts and see the truth for what it is.

Perhaps the greatest display of mockery on the part of the Christian church towards Islam is polygamy. Christian Evangelists never cease their ridicule of Islam because of their misinterpretation of the following Ayah (verse) found in The Holy Quran;

"marry such women as seem good to you, two, or three, or four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then marry only one" Surah Al-Nisa 4:3

This Ayah (verse) was Revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saas) after the battle of Uhud, were many Muslim men were killed. Because of this, many women and children were left without husbands and fathers. Prophet Muhammad (saas) and his companions (ra) took to marrying these women in order to take care of them legally in the Eyes of Almighty God. They became husbands to the widows and fathers to the fatherless. Allah(swt) makes it clear, however, that if a man cannot deal justly with more then one wife, then he should marry only one (Quran 4:129). Nowhere in any religious book is the command given to marry only one wife. Even the Bible condones polygamous marriages;

i. Abraham (as) had three wives. Sarah(ra), Hagar(ra) and Keturah(ra). ii. Solomon (as) had 700 wives and 300 concubines as found in 1 Kings 11:3

These are just two examples from the Bible. Considering the plight of the world today, where the population of women exceeds that of the men, would a polygamous marriage be so wrong if a man can afford to take care of more than one wife? If the city you lived in had a population of 1 million more women than men and you take into consideration how many of those men are sodomites (gays), and then you are left with a surplus of women who are unable to find husbands.

Does Christianity or the Bible have an answer to this problem? The answer is no. Also take into consideration the infidelity of todays husbands and wives. The Christian church can accuse the Muslim of polygamy, but the Muslim can accuse the non-Muslim of Adultery in return. If a Muslim does indeed have more than one wife, it is still considered a legal marriage in accordance with Islamic Shariah.

So, what the Muslim calls a marriage, the non-Muslim calls an Extra-Marital Affair. What the Muslim calls a wife, the non-Muslim calls a Mistress. So, on the issue of polygamy, the Christian Church is not one to throw stones. On that note; Islam, unlike Christianity,

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does not hold women responsible for the so-called Fall of Man as is related in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), Genesis 3: 1-24.

Islam does not shift the blame, meaning every individual is responsible for their own actions be it male or female. I will not dwell on that point, however, as that is not the topic I am dealing with. Needless to say, Islam, unlike Christianity, does not blame women for the sins of man. In Islam women have rights equal to that of men. This goes back over 1400 years and was indeed unprecedented and unheard of during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saas) as well as up to modern times. It was only in the past century that women were given the right to vote in North America, a right that Muslim women have enjoyed for over 14 centuries. In Canada alone, prior to 1929, women were not even considered persons and had no rights, nor where they given the right to vote.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle, whose influence on western culture is still adhered to up to the present day, once stated;

Women are not to be considered full humans.

This opinion of women, as stated by Aristotle, is also the opinion of Christianity and the western mentality. Up until the 1800s, in the Christian church, women were considered to be without souls and had no rights of inheritance. They were given no respect as is proven in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 of the New Testament of the Bible;

.for it is a shame for women to speak in church

As I stated above, it is no secret that Christianity blames women for the so-called Fall of Man, for the so-called Original Sin. Christianity believes that it is the womans fault as to why she gives birth in great pain. This has been the teaching of the Christian Church, regardless of denomination, for over 2000 years and many fundamentalist Christians still adhere to this belief to this very day. This is not the teaching or belief of Islam.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church consider divorced women to have destroyed their covenant of salvation and that her children will become scourges on society. I Pope of the Catholic Church once said on television, during his Christmas sermon of 2003 from Rome:

divorced women cannot partake of the communion.

In the Catholic Church, the communion is considered the most important part of the faith and liturgy, and yet divorced women were disqualified from partaking in this ceremony. How disrespectful is that? Divorced women are condemned by their own church, the church that they support. In The Holy Quran, Allah (swt) has made Himself very clear in regards to divorced women;

"And for the divorced women, provision must be made in kindness. This is incumbent on those who have regard for duty."

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Surah Al-Baqarah 2:241

Unfortunately for Christians, they prefer to take the words of man over that of Almighty God. Let us now ponder over the words of wisdom? of Christian leaders over the centuries;

i. Voltaire and Rousseau stated that women are not like men and are not up to

the capacity of men.

ii. Tertullian stated that women are the devils gateway and the decenter? of

the divine law.

iii. St. Thomas Aquinas, whose influence on western society is still visible to this

very day, stated that women are a trap of Satan and went even further in describing them as Defective and Misbegotten.

These teachings are nowhere to be found in Islam. The Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saas) are completely void of such vile and vulgar statements and beliefs in regards to women. Curiously, the words Vile and Vulgar are the same words that Rev. Franklin Graham, a noted Islamaphobe, used in describing Islam. Perhaps Mr. Graham should ponder over the teachings of his own religion before condemning another.

Judaism is much the same as Christianity in regards to their opinion of women. In the book of Deuteronomy 25:11 of the Bible, a lesson is related that if a man fights with another man and one of the mans wife assists him when things are not going well for him in that fight, then her (the wifes) hand should be Cut Off.

Obviously, gratitude is not a fundamental belief in Judaism and Christianity, according to their book that is. In Islam, the women have always fought alongside their men and have been encouraged to do so. There is an Orthodox Jewish Prayer which every Jewish male recites that goes as such;

Blessed be God, King of the Universe that Thou has not made me a woman.

In light of this, it is hard pressed in understanding how Christianity and the west (non-Muslims) can accuse Islam of what they themselves are guilty of. This has been going on for centuries, for example, the Christian church claims that Islam was spread by the sword, however, there is no historical evidence to support this other than the evidence that they themselves fabricate.

History does show, however, that it was the Christian church that was the guilty party of spreading their religion by the sword. Case in point, the Crusades as well as the Inquisition. However, that is off topic and will be discussed at another time. For now, we will only stick to the topic of women.

In Islam, women are not considered a Liability; rather, they are considered an Asset. Muslim women have enjoyed all the rights that western women are just coming to know and realize. The western world is playing catch-up with these opportunities, while Muslim women have had them for over 1400 years. In the western Christian culture, when a woman

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marries, she looses her identity, meaning; she gives up her name and takes the name of her husband. In Islam, women keep their own names and identities. While the Christian west portrays the Muslim woman as oppressed, it is the western woman who is indeed oppressed and enslaved.

A Muslim sister wearing the Hijab is a free woman. She is free because she chooses to cover herself and treat herself with dignity and respect. In the western culture, women are slaves to the latest fashions. They MUST wear Tommy Hilfiger jeans, she MUST shop at the most trendy of clothing stores, spending an exuberant amount of money on the latest BRAND NAME fashions or risk being ridiculed and looked down upon by other women in society.

They have become slaves of their own society. The western woman feels she must parade around half naked in order to be liberated and looks down upon the Muslim sister who chooses to obey Allah (swt) and cover herself. The western woman subjects herself to exploitation when they appear half naked on beer commercials as well as car ads and let us not forget the STRIP BARS and so-called MESSAGE PARLOURS. The west feels it is necessary to have half naked women on ads selling anything from potato chips to soda pop, telling the western male, If you want women who look like this, then buy our products and brands.

All the while, the western woman believes that she must look like these advertisement women because she feels that she is in competition with them for the attention of their men. Let us not forget the PRIME TIME television programs that further promote this perversity. Where in the Islamic Shariah do you find this type of behaviour? In the True Islam, this is nowhere to be found. The womens liberation movement of the west is merely a by-product of the Islamic Shariah as it pertains to women, only now it has been distorted to suite the western mentality.

This is why the western media machine propagates lies about the Muslim woman whose only wish and desire is to treat herself with both dignity and respect in accordance with the Will of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saas). This desire of self respect of the Muslim woman only serves to threaten the western cultures desire to exploit women. The west claims to be built on Christian values, however, one should ask if these values is to exploit women in the name of capitalism and free enterprise.

My point is this, before the Christian west points fingers at Muslims and falsely accuses them of mistreating their women, they should take a good long look at their own behaviour towards women and learn what the suppression and oppression of women really is. Exploitation, whether imposed by others or self imposed is a sin that is most prevalent in the western culture and does not appear to have an end in sight.

The only cure for this malady is Islam, Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God). I myself have been witness to some of the most scandalous modes of dress worn by women in their very own churches, showing a complete lack of respect for themselves, but more importantly, showing a complete lack of respect for Almighty God in His House of worship. With this in mind, non-Muslims should think twice before throwing rocks in glass houses.

In conclusion I would like to say, while it is true that there are Muslim men who do indeed

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mistreat their women, this is a cultural issue and a personal issue which is outside the Religion of Islam. There are many Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etcin the world who also mistreat their women, however, it is wrong to blame that persons religion for their wrongful actions. Women in Islam share a status that is unknown and unheard of in other faiths, a status of equality, dignity and respect.

May Allah (swt) guide us all to the truth, InshaAllah (God Willing).

Source: http://tinyurl.com/2kdppr

Now moving on

[[ My Rebuttal Ends]] ______________________________

Author states ]][[But no women subject to the rule of Quranic law are more unfortunate than slave girls. According to the eternal and unchanging scripture of Islam, men are permitted to treat them as sexual property regardless of their wishes, under certain specified circumstances.]] [[ My Rebuttal]] First of all, I want to make it real crystal, the Bible has NO problem what so ever with slavery: 1 Peter 2:18 "Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh." Colossians 3:22 "Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord." "All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered. (From the NIV Bible, 1 Timothy 6:1) What about the Old Testament? Leviticus 25:44-46 "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly." Exodus 21:7-8 "And in case a man should sell his daughter as a slave girl, she will not go out in the way that the slave men go out. If she is displeasing in the eyes of her master so that he doesn't designate her as a concubine but causes her to be redeemed, he will not be entitled to sell her to a foreign people in his treacherously dealing with her."

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As we can see, the Bible has NO dispute with slavery. [[ My Rebuttal Ends]] ______________________________ Author states ]][[Sura (Chapter) 23 of the Quran was revealed during Muhammads life in Mecca before his Hijrah or Emigration from his home city to Medina in AD 622. During the early years of his ministry, he never waged war on anyone, so these were times of peace, although he suffered from a measure of persecution. [1]

The Quran in Sura 23:5-6 says:

5. [Most certainly true believers] . . . guard their private parts scrupulously, 6. except with regard to their wives and those who are legally in their possession, for in that case they shall not be blameworthy. (Sayyid Abul ALa Maududi, The Meaning of the Quran, vol. 3, p. 237)

The key words are those who are legally in their possession. Maududi (d. 1979) is a highly respected commentator on the Quran, and he interprets the plain meaning of the clause, saying that sex with slave-girls is lawful.

Maududi writes:

Two categories of women have been excluded from the general command of guarding the private parts: (a) wives, (b) women who are legally in ones possession, i.e. slave-girls. Thus the verse clearly lays down the law that one is allowed to have sexual relation with ones slave-girl as with ones wife, the basis being possession and not marriage. If marriage had been the condition, the slave-girl also would have been included among the wives, and there was no need to mention them separately. (ibid. p. 241, note 7)

The main point in this section, which Maududi overlooks or refuses to criticize, is that Muhammad himself endorses not only the entire institution of slavery, but also sex between male owners and their female slaves within this institution. No devout Muslim can criticize the Prophet.

It should be noted that Sura 70:29-30, also revealed in Mecca, uses words nearly identical to Sura 23:5-6. Men must guard their private parts from everyone but their wives and slave-girls, meaning that men may have sex with both categories (Maududis word). [2]]]

[[ My Rebuttal]] Now heres a good to ask ourselves, why does the Quran Allow Slavery?

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Here is the answer. In Islam if a master has sex with his slave, then when the slave girl is pregnant, she and her child is automatically freed after the masters death. But thats not the only way a slave can get freedom, in fact if a slave request his/her freedom, she or he can get it! Noble Verse 24:33 "Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until God gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which God has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is God, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them)," As we can clearly see, Islam says that if a slave request freedom, he/she can get it, including some money, in order for the slave to get a good jump start in life. Beside this, the Prophet (S) also ordered for slaves to not be forced into having sexual intercourse: "Musaykah, a slave-girl of some Ansari, came and said: My master forces me to commit fornication. Thereupon the following verse was revealed: "But force not your maids to prostitution (when they desire chastity). (24:33)" (Translation of Sunan Abu Dawud, Divorce (Kitab Al-Talaq), Book 12, Number 2304)" Also read how the Prophet (S) used to free slaves: Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America and Director of the Islamic Society of Orange County, Garden Grove, California. He states the following: "The author claims that the Bible condemns slavery and one who practices slavery contradicts right teachings. In order to prove his point he even adds the slave traders in 1Timothy 1:10. There is no such word there in the Revised Standard Version. Actually in the whole Bible this word does not exist. The author also makes false allegation against Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by saying that he used to buy, sell, hire, and rent slaves. Slavery existed throughout the Biblical period including the time of Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him). Most of the Biblical prophets had slaves, both males and females. Perhaps the author of this flyer did not read his own New Testament. Otherwise he would have found there the following advice to slaves: Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be defamed. (1 Timothy 6:1) and Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to be refractory (Titus 2:9) Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not own slaves. He had many slaves purchased and freed. The author quotes Muslim scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim who said about the Prophet, His purchases of slaves were more then he sold. This is correct because he used to purchase slaves in order to free them, not to sell them. However, the author of the pamphlet mistranslates Ibn Al-Qayyim when he says, The Prophet used to rent out and hiring many slaves, but he hired more slaves then he rented

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out. The author has mischievously added the words many slaves and more slaves in the text. Ibn Al-Qayyim is not talking here about the sale, purchase, renting, and hiring of slaves, but about general business practices of the Prophet before he received the Prophethood. Actually, he is saying that the Prophet himself was hired before he became the Prophet to take care of some sheep and he was hired by Khadijah to do business for her. (see Zad Al-Maad, vol. 1, p. 154) The Quran teaches that freeing the salves is a great virtue (See Surah 90:13). One of the expenditures of zakah (obligatory charity) is to spend the money for the freedom of the slaves (Surah 9:60). It is forbidden in Islam to enslave a free person. If Muslims had consistently followed the Islamic teachings in this regard, slavery would have become extinct a long time ago. It is unfortunate that some Muslims did not follow these teachings of Islam and slavery continued in Muslim lands for centuries. We are ashamed that some Muslims practiced slavery against the teachings of Islam. However, it is also a historical fact that for centuries the worst type of slavery in its most extensive and horrible form was practiced by those who claimed themselves to be the followers of Christ. They enslaved millions of free men, women, and children and shipped them like animals from one continent to another. They made millions in profit by this most shameful trade of human beings. I wish to remind the author of this flyer what Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me take the speck out of your eye, when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. (Matthew 7:3-5)" Source: http://tinyurl.com/2vs9y9 So lets see the points made:
1. Slaves can NOT be forced into having sexual intercourse with 2. Slaves ARE automatically free after the masters death if they bare a child from the

3. Slaves CAN ask to be freed, and become free, including they will get an amount of

money to jump start in life. So Islam destroyed the social illness called slavery, if you look at the proof open-mindedly. [[ My Rebuttal Ends]] Proceeding with the response: ______________________________

Author states ]][[At the time Sura 4, where our next Quranic verse is found, is revealed, Muhammad had emigrated from Mecca to Medina, and had fought many wars and skirmishes. For example, he fought the Meccans in the Battle of Badr in AD 624 and again the Meccans at the Battle of Uhud in AD 625. He also exiled the Jewish tribes of Qaynuqa in AD 624 and Nadir in AD 625. He carried forward this policy of sex between male owners and their female slaves to his new city of Medina, with the added twist of enslaving women prisoners of war and permitting his soldiers to have sex with them. [3]

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The Quran in Sura 4:24 says:

And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands (as prisoners of war) . . . (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 319). (See also Suras 4:3 and 33:50)

Thus, women captives are sometimes forced to marry their Muslim masters, regardless of the marital status of the women. That is, the masters are allowed to have sex with the enslaved human property.

Maududi says in his comment on the verse that is it lawful for Muslim holy warriors to marry women prisoners of war even when their husbands are still alive. But what happens if the husbands are captured with their wives? Maududi cites a school of law that says Muslims may not marry them, but two other schools say that the marriage between the captive husbands and wives is broken (note 44).

But why would a debate emerge over this cruelty? The answer is obvious for those who understand simple justice. No marriage should take place between married prisoners of war and their captors. In fact, no sex should take place between women captives and their captors.

Predictably, the hadith perpetuate this Quran-inspired immorality.

The hadith are the reports of Muhammads actions and words outside of the Quran. The most reliable collector and editor is Bukhari (d. 870).

The hadith demonstrate that Muslim jihadists actually have sex with the captured women, whether or not they are married. In the following passage, Khumus is one-fifth of the spoils of war.

Ali, Muhammads cousin and son-in-law, just finished a relaxing bath. Why?

The Prophet sent Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (of the booty) and . . . Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave-girl from the Khumus).

What was Muhammads response to the person who hated Ali for this sexual act?

Do you hate Ali for this? . . . Dont hate him, for he deserves more than that from [the] Khumus. (source: Bukhari)

Muhammad casually mentions that slave women who are part of the one-fifth of the spoils of war can be treated like sexual property. Ali is a Muslim hero. He was the husband of Fatima, Muhammads daughter by his first wife Khadija. After all, slaves are fair sexual game. The Quran says so.

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Some things, however, are forbidden. Holy jihadists may not practice coitus interruptus with the women they capture. Babies must be fathered, regardless of the preference of the man. The woman, of course, has no say in the matter whatsoever.

While on a military campaign and away from their wives, Muslim jihadists received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. They asked the Holy Prophet about this, and he invoked the doctrine of fate:

It is better for you not to do so [practice coitus interruptus]. There is no person that is destined to exist, but will come to existence, till the Day of Resurrection. (Bukhari ; for parallel hadiths go here and here)

That is, these enquiring Muslims should stop doing coitus interruptus, but instead go all the way with the enslaved sex objects. Fate controls who should be born. ]]

[[ My Rebuttal]] For reasons as to why Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir were banished, please read this article: http://tinyurl.com/37l7ll I honestly dont know why James article was divided into 2 sections; they both deal with sexual intercourse with slaves. I already showed why Sexual intercourse with slaves was allowed, but lets deliver a blow to James, here is a fatwa by a Scholar of Islam: Title of Fatwa Date of Reply Topic Of Fatwa Country Applied Question of Fatwa Status of Slave Women in Islam 21/Aug/2003 Misconceptions United Kingdom Is it true that Islam permits Muslim men to own slave women, and permits them to have sex with them without marrying them? And that this was carried out by the Prophets Companions with his approval? Surely, this is in contradiction of the Quran's condemnation of zina. Could you please clarify this issue? A Group of Islamic Researchers Content of Reply In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Dear questioner, thank you very much for having confidence in us and we

Name of Mufti

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hope our efforts, which are purely for Allahs Sake, meet your expectations. When Islam was reveled to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), slavery was a worldwide common social phenomenon; it was much older than Islam. Slavery was deeply rooted in every society to the extent that it was impossible to imagine a civilized society without slaves. In spite of this social fact, Islam was the first religion to recognize slavery as a social illness that needed to be addressed. Since slavery was deeply rooted in the society, Islam did not abolish it at once. Rather, Islam treated slavery in the same manner it treated other social illnesses. Islam followed the same methodology of gradual elimination in dealing with this social disease as it did with other social illnesses, for example: the prohibition of alcohol in three steps. Concerning having slave women, we would like to let you know that it happens to be a practice necessitated by the condition in which early Muslims found themselves vis--vis non-Muslims, as both parties engaged in wars. Slave women or milk al-yameen are referred to in the Qur'an as Those whom your right hand possess or ma malakat aymanukum; they are those taken as captives during conquests and subsequently became slaves, or those who were descendants of slaves. Thus, it was a war custom in the past to take men and women as captives and then turn them into slaves. Islam did not initiate it; rather, it was something in practice long ago before the advent of Islam. And when Islam came, it tried to eradicate this practice, bit by bit. So it first restricted it to the reciprocal practice of war, in the sense that Muslims took war captives just as the enemies did with Muslims. But as it aimed at putting an end to such issue, Islam laid down rules which would eventually lead to eradicating the practice. So it allowed Muslims to have intercourse with slave women taken as captives of just and legitimate wars. In so doing, the woman would automatically become free if she got pregnant. What's more, her child would also become free. Not only that, Islam also ordered a Muslim to treat the slave woman in every respect as if she were his wife. She should be well fed, clothed and given due protection. In the family environment, she had the opportunity to learn about Islam and was free to accept it or reject it. She also had the opportunity to earn her freedom for she could be ransomed. In the light of the above-mentioned facts, and the nature of the question posed by people, it's clear that some people misunderstand the wisdom behind the permissibility of having female slaves and think that it is meant to unleash mens desires and give them more enjoyment. Never! That is not the point! It is, rather, means of freeing slaves; and this is clarified above in the fact that if a master got a female slave pregnant, then he could neither sell her nor give her away as a present. And if he died, she would not be considered part of his property. She'd receive her freedom and her baby would also be free. But, we have to stress that this case should not be confused with that of female servants or maids, for they are free and not slaves. Therefore, it is forbidden to engage in sexual relations with them except through an Islamic marriage. Slavery has been abolished by international conventions, and goes in line with aims and objectives of Islam, as it has called for centuries ago. As for marrying slaves, it is something permissible under two conditions: first, if one is unable to pay the dowry of a free woman. Second, if there is fear of committing adultery if one doesnt get married. This is clarified by the following verse:
And whose is not able to afford to marry free, believing women, let them MARRY FROM THE BELIEVING MAIDS WHOM YOUR RIGHT HANDS POSSESS. This is for him among you who feareth to commit sin. But to have patience would be better for you. (An-Nisaa: 25)

This verse shows that Muslim men should abstain from illicit relations and seek enjoyment through marriage to free women or through their female slaves. In conclusion, Allah has forbidden certain types of behavior and permitted other kinds

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of behavior as a safeguard to the individual and to the society. Allah has forbidden fornication and adultery. However, in the case of captives whom your right hands posses, it's something necessitated by the special circumstances which were created when the Muslims were at war.

(Source: http://tinyurl.com/35sstj) I think the above Fatwa pretty much refuted James Arlandson [[ My Rebuttal Ends]] ______________________________

Author states ]][[Comparisons

It is one thing for some soldiers in any army to strike out on their own and rape women. All armies have criminal soldiers who commit this wrong act. But it is quite another to codify rape in a sacred text. Islam codifies and legalizes rape. It is disappointing that the Quran does not abolish this sexual crime in the clearest terms: Thou shalt not have sex with slave-girls under any circumstance!

It may be argued that American slave-owners committed sexual crimes against their slaves before the Civil War (1861-1865), so who are Christians or Americans (the two are not identical) to complain about Islam?

But the two situations are different. It is wrong to compare the US slave states with the Muslim community founded by Muhammad, who claimed divine inspiration. Instead, it is best to compare the founder of a religion (Jesus) with another founder (Muhammad). Second, in no place in the New Testament does God give permission to menChristian or secularto have sex with slave-girls. This would violate the spirit of Jesus ministry and the entire writings of the New Testament authors. If Americans in a bygone era did this, then they were not following Gods law. Moreover, a long and bloody Civil War was fought which ended the practice.

The Quran, however, codifies and legalizes this sexual crime for all time and every place that Islam is able to dominate. No significant reform movement within Islam questions the universal applicability of the laws it proclaims. Sharia law based on the Quran is on the march, replacing British Common Law in parts of Nigeria, and its application is demanded by Muslim populations from Malaysia to Canada.

Ignorance of the law, as they say, is no defense.

James M. Arlandson may be reached at jamesmarlandson@hotmail.com]]

[[ My Rebuttal]]

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refuting.critics - About Slavery


James Arlandsons article has been refuted; the reason why intercourse was allowed with slaves was made clear, also James decided NOT to tell the Christian readers that in the Quran slaves can request freedom and get it, he also forgot to mention that you are not supposed to force your slave into sexual intercourse. Should we take this as a missionary tactic...? You be the judge! Also, here is the challenge to James Arlandson and Ayalah Namun.
1. Show us where in the Bible a slave can request his/her freedom and actually receive it,

including some money

2. Respond to the fact that in the Bible, you can literally sell your daughter to be a slave!

Exodus 21:7-11

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment

3. Give us a good reason why you DIDNT acknowledge the ayat of Sura 24:23 which says

Noble Verse 24:33 "Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until God gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which God has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is God, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them)," Was this one of your cheap tactics, or were you ignorant of this verse?? As weve read in the above Fatwa I posted, it was made clear that Islam gradually destroyed the social illness called slavery, just like it did with alcohol. In fact, the above fatwa pretty much refuted his trash, but the show just had to go on.. And Allah Knows Best! [[ My Rebuttal Ends]]

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