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Cosmic Internet Academy



Living on Light
by Jasmuheen - published in the Silver Cord Magazine In June 1993, at the guidance of my Inner Teacher, I underwent a magical 21 day process. I say magical as it truly has brought more magic into my life. For eons of time beings have existed purely on Light yet in modern society, this natural state of BEing, is often disbelieved, seen as a miracle or is regarded a state attainable only by Holy men and Yogis. In order to understand how a Being can be sustained by only Light we need to understand that which is sustaining them i.e. prana - also known as the Universal life force energy or liquid light. Prana is a subtle element which pervades each cell of every living tissue and fluid in an organism like electricity through atoms in a battery. Pranas biological counterpart, apana, is a fine essence which resides in the brain and nervous system and is capable of generating a subtle radiation impossible to analyze in a laboratory. It circulates in the organism as motor impulse and sensation and conducts all the organic functions of the body, permeated and worked by the super intelligent cosmic life energy by which it is continually affected. The term prana signifies both the cosmic life energy and its subtle biological conductor in the body and the two are inseparable. The extraction of prana to feed the brain is done by a limited group of nerves, operating in a certain bodily area. With the awakening of the kundalini, a radical alteration is made and other more extensive nerve groups are called into play and supply a more concentrated form of prana radiation into the brain from a vastly increased area of the body. Slow rhythmic breathing also absorbs more prana and allows it to be stored in the brain and nerve centres. Prana supplies electric force to the nerves, magnetizes the iron in the system and produces the aura as a natural emanation. In his book Kundalini, the Evolutionary Energy in Man - Gopi Krishna writes All systems of Yoga are based on the supposition that living bodies owe their existence to the agency of an extremely subtle immaterial substance, pervading the universe and designated as prana, which is the cause of all organic phenomena, controlling the organisms by means of the nervous system and brain, manifesting itself as the vital energy. The prana, in modern terminology vital energy, assumes different aspects to discharge different functions in the body and circulates in the system in two separate streams, one with fervid and the other with frigid effect, clearly perceptible to yogis in the awakened condition. He goes on to say From my own experience, I can also confirm that there are certainly two main types of vital currents in the body, which have a cooling or heating affect on the system. Prana and apana exist side by side in the system in every tissue and every cell, the two flowing through the higher nerves and their tiny ramifications as two distinct currents though their passage is never felt in the normal state of consciousness, the nerves being accustomed to the flow from the very commencement of life. In the book Seasons of the Spirit, the Ascended Master Hilarion shares...It is incorrect to imagine that the energy that drives the physical body of man comes from the food he eats. This is one of the major misconceptions in the world today...the energy of mans body must come from a far more subtle and refined source than that of carbohydrate molecules as is now believed.... No, the force that drives the human machine is not chemical but etheric. The ether is a form of all embracing substance more rarefied than the most subtle of mans chemicals, and indeed is the stuff from which all the elements known to science are precipitated, just as water droplets can be precipitated from water vapor in the air. Mixed with the ether which fills all of mans three dimensional space (even between the protons and electrons of matter in what science considers to be empty space) is a
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substance which we shall call prana, using the Eastern word for life energy. Indeed the Eastern religions know of this miraculous substance and understand quiet well its role in supporting the life of man. When a human body breaths air into the lungs, the prana within the etheric counterpart of this air is taken into the etheric counterpart of the body and is then transformed into the various energies that one uses in everyday life; mental energy, emotional energy and physical energy. The oxygen which is taken into the blood via the lungs of course plays a part in metabolism, but it is only a minor role compared to the importance of the intake of prana. Having understood prana as being the essence of life, we can then perhaps understand how an organism can be sustained by the etheric realms and by prana alone - some individuals have achieved this through manipulating their consciousness to higher vibrational frequencies that in turn, change the molecular structure of their physical, emotional and mental bodies and free them from the necessity of taking substance from the atmospheric realms. These beings are called breatharians. Others may choose to exist purely on this liquid light but still drink for pleasure and for taste sensation. The process of being sustained purely by light is also a process of mind mastery where one learns to master molecular structure through mind over matter. Just as the Indian Yogis can be buried alive for weeks at a time and emerge unscathed or can drink poison but have no physical effects, so can the physical body be mastered by any who seek to understand the power of the higher mind. The 21 day process is not a process of denial or of fasting ones way to ascension. It is a process of mastery, a sacred, spiritual journey that is being pioneered to present to humanity (and the Western world) simply another option. One can be vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian, liquidarian or breatharian. It is not a miracle, or something to be feared, but a reclamation of our natural state of being. When one has ceased to require physical nourishment from food all the energy used in the digestive process can be, and is, redirected elsewhere. The individual benefits of the redirection of this energy, and of no longer requiring food, are too numerous to mention here. Also as each individual is unique so will each experience be unique. On a global level, imagine a world without hunger? How much eating in the Western world is emotionally based, socially driven? Two or more years ago very few people saw this as a valid option and the common catch cry was I could never give up food!. In 1995 I was a guest speaker at the International Gathering of the Masters at Taupo in New Zealand. There I shared with an enthusiastic audience, of over 150, about being sustained by prana. Recently we shared of these experiences with nearly 300 in Croatia. I now find more and more in my travels that so many are being intuitively guided to eat live, eat lightly. Living on Light is becoming more of a possibility to so many. Wasnt Leonardo Da Vinci ridiculed for drawing helicopters? Arent often new ideas rejected through fear or through ignorance? The Arcturians say that within the next 100 years all on Earth will be sustained once more by the etheric realms. Ancient spiritual teachings talk about the in breath and out breath of God. Our journey home is the in breath, the journey into light. As we refine our frequency, and embrace the God I AM more completely, there must come a point where we are sustained once more by the essence of that which we are.

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