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Comer grasas saludables Las ultimas investigaciones han demostrado que para la perdida de grasa corporal, no es tanto por la grasas que consumimos sino por los carbohidratos los cuales son los que se transforman en grasa corporal . En general, es muy buena idea evitar las grasas trans , la cual se encuentra en la mayora de la comida chatarra, margarina, en si son aceites vegetales que estn parcialmente hidrogenados para tener una consistencia solida como lo son productos para hornear pasteles, donas o galletas (puedes encontrar , versiones orgnicas de estos productos ). Grasas saturadas, estas se encuentran en productos animales esta bien comerlas en pequeas cantidades , en especial si son naturales u orgnicas.

Grasas mono saturadas y poliinsaturadas Hoy tenemos unas grasas llamadas saludables que contienen cidos grasos , en especial Omega-3. Esta se encuentra en esta se encuentra en las almendras y otras nueces tambin el los aguacates, coco y aceite de oliva. So, as a rule, its best to avoid trans fats as much as possible, consume limited amounts of saturated fats (note -some people still label saturated fats as bad fats but there is compelling research that shows that many cultures have consumed animal products for centuries with virtually no obesity or degenerative diseases -see Weston Price Foundation for more information; the problem today is that most animal products are from factory farms, which use many questionable additives), and large amounts of healthy fats. One Healthy Diet program is the Fat Loss for Idiots plan. Check out my Review of it 2. Ejerctate inteligentemente Es un echo que para perder esa grasa tienes que hacer ejercicio. El problema que mucha gente tiene con el ejercicio es que una ves que empiezan con mucho entusiasmo despus de un rato cuando el

organismo esta adecundose para la oxidacin de grasa y procesos de anabolismo lo dejan repentinamente . si este es tu caso recuerda que el secreto del ejercicio es la constancia. Es muy importante hacer nuestro trabajo de cardio de 45 minutos a una hora para poder oxidar bien la grasa. Ni los ejercicios extenuantes ni pasar horas en el gimnasio nos darn las rayas que tanto anhelamos solo los ejercicios bien planeados con un buen descanso semanal . 3. Cuida mucho lo que bebes El consumo de bebias es tan importante como el de alimentos en el momento de perdida de grasa. Lo mejor para tomar es agua pura despus de eso podran ser jugos ( pero con mucho cuidado ya que contienen grandes concentraciones de azcar y carbohidratos), te verde (natural sin azcar), el cual tiene antioxidantes y ayuda a perder grasa corporal, infusiones y ts herbales . Evita los refrescos aun que estos sean de dieta o bajos en azucares. One glass of wine or beer every day is fine for most people and may actually have health benefits. Beyond this, however, alcohol can be fattening and of course can contribute to other health problems. 4. Get Some Sleep! While we all know that you need exercise to lose weight fast, oddly enough, sleep can also help. Recent research has shown a correlation between sleep deprivation and obesity. Apparently lack of sleep causes an imbalance in the body which inhibits the burning of fat. So if you have sleeping problems, you should address this. Regular exercise can help with this. Avoid caffeine or stimulants beyond the mid-afternoon. Certain herbal teas, such as chamomile and skullcap can also help with sleep. 5. Reduce Stress Stress also makes it difficult to lose weight fast. This is probably related to the issue of sleep deprivation contributing to obesity. While we tend to think of sleep and relaxation as the opposite of what we need to lose weight, the fact is we need both activity and rest to be at our best and for our body to burn fat.

Lose weight fast Remember to do all these things together

So we dont only need to get enough sleep, but we also need to be able to deal with stress throughout the day. If you have a problem with stress, try yoga or meditation. These also teach proper breathing, which is crucial for overall health, stress reduction and losing weight. So follow these tips to lose weight fast and you will be sure to do a lot better in your weight loss goals. I really think that to lose weight fast you need to concentrate on all of these things. There are a ton of articles that I have written on weight loss and muscle gain but more often than not it is the time crunch that forces people to want to lose weight fast.

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