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Guess Who?

Can you guess who the following Historical Figures are who had symptoms of Aspergers Syndrome in the Word Scramble?









Aspergers syndrome is a lifelong condition that tends to stabilize over time and improvements can be seen. Adults usually obtain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. Many people with Aspergers syndrome marry and have children. Many people with Aspergers seem to be fascinated with technology, focus on interests and detail which can increase chances of university and career success.

Aspergers Disorder 299.80

History Aspergers Disorder was first described in the 1940s by Viennese pediatrician Hans Asperger who observed autistic-like behaviors and difficulties with social and communication skills in boys who had normal intelligence and language development. Aspergers Disorder was added to the DSM-IV in 1994 as a separate disorder from autism and individuals must have severe and sustained impairment in social interaction, and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests and activities that may cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. Because of the wide variety of symptoms, no two children with Aspergers are alike. Prognosis: 20% of children with AS grow out of it, and fail to meet the diagnostic criteria as adults. Epidemiology: 2.7 per 1,000 children may have AS. Boys seem more likely than girls to have AS with a ratio of 4:1. Definition: Aspergers syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a persons ability to socialize and communicate effectively with others. Children with Aspergers syndrome typically exhibit social awkwardness and an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. Physicians often group Aspergers syndrome with the autistic spectrum disorders or pervasive development disorders. These disorders all involve problems with social skills and communication. Aspergers syndrome is generally thought to be at the milder end of this spectrum. While there is no cure, a child is diagnosed early and has treatment it can help him or her learn how to interact more successfully in social situations.


It is not clear what causes Aspergers syndrome, although changes in certain genes may be involved. The disorder also seems to be linked to changes in the structure of the brain. Childhood immunizations is not associated with the development of Aspergers syndrome or other autism spectrum disorders Characteristics 1. Distinguishing factors that make Aspergers Disorder different from Autism Disorder: Severity of the symptoms, Absence of language delays May be mildly affected and frequently have good language and cognitive skills To an untrained person a child with Aspergers Disorder may seem like a normal child behaving differently. Individuals with Aspergers want to fit in but they dont know how, are socially awkward, show lack of empathy, dont understand conventional social rules, have limited eye contact, and seem unengaged. Interests in a particular subject may border on the obsessive, may collect categories of things like shells, rocks, or baseball cards May have good rote memory skills while having difficulty with abstract concepts. No speech delay however speech patterns may be unusual, lack inflection, may have rhythmic nature, too loud or too high pitch, may not understand irony or humor. May frequently have motor skill delays and appear clumsy or awkward. May be late in learning how to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. Handwriting is often poor. Symptoms in Childhood

Dislike in change in routines, often previously diagnosed as AD/HD (inattention difficulties) Not able to pick up on social cues and are unable to read others body language, start or maintain a conversation and take turns talking May have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age such as using return versus come back Internal thoughts are often verbalized, very talkative usually about favorite subject (name of stars), one-sided conversations often occur, monotonous, rigid or unusually fast Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights or strong tastes or textures. To be diagnosed a child has to have more than one or two symptoms, but must have a combination of these symptoms and severe trouble with social situations. Children with Aspergers make more effort than children with autism to make friends and engage in activities with others. Symptoms in Teenagers Teens will want to have friends but may feel shy or intimidated when approaching other teens May feel frustrated and emotionally drained trying to fit in May be immature for age, nave and too trusting which opens the door for bullying and teasing May only have a few friends, typically uninterested in fads, social norms or conventional thinking Creative thinking, pursuit of original interests and goals. Have a preference for rules and honesty can lead them to excel in the classroom. Difficulties can cause teens with Aspergers to become withdrawn and socially isolated and have depression or anxiety.

Symptoms in Adulthood Over their life time learn how to read others social cues May learn to focus and succeed in careers and jobs that incorporate their interests Adults can go to the College Living Experience to get help with Aspergers individuals go to Community colleges, Universities, technical and vocational schools. Opportunity Partners: service span from youth to seniors through the Karlin Center whose goal is to meet participants where they are with their skills, dreams and desires and provides a flexible plan designed to meet their needs living and working in the community. Coexisting Conditions Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Anxiety Disorder Depression- especially in adolescents Nonverbal learning disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Social anxiety disorder

Alternative medicine Treatment There are no definitive treatments for Aspergers syndrome so many parents turn to alternative medicine Behavior Therapies and the following medications: 1. Melatonin: may regulate your childs sleep-wake cycle, recommended 3 mg 30 minutes before bedtime 2. Dietary Supplements: Vitamin B-6 and magnesium, Vitamin C, Carnosine, Omega 3 fatty acids 3. Avoidance diets: gluten free or casein-free diets 4. Secretin: gastrointestinal hormone has been tried however, no proven evidence that it makes a difference.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS 64 (PPD) Including Atypical Autism 299.80

Pervasive Developmental Disorder is a category that contains several specific diagnoses. People with PDD have problems with the social interaction and delays in the following areas. Language Coordination Imaginative activities, Intellectual functioning

The degree of severity can vary: Autisim is considered a severe form of PDD o Autism is the difficulty of relating to other human beings o Delayed or absent speech o Possible Mental Retardation o A-typical Autism- Late age on onset, atypical symptomatology Aspergers Disorder o Milder end of PDD o Generally normal intelligence and normal early language acquisition but difficulties with social interactions and nonverbal communications, repetitive behaviors

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