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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

Viernes 29 de septiembre de 2006 por jlr | Retoque, Photoshop

En la prctica con Photoshop que os proponemos hoy describimos paso a paso el postprocesado de la fotografa mostrada en la galera del foro con el nombre "Efecto Dragan". Ajustes bsicos, draganizer, saturacin del color, y sobreexposicin y subexposicin selectiva. Con un poco de pciencia se pueden obtener resultados casi inimaginables.

En esta sesin de laboratorio vamos a seguir los pasos dictados por Joey Lawrence para tratar de conseguir su "efecto grunge". El postprocesado es algo complejo, por lo que habr que tener algo de paciencia. A Joey lo conoc gracias a Jun Garca Glvez.

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La eleccin de la foto

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Bricolaje (5) Complementos (18) Conceptos bsicos (30) Consejos (51) Photoshop (41) Programas (32) Retoque (45) Tcnicas (36) Trucos (16) General (50)

Lo primero que haremos es seleccionar una imagen "normal", segn ha salido de la cmara, a la que aplicaremos una serie de correcciones y efectos con Photoshop. Si conviene explicar que la imagen debe tener Destacados ya un cierto toque "oscuro" en su composicin: muchas sombras y ausencia de luz solar. Para ello, Joey ha elegido una imagen con elementos como la expresin de la cara o las texturas de los elementos que q Los primeros pasos en la acompaan al sujeto de la fotografa. fotografa digital q Tcnicas fotogrficas bsicas En mi caso, al no disponer de muchas fotografas a mano, eleg una que, por la expresin de la mirada, me
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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

pareci a priori que podra tener alguna posibilidad, si bien estaba hecha con luz natural y eso poda ser un hndicap. Tambin le acompaaban las texturas de la madera de la silla y de la pared de ladrillo del fondo.

Los mejores programas para editar fotos Los principios bsicos de la impresin digital Adentrndose en el retoque digital

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El efecto Draganizer
Sobre la imagen elegida se aplican correcciones bsicas de reencuadre (crop), ajuste de curvas y brillo/ contraste. A partir de ah, Joey basa la primera parte del postprocesado en la aplicacin de una accin photoshop llamada Draganizer. La podeis descargar desde el siguiente enlace: http://www.atncentral.com/download.htm Para los que no esteis muy acostumbrados a trabajar con acciones, no os asusteis. La ejecucin de esta accin Photoshop lleva algo de tiempo, sobre todo porque hay que ir tomando decisiones durante la ejecucin, donde irn apareciendo mensajes emergentes, indicando lo que hay que ir haciendo (en ingls), para luego continuar. Es posible que no os salga el efecto deseado a la primera, pero no os de miedo equivocaros. Sobre esta accin Photoshop, Joey aplica sus propias "recetas".

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Julio 2007 Junio 2007 Mayo 2007 Abril 2007 Marzo 2007 Febrero 2007 Enero 2007 Ao 2006 Ao 2005 Ao 2004 Ao 2003

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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

Cuando la accin nos indica que debemos repasar con el pincel negro al 13% las zonas que queremos aclarar o resaltar de la foto, Joey repasa una y otra vez con el pincel aquellas reas que desea resaltar hasta dejarlas completamente expuestas: en nuestro caso, la cara y la mano, junto con el pelo y la punta del brazo de la silla. Para ello, ajustar el dimetro de la brocha para poder trabajar de manera cmoda.

Cuando la accin pide ajustar el brillo y contraste, normalmente Joey mantiene el contraste alto y baja el brillo, para hacer la imagen ms oscura.

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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

Cuando la accin da paso al oscurecimiento de los bordes, Joey usa poco esta opcin. La justificacin es que cualquier fallo en este punto estropeara todo el trabajo realizado con la accin, pudiendo realizar este oscurecimiento de los bordes ms adelante por una va alternativa. Lo cierto es que la imagen est quedando ya bastante oscura de por s, por lo que siempre se pueden subexponer las esquinas al final. Con esto, pasamos a completar la ejecucin de la accin.

Las recetas de Joey Lawrence

Con la finalizacin de la accin, nuestro proceso no ha concludo. A partir de este momento Joey sigue los siguientes pasos: Con el men Tono/Saturacin (Hue/Sat; Ctrl+U), desatura un 30% del color aproximadamente. Con esto consigue dar ms palidez al rostro, dando un toque "fro" a la fotografa. El el caso de la foto, el color de la camiseta no acaba de encajar con el objetivo de frialdad buscado, por lo que desatura aproximadamente un 60% del Magenta en Tono/Saturacin.

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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

A continuacin trabaja con el equilibrio del color (Color Balance; Ctrl+B) de la fotografa. En este apartado se pueden trabajar con los tonos claros, medios y oscuros. Para cada uno de ellos sube un poco el amarillo y baja el rojo. El ajuste de estos colores es mnimo, tan solo alguno puntos.

Lo siguiente es la sobreexposicin (Dodge; O). Ajusta la sobreexposicin de los tonos claros un 5%, y a partir de ah lo aplicamos a la cara y la mano. Pasamos a la subexposicin (Burn). Lo ajusta tambin al 5%, y lo aplicamos a la camiseta, y algunas partes de la cara para resaltar el contraste de luces y sombras. Subexposicin de los medios tonos. Fijado al 5%, lo aplicamos a las esquinas de la foto. Con esto conseguimos ajustar nicamente las sombras. Se podra aplicar tambin el mismo proceso con la herramienta Dodge.

Ya est el resultado final. Hemos puesto un marco a la foto seleccionando el color de la camiseta para hacer el borde (seleccin del color, tamao del lienzo, relativo, 2 pixels, color seleccionado; tamao del lienzo, relativo,
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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

30 pixels; negro).

En algunas ocasiones, Joey superpone otra foto de una superficie "grungy" como por ejemplo una pared. Se situa la foto de la pared en una capa duplicada superpuesta varias veces con diferentes opacidades. A pardir de ah, se aplican subexposiciones, subexposiciones y borrado de de elementos sobre la superficie de la pared, combinado con pinceles.

Enlaces relacionados
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Efecto grunge de Joey Lawrence contado por l mismo (ingls) Pgina personal de Joey Lawrence (ingls) Otra experiencia con la accion Dragan (ingls) Galera del creador de la accin Draganizer (ingls) Acciones Photoshop: Qu Son y Cmo se Usan

http://www.dzoom.org.es/noticia-1439.html (6 of 9)07/07/2007 18:41:53

Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

Este artculo se ha publicado el Viernes 29 de septiembre de 2006, clasificado en las categoras Retoque, Photoshop. Puedes dejar un comentario si lo deseas.

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7 comentarios a 'Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan' Mario Carvajal hace 265 dias, 13 horas y 5 minutos
Hola... Trat de seguir el tutorial, pero me qued en el paso sobre "sobreexposicin (Dodge; O)" y sobre "subexposicin (Burn)", disculpa mi ignorancia en PhotoShop, pero por favor cuntame en qu opcin del men se encuentran. El efecto est genial... Gracias

Sugerencias hace unos pocos segundos

jgarca hace 264 dias, 9 horas y 59 minutos

Estupenda explicacin, amigo. Muchas gracias por compartir esta interesante tcnica.

flaxtonbein hace 263 dias, 1 hora y 58 minutos

Mario, las herramientas Subexponer y Sobreexponer se encuentran en la Barra de Herramientas de Photoshop, que normalmente aparece como una barra flotante a la izquierda de la pantalla. Es la barra donde se encuentran los botones del lazo, la varita mgica, el degradado, la seleccin de colores frontal y de fondo, etc. La posicin de esta opcin es la fila 7 columna derecha. Por defecto aparece la opcin Sobreexponer, y en ese grupo (desplegable pulsando sobre el icono con el botn derecho) se encuentran las opciones Sobreexponer, Subexponer y Esponja. Tienen un dibujo de una especie de lupa negra, una mano y una esponja. A la izquierda de este grupo aparece un icono
http://www.dzoom.org.es/noticia-1439.html (7 of 9)07/07/2007 18:41:53

Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

con una gota, que se corresponde a la herramienta Desenfocar.

Enric hace 257 dias y 5 minutos

La ultima foto que deberia corresponderse bastante con la penultima no se parecen apenas, una muestra de ello es como en la ultima se puede apreciar como un rayo de luz sobre los barrotes de la silla como lograsteis eso ? Un saludo !

ElkingCyto hace 221 dias, 18 horas y 41 minutos

Tre Me Bun Do efecto. exceleeente!

Hiram hace 108 dias, 8 horas y 13 minutos

excelente efecto, me encanto.... a un amigo diseador no le sale aun XD

San Sebastian hace 19 dias, 7 horas y 12 minutos

muy interesante, :D

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Taller Photoshop: Joey Lawrence y el efecto Dragan

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Te Gusta el Blog?... Te Encantarn los Foros !!

Vente a los foros de dZoom. Encontrars mucha gente con la que compartir lo que sabes y preguntar lo que dudas. Y podrs publicar tus fotos y recibir comentarios que te servirn de ayuda para ser un mejor fotgrafo. A qu esperas?.

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Joey Lawrence Fine Art




joey@joeyL.com please disable any popup blockers minimum recommended screen resolution: 1024 x 768 px. this site requires Flash Player 6 or later.

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January 30th, 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------


Recent Posts ----------------------

Phan Male of the week

Phan Male of the week Josephine L Workshop at VGalle... New Years Resolution and works... Joey L alive and well Two Flies In My Eye- music vid... Joey L Complete Tutorial... Re... CD Art Updates Fan Mail of the Week These Silhouettes music video ... Fan mail(s) of the week

Archives ---------------

January 2008 December 2007 October 2007 September 2007 August 2007

Josephine L Workshop at VGallery Haven, IL, Feb 17th-19th

July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007

Writing to you from Las Vegas and I just was reminded that maybe I should actually tell people about my workshop coming up in Illinois. Duuuhhh to me. Come

March 2007 February 2007

http://joeyl.com/blog/ (1 di 12)14/02/2008 17.38.24


check it out if you are interested! Going to be a several day event with onlocation shooting and full Photoshop lessons.

Praise the aboves it is not me taking care of registration, I just teach pretty photos. This will be my second workshop at Haven, and I'm really excited to kick it up a notch.

All the info and details on my program and registry information can be found here- http://focused.whcc. com/seminars/joey_l/index.html

Shoot me an e-mail if you have any questions- joey@joeyL.com

January 5th, 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------

New Years Resolution and workshop dates

2007 has by far been the most ridiculous and busy year of my life. I cleaned the slate on my website calendar and 2008 is now open... Open to anything really. My New Years Resolution? I always thought it was stupid to have a New Years Resolution because every day is exactly a year away from that day the year before, so really, it's almost like an excuse to reinvent yourself. HOWEVER, I'll give in and have a resolution just this one time. I want to make 2008 even busier than 2007 was and travel to more places.

I was still in highschool for most of 2007, which I dreaded but finished to be a responsible citizen. If some kind of magical force showed me all the amazing people I would meet and the things I would see last year I would not have believed it, and I still don't really believe it after seeing it with my own eyes. Something has come over me that has pushed me to see the places I want to see, and do the things I want to do.

I'm not talking about putting a career at risk, or making a revolt against living a normal calm life... But to all those who ask me how I travel so much and tell me they wish they could too - The world is open to you. In our modern world you can hop on a plane and be almost anywhere in the world in less than

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a day. Take some time for yourself and stop wishing. If you don't have money, stay in $3 places and embrace the spiders and lizards with great happiness- you're doing what you want to do! Bring your camera and bring back some stories to tell your grandkids when you're old. I can't think of anything better to spend my time doing.

Some places I went last year-

Germany x3, The Netherlands x3, England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, India x2, Nepal, Bangladesh, Colombia (South America), New York x2, Pennsylvannia, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois x3, Indiana, Ohio, New, Jersey, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Los Angeles

Different from last year places on the list this year-

Nunavut, South Africa / Lesotho, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia


Aside from the photoshoots and leisure travelling, I will also be roaming for some workshops to teach other photographers some tricks I've picked up along the way. Some are 2 day events and some are a few hours. If you're in the area come check it out! I posted info links below each one.

PPA Convention- Dallas, Texas, January 15th 2008

http://www.dallasppa.com Contact- artmaker@email.com

At Haven with Jed and Vicki Taufer- Morton, Illinois, Feb 17-19, 2008

http://www.vgalleryhaven.com/ Contact- jedness@mac.com

WPPA Madison Wisconsin, March 7th, 2008

www.wppa-online.org Contact-paul@keelstudio.com

Twin Cities Professional Photographers Association, Minnesota, June 9th, 2008

www.tcppa.org, Contact- amy.zellmer@customcreationsphotography.com

Photographers of Northern Illinois, June 11th, 2008

www.ppani.org Contact- photor1@juno.com

(many more to be announced... including some exotic ones!)


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December 10th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Joey L alive and well

Hey everyone. Just giving a quick note for all those emailing and wondering about me and my trip to Bangladesh after reading my calendar and then seeing the lack of updates. I made it home one day before the cyclone hit Dhaka, which was where I was staying at the time. I appreciate all those who thought about me and my heart goes out to all the victims of the disaster. I'm afraid I won't see some of the people I photographed ever again, especially in the small villiages away from the shelter of the city.

I am very thankful to be back in North America safe (not home right now though, typing from Phoenix, Arizona). I have many exciting updates and things going on.

I have 60 gigs of images to go through from my 1 month trek through India, (the second time this year), Nepal and Bangladesh as well as 60 years of stories and adventures. I've put a few different images up online for all those interested but I will make a big post with many more pictures and explain the story of each image when I have the time to get to them all.

Until then take care and remember to hug your 'mummas cause you never know what's going to happen next.

Joey L

(photo is of me with some Sadhus in Nepal)

October 20th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Two Flies In My Eye- music video

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I just got word that a music video I made for my (now) great friend Benjamin Bates (electronic music artist) is up online. It's doing very well on the website which determines whether it will be aired on television or not, so the more views the better!

Check it out and let me know what you think-


Filmed on HVX 35mm adapter in an abandoned military hospital in Belgium. Every thing that could have went wrong, did go wrong. However, no rats were harmed in the making of this video! (cept me)


October 12th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Joey L Complete Tutorial... Ready!

Yes, it's true. It's finally here!!! The Joey L Complete Tutorial is a downloadable (also available on hard-copy disk in a few days) package with 2 hours of materials including narrated Photoshop lessons, behind the scenes videos with lighting diagrams, Photoshop Actions and texture librarys.

Click here to learn more about it.

So basically, if you jump on this now there is an opening discount. And... to the old schoolers who are proud owners of the rare first disk I sold a long time ago, you also get another discount!

I could blab about it all day here on my blog but all the info you need is in that link on a fancy new page.

http://joeyl.com/blog/ (7 di 12)14/02/2008 17.38.24


It feels great that the birth of this baby is finally over with. I can't wait to start hearing feedback and hopefully seeing some of your own images that you processed or shot with the techniques you learned!

Enjoy and write me with any questions, joey@joeyL.com

September 25th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

CD Art Updates

Some small updates of this and that- I finally put a copy of the These Silhouettes video on my website under the commercial section. Check it out there or read more about it below in another post. You can also see it on MuchMusic the television station or Myspace, (and all the "omgz ur lik so hawt lik3 marry me lol" comments from young teenage girls while their fathers bust their ass trying to pay all the internet bills.)

In other news, be sure to pick up the new Emanuel album 'Black Earth Tiger' in stores now, it's got some photos I did for them in the booklet. It's a really cool album, if you want to check it out I reccomend the tracks Cottonmouth, Scenotaph and Whiteflag (Reprise). I hope to catch a show at some point in my next exploits to the US of A. These guys are awesome but I don't reccomend this album for your mommy. But hey- that doesn't mean my mom won't listen to it. I had it in her car and then the next day it was secretly a few tracks ahead.

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In other, other news- be sure to also pick up the new As Cities Burn album on your trip to the store, (especially if Emanuel is too heavy for you). It's called "Come Now Sleep." They've also used a picture from my photoshoot with them in the booklet. I reccomend the tracks Contact, The Hoard, Clouds and Timothy. In "Clouds" they interviewed homeless people and intertwined their ideas of God into one song ending in a very warming and thoughtful chorus. I think it really gives a unique perspective and I applaud the band for such integrity. This album is all I've been listening to lately since they sent it to me.

In other, other, other news- (and just while I'm mentioning records) also check out the new Benjamin Bates album Recyclomania. Benjamin is a great friend of mine since we have worked together on his album art and of course the upcoming music video for the single "Two Flies." That video will be online and dutch/euro TV soon!

I suppose you could always get all cheaped out and download these albums too, but I can assure you that you won't be able to enjoy the artwork. ;-) That, and you won't burn a slow, painful death in piracy hell. Woopsie!

http://joeyl.com/blog/ (9 di 12)14/02/2008 17.38.24


September 13th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Fan Mail of the Week

This guy is awesome at math! You know, it's a shame the only "fan mail of the week"s I put up are the funny ones... I do appreciate all the nice ones I get in between! Thanks

In other news, the music video that I shot (but of course must not have lit ) has been voted within the top 10 on the Much Axis website. I was told we even beat out the likes of 50 Cent. See how to check it out below!

August 28th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

These Silhouettes music video on MuchMusic! Request it!

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I'm very happy to share the news that the video I made for my bros These Silhouettes got accepted to Much Music (the Canadian version of MTV) for rotation. It was my first music video and lots of people worked hard to make it with the limited amount of resources we had. We based the video on the photoshoot I did for them.

It was a crazy shoot that lasted from noon till the wee hours of the morning (which is crazy considering how short the song is.) During the shoot, we accidentally lit the blowing paper on fire from the hot video lights, blowing around fire in a room filled with flammable paint fumes. (the location is a car paint booth.) We didn't explode because higher powers wanted you to see this video!

So check it out here!

It's the Much Music website for it's first two week premiere. After, it will be on my site and youtube.

But I need your help... if you want to help me make more videos (and the band, for that matter) please send in a request for them to play it here.

August 18th, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Fan mail(s) of the week

I'm not quite sure if I am influencing more ridiculous e-mails by posting them on this blog, but I couldn't decide which of these two was better...

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Joey L Complete Editing Tutorial

Joey L Tutorial DVD Available on instant download and data DVD

I found myself furiously clicking around Photoshop re-editing original photographs pulled from external hard drives, scribbling notes trying to lay out the patterns I worked in, and brewing new techniques wild eyed and maniacal. All of this while trying to stay awake and keep my voice calm and normal while I narrated and recorded it all in the middle of the night. The result of months (maybe years? Who knows! I lost track of time) of this came out much cleaner and bigger than I had thought and turned into this tutorial that Im quite proud of. Im offering the knowledge of my techniques to you to better your own craft, whether it be to add that new-aged edgy look to your professional work or simply to bring something fresh to the results of your hobby. Check it out...

In this package containing 2 hours of material, you will find-

Behind the scenes footage from many unique photo shoots covering an array of concepts and lighting
situations, including detailed diagrams of the light set ups and props. Both studio lighting and simple techniques using standard reflectors are used

http://tutorial.joeyl.com/ (1 di 6)14/02/2008 17.39.36

Joey L Complete Editing Tutorial

Narrated live screen capture of the editing process, describing in detail all my techniques
step by step and how you can do them yourself. Even my granny can follow along, but I am confident there is something for everyone to learn.

Each technique is broken into individual lessons and within the lessons there are different
example pictures. This makes sure that you fully understand the range the technique has to offer on individual photographs

A library of custom high resolution (12.7 mega pixel) grunge textures you can use in
your own photos- cracks, aged paper, metallic scratches and abrasions, and some other gross stuff I cant even identify! (But it sure looks neat). There are over 50 textures on the disk, and you can use them for whatever you desire.

Photoshop-loadable actions in which you can play on your own pictures and follow along step by
step as my preloaded techniques are applied to your photos

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Joey L Complete Editing Tutorial

Instead of going through one or two images completely, I use many unique images in lessons and spend time on what techniques were applied to obtain the main impact of the photo. Here are some of the photos used in the different lessons.

Manual HDR RAW Conversion Techniques

Manual HDR RAW Conversion Techniques

Levels / Curves

Dodge / Burn

Rough Multiply Techniques

Smooth Multiply Techniques

Soft Light Techniques

Soft Light Techniques / Grunge


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Joey L Complete Editing Tutorial

Specialized RAW Conversion Techniques - blend many different variations of the same raw
file / picture to get manual HDR effects you control.

Levels and Curves - learn how I use (and positively abuse) these lightness and darkness tools
Quick to their fullest capability. together Mask Light FX Clone Rescue / Save for Web Texture Cooking / Preloaded Texture Library (over 50 images)

Multiply techniques - learn how to get the Joey L signature look to obtain a muddy, dark yet
vivid tonal range in your own images

Dodge / Burn - see how I use these tools to enhance certain areas of my pictures, and special tips
Ive come across by trial and error

Soft Light Techniques - how to obtain edgy, embossed looks on your photographs that make
them pop out of the screen

Grunge - the best ways to apply textures, scratches and other dirty elements to your images and blend
them in with precision

Rescue - save and rescue a bad take or mistake you cant afford to have. Examples such as swapping
peoples heads from different pictures, expanding the cut off area of a photo, etc.

Tilt / Shift effect - learn how to get a realistic tilt shift lens blur effect in Photoshop without having
to buy one / manual focus

Quick Masks - how to make realistic selections to influence light and dark values, manually
controlling the look of an otherwise flat image

Cooking Your Own Textures- yup, I kid you not! How you can bake up your own textures in
the oven to use in your grungey photographs

Click title link to download (low resolution .mov)

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Joey L Complete Editing Tutorial

Official Preview (10.8mb) sure to get stuck in your head

huh? a karaoke intro?! Whaaaaaaaat? Completely unnecessary and

Lesson excerpt (2mb) - I dont use any complex photoshop technological jargon in my narration.
You got to keep it real!

The Interface (2.3mb) - check out the nice, easy to navigate interface of the tutorial. Videos load
instantly as the core files are already on your hard drive after the download.

Click the link to launch the store page

Instant download - For computer, not DVD player. -

(2 hours of material + texture library + Photoshop actions, 1.37 gigabytes)


$20 discount for those who bought the last (now unavailable) disk
(Please e-mail joey@joeyL.com for promo code before purchasing. Include the name, address and e-mail you purchased the disk under).

* Hard-copy DVD (computer-only) data disk package

- $305 plus shipping

$20 discount for those who bought the last (now unavailable) disk
(Please e-mail joey@joeyL.com for promo code before purchasing. Include the name, address and e-mail you purchased the disk under)

How It Works

You can pay online using a credit card or bank account securely and instantly or through Paypal. (Its free to use.) You will automatically be sent an e-mail including a download link (which expires over time) and instructions for the tutorial. If anything goes wrong your info is kept on file and Ill sort it out for you with no tears. If you live in the boons and have a really slow internet connection, you might want to order the Hardcopy DVD instead of the download.
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Joey L Complete Editing Tutorial

If you are still afraid of buying online, no worries! Feel free to send a money order issued for Canadian use via snail-mail. Please e-mail joey@joeyL.com for more info.

More Questions? Just ask me personally


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