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Subject Class / Semester Meeting to Time Allocation Competence Standard Basic Competence : Accounting :X/I : 1-5 : 14 learning time : Arranging the Accounting Equation : Understanding the Basics of Accounting


The Purposes of Learning: After study this chapter the student should be able to: Understand the accounting concept. Know the specialization of accounting, the professions in accounting and the parties who need accounting information. Apply the principles of accounting. Indicator The meaning of accounting would be explained correctly. Specializations in accounting would be identified. The profession duties in accounting would be described. The parties who need accounting information would be identified. Learning Materials a. The meaning accounting b. The accounting specialization c. The profession in accounting d. The persons who need the accounting information. e. The principal of accounting Learning Methods Lectures Question and answer Discussion Active Learning The Steps of Learning Beginning Activity The teacher gives the information about the meaning of accounting. b. Core Activity The student learns the meaning of accounting, the specialization in accounting, the professions in accounting and the parties who need accounting information. c. Ending Activity The students are given the task to discover the meaning of accounting from one of learning resources. The student doing the review in the module. a. Learning Equipment/ Learning Resources o The Accounting Module 1, Siti Istianah, 2007






o Modul 2 Keahlian Akuntansi, Suparni, S. Pd. o Memahami Siklus Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa dan Dagang, SMK Tingkat 1, Drs. Hendi Somantri, Edisi Pertama April 2004. o Siklus Akuntansi SMK Tingkat 1, Drs. Hendi Somantri, Edisi Pertama November 1999. VII. Evaluations o Oral exam o Written exam o Giving an assignment


The teacher Siti Istianah,S.Pd NIP. 500125433

Approved by The Vice-Headmaster The Head of Accounting Dept.

Of Curriculum

Dra. Dyah Widyastuti NIP. 132051619

Dardjo, S.Pd NIP. 130530013

Subject Class / Semester Meeting to Time Allocation Competence Standard Basics Competence : Accounting :X/I : : 14 learning time : Management of Transaction Document : 1. Preparing the transaction document 2. Analyzing the transaction document 3. Saving the transaction document


The Purposes of Learning: The student can: Prepares the tools of transaction documents. Classifies the transaction document. Gives the account code. Indicator



Learning Materials a. Explanation the tools that are needed to prepare the transaction document b. Classification the transaction documents. c. Analysis the transaction document d. Application the technical of saving (the storage) the transaction document. Learning Methods Lectures Question and answer Discussion Active Learning The Steps of Learning Beginning Activity o Apperception o The teacher gives the information about the transaction document Core Activity The student learning the transaction document. The student learning the classification of transaction document. The student learning the determination of debit amount or credit amount for each account. The student learning the storage the transaction document The student learning the tools that are needed to save the transaction document


V. a.



VI. o o o o

Ending Activity The students are given the task to discover the meaning of accounting from one of learning resources. The student doing the review in the module. Learning Equipment/ Learning Resources The Accounting Module 1, Siti Istianah, 2007 Modul 2 Keahlian Akuntansi, Suparni, S. Pd. Memahami Siklus Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa dan Dagang, SMK Tingkat 1, Drs. Hendi Somantri, Edisi Pertama April 2004. Siklus Akuntansi SMK Tingkat 1, Drs. Hendi Somantri, Edisi Pertama November 1999.

VII. Evaluations o Oral exam o Written exam o Giving an assignment


The Teacher


Approved by The Vice-Headmaster The Lead of Accounting Dept.




2010/2011 2010
Note : Adopted Cambridge syllabus mark by Bold and Italic font

School : SMA Negeri 2 Depok Subject : Economics Grade / Semester : X/ 1 Year : 2009/2010

andard :

6. Understanding consumption and investation

Basic Competence :

6.1 Describe the function of consumption and saving. 6.2 Describe investation demand curve. : 6.1.1. Using consumption function and how to draw it

6.2.1. Using saving function and how to draw it. 6.2.1. Example for several mathematic function and statistic used in economics analyses Time Allocation A. Aim . : : 10 X 45 minute

Enable candidates to participate more fully in decision-making processes as both consumers and producers and as citizens of the local, national and international community;
B. Topics :

Applied mathematic function in economics 6.1.1. Consumption function 6.1.2. Saving function 6.2.1. Investation demand curve. C. Method Lecture, question and anwer D. Activity Inrtoduction
- Aperseption - Motivation : : Describe natiomal income concept How the low demand and supply working indailly activity ?

Learning Activity : 6.1.1. Explore reference to define price, output, profit and lost, maximum production using mathematic function, table and graphic. 6.2.1. Explore reference investattion demand curve Clossing
MPC are Marginal propencity to consume, the changing consumption because changing income MPS are marginal Propencity to save, the changing saving because changing income


Tools and Recourses

Recourses : A. Boediono. (1990), Ekonomi mikro, Yogyakarta: BPFE B. Hadjam, Adnan.(1984). Pengantar ekonomi mikro dan soal-soal latihan, Yogyakarta: BPFE. C. Samuelson, Paul A. & Nordhaus, Willam D. (1985). Economics, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. D. Sudarman, Ari, (1996). Teori ekonomi mikro, Jilid I, Yogyakarta: BPFE. E. Ace Partadiredja. (1985). Pengantar ekonomika. Yogyakarta: BPFE F. Danoewikarsa D. (1977). Tanya-jawab tentang koperasi. Jakarta: Departemen Koperasi. G. Dornbusch, R. and Fischer, S, (1992). Macroeconomics. (Terjemahan), Jakarta: Erlangga. H. Dumairy, (1996). Matematika terapan untuk bisnis dan ekonomi. Yogyakarta: BPFE. I. Irawan dan Suparmoko, M.,(1981). Ekonomi pembangunan. Yogyakarta: BPFE. J. Lindert, Peter H and Kindleberger, Charles P, (1986). International economics. (Terjemahan), Jakarta: Erlangga. K. Naisbitt, John (1994). Global Paradox (alih bahasa: Budijanto), Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara L. Nopirin, (1999). Ekonomi internasional. Yogyakarta: BPFE.

M. Soediyono, R., (1987). Ekonomi internasional: Pengantar lalu-lintas pembayaran internasional. Yogyakarta: Liberty. N. Sukirno, Sadono, (1985). Ekonomi pembangunan: proses, masalah, dan dasar kebijaksanaan. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. O. Bank Indonesia, sebuah pengantar, Pusat Pendidikan dan Studi Kebanksentralan, Agustus 2004 P. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia nomor 23 tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 tahun 2004

Q. Syllabus Cambridge IGCSE Economics Syllabus code 0455 Examination in June and November 2011. UCLES 2008
Tools : Laptop,Infocus, Paper and pancil F. Assessment Tecnic Instrument type

: quiz : Question - answer

Instrument examples ( soal ) 1. Define formula which describe the changing level consumption because of changing income ? 2. Define formula which describe the cahnging level saving because of changing income ? Keys 1. MPC 2. MPS

Mengetahui, Curicullum Vice Pricipal

Depok, Economics Teacher,


AGUS SUHENDI,S.Pd NIP:196708071991031006

Note : Adopted Cambridge syllabus mark by Bold and Italic font


2010/2011 2010
Note : Adopted Cambridge syllabus mark by Bold and Italic font

School : SMA Negeri 2 Depok Subject : Economics Grade / Semester : X/ 1 Year : 2009/2010

Competence Standard :

7. Understanding money and bank

Basic Competence :

7.1 Explain concept money supply and demand. 7.2 Deferences the function of central bank and commercial bank

7.3 The individual as producer, consumer and employer 7.4 The private firm as producer and employer

7.5 Describe government policies in monetery sectore. Indikator :

7.1.1. Describe money demand and supply. 7.1.2. Identify influence factors money demand and suppy 7.2.1. Analyses the function of central bank, commercial bank, syariah bank and bank perkeriditan rakyat. 7.2.2. Identify how to use bank product in dally activity. 7.2.3. Describe credit concept 7.2.4. Analyses prerequirement candidate of bank credit ( 5 C).

7.3.1. describe the functions of stock exchanges; 7.3.2. identify the factors affecting an individual's choice of occupation (wage factors and non-wage factors);); 7.3.3. describe likely changes in earnings over time for an individual; 7.3.4. describe the differences in earnings between different occupational groups (male/female; skilled/ unskilled; private/public; agricultural/manufacturing/services); 7.3.5. describe trade unions and their role in an economy; 7.3.6.describe the benefits and disadvantages of specialisation for the individual 7.3.7. analyse the different motives for spending, saving and borrowing; 7.3.8.discuss how and why different income groups have different expenditure patterns (spending, saving and borrowing 7.4.1.describe the type of business organisation in the public and private sectors: sole proprietors, partnerships, private companies, public companies, multi-nationals, cooperatives, public corporations; 7.4.2. describe and evaluate the effects of changes in structure of business organisations; 7.4.3. describe what determines the demand for factors of production; 7.4.4. define total and average cost, fixed and variable cost and perform simple calculations 7.4.5. analyse particular situations to show changes in total and average cost as output changes; 7.4.6.define total and average revenue and perform simple calculations; 7.4.7. describe the principle of profit maximisation as a goal; 7.4.8.describe pricing and output policies in perfect competition and monopoly; 7.4.9. describe the main reasons for the different sizes of firms (size of market, capital, organisation); 7.4.10.describe and evaluate integration, economies and diseconomies of scale; 7.4.11.discuss the advantages and disadvantages of monopoly.
7.5.1. Define influence the volume of money to a price level. 7.5.2. Describe monetary policies.

Time Allocation A.

: 8 X 45 minute Aim : .

Develop candidates understanding of the economies of developed and developing nations and of the relationships between them; and to develop their appreciation of these relationships from the perspective of both developed and developing nations
B. Topics :

Demand and money supply 7.1.1. Define demand and money supply. 7.1.2. Influence factors money deman and supply Bank 7.2.1. Define bank 7.2.2. Function of central bank and commercial bank 7.2.3. Finance institutions non bank 7.2.4. credit.

7.3.1. the functions of stock exchanges, 7.3.2. the factors affecting an individual's choice of occupation (wage factors and non-wage factors);); 7.3.3. likely changes in earnings over time for an individual; 7.3.4. the differences in earnings between different occupational groups (male/female; skilled/ unskilled; private/public; agricultural/manufacturing/services); 7.3.5. trade unions and their role in an economy; 7.3.6. the benefits and disadvantages of specialisation for the individual 7.3.7. the different motives for spending, saving and borrowing; 7.3.8. how and why different income groups have different expenditure patterns (spending, saving and borrowing 7.4.1. the type of business organisation in the public and private sectors: sole proprietors, partnerships, private companies, public companies, multi-nationals, co-operatives, public corporations; 7.4.2. the effects of changes in structure of business organisations; 7.4.3. what determines the demand for factors of production; 7.4.4. total and average cost, fixed and variable cost and perform simple calculations 7.4.5. particular situations to show changes in total and average cost as output changes; 7.4.6. total and average revenue and perform simple calculations; 7.4.7. the principle of profit maximisation as a goal; 7.4.8. pricing and output policies in perfect competition and monopoly; 7.4.9. the main reasons for the different sizes of firms (size of market, capital, organisation); 7.4.10. integration, economies and diseconomies of scale; 7.4.11.the advantages and disadvantages of monopoly.
7.5.1. Government policies in monetery sectore. 7.5.2. Monetery policies C. Method

Lecture, question and anwer D. Activity

- Motivation - Aperseption : Define the low demand and supply. : How poeple manage the money to fulfill the needs and wants ?

Learning Activity : 7.1.1. Explore referen to define influence factors money deman and suppy. 7.2.1. Explore reference or field observe for discuss the types, function and how to used banking product and finance institution in daily activity 7.2.2. Explore reference credit prerequirement , advantage and disadvantage of credit.

7.3.1. define e the functions, stock exchanges; 7.3.2. define the factors affecting an individual's choice of occupation (wage factors and nonwage factors);); 7.3.3. define likely changes in earnings over time for an individual; 7.3.4. define the differences in earnings between different occupational groups (male/female; skilled/ unskilled; private/public; agricultural/manufacturing/services); 7.3.5. define trade unions and their role in an economy; 7.3.6. define the benefits and disadvantages of specialisation for the individual 7.3.7. analyse the different motives for spending, saving and borrowing; 7.3.8. discuss how and why different income groups have different expenditure patterns (spending, saving and borrowing 7.4.1. define the type of business organisation in the public and private sectors: sole proprietors, partnerships, private companies, public companies, multi-nationals, co-operatives, public corporations; 7.4.2. define and evaluate the effects of changes in structure of business organisations; 7.4.3. define what determines the demand for factors of production; 7.4.4. define total and average cost, fixed and variable cost and perform simple calculations 7.4.5. analyse particular situations to show changes in total and average cost as output changes; 7.4.6. define total and average revenue and perform simple calculations; 7.4.7. define the principle of profit maximisation as a goal; 7.4.8. define pricing and output policies in perfect competition and monopoly; 7.4.9. define be the main reasons for the different sizes of firms (size of market, capital, organisation); 7.4.10.definee and evaluate integration, economies and diseconomies of scale; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of monopoly.
7.5.1. Explore reference to find formulate of government monetary policies Clossing
Quantity money supply and money demand in economic based on formula : M.V = P.T


Tools and Recourses

L. M. N. O. P.

Recourses : A. Boediono. (1990), Ekonomi mikro, Yogyakarta: BPFE B. Hadjam, Adnan.(1984). Pengantar ekonomi mikro dan soal-soal latihan, Yogyakarta: BPFE. C. Samuelson, Paul A. & Nordhaus, Willam D. (1985). Economics, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. D. Sudarman, Ari, (1996). Teori ekonomi mikro, Jilid I, Yogyakarta: BPFE. E. Ace Partadiredja. (1985). Pengantar ekonomika. Yogyakarta: BPFE F. Danoewikarsa D. (1977). Tanya-jawab tentang koperasi. Jakarta: Departemen Koperasi. G. Dornbusch, R. and Fischer, S, (1992). Macroeconomics. (Terjemahan), Jakarta: Erlangga. H. Dumairy, (1996). Matematika terapan untuk bisnis dan ekonomi. Yogyakarta: BPFE. I. Irawan dan Suparmoko, M.,(1981). Ekonomi pembangunan. Yogyakarta: BPFE. J. Lindert, Peter H and Kindleberger, Charles P, (1986). International economics. (Terjemahan), Jakarta: Erlangga. K. Naisbitt, John (1994). Global Paradox (alih bahasa: Budijanto), Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara Nopirin, (1999). Ekonomi internasional. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Soediyono, R., (1987). Ekonomi internasional: Pengantar lalu-lintas pembayaran internasional. Yogyakarta: Liberty. Sukirno, Sadono, (1985). Ekonomi pembangunan: proses, masalah, dan dasar kebijaksanaan. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Bank Indonesia, sebuah pengantar, Pusat Pendidikan dan Studi Kebanksentralan, Agustus 2004 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia nomor 23 tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 tahun 2004

Q. Syllabus Cambridge IGCSE Economics Syllabus code 0455 Examination in June and November 2011. UCLES 2008
Tools : Laptop,Infocus, Paper and pancil F. Assessment

Tecnic Instrument type

: quiz : question anwers

Instrument examples ( soal ) Formula by Irfine Fisher which discibe Quantity demand and supply and money demand in economic are ....

Keys M.V = P.T

Mengetahui, Curicullum Vice Pricipal

Depok, Economics Teacher,





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