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Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Note: Presenters available until 4:30 p.m.)

PURPOSE: LOCATION: To communicate and discuss Instructional Leadership Planning Eaton ISD Lions/Greyhounds Conference Rooms (A/B) PARTICIPANTS: Tom Akerson, Brooke Ballee, Tim Donahue, Chris Gottleber, Eileen Grant-Ball, Tim Hall, Ralph Hansen, Amy Henry, Brenda Hydon, Becky Krawczyk, Sara Lurie, Kathy Peasley, Rhonda Provoast, Ronda Rucker, Stacey Schuh, Julie Swartz, Angelin a Zeller

12:30 p.m. Introductions and overview of agenda Additions to agenda All e-files on Eaton ISD website 12:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. Special Presentation How to Best Utilize Explore, Plan and ACT Data 1:45 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Department Updates Curriculum

Agenda reviewed/updated.


Erika Latchaw (minutes/scribe) Guest access to wireless connection is: EISD-Guest (Thanks Tim!) www.eatonisd.org (go to IS/Moodle/login)

ILT is informed on utilizing EXPLORE/ Wendy Zdeb PLAN and ACT data to inform MASSP instruction.

ILT Members

Collaborative Resources:
CCRS Units: http://gomaisa.org/maisa

Serving: Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Grand Ledge, Maple Valley, Potterville, Island City Academy, Relevant Academy and Oneida School Districts
1790 E. Packard Hwy., Charlotte, MI 48813 Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 www.eatonisd.org


Instruction Assessment CCSS Transition Plan w/LEAs

Michigan-specific CC Live Binder: http://livebinders.com/play/play/187117 Teaching Channel: www.teachingchannel.org MDE: http://teachingforlearning.org MACFormative Assessment Training Modules: http://michiganassessmentconsortium.org The HUNT Institute: http://www.youtube.com/ user/TheHuntInstitute

Review 2012-13 Work Session Planning from ILT Meeting on March 14, 2012 Data Warehouse Technology RtI/MTSS Initiative LEA Trainings - MiBLSi/RTSL/PBIS Eaton ISD Trainings - RtI World Caf Professional Development School Improvement Thurs., April 19 Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center (CASM) 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Special Presentation Literacy/MTSS Initiative 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Additional time with Ingham ISD Panel for Q & A on Reading Street Adjourn

ILT has input and discussion regarding Tim technology and data collection. ILT has input and discussion regarding Becky prevention and intervention services. ILT has input and discussion regarding Rhonda/Stacey professional development. Upcoming Teacher Grants Available Rhonda

www.achievedata.com/eisd http://www.mischooldata.org http://data4ss.org

Erikas email: elatchaw@eatonisd.org Register your School Improvement teams @ www.eatonisd.org New website launched: www.sresd.org
http://sresd.org/modules/cms/pages.phtml? pageid=254365&sessionid=27c4734b03f691c06e7 f1e854ccdb37b

Mary Jo Wegenke, Ingham ISD and John Shannahan, Pearson

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 10, 2012 @ 9:00 a.m. Noon

Goal 3: Build relationships with locals to serve their needs. Goal 4: Develop a focused approach to key services, programs, and areas.

Serving: Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Grand Ledge, Maple Valley, Potterville, Island City Academy, Relevant Academy and Oneida School Districts
1790 E. Packard Hwy., Charlotte, MI 48813 Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 www.eatonisd.org


The EISD Administrative Cabinet developed the visual model above to show the overlapping relationships of the four goals set by the EISD Board of Education. All goals share an equal level of importance and priority.

Goal 2: Ensure quality employees through effective evaluation and development


Goal 3: Build relationships with locals to serve their needs.

Goal 4: Develop a focused approach to key services, programs, and areas.

Serving: Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Grand Ledge, Maple Valley, Potterville, Island City Academy, Relevant Academy and Oneida School Districts
1790 E. Packard Hwy., Charlotte, MI 48813 Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 www.eatonisd.org


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