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FOXPRO FoxPro is data base management program. DATA BASE A data base is a collection of data when organized in a predicate (reduce cuts) redundancy and easy data exits. The data is available to all call by user in an origination for used in a verity of activities. COMMAND 1. CREATE The create command is used to create a new data base file (O.B.F.) It gives 5 extension .d .b .f Syntax CREATE (Press Enter) CREA (Press Enter) 2. LIST COMAND The purpose of list command is used to display data on the screen. Syntax LIST (Press Enter) 3. APPEND The append command is used to address new record in current data base file. Syntax APPEND (Press Enter) 4. USE The purpose of the use command is to open/close exiting data base file. Syntax USE (Press Enter) 5. MODIFY STRUCTURE The modify structure command is used to Change the structure of exiting file. Syntax MODI STRU (Press Enter) 6. DIR The dir command is used to display file directory of current or exiting disk. Syntax DIR (Press Enter)

7. LIST STRUCTURE The list structure command is used to display structure information of current data base file. Syntax LIST for file name = Delhi (Press Enter) LIST for Total number = 500 (Press Enter) 8. QUIT The quit command is used to close all file terminated data base and return to opening system prompt. Syntax QUIT (Press Enter) 9. INSERT The insert command is used to insert new record in the file before current record. Syntax INSERT (Press Enter) 10. GO/GO TO This command is used to cursor specified record. Syntax GO RECO NO (Press Enter) GO TO RECO NO (Press Enter) 11. CLEAR The purpose command is used to clear the screen. Syntax CLEAR (Press Enter) 12. DISPLAY It is used to display the data of current file. Syntax DISPLAY RECO NO (Press Enter) 13. DISPLAY ALL It is used to display data on the screen page wise. Syntax DISPLAY ALL (Press Enter) 14. DELETE The delete command is used to delete unwanted record current data base file it is indicated by * Syntax DELETE RECO NO (Press Enter) 15. PACK The pack command is used to permanently delete all records Mark of deletion. Syntax PACK (Press Enter) 16. RECALL The purpose of recall command is used to call all records/specified mark of deletion. Syntax RECALL RECO NO (Press Enter)

17. ZAP The zap command is used to remove all records of current data base file. Syntax ZAP (Press Enter) 18. REPLACE The replace command is used to change the contents or current file. The replace command placing new data in the file. Syntax REPLACE ALL STATE WITH BIHAR (Press Enter) REPLACE ALL TOTAL WITH PHY+CHE+MATH (Press Enter) 19. RENAME The purpose is used to change the name exiting file. Syntax RENAME OLD FILE NAME TO NEW FILE NAME (Press Enter) 20. LIST OFF The list off command is used to display data on the screen without record numbers Syntax LIST OFF (Press Enter) 21. EDIT The purpose of this command is used to modify any records. Syntax EDIT RECO NO (Press Enter)

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