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Sample Report

This report was run using the birth details of Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft). Please note his very high (85%) probabilty of becoming extremely rich. This program was spot on with his birth details. Birth details used are (Oct 28, 1955- 21:21:29, 122 W 20, 47 N 36) Click Here To Go Back and Order Your Report.

Your Financial Destiny Report

Personal Details
Name : Bill Gates Date Of Birth : 10/28/1955

Astrological Details
Ascendant Sign : Gemini Moon Sign : Pisces Wealth Ascendant Sign : Virgo

Financial Destiny Analysis

Wealth Ascendant Analysis Result: Wealth Ascendant is a special point in the chart which may indicate
towards a windfall gain. CONGRATULATIONS!!!Wealth Ascendant in your chart does have multiple special planetary combinations which impart extraordinary wealth. Bill Gates of Microsoft also has the same score. This improves your probability of becoming rich significantly. This is an important checkpoint but not the final one, there are a number of other considerations which we will check next. Your 'Wealth Score' from this analysis is : 14 (if you scored '5', that means your chances of making it big are pretty high, a score of '9' means that your chances of making it big are pretty significant. A score of '14' is very rare and represents that your potential of becoming super rich is extremely great. '0' score simply means that this particular combination is absent, but there could be other combinations which can still provide immense riches)

"Sudden Wealth" Creating Planetary Combinations Analysis Result: There are a number of possible
planetary combinations which can impart sudden wealth. This primarily involves 2nd house (house of wealth), 11th house (house of gain), 9th house (house of luck), Jupiter , Mars, Moon and Moon's node Rahu which represents the 'sudden' part of making it big. This analysis checks your chart against all of them. The report looks at 15 different categories of these combinations and if found assigns a specific score to them. The following table shows you the results found in you chart.

"Sudden Wealth" Creating Planetary Combinations Analysis Catgory

1st, 2nd and 11th House Combinations Rahu and 9th House Combinations Moon, 3, 6, 10 and 11th House Combinations Moon, Mars and 5th House Combinations Moon, Mars, 2nd and 11th House Combinations Jupiter, 9th House and 9th Sign Combinations Jupiter, Saturn and Venus Combinations

Is The Combination Present In Your Chart Score

No No No No No No No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mars, jupiter and 2nd House Combinations 2nd and 8th House Combinations Mercury, Moon and Mars Combinations 1st and 2nd House Combinations 2nd and 10th House Combinations Jupiter and 8th House Combinations Jupiter and Moon Combinations Special Wealth Yogas

No No No No No No No Yes

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

Total Wealth Score From The Above Analysis : 5 Your Overall Wealth Score: 19 Wealth Score Analysis: Based on your overall score, your chances of making it big in life are 85%. This simply
means that when we ran your chart against some special planetary combinations known to be responsible for giving sudden wealth, a very large number of combinations were found in your chart. This indicates that you have very significant chances of becoming rich in life. Your score is actually very good and is found rarely in people's charts. Luck is on your side, everything that you touch may become gold. So be prepared, keep your eyes and ears open and jump on the right opportunities.

Planetary Propensity To Give Wealth: This analysis looks at the extent of wealth you may get in this life
time(Extremely Rich, Very Rich, Rich, Moderate and Average). Each planet in your chart may have the capacity to give wealth. We look at 2 factors a) Each planet's ability to give wealth (Excellent, Very High, High, None) b) Each planet's willingness to give wealth(Yes, No). Combining these 2 factors give us the magnitude of wealth that you may get in your lifetime. However If your wealth Ascendant Score above is either '9' or '14', then that overrides the below analysis and you may end up being extremely or very rich anyways.

Wealth Magnitude Calculations Planet


Capacity To Give Wealth Willingness To Give Wealth Magnitude Score

Excellent High High Excellent Very High High Excellent None None No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes 2 0 0 5 1 3 2 0 0

Your Total Wealth Magnitude Score: 13 Wealth Magnitude Analysis: Your Wealth Ascendant Score is either '9' or '14'. This overrides your wealth
magnitude score and hence you are likely to become 'Extremely Rich' depending on your probability of becoming rich.

Bottom Line: There is 85% chance that you will be Extremely Rich in life. Remedies:
Using certain astrological remedies your financial position can be significantly improved. Based on your score and your chart we recommend thre following remedies.


Print and cut the following table of numbers and always keep it in your pocket or purse. This is a special arrangement of numbers designed to enhance the money and wealth giving effects of a planet which was found to be weak in your chart.

Planetary Yantra For Wealth

12 13 8 7 11 15 14 9 10


Gems have been known for centuries to enhance the positive effects of the planets if used in the right way. Please follow the instructions exactly as stated and this along with other remedies will significantly enhance your chances of becoming rich. Recommeded Gem :- Sapphire(4.25 ct). Ring Metal :- Silver. Finger :- Middle. When :- Starting From Saturday Evening .


Finally Just follow the following instructions. These practices have been successfully followed for centuries and are known to enhance the effect of certain planets. Wear Blue clothes on Saturdays. Astrology is not an exact science, we strongly recommend that you do not take too seriously or literally interpretations you may receive with this reading. Please use your common sense and own judgment, the site readings are meant to reflect you own thought processes and projections - Astrology does not absolutely predict events or give absolute advice as to what actions you should take or decisions you should make regarding your current life circumstances. Astrology readings received via this report should not be completely relied upon for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions and you should also consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your situation. Print this page We strongly recommend printing this report for future reference.

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