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All of us have experienced different kinds of unexpected and usually negative changes in our daily lives, called crises. Some of us have faced natural crises that are inherently unpredictable such as: earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruption, and so on. Most of our families have been involved in financial crises for at least once in our lifetime. Some others, as well as me, come from a country which always struggles with political crises. Actually we consider crisis as any event expected to lead in a condition of instability or danger, as in individual, social, economic, political, or financial affairs. While Venette argues that:" crisis is a process of transformation where the old system can no longer be maintained, therefore, the defining quality is the need for change and if change is not needed, the event could more accurately be described as a failure" (Venette, S. J.). Consequently, " crisis has several defining characteristics that are: specific, unexpected, non-routine series of events which is usually seen as a threat to important goals" (Seeger, M. W.; Sellnow, T. L.; Ulmer, R. R. ). Then the questions are: what is the best type of response to a crisis, an instinctive quick response or a more careful slower one? And is it necessary to always consider crisis as an unfavorable event or sometimes it

is better to see the glass half full? Indeed, there are times when a crisis requires a more careful consideration and a slower response so that one is able to make better decisions and avoid greater problems which may affect others situations as well as the decider's. By thinking more carefully, we could be able to make better decisions in an urgent situation.When we experience a natural urgent crisis, our body instinctively responds to it without thinking. Sensory cells immediately feel danger and the body instinctively sends warning messages to the brain. Since then, the brain automatically reacts some specific body organs in order to increase heartbeat and blood pressure to prepare the person to escape from danger. This is just a body's natural reaction and it does not mean it is the best response to it. For example; imagine a woman walking in a shopping center and suddenly an earthquake happens. Her body immediately reacts and increases the supply of blood to the heart as a result of above mentioned metabolism. Therefore, brain feels danger and orders her body to run from this situation by the easiest possible way. At first, the only thing may reach to her mind is to search for the nearest exit and this is exactly what other people around are searching for at the same time. Since in these situations, everyone is trying to access emergency exits, it will be really crowded at the gates and using these doors will not be a good idea to save people's life, it also might cause injuries and even death for people around. While the best response to these kinds of crises is to find a safer place such as under a table or a chair and remain there until everything calms down. In another example, imagine while we are driving on a highway with our friends out of nowhere we hear a terrible noise.

Soon, we find out the noise was because of an accident in which a car hit a man. As the mercy of people around, they try to move the body to the sidewalk or a safer place. But they will not consider moving an injured person in this situation is not really logical. Since we do not know exactly which part of his body is hurt, even a small movement to his body may cause him a kind of disability which he may never get rid of. So the best solution for this situation is informing the emergency and asking for their help. A hasty decision that is made against a crisis, not only may not solve it but also would possibly cause greater problems and if the crisis is more than an individual one, it may affect others situations as well as the decision maker's. For example; imagine there is an agreement between a governmental company as a producer and a private company as a consumer. Due to financial problems private company may fail to do the terms about payment condition as it is mentioned in the agreement. Consider a situation the private company cannot afford the payment at the right time. According to this problem, governmental company will decide to take action without thinking clearly about this matter and they will call off the agreement due to failure for payment. Although it might seem a better idea for them at first, but soon or later they will figure out that they should look into market for new costumers for their product. This will bring them waste of time, money and even human resources. In order to avoid this sort of problems, the governmental company can do some considerations in terms of agreement instead of stop co-operating with the private company. In this way, they can have their product taken by the private company and

the money taken from the costumer at the same time.We can easily figure out that a wrong decision by governmental company has effects on both private and governmental companies. Also we can see these kinds of problems even inside some families. There are many families whom got separated from each other as a result of taking action without thinking correctly. It happens very simply. More often, it starts with an argue between a husband and a wife. After a while, as soon as they realize they are not able to stand each other and their patient is not enough anymore, to stop all the worries and problems, suddenly they decide to get divorce. For some time, they might think they have chosen the best possible option, but they do not realize that this action will ruin the future of their children. It is true that it might be the end of the road of sadness and arguments for parents, but it is just a beginning for a dark and hard life for their children without having their parent's sight on them. In all these situations, we can see how a hasty decision and taking action without thinking would affect different aspects of people's life. Sometimes an instinctive response is needed against a crisis, but most of the times it is better to take some minutes thinking before deciding. In this way, we will have a better chance of overcoming a crisis. Also we should not always consider crises as unfavorable events as John Fitzgerald Kennedy explains that" a crisis is composed of two characters:one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity" ( Fitzgerald Kennedy). At least the only opportunity crises may bring us is that they force us to make up our minds and think. We have the same chinese proverb that says: "A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind."

Actually, the main reason we are worried about crises is that we do not see them coming and we have no imagination of them otherwise, they will make us stronger.So it is better for us to start our day by whispering:There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full and trying to accept and challenge with it.

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