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Cabbage Fertility Experiment

of Potash were mixed in one quart of water. This

T o determine how balanced nutrition programs
increase the productivity of crops and vegeta-
bles, AGGRAND scientists compared petrochemical
mixture was placed into a trench below and to the
side of the roots. The additional AGGRAND treat-
fertilizers with AGGRAND fertilizers. In one ment (root feeding plus foliar plus band) would
AGGRAND experiment conducted in the AMSOIL tell the scientists whether the additional products
Growth Center, cabbage fertilized with AGGRAND and treatments (AGGRAND Plus) were effective in
produced larger, more flavorful heads compared obtaining even higher yields than the single prod-
to those produced by Miracle Gro®. uct and treatment (AGGRAND).
The AGGRAND and AGGRAND Plus treatments
both produced highly significant increases in mean
head weights over the Miracle Gro® treatment (see
bar graph). The AGGRAND treatment produced a
308% increase in mean head weight and the
AGGRAND Plus treatment produced a 379%
increase in mean head weight. The AGGRAND Plus
treatment also produced an increase of 71% in
mean head weight over the AGGRAND treatment.
The take-home message tells us that AGGRAND
is more effective than Miracle Gro® even when the
AGGRAND plants are grown in soilless media. In
addition, the use of banded and foliar applications
with a combination of AGGRAND products are
effective in obtaining even higher yields than soil
applications of one AGGRAND product alone.

Growth Test Results

There were several AGGRAND treatments which
were compared to Miracle Gro ®. Two of the
AGGRAND treatments were grown on soilless 37.5 oz.
media, and the Miracle Gro® treatment was grown
on media with soil to see if AGGRAND could out- 35
produce Miracle Gro® without relying on the extra
nutritional value of the soil. One AGGRAND treat- 30
Cabbage Growth (oz./head)

30.5 oz.
ment was applied to the media every two weeks, and
the other AGGRAND treatment was applied in the
same way with an additional foliar treatment
applied before heading and a banded treatment
applied at transplanting. 20
Miracle Gro® was applied to the media every two
weeks just like the AGGRAND treatments. Three 15
ounces of the newly formulated AGGRAND 4-3-3
Natural Fertilizer were mixed with one gallon of 9.9 oz.
water to be applied to the media and to the leaves. 10
For the Miracle Gro® treatments, one teaspoon of fer-
tilizer was mixed with one gallon of water and 5
applied to the media as stated in the directions.
For the banded treatment at planting, two ounces 0
of the new 4-3-3, two ounces of AGGRAND 0-12-0 Miracle AGGRAND AGGRAND
Liquid Bonemeal and one ounce of the newly for- Gro®
mulated AGGRAND 0-0-8 Natural Kelp and Sulfate

www.naturalfertilizer.info - 1.877.290.0135
What they are saying about
AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer:
… I fertilized half of the garden with AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer and the other half with my regular
commercial fertilizer. The results were absolutely amazing. Green pepper plants which usually would bear
three or four peppers per plant were producing as many as eight and nine peppers per plant and had
increased the size of the fruit by at least one-third. The tomato plants which normally would grow to a
height of three to four feet were up over six feet, had bushed out double their normal size, and then
produced at least twice as many tomatoes as the non-AGGRAND fertilized plants with large and better fruit
on top of it!
Toby E. Marcovich, Attorney and home gardener
… normally I don’t have any ripe tomatoes until at least the last week of July or the first week of August.
Today is June 24; I’ve been eating cherry tomatoes from my vines, and I have more tomatoes, more fully
developed than any I’ve ever been able to grow before. I have changed nothing in the method that I’ve
used to raise these tomatoes other than to use AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer.
Richard Gould, Investment Counselor and home gardener
… the [diseased] avocado tree demonstrated outstanding response to the AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer: new
and vibrant growth appeared on the interior of the tree, the interior branches showed vigor and took on a
healthy appearance, and small blossoms began to develop. … AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer overcame the
effects of the [preexisting] root fungus and caused the tree to uptake and utilize the fertilizer’s nutrient
complex … I now use AGGRAND continually and the tree has almost regained its former vigor and stature.
Dr. Robert Pratt, Organic Chemist
… After using AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer for only a short time, perhaps two applications, it was appar-
ent that the ornaments and flowers underwent a substantial transformation. The plants universally were
far more vigorous and had developed a large number of buds and blossoms. The blossoms, as well,
remained full and vibrant far longer than we had ever previously experienced. Patrons of the course were
enthusiastic in their praise of the appearance of the landscape plants.
Robert Distel, Golf Course Superintendent
… My main uses of AGGRAND, following label instructions, as the only fertilizer for the full growing
season, were in four ways:
1. A peach tree that in April looked like it would not be alive at the end of the growing season. The
tree is not only alive at the present time but it bore a small crop of peaches.
2. My watermelons have been great with a good yield and have had good taste.
3. I have had an exceptional yield of tomatoes with good taste, and entered a tomato in the Jumbo
Tomato Contest at the Iowa State Fair. The tomato weighed in excess of 2.75 pounds and won First
4. A small strawberry patch that came through the winter in poor condition. These are day-neutral
berries that bear continuously throughout the growing season. They not only survived but have
produced excellent berries of good size throughout the season. I have been raising these varieties
of day-neutrals for several years and this has been the best year for them that I have had.
Bob Davenport, Master Gardener

AGGRAND products and Dealership information are available

from your Independent AMSOIL/AGGRAND Dealer.

www.naturalfertilizer.info - 1.877.290.0135
AMSOIL INC., AMSOIL Bldg. Superior, WI 54880-1527 • (715) 392-7101 • www.altrumonline.com Printed in U.S.A. © Copyright 2006 G-1137 12/06

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