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Quantitative Research Method 1 Running Head: QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHOD

Quantitative Research Method [Writer`s Name] [Institute Name]

Quantitative Research Method 2 Quantitative method The basic mechanism, prevalent in the study of social sciences and in general of all sciences has been the hypothetical-deductive. This research method is prevailing in the scenario development and seeks to establish, justify them based on a previously developed theoretical framework. One of the main criticisms that have been made to this form of research is commonly what researchers claim this method is to demonstrate that their work is scientific and that comply with rules that required this method instead of understanding the different features found in reality and may differ from the theoretical. On this matter says that "the explanation of reality then fits the standard and rules become rigid approach". Likewise, training in scientific research is conducted through a series of trainings in which you must follow a set of instructions which eventually made automatically where the repetition and reiteration become repetitive. This method is characterized by a set of rules and assumptions that Kuhn named as "socially recognized the scientific community" (Bailey, 2006). The quantitative research method comes from the natural sciences and not as is commonly believed that part of positivism. This method has a clear and precise about how they are investigated, one starts in the first instance of a theoretical framework that has been accepted by the scientific community and there arises a series of hypotheses about the expected relationships between variables are part of the problem studied. Then moves to collect the necessary information derived from empirical data and concepts that were constructed conceptual hypotheses and thus able to analyze data and compare those with theory, taking in the sights if the hypotheses are accepted or are rejected. Begins this process with a phase of conceptual hypotheses deduction and continues with the operationalization of variables and definition of indicators, collection and processing of data". In this type of research is use of the measure, given that the variables have

Quantitative Research Method 3 been operational zed and that there is a theoretical reference, these tools have hampered the study of reality as the assumptions built measurement favors however, decreases the possibility that the theory is explained on the basis of the findings obtained in contact with the object being studied. In summary, the quantitative features of pretending to be objective, deductive, inferential statistics use and take control of the variables to arrive at any generalizations from the findings (Bailey, 2006). In today's world, when we became citizens of the global village, more and more time is spent communicating with other cultures. This occurs both at household and business levels. Therefore the problem of intercultural competence in the communicative process becomes particularly relevant. Common was the fact that transnational corporations dialogue occurs between people of different cultures (Hofner Saphiere, 1996). Teams or teams that are heterogeneous in their ethnic and cultural composition, when communicating with each other have a lot of problems due to the fact that a different perception of the concept of "communicative competence". The latest research in this area showed that in multicultural teams using the principles of communicative competence, as well as effective strategies in the process of building a team (the team) can significantly affect the functioning of this group. In order for a multicultural team functioned effectively, the managers of transnational corporations should be aware of the need to examine not only the cultural background of people with whom they work, but the specifics of their individual psychology, behavioral patterns, which manifest themselves in conflict situations, as well as demographic characteristics and life experiences. The aforementioned means that the manager of a transnational corporation - a person who has cross-cultural communicative competence (Bailey, 2005 ).

Quantitative Research Method 4 The basis of the study presented in this paper is on analysis of specific perceptions of intercultural competence by Russian and American managers who have experience of working in a multicultural environment. The purpose of this study was (a); study of how American and Russian managers perceive intercultural competence, (b) a description of the relationship between the level of intercultural competence of managers and the performance of multicultural teams. Comparison of qualitative and quantitative research methods when working professionals in the field of intercultural communication at work are faced with several challenges, which are due to cultural, linguistic differences between individuals, their specific experiences, features of communicative style of the respondents and interviewers, Simultaneous use of both qualitative and quantitative methods to avoid such problems, below is an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative methods in the study of intercultural communication (Kenneth, 2001).

Quantitative method Functional or positivist paradigm, which underlies the quantitative method, based on the fact that the surrounding reality has an objective ontological structure, and we as individuals that make up her react in a certain ways to this reality, the bases of quantitative analysis are estimates, measurements of specific phenomena, as well as statistical analysis of the digital indexes. Supporters of positivism argue that there is an objective truth that can be measured and scientifically justified. In addition, quantitative data are more accurate, valuable, promote the synthesis and establish causal connections between places in the objective reality of phenomena. As a deductive and, quantitative research is conducted on the principle of formulating a scientific hypothesis and subsequent verification of its validity empirically through the receipt of

Quantitative Research Method 5 digital data, with this method of studying the probability of bias due to personal characteristics the researcher or his proposed interpretation is low (Denzin, and Lincoln, 2000). Researchers have an opportunity to consider the communicative process as a concrete, tangible phenomenon and analyze the ego from the outside, without any direct contact with the communicating parties.

The advantages of quantitative methods: Accurate and detailed formulation of a scientific problem Accurate and clear definition of independent and dependent variables in the research process strict adherence to the goal and objectives of the study, the possibility of obtaining more objective results, checking the accuracy of the hypothesis, the establishment of causal relationships High level of reliability and accuracy of the data obtained as a result of sociological surveys, laboratory experiments, structured interviews, etc. Eliminating and minimizing the subjectivity of the conclusions Ability to conduct lengthy, repetitive measurements.

Quantitative Research Method 6 Shortcomings of the quantitative method: lack of information about the situational context of the phenomenon; Inability to control all the circumstances and context that do not affect the quality of responses; the limited findings, which is due to the format of research: clarity of the formulation of questions, strict adherence to goals and objectives Lack of opportunities to conduct a study of the evolutionary processes and phenomena in the dynamics.

Description of the Quantitative Research in an example Seeing the intercultural competence and how this kind of competence is realized in a multicultural team, has been studied using a field study conducted in Russia and the United States. The study involved 124 top managers and middle managers working in multinational companies and corporations. The selection of participating companies and direct the respondents was carried out on the scale of their international activities, their experience in a multicultural team, as well as the desire to participate in this study. To investigate the specificity of the perception of intercultural competence American and Russian managers with experience in a multicultural team, used an integrated model of intercultural communicative competence (the model). This model is based on research, and it should be noted that the theoretical basis of this model goes back to the development, who introduced the theory of intercultural communication options differentiation cultures [individualism / collectivism, power distance, tolerance for uncertainty, masculine / feminine in culture. Intercultural competence can be decomposed into four components: the skills of

Quantitative Research Method 7 interpersonal communication, team performance, and cross-cultural variation in tolerance for uncertainty, cross-cultural variation in empathy. The actual analysis of the raw data confirmed that these four criteria are essential for members of multicultural teams. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain information about the specifics of the perception of intercultural competence and its role in the work of multicultural teams. For a quantitative study used two questionnaires. Questionnaire on the model of intercultural competence internally consistent reliability Cranachs alpha of 0.88 was based on an integrated model of intercultural competence. The questionnaire on the effectiveness of the team with the reliability of measurement in terms of sustainability of the subjects 0.82 and internally consistent alpha 0.88 was integrated model of group dynamics (Tashakkori, 2003). That part of the work, which implies a qualitative research, consisted of 40 additional interviews with Russian and American managers. The purpose of the interview was to obtain more detailed information on how managers perceive intercultural competence and what is its impact on the effectiveness of multicultural teams. Respondents (both Russian and American managers) had to draw a sketch of the member with the cross-cultural competence, in accordance with their ideas placed in order of importance the components of intercultural competence, as well as to determine the relationship between intercultural competence and performance of multicultural teams.

Results of the study Statistical analysis of the data showed that between Russian and U.S. respondents there is a difference in the perception of intercultural competence, as well as the specifics of the distribution of the components that make intercultural competence. Correlation analysis confirmed the close relationship between the level of intercultural competence and performance of multicultural teams.

Quantitative Research Method 8 Quantitative research methods allowed us to obtain numerical data that brought us to the objectivity of the findings, a high level of reliability and accuracy.

Using a quantitative study allowed: Accurately determine and formulate the problem of the study; Precisely define the dependent and independent variables; Strictly follow the objectives of the study; Achieve a high level of reliability of the data obtained as a result of extensive research; Check that the hypotheses of the study; Get the most objective results. American managers have been allocated the following qualities that define a high level of intercultural competence of employees: openness and tolerance to all new. And the Russian managers have focused on the vast cultural knowledge. Both Russian and American managers have identified a good command of interpersonal skills as the main condition for the development of intercultural competence. However, other components of intercultural competence were distributed differently. Both Russian and American managers believe that the level of intercultural competence of individuals that make up the team or working group that influences the performance of this team. The qualitative analysis allowed a more detailed description of specific perceptions of Russian and American managers of intercultural competence. Researchers managed to integrate into the process of daily interaction with the Russian and American respondents in their natural environment, which allowed us to obtain candid and more accurate answers to these questions. As

Quantitative Research Method 9 a result, have been identified for new ways to interpret intercultural competence, because the researcher was not a priori restricted to the format of the questionnaire. Interviews helped the researcher to identify the whole nature of intercultural competence. Managers, who participated in the study, presented their understanding of intercultural competence and identified its constituent components: intercultural competence, attitudes, motivation and skills. Respondents illustrate their experiences through case studies that have confirmed the relationship between the specific implementation parameters of differentiation of cultures in a multicultural team and the specific features of the interpretation of intercultural competence. Thus, the Russian and American cultures vary in the parameters of individualism and collectivism, power distance, tolerance for uncertainty, the specifics of the implementation of masculine / feminine in the culture. Managers also highlighted the contextual conditioning concept of "intercultural competence".

Quantitative method allowed the researchers to: Collect primary data from flexible, non-structured way, thereby obtaining more detailed information with its subsequent interpretation of the nature of intercultural competence Act as a go-between with research participants in their own language and in their familiar working environment. To raise awareness of intercultural competence as a more holistic and complex phenomenon Get a more realistic picture; you can literally feel your fingers, and which could not represent with the number of indices, the statistical analysis used in quantitative research.

Quantitative Research Method 10 Conclusion This study analyzed the specificity of the perception of intercultural competence by Russian and American managers who have experience of working in a multicultural team. The study found a direct correlation between the effectiveness of multicultural teams and the way the members of this team appreciate the importance of intercultural competence. In addition, the analysis led to the conclusion about the existence of culturally-conditioned differences in the perception of intercultural competence among Russian and American managers, as well as the differentiation of assessing the importance of the components that make intercultural competence. Managers of multinational corporations stressed that the success of their companies to a greater extent depend on how well their employees can cope with situations of misunderstanding, how deep they can understand, accept another culture and to respond to cultural differences. The combination of these techniques allowed the researchers to extract much benefit. Thus, quantitative studies have led to high reliability of the results, and quality - to conduct in-depth analysis. In addition, a combination of these methods appeared to compensate the shortcomings of one, using the advantages of both. Shortcomings of the quantitative method (the inability to take into account the context of a communicative situation, control the environment in which there is communication, and linking the results to put forward a hypothesis) to compensate for possible interaction with respondents during the interview, as well as studying the context and the allocation of new topics for research.

Quantitative Research Method 11

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