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The Covenant of Activation

I ___________________________, on the following day __________________ & time_________, do give permission to ________________ to assist me in the identification and mapping out of a conscious value system. This represents my activation point of being a player in the Planetary Guardian Game.

I accept donating a minimum of $100.00 in exchange for this activation. I understand this is not an indication of the value of the experience (which in many ways is priceless), rather it is an acknowledgement that an exchange needs to take place for the time and knowledge of the individual facilitating the process of activation.

I realize that this is an enlightening experience and will have the consequence of my Full Potential Self being activated and a methodology given that will allow me to distinguish between my Full Potential Self (Soul) and my Personality (sum total of all my unconscious patterns).

I will no longer be limited by my past programs of thought and feeling conditioned into me by my parents, my religion, my peers, my teachers, my friends, the media, my culture, the historical context, and any other influence that used pain or pleasure to induce a specific behavior into my unconscious mind.

I realize that I am a Sovereign Being of Light that has free choice in how I give meaning, significance, and value to the experiences that my Creator gives me to realize my Divine Potential.

I have the free choice to change the values identified on this day after a period of 3 months. This time period is needed for the full activation to take place. I realize that experiences will be attracted to me that will best assist in learning how to realize and manifest this conscious value system. I understand it is best that I memorize this map.

I also realize that the act of choosing and living a conscious values system will increase my frequency and I may experience feelings of joy and bliss that may be overwhelming in their pleasure when compared to other lower frequency states.


THE PLANETARY GUARDIANS GAME ACTIVATION PROCESS These periods of ecstasy may be balanced by periods of loss and confusion as the old conditioned values battle for control of my mind and emotions. Each time this occurs I will use the map of my conscious value system as the reference point to understand what is occurring. By talking the experience through with who facilitated the activation process (or a good friend and/or ally), I will receive insights as to what limiting belief(s) about my self and others that need to be let go of, in a kind and loving manner.

Contained within all the positive and negative events that I experience in the future, will be a lesson that once received & understood, will transform the experience, whereupon I will receive a tremendous gift. I will attract spiritual masters disguised as normal human beings that will assist me in receiving these gifts. These masters will mirror for me my limitations until I accept them in the other and myself. Both people will transform through the experience of communicating about the reality of what was experienced, without shame or blame, so that understanding occurs.

I also realize that I am responsible for my own healing and path of purification. Along the path will always be teachers, guides, and healers sent to me by my Creator to assist me in my path of selfknowledge. While these teachers, guides, and healers are important to receive a different perspective, I know the best solution is always to listen to my inner voice, that which connects me to receive Divine messages from Source and Soul.

I accept to be a player in the Planetary Guardian game, which is the global unification of Light Workers. These players have the intention of establishing world peace through utilizing their unique Spiritual gifts together. My gift(s) will be apparent to me as I get closer and closer to living my True Purpose and Vision. All players support one another in a collaborative environment of trust and love and Divine Connection in a galactic plan of unification.

It is suggested that conflict be resolved by using our individual & group values maps that are the reference point to understanding each others unique sovereign perspective. As we progress in our ability to resolve conflict in a harmonious way amongst players in the Planetary Guardians Game, we will realize the harmony in ourselves. This creates a hundred monkey effect that as we approach critical mass, harmony on earth will be experienced by more and more people as a certainty not just a possibility.

I realize there are no rules, conditions and obligations to my being a player in the Planetary Guardian game. The way I play the Planetary Guardian Game is entirely my choice as a Sovereign Being. I

THE PLANETARY GUARDIANS GAME ACTIVATION PROCESS choose to inform people or not if I am a player. I choose when and if I desire to participate in any part of the Planetary Guardian Game.

I also understand that there will be a process for playing the game according to assigned missions, ways to make teams, a magical scoresheet, magical maps, magical toys and a way to have everyone win in exactly the way they want to win. This will enfold as I study and research just what it means to be a Planetary Guardian.

So Be It. So it is.

____________________________________ (name)

___________________________________ (signature)

____________________________________ (activator)

____________________________________ (signature)

____________________________________ (witness)

____________________________________ (signature)


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