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The word "chakra" is Sanskrit and it signifies a wheel, which is what you are immediately aware of when you first encounter them, or see them in a text someplace. The idea of the chakras is not new, and goes back to the dawn of humanity. It was however kept secret and only revealed to those few that were ready to learn of the mysteries of life and of the self. Today in the age of information the word chakra is almost common place, but how many of us really understand what they are or mean? A chakra is an energy point in the human body/energy system through which power and life-force flow. There are literally thousands of these points throughout the body, but seven or eight of these have been the main focus of the student of the occult. The description section discusses each of the eight chakra, their location, and how they would appear if you were to see them with the naked eye. The advanced section shows a general view of each chakra in relation to the human body and also a more 3-d view of what these amazing wheels look like. You will note that each chakra has a front and a back except the crown chakra, which only has one opening. The main energy conduit that connects all the chakras together is called the Hara line. It is an energy stream that nearly runs along with the physical spine. The panel in the middle is a breakdown of each of the eight major chakras and a more precise picture of what each looks like. The chakras must be developed to look as they do in the description section. In an undeveloped state they are very small only about two inches (5 centimeters) in diameter and show as pale gray or even depressions in the aura. In a fully developed state they are vibrant and rotating quickly and are like small suns reaching perhaps 6 inches (15 centimeters) across. The crown chakra on a fully realized person can be as large as the entire head and even bigger on a Master. The state of the physical body is in many times a reflection of the condition of a particular chakra. For example if a person has a heart condition many times a damaged heart chakra is the cause. Not that a real physical condition does not exist, for it most certainly may; however keep in mind that the state of your chakra will be reflected in the body. In theory, if you repair the damaged heart chakra, in time the physical condition would clear as well... or, in the least, after medical treatment, a repaired heart chakra will guarantee that the physical problem does not reoccur. For more information on the chakras do a Search under the keyword chakra. And check the Glossary for a short definition and some links to other places on the web covering the topic.


There are 7 traditional chakras plus the foot chakra all aligned (generally) in a row from head to toe. Also the chakras pertrude from the body in three dimensions! If you were to look at them they would look like spinning vortexes. Most of the chakra also possess a front and a rear part of them.

THE CROWN CHAKRA The Crown Chakra is located above the head. It has a total of 960 spokes and is the most magnificent of all the chakra to see when it is fully awakened. It is the only chakra that possesses a secondary central whirlpool. This chakra is predominately violet in color except for the central whirlpool which is similar to golden sunlight. This chakra serves as the spiritual connection for the individual. It is also the place where life-force enters into the chakra system. In an undeveloped state this chakra is the same size as the others. However as it grows and opens it will encompass the entire head. This encompassing of the entire head is where the idea of putting halo on various deities came from. It also is the place where the tradition of a king wearing a crown comes. The crown symbolizing the fully open and active crown chakra, indicating that the individual was ruling with God and not just ruling with the human self. A missaligned Crown Chakra can cause self centeredness, spiritual poverty and on a more physical side, poor reality control, and low energy all the time. THE BROW CHAKRA The Brow Chakra is located between the eyes. It has a total of 96 spokes. It is often seen as dark blue with or without violet and sometimes with pink-rose color coming from it. This chakra is the command center for your third eye. It contains your ability to see things beyond the normal physical senses, and as such is a source of intuition. This chakra is one of the two places where your spirit can leave your body in an out of body event or in an astral projection. A missaligned Brow Chakra can cause: memory problems, migraines, insomnia, neuralgia, high blood pressure, lumbago, sciatica, low immune system and acute sinitis.

THE THROAT CHAKRA The Throat Chakra is located at the neck. It has a total of 16 spokes. Predominately blue but with alternating blue and green sections. This chakra is vital to communication, not only external but internal. It is the translator of internal feelings into external words and expression. A missaligned Throat Chakra can cause: persistent colds or flu that take a long time to leave, tonsillitis, acute infections, vocal and communication difficulties, and underactive thyroid. It also effects the sternum, throat, and endocrines. THE HEART CHAKRA This chakra has 12 spokes and is golden in color but many times can dip in various shades from golden yellow to pink or light orange. The Heart Chakra is located near the heart. However this chakra can float and be off-center to the left or right of the hara line. The optimum position should be dead center the hara, in line with the other chakras. This chakra is very important because it is the only chakra that can transmute the high-vibration energy that comes from the upper three chakras into a form that can be used by the physical body and on the physical plane. Healers (of all forms) use this chakra to heal their patients, as it is the Heart Chakra that transmutes the illness into a more dense form, which then passes through the Foot Chakra and into the earth for processing. The term 'a broken heart' refers to this chakra breaking off at the stem that connects the front part of the chakra to the back. This break causes the heart chakra to shut down causing that empty feeling we are all very much aware of. A missaligned Heart Chakra can cause lung and heart problems (especially angina from over-exertion), asthma, epilepsy, fibrosis, chronic bronchitis, depression, midriff pain and claustrophobia. THE SOLAR PLEXUS (NAVEL) CHAKRA The Solar Plexus (also called the Navel) Chakra is located at the solar plexus (midway between your belly button and the bottom of your rib cage). This chakra is another one that has a tendency to float left or right, like the heart chakra. Again its optimum position is in line with the hara line and the other chakras. This chakra has 10 spokes and comes in various shads of red but also has random spokes that are green. This chakra is also one of the two places where your spirit can leave the body during an out-of-body event or an astral projection. It is the most sensitive of the chakras and the easiest chakra to send energy out of. A missaligned Solar Plexus Chakra can cause problems in the: adrenal, nerve tissue, skin disorders (jaundice), liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys (re: elimination/cleansing), arthritis, hiatus hernia, diabetes, anorexia, body pH, and menopausal flushing. THE SEXUAL (SPLEEN) CHAKRA The Sexual (also known as spleen) Chakra is located just above the sex organs. This chakra has 6 spokes each of which are a different color: red, orange, yellow, green. blue, violet. This chakra supplies some (but not all) the energy transferred during sex. A misaligned Sexual Chakra can cause:

imbalances in the endocrine system, muscle tension, poor vitamin C absorption, thyroid problems, bed-wetting, nervous depression. THE ROOT (BASE) CHAKRA The Root (also called the Base) Chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra has 4 spokes red and dark-orange in hue. This chakra is also the home of the kundalini energy. The kundalini energy is the coiled mystical energy that rises upward through the spine energizing all the other chakras into full operation and potential. This chakra is also the chakra of your animal instincts and all those things that go along with survival. It is powerful (or it feels powerful) because the energy here is in raw form and is most near to a physical energy. A missaligned Root Chakra can cause things like: sexual or reproductive problems, circulation and blood deficiencies, constipation, bladder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. THE FOOT CHAKRA The Foot Chakra is often considered part of the Root Chakra. However in Hermetic philosophy we recognize this chakra as just as important as the rest. The Foot Chakra is located in the arch on each foot (note there is only one foot chakra, but it is located in the arches of each foot). This chakra (when it can be seen, for it is very difficult to make out) has three, two, or one spoke and changes in hue from a deep brown, deep green, or a pale yellow. This chakra is responsible for passing energy to and from your entire energy system into the earth. It is your grounding point where body energy is transformed into earth energy and the reverse. A good healthy foot chakra will help you to more easily manifest things physically, as it is the transformer of your thought energy into the earth system. A good Foot Chakra will also help you to stay physically focused and on task throughout your day. If you are clumsy or fall frequently it is a sign that this chakra is not working well. Foot massages can help greatly here as well as walking barefoot in the dirt or sand.


The Chakra Energy System functions as a conduit through which divine energy passes into the spiritual and physical body. Without these energy portals, you would cease to exist because all energy comes from the Universal Source and is not derived from your own being. Now, there are many of these energy centers located throughout your body. Traditionally there are seven major chakra. These seven energy portals rest at various points along the body: the base of the spine, the sexual, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the brow, and the crown (above the head). However, despite these seven, there are more that need to be examined. In this chapter we will start with the energy center that is left out, but is just as important as those seven. This center is the foot chakra, and let's call this center the zero chakra, just to keep with the conformity of the present chakra numbering system.

In a physical sense, the foot chakra is actually a split energy center, with each half sitting in the ball of each foot. If you were to place your feet together, these centers would seem to combine and make a complete energy center. However, regardless of whether the feet are physically next to each other, these split-centers, on each foot, are always linked and are always complete. Now, the foot chakra is an important center in that it is here that divine energy returns back to the Source. It is the last point at which the energy is a part of you. Traditional thinking places the base chakra as this grounding point; however, that reasoning is not entirely correct. You see! The base (or root) chakra's function is more than just a grounding center. It actually functions as an energy transformation point where divine energy gets slowed down so that it can pass into the Earth quickly and effortlessly. While the base chakra does the actual conversion, it does not do the actual passing of the energy. Furthermore, the energy at the foot chakra remains elusive because this chakra, and the energy contained in it, has been nearly transformed into an Earth-based energy. Hence, as far as you can tell, the last place you perceive energy movement in the chakra system is at the base chakra, so you assume that no other major energy centers exist below it. For example, if you could x-ray your energy centers and observe the energy stream as it enters from top, you would follow this energy as it slowly changed its form, as it passed from chakra to chakra. On this hypothetical x-ray, you would watch as the color shifted from the upper vibrations toward increasingly lower vibrations, as it passed from one chakra to the other. From the base chakra to the foot chakra, you would not see a corresponding shift in color or be able to distinguish it from the background color of the Earth itself. However, if you were to adjust this x-ray a bit and examine for a flow of energy, instead of a color shift, you would notice a concentrated stream of energy reaching down from the base chakra and going into the foot chakra, where it would then swirl around for a bit and pass on into the Earth and back to ALL-THAT-IS. This swirling at the foot chakra is important and is a result of the amount of blocked up energy that can't freely pass into the Earth, and it is here the next part of our discussion begins. An ideally, fully-open foot chakra would have no swirling whatsoever in it. It would pass energy out as quickly as it entered. Here, I'm speaking of an indefectible case and only the most adept individuals (like a Master) possess a foot chakra free of all blockages. In a more realistic sense, though, an open foot chakra will have a slight swirling going on at all times. This kind of openness shows an individual that has no trouble keeping his focus on the mundane. It also shows that this person integrates well with earthly structures and energy systems. These people are usually very healthy as the earth-based energy can pass quickly out of the body's energy system and take most of the built-up negativity out of the system before it has a chance to do any harm and possibly manifest as an illness. On the other hand, a closed foot chakra, where a great deal of swirling is going on, shows a person that is in a blocked-up state. The energy has no place to go, so it backs up and leaks out of the other (higher) centers and into the surrounding aura and atmosphere, where it is then absorbed by the Earth Plane. This leaking is very undesirable because energy that does not pass through the foot chakra and exits through the other centers can not be used by the individual. This kind of leaking also carries away much positive energy and, as such, these people will often be tired, irritable, and unreasonable.

Also, with the foot chakra blocked, all the areas of humanness get affected negatively. The individual poorly integrates with peers and loved ones and can not understand other people's point of view. In an extreme case, such an individual will rebel against society and claim that everyone is after him and out to do him in. They become very fearful and may even resort to violence as a kind of defense mechanism to protect the little energy that they have that is still of use to them. Some types of destrutive behaviors stem from an extensively blocked-up foot chakra. Of course, in the above, I am talking about an extreme case. With a very ordinary type blockage, you would see a very mild form of these kinds of behaviors. Children, for example, often exhibit the mild symptoms of a blocked foot chakra. They are often self-centered and selfish with their possessions and with dealing with other children. In many children, the foot chakra is not fully developed, so it can't effectively pass energy out. Energy tends to back up in them quickly. In fact, you can notice this backing up in spurt patterns. The spurts are due to children holding on to their divine energy too long and then when the back-up becomes too intense, they force open up their foot chakra and release the energy out in one lump sum. This holding/releasing pattern is normal in children, because they have not learned how to fully ground themselves. Eventually, as the child's foot chakra develops, and they ground better, they become more giving and tolerant of themselves and others. These spurts of groundedness and being blocked will dissipate as the child enters adolescence and eventually will be almost non-existent. ALMOST is the key word here because, as I said, many adults have blocked foot chakras (many of these cases stem from childhood), and, thusly, they will take on very mild forms of these childish patterns. The cure, of course, is to open up the foot chakra and get it to pass energy as quickly as possible out of the entire chakra system and into the Earth. Many illnesses and adverse behavior patterns can be alleviated just by doing work on this chakra. Opening up this chakra requires the same techniques as used in opening up the other centers. The only note to make here is that a pendulum reading is not apt to give you an accurate account of what is going on in the foot chakra, as the blocked, swirling energy can fool the pendulum and make it swing to indicate and fully open condition, when, in fact, the center is closed up. A better way to determine if the foot chakra is blocked is to have the patient lie down on his/her back and put his/her feet upright with a 3 to 6 inch space between the feet. Next you need to place your hand just above the energy field of the foot chakra. This will be somewhere between 3 to 12 inches above the tops of the toes, centered over the gap in the feet. At this point, you want to take a temperature reading, using the palms of your hands as a thermometer. A very warm energy reading will indicate much swirling of energy and a blocked up center. A very hot reading indicates a completely blocked center. A nice cool reading, with a faint tingling sensation in the palm of the hand, indicates an open center that is satisfactorily passing energy out of it. Here, of course, I recommend you feel what a good, clear center is like before you can tell what a blocked center feels like. Very quickly, you will develop a natural affinity for the way it feels when your hands are near this energy center. Also, if you are able to see fine aura, you can observe for a blocked foot chakra. (With the word 'fine' here we are referring to being able to distinguish between the Earth's background energy field and that of the grounded energy passing out of the chakra system.) With this technique, you should direct your attention to between the feet and look for dark swirling, wispy, like streaks. A good clear foot chakra will show only one or two of these swirls. A

blocked one will have more. A fully blocked foot chakra will be seen as a solid darkness that just permeates between the feet (you may not need to see fine aura to pick up on this one). People tend to get a blocked up foot chakra when life gets a bit too much for them. The increase in mundane activity backs-up energy in the foot chakra because the individual is not used to clearing this increased amount of energy flow. Quickly, a sense of fear or anticipation can pervade, as the other higher centers begin to leak energy out into the aura. People experiencing the onslaught of this condition will report an increase in sensitivity all over the body. They may become very emotional or even extremely intellectual, depending on their core makeup. Exercise can help here to alleviate this condition, temporarily, but eventually this energy center will have to be unblocked to permanently alter the condition. The other fix is to return to previous levels of mundane activity, which is undesirable because, if the individual is experiencing a growth in activity, it is likely that the person is ready to handle things on a more increased level. Now, normally, this energy center will learn to open up on its own, when an increase in activity comes about, and it then passes the expanded energy flow out, returning the individual to status-quo, after a short period of discomfort. But, in some cases, possibly because of fear or because of not wanting to let go of old patterns and ways, this natural opening-up process does not occur and the individual gets forced to take a step back, thereby retarding their own growth. A trained energy practitioner can unblock this chakra very easily and see the results in the patient's life almost instantly. Many people who engage in intense spiritual development will experience this cycle of the foot chakra blocking up and then unblocking. They often feel like a yo-yo being pulled up to ecstasy one moment and then being gripped by fear of the unknown another. Again, the simple cure is to unblock this chakra. To unblock this chakra conventional healing techniques will work. I will not be covering standard healing practices in this chapter, but, for those people that are not familiar with how to do this kind of healing or for those people reading that just want to be able to clear their own center, I have a procedure that will work quite nicely, under normal conditions and for normal blockages. Get a standard clear drinking glass and fill it with two or three table spoons of sea salt. Fill the glass with water and mix up the salt and water until no sea salt remains. Now lie down on the floor on your back and place the glass of sea-salt solution between your feet. You could also sit in a meditation position and put the glass near-to or against the balls of your feet. The idea is to immerse the solution in the center of the Foot Chakra's energy field. Now, lie back (if you are lying down for this procedure) and relax for three minutes or so. The sea salt solution will begin to pull any energy blocks out of the center. Now, after several minutes, sit upright, if you were on your back. And use your hand, and, in a swirling motion, hover it above the glass of sea-salt solution and above the energy field of your foot (this action may take a bit to get used to, especially if you are not too flexible). This swirling distance of your hand should be no more than 6 inches above the tops of your toes. Continue to swirl this energy around for another minute, to coax the last of the blocks out of the chakra and into the sea salt solution. The procedure is complete! Now pick up the glass and yourself. Throw away the salt-water solution and wash the glass thoroughly before using it for human consumption. This method will free up most foot chakras, especially if you have just increased your activity or picked up some stray negativity that you are having trouble getting rid of. I recommend the

sea salt solution for non-energy practitioners, as it is a fail-safe way of doing the procedure, especially for those people that are not too adept at moving energy or energy fields. Dry sea salt could also be used too, but you would need a larger concentration of salt (like an entire glass), as the water acts as a natural catalyst to bind the negative energy globs to the salt particles. Well this concludes this little chakra chat.


Advanced Spiritual Chakra System

Chakra 12 - Connection to the Monadic level of divinity, advanced spiritual skills, ascension, connection to the cosmos and beyond Chakra 11- Pathwork to the Soul, the individual's ability to acquire advanced spiritual skills (travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi-location, instantaneous precipitation of thoughts, telekinesis in some cases) Chakra 10 - divine creativity, synchronicity of life; the merging of the masculine and feminine within, unlocking of skills contained in the ninth chakra Chakra 9 - soul blueprint (the individual's total skills and abilities learned in all the life times) Chakra 8 - energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness, your karmic residue, activates spiritual skills contained in the seventh chakra, Chakra 7 - (crown chakra) Traditionally your connection to the divine (Atmic level of divinity), contains programs to be used by 8th chakra including the release of basic psychic skills (telepathy, seeing aura, lucid dreaming, out of body travel, healing) Besides the normal Chakra Energy System there exists an extended chakra system, which is just now coming into humanity's awareness. This energy system is latent in most people; however, as more people advance spiritually, this extended energy system begins to kick in. This extended system is the next step in the spiritual evolution of the planet. Once, a long time ago, the Great Masters were of the few to access and use this powerful energy system. Now, the time has come for others to become aware of this system and reap the rewards of using it in your daily and spiritual lives. The present understanding of the chakra system gives you seven plus one (foot to crown). As you will recall in our last chapter, the extra chakra (chakra zero) is your Earth- grounding center, and it is located between the balls of your feet. Now, above the crown chakra are four more, numbered eight to twelve. The main purpose of these extended chakras is to enable the

individual to tune into his or her inner god-self, the divine Will, and even the galactic community that surrounds and supports the earth in its evolution. The first chakra group (zero to seven) are meant to help you with your development in regards to the Earth; they help you to become one with the planet. Then, the next five (eight to twelve) help you to become one with the universe. Your awareness is slowly being moved away from your center (your own self) and being moved outward to encompass the larger framework of other peoples, realities, and divinity itself. In this way, you become more than you were before and more perfect too. As you stop focusing on yourself and begin to focus on these larger energies, you move out of your small world and step into a new universe where almost anything is possible. From a reality creating standpoint this movement in possibilities is very, very powerful. One of the things that the extended chakra system aids in is the breaking down of the self within the confines of time and space. To move outward into other dimensions and realities is to come face to face with the idea that the physical Earth is just one place of many that you inhabit; that in the more vast regions of the Universe, you have existences that are just as rooted as is your present Earthbound cohabitation. There are things that you do in these other realities, just like you do here on Earth, and these things are just as significant as your physical lives. Furthermore, when you begin to glimpse these other realities and see what is happening, a new picture of what is developing begins to take shape. You realize that all your existences are like individual musical instruments in a great orchestra that you are directing and creating. You see yourself as a being that transcends time and the physical body. Now to continue, each spiritual chakra, besides aiding in your own energy development and well being, helps you to touch a particular portion of this more vast Universe. Each spiritual chakra opens up a corresponding doorway to another portion of the great vastness that is "The Creator". There is a natural order to each chakra in that the opening of one leads very gently to the opening of the next. Because of this ordering, these centers will awaken one by one with each center becoming more alive as another, higher one, begins to kick in. There is a kind of pattern to this opening, if you were to observe it from a perspective of time. Generally, the 8th center will open first, with a delay before another expansion occurs. Then, after this delay, the 9th will open and the 10th will show just a glimmer of activity. At this point, the 8th center will expand more. Then, when the 10th center actually starts to open, the 9th center will experience another expansion with the 8th center expanding even further. The next octave will have the 11th center expanding with the 12th center showing just a glimmer of activity. Then the process repeats into the lower spiritual chakra. It's a kind of wave effect, with each center opening up and waving its energy down into the other centers forcing them to open up more. Because of the way that these centers awaken, it is a good idea to work with this chakra system from the ground up, so to speak. In this way, the natural awakening of the spiritual senses will take place in order, and you will not have to contend with overloading yourself or your patient. From a healing standpoint this is a good thing to remember. If you are not sure which spiritual centers are active then always clear each center starting from eight and going toward twelve. Working in this manner you will feel increasing resistance as you approach the spiritual chakras that are not yet open. The idea is to avoid opening up a center prematurely, which is difficult to do anyway, as there are several safeguards in place that keep just this thing from happening. But, by becoming aware of the feel for these centers, in time, you will

quickly be able to access a person's spiritual position and know what is going on in that person's life and just how to help them. As you will see, knowing what spiritual chakras are open will give you great insight into what lessons the individual is dealing with. Unlike the lower centers, there is a plan to their opening and the gifts and lessons that are bestowed on the individual are carefully guided. Sometimes a particular spiritual chakra will not awaken. Even with the octave like nature of the spiritual chakra's awakening, it is possible for one to be bypassed. For example, the 9th center could become blocked from opening because of some structural abnormality in the soul blueprint. When the 10th center begins to awaken, as it will, it will pass energy on to the lower centers. If the 9th is blocked, that energy will pass by it and go into the 8th. The 8th will then expand. What you will have, here, is an open 10th center, with a blocked 9th center and an open 8th center. Generally, the even numbered centers are fluidic (8, 10, 12) and tend to pass energy, even if they are closed to some extent. However, they do tend to shutdown completely when there is a problem with them. Once you clear up an even numbered center, it begins to work. You usually do not have to go back into it later on to do more healing work on it. On the other hand, you will find that the odd numbered centers (9, 11) tend to develop (or have) various kinds of blocks in them. They will not shut down completely, like an even numbered center will, but rather, these blocks keep the center from operating at full potential or, at the very least, operating strangely. For this reason, you may find that clearing the odd number centers will become more common in your healing work. You see! The odd centers tend to have hardwire problems, so to speak. In your clearing and restructuring work of a typical odd numbered center, you will have to, literally, find the improper connection and rewire it to where it should be. If you are clairvoyant and can see on the finer planes of manifestation, while doing a healing on an odd numbered center, you will think that you are working on some kind of intricate electronic circuit. You may see what looks like a loose or improper filament and see this filament being removed and set onto the correct pathway. These improper connections tend to develop due to the reincarnation process. If a lifetime is not properly cleared, after the soul has moved on to the next incarnation, certain energy strands do not get wired properly in these odd numbered spiritual chakras. As you evolve through the reincarnation process, you actually construct and wire up these odd energy centers yourself. With a completely flawless reincarnation cycle, these odd centers assemble in the proper fashion (with flawless I mean a set of incarnations where the lacks of one are properly balanced by the abundances of another). Now, typically, when these chakras start to awaken, then, they should do what they are supposed to do. However, from improperly cleared lifetimes in the reincarnation cycle, some of these connections can be either left out or wired incorrectly. When these centers begin to open, they misfire and don't start properly. Part of the healing process, then, is to go in and rewire that chakra so that it can operate as it is supposed to. Naturally, the act of rewiring that chakra will release that particular life experience and free the individual from its corresponding chains. These kinds of trauma are not your typical life stuff. They are behavior patterns of a multilifetime thing. For example, reincarnating into a body that has poor circulation, time and time again, is a sign of an improperly cleared lifetime, at some point. In this hypothetical case, one of the odd numbered spiritual centers (most likely the 9th, the Karmic blueprint center) has a

filament set in the wrong place. This incorrect filament usually shows itself when the individual begins to ascend and that spiritual chakra begins opening. The removal or the resetting of the improper filament to its correct place will not only restore the chakra, but it will enable the individual to reincarnate in a body more suitable, should that person reincarnate again. At the very least, it will restore that person's present body functioning to normal. Permanent, very powerful body healings can be accomplished by working with the odd spiritual chakra. These healings are almost always karmic in nature and the individual's life will surely be different afterward. A more rapid change in body, mind, and soul, of an individual that is awakening to his/her spirituality, is very common because these odd numbered centers are being awakened and many of these improper connections are being reworked and cleared. Prior to this ascended state, clearing a particular karmic pattern would required the individual to reincarnate and go through the life process to rewire that filament. However, as the planet evolves and more people come into their spiritual awareness, these energy centers open up and enable a kind of healing and a cleansing of the soul that has not been known for eons. Now, the even numbered spiritual chakras (8,10,12) are a bit different from the odd ones. These centers deal with fluidic states of being. They also deal with spiritual knowledge and its proper use in the cosmos. But more importantly, they also are responsible for implementing the programming from the previous chakra. For example, the 8th chakra is responsible for processing the programs contained in the 7th. The 10th is responsible for processing the programs in the 9th. The 12th is responsible for processing the programs in the 11th. Therefore, when a particular odd center (7, 9, 11) is functioning properly, but there seems to be a problem in getting the individual to implement that proper patterning, then the corresponding higher, even numbered (8, 10, 12) chakra needs to be looked at more closely. If you find that an even numbered chakra has shutdown, the cause is most likely from some kind of fear within the individual. For example, the fear to face ones karmic residue will cause the 8th center to remain closed. The programs from the 7th center will not be able to implement, and, thus, the individual will block the ascension process (the 7th center contains the programs that guide the individual toward ascension). It is only when a person is ready to face who and what they are -- over many lifetimes -- that the 8th center will open up. The release of this fear opens the door so that that chakra can open and so that the programs contained in its odd numbered twin can be implemented. So, a good understanding of what each spiritual chakra and its relationship with its twin is necessary to see where the problem may lie. For example, if an ascending person has a fear of leaving the body, this fear will keep the 12th chakra closed. They will be unable to take advantage of the programs in the 11th chakra, which deal with the pathways of the soul, and will not be able to travel consciously outside of the body into the cosmos and beyond. In this instance, a clearing of this fear will be necessary, so that this energy center can fire, and the individual can project free of the body and take full use of this ability. On the other hand, using the above example again, if that same person can project out of the body but is merely unable to travel into the past, then the 12th chakra is functioning properly. The defect, here, lies in an improperly wired 11th chakra, which is blocking the individual from being able to travel into the past. A filament in the 11th chakra is wired improperly, so the individual does not have the proper access to this information. He can travel out of the

body, because some of those programs are usable and the 12th center is operating, but he can not avail himself of that one aspect, the travel into the past. As you can see, a pattern in diagnosing these spiritual chakras is developing here. As we get into the specifics of each spiritual chakra, you will be able to look at a spiritually awakened person and tell just what chakra has the problem and what the remedy is. In future I will be getting into the specifics of each spiritual chakra, its function, its diagnosis, and the ways to heal and awaken that center.


The first of the spiritual chakra, numbered eight, sits above the 7th chakra about two feet. It is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. It also is the chakra that holds your karmic residue -- those energy patterns that you have held on to for more than one lifetime. When the eighth center begins to open up and expand, a new spiritual awareness begins to take shape. The individual begins to sense himself or herself as part of a larger community of people. This chakra is the gateway to other ideas, concepts and and abilities. This center enables the individual to achieve out of body projection, spiritual perception, and spiritual wisdom. I use the word spiritual here because these abilities and ideas are larger than the self and the earth. They go beyond the mundane and are concerned with healing of the planet and the self in regards to the Universe and ALL-THAT-IS. Now, you may not understand why this center holds your karmic residue, so let's explore this a bit, as when I get into the healing aspect of this chakra you will need to understand its significance. This center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Thus, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It, therefore, becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and worn out. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness and keeps you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas. When this center opens up, you not only begin to take on an awareness to this larger community of energies, but you begin to shed those patterns that have kept you rooted to the planet. This shedding is a natural process, as once this center is awakened, the individual is ready to let go of his/her humanity and grasp onto something larger, much more wonderful, and infinitely divine. Because of this strong karmic connection, when this center opens, it is not without its duress. How much friction is encountered will depend on what the individual has to let go of. It is said that once you open the door to spirit you are forever changed and can't go back. Well the opening of this chakra and all its goodies is where this saying comes from. Once this chakra opens, you become aware of yourself as part of the universe and not just a part of your small corner of the world. You start to become aware of information on new levels of awareness and intuition. You have to let go of those old outworn human ideas about yourself and the planet, this is the first shock, and how you handle this depends on who you are and how well you take to change. Also, at the same time that you have to deal with all this new information about yourself and the universe, you have to deal with new psychic abilities. (Though I dislike the term psychic. Spiritual abilities would be a much better term.) These new abilities and awarenesses can make you feel alienated and ungrounded from the planet, for a time, until the natural ground in the Foot Chakra opens up and reseats the individual. For this reason, a good Foot Chakra

cleansing would be a great way to help a person that is exhibiting the eighth center coming alive. Now because karma is involved here, any kind of healing that can bring out and clear past life trauma or patterns will help the individual. However, keep in mind that as soon as you do clear away any of these old patterns, the individual will experience an acceleration in spiritual abilities. It would be a good idea, in a week or so, after such a healing, that you follow up with a Foot Chakra clearing, to facilitate the passing of these more intense energies. As this chakra clears the individual will pass much more spiritual energy very quickly and is apt to become overwhelmed easily. Let's deal with some of the more specifics of this chakra. A good healing mantra to use with this center would be the phrase MA-AH-ZOD. This phrase can help to clear karmic residues out of this center. Focusing or chanting this phrase to yourself while doing a healing, will assist you in pulling the energy down that you need to process the chakra. Another mantra for this chakra is DEE-EE-OH. This mantra helps the chakra to open and become more aware of these new spiritual energies that are passing through it. Mantras are very important when working with these spiritual energy centers because a mantra will unlock the energy needed to complete a healing on these levels. When you heal these spiritual centers, your lower chakras become grounding points and are not specifically used to shape or invoke the needed energy. Except, perhaps, the heart chakra and a bit of the crown chakra. The heart chakra can awaken slightly, in this kind of healing, if need be, to transmute any spiritual-negativity (karmic waste) that may leak down in the process. The crown chakra remains slightly active to serve as a portal through which your body-bound consciousness can reach up to these spiritual centers. The eighth chakra does have a color associated to it and it is what you consider to be ultraviolet light. Unfortunately you are unable to see what ultraviolet light looks like (at least not with your conventional vision). However, to give you a way to perceive ultraviolet light in a mundane sense, you could imagine a very deep violet light being interpenetrated with spiraling bands of green in it. All chakras possess a certain number of vortices. But, the actual number of vortices that the upper chakras possess is a bit of a tricky matter, as they are not as set-in-stone as in the lower chakras. However, I will give you a guide to follow here. The eighth chakra can have anywhere from 6000 to 10,000 spokes. The actual number will depend on how open that chakra is. For example, a barely-functioning eighth chakra will have 6000 of these vortices. A fully open one will have nearly 10,000. The more open the chakra, the faster the chakra spins and the greater number of vortices that will be visible (assuming that you could count these spokes, if you could see them, that is). The odd numbered twin for the 8th chakra is the 7th. It is in the 7th chakra that the programs to be used by the 8th reside. The 7th center traditionally is the chakra that connects you to your higher self and to divinity. In a sense this is true as the 7th center contains the guide to what you need to do to connect with these higher energies and to evolve yourself. Now, it isn't actually until the 8th chakra begins to open up and become active that the individual can avail himself/herself of these programs and of the ability to ascend. Until then, the programs remain dormant and the individual will sense a kind of connection to the divine through the 7th Chakra, but the reality of it will seem vague at best. This vague quality to divinity is the

reason why, when a person finally does open up the 8th center, a true sense of divinity sets in. The reality of what was once a vague notion now becomes a full-blown reality -- often just as real as the physical one. Confusion often follows, because the individual's reality is now much larger. What was fake is now real, and the physical world will seem a bit smaller. It's tough to spot a problem with the 8th chakra, if that chakra is remaining closed due to some fear, as the individual will otherwise seem healthy, from a physical standpoint. However, if a person is trying to evolve past the human condition, but for some reason cannot, the 8th center is being held closed by some fear. For example, let's say a person desires to learn how to out of body travel, or, perhaps, they want to learn how to become more lucid in dreams, or, maybe, they want to develop the healing gifts. However, no matter how hard this person tries, he or she is unable to accomplish his or her spiritual goal. These are clear signs that the person wants to and is trying to ascend, but the 8th chakra is remaining closed. Anytime an individual reaches to develop some extraordinary ability, an ability that goes beyond themselves or others or puts them into contact with the divine community, it shows that the person is ready to advance and open up these higher centers. If a real fear exists here, the 8th chakra will remain closed, and it may be necessary to go in and pull that fear out, so that the chakra can open up and the ascending individual can expand. A good 8th chakra clearing can be just the thing to help here, especially, if the healer doing the clearing already has several of the spiritual chakra awakened. Please note that it is not a good idea for a person with a closed 8th chakra to try to open up that center in another individual. If it could be done, there could be adverse effects. Suffice it to say that anyone that has healing abilities, out of body capability, clairvoyance, or even indepth dream recall, most likely has a functioning 8th chakra and will be able to do work on this chakra. It is possible, however, to open up your own 8th chakra, if it is closed, by using the given mantras. Then, you may be able to open up another person's 8th chakra. Now, when the 8th chakra opens up, so too does some spiritual abilities. How many of these abilities and to what degree will vary from individual to individual. Clairvoyance, out of body travel, advanced dream-recall capabilities, healing gifts, telepathy, even empathy are all abilities that this center is responsible for activating. Naturally, the programming for this stuff sits in the 7th center. So, if there is a problem with any one of these abilities but not the others, then you may have to look at the 7th chakra for the cause. However, keep in mind that when a person's 8th center begins to open, they may only see a glimmer of these abilities. They may not become full blown until the 9th, 10th, 11th, and even the 12th chakras are open. In other words, when the individual's 8th chakra awakens, they will only experience these abilities but not have any great control over them, and their surfacing may be sporadic at best. For example, when the 8th chakra opens a person may start to have out of body travels and be able to even comand them. However, advanced out of body travel skills like traveling out of the solar system, travel backward or forward in time past 200 years will not show themselves until the 12th chakra begins to open. The treatment here is to advise the individual that they are not going crazy, but that latent abilities are just starting to open. Advise them to look at these new gifts as a kind of cool game and to play with them in a very simple manner. Clearing fear out of the 8th chakra can help greatly for the person, if these abilities seem to be causing any great duress. Also, the 8th chakra holds much karmic residue. The newly ascending individual will have to shed some of this karma, so that the other centers can awaken. Helping the individual to

understand that they may be dealing with karmic issues and that these issues should be dealt with can release much tension, fear, or even the karma itself. Again, a good clearing of the 8th chakra will help greatly here, especially if the karma that has to be cleared is very old repaid karma that just is lying around, as is often the case. This karma would naturally clear over time, but that clearing process can be quickened by a professional healer or by doing personal work on the 8th chakra. Well, that finishes up my little talk on the 8th chakra. Next I'll move into the 9th, and all the fun goodies that this chakra contains.


The ninth chakra is an interesting chakra in that it is in this chakra that all the Christ abilities lie dormant, waiting to be released and used in the outer and inner worlds. The shift in focus at this time is toward that Christ energy and the accompanying abilities that go along with it. Hence, a great deal of work and energy is now being sent into physical reality to help the individual open up and expand this energy center. The ninth chakra, like the others, have some hard specs, and we will start our discussion here. The ninth chakra sits above the head about four feet. It is the first hardwired chakra that I am covering, so to speak, and it's fluidic twin is the tenth chakra. The number of spokes that the ninth chakra possesses varies (like in the eighth chakra), and its exact number will depend on how open the chakra is. These spokes range in number from 10,000 to 20,000. Each spoke is actually a filament or a series of filaments. When most of these filaments are wired properly and the chakra begins to open, this chakra emits a radiant energy that looks like a spinning rainbow. Depending on what skills a person is presently pulling out of this skill-storehouse, for use in the outer world, will determine the predominate color emanating from this chakra; so assigning a particular color to this chakra tends to be meaningless. If you haven't guessed by now, this chakra holds the karmic blueprint of the individual. It stores the skills and abilities learned in all lifetimes. This chakra also holds the key to the soul's destiny. You see! The evolving human soul can be broken down into three main types or blueprints: the Creator, the Healer, and the Teacher. Any individual can fit into any one or more of these soul categories. The predominant category will determine where the soul is headed after the human-condition is complete. It also will determine the slant of the lifetimes lived for the individual and the kind of skills that are stored in the ninth chakra. For example, the Healer blueprint will be different than the blueprint for the Creator. The Healer blueprint will have far more lifetimes spent in some kind of healing capacity, and the skills stored there will reflect this area of expertise. Whereas the Creator blueprint will have far more lifetimes spent in the creation of things, like artwork, carpentry, organizations, families, etc., and here there will be a great number of these kinds of skills stored here. Realizing that this chakra can be of one of three types comes in handy, so that you avoid the trap of thinking that this chakra is not functioning because its energy output seems variable. There are subtle energy differences with each blueprint; and, as you do more healings on this chakra, you will become aware of the energy subtleties of each type. For example, you will find the Teacher blueprint the most intense, as these individuals are slated to be working directly with the human community. Hence, these people tend to have a massive number of lifetimes and skills stored here. Anytime you feel a very powerful and full ninth chakra, speculate that this person has a Teacher blueprint.

The Creator and Healer blueprint are much less intense due to the reduced number of lifetimes that are required to be lived for the development of this blueprint; however, keep in mind that I am speaking generally here. The point is not to let the intensity of this chakra fool you into thinking that something could be wrong, especially if the first few people that you work on are of the Teacher blueprint. Now, as I already stated, the ninth chakra is the knowledge-base for the soul. It houses all the information and life-experiences that are part of that individual. The individual accesses this chakra when he or she brings forth a past skill that is presently needed. These previous skills become very important as the individual begins to awaken spiritually and the higher-chakra open. Many of the past lessons and skills must be merged in a kind of synthesis that cements together all of the lessons (human and spiritual) that the soul has endured. The soul then learns the true meaning of what was being accomplished from the entire human experience and, then, finally, spiritual wisdom sets in. All is well and good with this chakra as long as these past lessons stored here are completed properly. However, what occasionally occurs is that one or two of these lessons are not properly learned or put into perspective, and then the corresponding hardwire connection in this chakra is not complete. When the person goes to access this particular needed knowledge, it will either be retrieved incompletely or not at all. That person then can not tie together the lessons from those experiences. Without a proper bond between all influences, the individual will he held back from ascending. A healing in this chakra may be necessary to properly wire up various aspects of the individual, to free that person from the limitations imposed on the incorrect wiring. Once the filament is wired properly, the person will have access to this knowledge and can then progress on upward in a free and easy manner. For example, a person with a Teacher blueprint will need to bring forth the knowledge of healing, at some point, so that they can instruct other healers. If this filament is wired incorrectly, due to some past life trauma in one of the healing lifetimes, this person will not be able to access this skill and thereby be unable to learn the value of healing the self and others. This inability to heal could stop this person from going any further. A simple healing of the ninth chakra is all that is needed to free the person from this limitation. Make note that the specific trauma causing the incorrectly wired filament is immaterial; because most likely the trauma has been cleared already. You see! The clearing of a trauma does not necessarily wire up the specific skill. The wiring of a skill in the ninth chakra occurs naturally when a person reaches the point where the knowledge of a particular skill turns to wisdom. However, if for some reason the person is unable to complete the transition of knowledge to wisdom, due to some kind of trauma in that lifetime, the filament will not get wired up. The trauma then may be healed in a subsequent lifetime, but in that subsequent lifetime that person may not be engaged in that particular skill. Here, in this example, the trauma gets cleared, but the filament remains incorrectly wired, due to the skill not being applied when the wisdom occurred. A healing of this chakra will most certainly fix this problem because all that has to occur is the filament being placed in its proper place. The knowledge will then be released. When you heal this chakra you will most certainly be in a trance and will see some kind of intricate soul-circuitry, if you have inner vision. The mantra to use here is EL-EE-TEE. It will lock you into this chakra and enable you to work with it. Hold one hand over the patient's heart chakra and the other on the patient's brow chakra, while reciting this mantra. When you

feel yourself accessing a web of intricate connections, you are there. Now, try to feel for the connection (either in your minds eye or by sensing the energy of the pathways) and when you get to the improperly wired filament, feel or see yourself putting this filament back to its proper place. Then, check to see if the energy feels or looks right. Then, if all seems well, return to normal consciousness and withdraw your energy. The healing of a hardwire chakra is relatively easy, once you get the knack of it. These healings go quickly and do not take a great deal of energy in the process. All you are doing here is putting into place an energy strand that was not put in properly. There is no balancing or closing that has to get done either. You go in, find the strand, put it in its place, and leave. Done! Well this completes are little discussion on the ninth chakra. Next up the tenth chakra.


When the tenth chakra starts to open up the individual will begin to manifest many of the skills they have learned in all of their previous lives. These individuals will seem to excel at anything they undertake and any project they are involved with will take off from their influence. It is not that they are just good at doing everything. Rather they are tapping into previous skills learned in past lives. The barriers between the past selves are breaking down and knowledge and wisdom begins to flow through time and space. Typically this chakra is responsible for divine creativity, synchronicity of life, the merging of the masculine and feminine within. How do these emerging skills relate to these qualities? Well it is these emerging skills and the taping of previous lives that make all these elements come about. Divine creativity is the ability to create all facets of your life in perfect harmony. When this harmony starts to manifest the individual's life just clicks. It will seem as if this person is always in the right place at the right time. Divine energy is flowing out of the chakra and into the individual and bringing perfection into everything he or she does. And because taping into past lives does not discriminate between male or female lifetimes, the individual will begin to merge the masculine and feminine within themselves. This merging brings even more harmony into a person's life because they are not prone to either the masculine or feminine energy or the faults that each of those polarities tends to bring up. A gender balance exists within the person and the individual is free to tap into the best that each energy polarity has to offer. These individuals will not seem overly masculine or feminine in nature; they will just be neutral in qualities, from an outside perspective that is. Of course it can take years for this kind of transformation to occur in an individual, when that person's tenth chakra starts to open up. They will not just wake up one day and be neutral. The individual has to let go of the previous polarity they were prone to leaning toward and begin to embrace the new neutral energies within them. Keep this in mind when working on a patient and you sense that the tenth chakra is starting to open. You may want to advise them that gentle changes in either their masculine or feminine side may begin to occur over the next several years and there is nothing to worry about, it is quite normal. Also this masculine and feminine neutralizing has little to do with sexual predisposition. Nor should there be any change in the sexual alignment in that person's life. You are not going to

be attracted to men if before you were attracted to women. However the individual may find it easier to relate to the other sex as the masculine and feminine merge within them. So what sort of problems are you apt to find with this chakra? Well for one, many ninth chakra problems will show up when the tenth chakra starts to open. Remember! The odd number chakras contain the skills that are used in the following one. For this reason you most likely will not begin to do healings on the ninth chakra till the tenth starts to awaken. You see, it is when the individual tries to use these past life skills (contained in the ninth chakra) then these problems show. The filaments in the ninth chakra are not wired properly so when the individual tries to access a past life skill, they have great difficulty. At this point you would need to go in and do a healing on the ninth chakra and then the skill would develop normally in that person's life. For example, let's say a person with an opening tenth chakra has a deep urge to take up painting. They try to develop this skill but it just comes very slowly and much frustration is there. Other aspects of this person's life are developing normally; it just seems that when they try to acquire this skill it is not as forthcoming as any other ones. Well in this case a ninth chakra problem exists and a healing there will be necessary. However if the person was able to grasp the skill quite easily but was unable to use that skill in harmony, then a tenth chakra problem exists. It is the tenth chakra that is responsible for integrating the skill into the person's daily life. If that skill is there but this skill presents an integration problem in that person's life, creating disharmony in some way, then some aspect of the tenth chakra is not functioning properly. Most likely there are energy blocks in this chakra and so the synchronicity of life is not fully developed. Fear is the thing that can block a tenth chakra. Some remaining fear associated with that skill from that past life still remains in the energy field. You may have to do a past life healing to remove the last of this fear and bring the tenth chakra to full functioning. If you have good inner sight these blocks may show up as small disturbances that seem to float over the spinning chakra. These energy disturbances cause the energy to slow down the swirling outward effect that this chakra has on the entire being. The tenth chakra can be seen like a tornado of light filling the individual with perfect divine energy. A fully functional tenth chakra will have a rainbow like effect coming from its swirling mass of energy. If any blockages are present these disturbances of blocked energy will cause the rainbow effect to be broken up. Then individual is not fully bathed in the integration energies of the tenth chakra. The tenth chakra is most like the heart charka in the lower chakra system. The heart chakra takes all the energy from the other chakras and processes it so that it can be used physically. The tenth chakra takes all the energy from all the other spiritual chakra and transforms it so the individual can use the energies from the spiritual chakras in harmony with one's life. For this reason, any kind of spiritual disharmony that may exist in a spiritually awakened individual can most likely be caused by blockages in the tenth chakra. For example, the inability to integrate the masculine and feminine currents, unable to use an advanced spiritual skill properly, fear of acquiring some skill that is currently needed, unable to get along with others or accept others especially those that are spiritually awakened, feeling threatened by certain advanced nonphysical skills like out of body travel.

Please note that even though I have not talked about advanced spiritual skill development (which is covered in the eleventh chakra) it is the tenth chakra's job to integrate those skills into the individual in a harmonious manner. So any advanced spiritual skills that are developed that the person can tap but that person may have some fear or inability to apply this skill, would fall into a tenth chakra problem. Healing the tenth chakra involves removing the blockages that may be here and lifting any fear that may reside there as well. Light is especially useful with this chakra. Hold a very intense blue light in your mind as you work on this chakra. This light will sooth and remove all the rough spots and have a calming effect on the individual. A good mantra to use with this chakra is ZOD-EE-PEE-DEE. This mantra helps unlock the balancing effect of the masculine and feminine. The tenth chakra is located eight to ten feet on top of the crown chakra, so you can't really access this chakra like a normal chakra. Position yourself over the heart chakra and imagine your nonphysical hands extending through this chakra and up to the tenth chakra. Then send the healing energy into this chakra while holding on to the inner vision of the energy going through the heart chakra to the tenth chakra. Energy follows intent, and the heart chakra is a close cousin to the tenth chakra, so it makes an easy place to access this energy center. If you use crystals in your healing work, dousing a heart chakra with the intent of dousing the tenth chakra may not work. You may just douse the heart chakra. You will have to construct a crystal transformer to energy-up to the tenth chakra. Take three to six small crystals and place in a circle around the heart chakra. Then take your dousing crystal on the string and hover it over the center of the crystal circle. With this method your patient may think you have gone clear out of your mind, but it should allow you to read and work on the tenth chakra using a dousing crystal. Keep in mind that the tenth chakra is the heart chakra of the spiritual chakra system. If you have faults or blocked up energy here, the entire spiritual chakra will suffer. So if you see lots of small energy problems with the eighth, ninth, eleventh and the twelfth chakra suspect an energy conversion problem with the tenth chakra. Use the blue light or perhaps some crystals (working through the heart chakra) to heal and balance this chakra. Also it would be a good idea to see this patient again six weeks later to see if any other healing work needs to be done in this chakra. The tenth chakra has layers to it. You heal one and the next one will come up several weeks later for healing. Once all the layers are healed you will most likely not need to see the patient for a long time. Well that finishes up the tenth chakra.


Typically, it can take any number of years for the spiritual chakra to completely open up. The Eleventh and the Twelfth chakra do by far take the longest time to fully blossom. It can take one to seven years for the chakra 8 to 10 to open and another additional one to five years for the Eleventh chakra to open. The Twelfth chakra is the last chakra to open, and it will not start opening until the Eleventh is well on its way. How long these chakra actually take to open really depends on the individual and the rate at which that individual is evolving.

The Eleventh chakra contains the energetic connections necessary so the individual can manifest advanced spiritual skills, like, travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi-location, telekinesis and instantaneous precipitation of thoughts into matter. Keep in mind that while this chakra possesses these skills the individual will not actually start to manifest or master these skills until the twelfth chakra starts to open. The reason for this advanced skill development is not so the person possesses some neat tricks. No, the reason these skills exist is to help prepare the individual for the next phase of his or her existence after ascension. The eleventh chakra contains the path of the soul in its new form without the restrictions of matter, time and space. It is a glimpse of the individual in its ascended form while still retaining much physical matter. At this stage in the development, the individual has merged with the Soul (mother aspect of divinity) and will soon merge with the Monad (father aspect of divinity). The soul (small "s'") is often referred to as the individual's core self without a physical body. The Soul (capital "S") is the part of the self that has learned all the physical lessons; it is referred to as the mother aspect of divinity. The individual merges with the Soul at some point during the opening of the 8th to 10th chakra. The next step is the merger with the Monad which begins when the 11th and 12th charka begins to open. (Complete merging with the Monadic level of divinity results in Ascension and the annihilation of the physical body and replacement of the light body.) When the eleventh chakra starts to open the individual will become aware of the larger picture of his or her multidimensional self,: that his or her existence in physical reality is just one manifestation of many simultaneous other existences on other planes of existence. This explanation gives a hint to what awaits the individual after ascension: the working toward becoming conscious on all planes of existence, not just the physical one. When this awakening to the larger self begins, the individual may get glimpses of his experience in these other dimensions. It can be a bit confusing to the individual if they are unaware of what is happening. For a time they may think they are losing a grip on their reality. However these sporadic incidences into larger dimensions are normal at this stage of development. The monad is waking up in the physical self and starting to introduce the individual gradually to what awaits him or her. As a result of this expanse in consciousness, many healings on this chakra will deal with helping the individual cope with the changes in his or her experiences beyond the physical. It's important that this chakra open in a gradual and even manner, else the individual be thrust into what seems like a chaotic existence. Gentle rose light or rose quartz can help here to soften the opening of this chakra. Normally the opening and integration of this chakra should go fine, but some individuals have been in the habit of pushing themselves hard throughout their evolutionary process. So when they come to this stage in their development it seems like nothing is happening. They respond by pushing even harder, when in fact a great deal is occurring. This reason is why rose light to the eleventh chakra can help greatly. It introduces the energy of self love and that everything is as it should be. It allows the individual to trust what is happening and to just go with the flow of it all. Most of this unrest occurs in the first year or so that this chakra opens up. After that period the individual will be much more accustomed to the changes. Now working on the eleventh chakra takes some trick like healing the tenth, as the eleventh chakra is located 15 feet over the head of the individual. Place one hand on the heart chakra and the other hand on the solar plexus. Imagine and feel yourself moving upward though the

individual to the eleventh chakra. Let the rose light flow into this chakra. In fact you should always start and finish a healing on this chakra with this rose light. If you want to place crystals around the heart chakra, as you did for the tenth chakra, you can do this as well to help rev-up to the higher chakra. Rose quartz would really do well placed around the heart charka but clear quartz can be used too. Typical eleventh chakra problems (besides the one mentioned earlier) will deal with the implementation of advanced spiritual skills. Keep in mind that these skills won't really manifest till the twelfth chakra starts to open, but once it does, you will have to go in and try to rewire the particular skill that seems to be erratic. This rewiring technique is very similar to what was discussed in the article on the ninth chakra. The key phrase to use to help lock into this chakra is NEE-PEE-TAH. Vibrate the name silently till you start to see the inner circuitry with your inner sight or your hands start to move making the connections. When you feel the healing is finished then seal the chakra with rose light. Tell the patient to take it easy for the next few days as the rewiring work settles into the person's energy field. No apparent results may be immediately seen. Typically a healing on the eleventh chakra will take one to four weeks to affect the individual on a physical level, and then an even improvement will be seen over time. If necessary you can repeat an eleventh chakra healing but no sooner than six to eight weeks from the previous healing. The eleventh chakra is the spiritual library of the individual. In that library are the total contents that he or she will need to operate as a human and divine. Sometimes that content has to be put into order or some housekeeping done. Think of your work on this chakra like a librarian in a library: you are there to put things in order but not to change anything you find.


The 12th Chakra, what a brilliant and wonderful sight this chakra is to see with the third eye! It vibrates like a swirling color-filled sun that can only be truly appreciated in out of body states or with the mind's inner eyes. The 12th chakra is a reflection of the Monad individualized. It burns brightly and is hot because a sun provides warmth, light, and energy. Thus the 12th chakra is the source of the individual's strength and power and his or her ability to create change not only in the physical dimension but the nonphysical dimensions as well. The 12th chakra contains the ascension energies, which are used at the proper time to bathe all the *12th Chakra diagram by Jason chakra below it in ascension energy and cause them to accelerate faster than light. This eventually results in the annihilation of the physical body and the manifestation of the light body in its place. At this point the individual is fully ascended and can go anyplace in the universe. The base chakra is a cousin to this chakra because the base chakra contains the Kundalini energy, which is seed energy from the 12th chakra, placed there to accelerate the individual to the first stage of spiritual enlightenment.

The second stage is the release of the ascension energies contained in the 12th chakra to propel the individual into a new existence beyond time and space. The 12th chakra has 777,777 spokes. It rotates at 768,167 rotations per minute. The 12th chakra is masculine and the 11th chakra is feminine. In masculine and feminine I do not mean in human terms. Masculine current is creative, outgoing, vibrant, and gross. Feminine current is loving, inner, nurturing, and subtle. The 11th chakra contains the advanced skills that the 12th releases; skills like out of body experiences outside of the solar system and out of body time travel beyond 200 years; healing of self and others, sometimes instantaneous healing or at the very least very quickly. Telekinesis and teleportation are also possible but these two do not show themselves until just prior the ascension energies completing its ascension process. Control over the natural elements can also be developed (air, water, fire, earth) to an advanced degree when this chakra begins opening. The 12th chakra is the doorway to the cosmos and beyond. For this reason many of the skills released here are meant to be used off the earth and beyond. Any sort of problems associated with these advanced skills can be caused by an incorrectly wired 11th chakra, but realizing or even coming across people with problems here will be very slim. Not many healers are apt to get a visit from someone saying they are having trouble traveling back to the birth of the universe, please have a look at my 11th and 12th chakra. What you are likely to see are blocked ascension energies with this chakra. Blocked ascension energies can cause very strange problems, like spontaneous uncontrolled out of body adventures, uncontrolled spontaneous movements of physical objects and appearing and disappearing objects, uncontrolled healing ability, uncontrolled inner visions that disrupt the normal flow of the day. What happens is this blocked energy backs up and when it gets strong enough it bursts through and over-energizes the 11th chakra, releasing these skills abruptly and unintentionally. A proper clearing and rebalancing of this chakra is certainly a must but the root cause of this problem is the person's fear of leaving the earth. They may not even realize that the ascension energies are descending upon them but they will get a sense that something is changing. They may fear these changes and start blocking these energies. What a person at this stage needs to realize is that these energies will not transform them off the planet overnight. It is just a beginning process that can take years to complete. There is no set timeframe for ascension. It can happen in one year or over a lifetime. No one ascends until they are ready and have finished what they came to do on the Earth. So sit back relax and let the ascension energies flow. Conducting a healing and balancing the 12th chakra requires a high vibration of the healer (or yourself, if you are doing a self healing). I would certainly suggest some meditation before you begin. Burn some incense or do whatever it takes to put you in the highest spiritual state you can be. Place one hand over the heart chakra and the other just above the top of the head. Vibrate the mantra: NA-EL-EE-EL. NALEL is Enochian and means From the highest river flows life . It is an energy key that unlocks the 12th chakra and will bring it into balance. It would be good to do a 12th chakra balance once every two months if you are having problems with this chakra, until it stays on track. Generally speaking problems with the 12th

chakra fix themselves if left alone, however you may want to hasten the healing process with some healing work. If you want to douse the 12th chakra, place a small clear quartz crystal with the point facing up, away from the feet, on the brow and then hold the dousing crystal over the crown chakra and you should be able to read it. Dousing is the ability to discern the condition of a chakra from a pendulum. I like to use a small quartz crystal tied to the end of a string. You hold it over the chakra and see what it does. If it spins clockwise in a large circle the chakra is open and functioning normally. If it rotates in a small circle, the chakra is partially open. If it moves side to side the chakra is partially blocked. If it does not move at all the chakra is closed and not working at all. If it rotates counterclockwise it indicates the chakra is dormant but working fine, the person has not yet reached a point where this chakra is ready to open. Well this completes the series on the spiritual chakra.

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