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Human Rights 1914 to 1930 1. WW1 and human rights a.

the stated war goals - 19th century wars were brief. not a lot in europe. - civilian population wasn't that engaged - world war involves the population -war goals were framed to be just war. the justice of war in general is unjust -otherwise it is an imperialistic goal to conquer land -anti-war sentiment is also growing - try to justify war - austria-hungary heir has been assassinated. - yield the foreign government - russia replies by saying no - germany joins austria-hunary as an ally - german jews supported the war - frances war goal is to get back at territories that germany has seized - wants to write the injustice that has happened 20-30 years before - britain war goal is not for conquest but is for defending the rights of small nations to be neutral in europe - the right of beligum to be essentially a neutral nation and not to be bothered - most people in europe bought the argument b. war goals revealed - become far more imperialistic - austria-hungary wanted to take serbia - russia was aimed at gaining territory south on europe (ottoman empire) - germany wanted to annex the territory and wanted to control the center of europe - britain and frances war goals were part of the sykes-picot agreement of 1916 c. self-determination d. the contested right to vote 2. 1919 hopes raised and dashed - people oppose rights - rights are a controversial issue - the African American veterans were racially discriminated - the white people did not want to advance human rights after the war - organizations formed to supress the activism (FBI, RCMP, MI5, etc...) 1919-1920 3. International organizations after WW1 - important outcomes imposed in wilsons 14 points - international agencies (the league of nations) will be the vehicle for issues such as peace treaties - goal to issue the right of peace - Japan felt European countries were hypocrites - freedom of religion was a rule for the league covenant - Japan is racially all Asian - other nations were racially diverse - Japan wanted to address in the league covenant about a racial equality clause

- the international labor organization formed in 1919 - the organization is a democratic organization that deals with labor issues pertaining to international labor standards - the international court of justice (world court) established in 1922 - Germans prosecuting Germans - Germans following orders 4. The challenge of colonialism - the bolsheviks say it was a inter imperialist war not a just war - the goal for all the entente powers were imperialistic minus the united states - the territory being contested was the ottoman empire - britain and france argued what land they gained through the sykes-picot agreement - the compromise of sorts if the league of nations mandate system which was created as a flimsy disguise for colonialism - the mandate system suggests the territories being transferred from control of one country to the another be reported back to the league of nations - the league of nations composed mainly of Britain and France just war/imperialist war Rosa Luxemburg Vladimir Lenin Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916 Armenian massacre/genocide total war Provisional Government feb/march 1917 US joins war 1917 in April Bolshevik Revolution Nov. 1917 Wilsons 14 Points January 1918 right of self-determination of peoples Communist International (1919-1943) League of Nations Mandate System Palmer Raids 1919-1920 League of Nations Racial Equality Clause Jim Crow laws International Labour Organization 1919 International Court of Justice (World Court) 1922

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