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Dr. Taitz, These questions are being security signed.

Please answer within in the body of the signature (After each question.) I will be re-signing this and posting it without editing. I will resend them for your files. Anyone who understands how PGP works, will be able to verify that no alteration of your responses has occurred. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----Hash: SHA1

Dr, Taitz,

These are my questions. They are intended to put to rest rumors and speculations about your background that have cropped during my research for my story.

1) Were you involved with the anti-Arab/anti-Islam Yisroel Beiteinu Party while living in Israel?

2) According to Hebrew University, there is no record of your enrollment or matriculation. or rather, they refuse to say whether or not you attended. Can you produce a copy your degrees and any photographs to prove you did indeed matriculate from the University.

I do not consider Wikipedia is not an Official source.

3) Can you provide evidence that it was you that actually attended Taft University and sat for the California State Bar?

4) Can you tell me the criteria used to determine that Barack Obamas SSN did not e-verify in light of the fact that the State of Connecticut is not yet a part of the system as shown by the e-verify map of participating states?

FOLLOWUPS: in light of the publication of the Presidents SSN, is it possible that for security reasons, the Social Security Administration changed the number? Is it possible, that a misplaced digit in the Hawaii zip code led to the error of the card being issued out of Connecticut? May I have your SSN?

5) Can you explain why you thought it necessary to appear on Russian State TV to undermine the government of your adopted country?

6) Besides Obamas skin color and name, what bothers you so much about his Presidency that you feel it necessary to call his citizenship into question? Do you think hes a shape-shifting Lizard?

8) with all your travel, how are you able to maintain your dental practice?

9) Are you a greencard bride?

these questions are being security signed. Please answer within in the body of the signature (After each question.) I will be re-signing this and posting it without editing. I will resend them for your files. Anyone who understands how PGP works, will be able to verify that no alteration of your responses has occurred.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.16 (Darwin)

iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJO+eIEAAoJENdt9bfKNp77jHsH/0PqS2mF+zVjOStRqoAEwn3 W QUD5ce4hO4UvsOseZctfmDVyHmiGd9LUE9bLo33BvbNjTsGqf0uDCewQWWF3 XtvD DcyFadYovrxAHopmjQgpQsU8QUrU18f9H8F+SIhYZcfq1I6od3hIUBCskr1QxV2 2 VAMP4NlP4W0qGlybnnstsNGJX9M0zKx6/AbATGCXagr7gjBUC4lxqHLUVfOX4Vj n RX718zSgtctxzXA14buCdFOwy3vqR+dPGDVVsuc4YG+UQSAJtq6AVWeXNyjNJ Yci 7RDKABvPxSswL9jCCNUqmN9TxDuDhPIplswbFAn2uQqVvvuGzH59KxkcUs81A BI= =1nft -----END PGP SIGNATURE----Thank you. Kelly Lincoln

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