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DESCRIPTION OF AILMENTS: Acute: Subacute: A rapid onset of symptoms, short term illness.

Between acute & chronic but with some acute features said of the course of a disease. Chronic: An illness of long term showing little or no improvement. Subchronic: A condition which is between chronic & subacute almost chronic in nature. Endemic: A disease which is natural to a local region of a state, or country. Epidemic: A disease occurring with a wide diffusion and which is spreading. Explaining inflammatory responses Pain syndromes Pain Management: Pain is a problem many people face every day. Understanding pain enables you to assist your client in removing their pain easily, and comfortably, as well as safely. Pain is a message sent on a Nerve pathway which warns of an injury, sprain, strain, or over exertion of the body. Without pain, we would remain unaware of many problems that occur daily to our bodies. Hypnosis is effective as a medical adjunctive. It can be both an analgesic and anesthetic. Hypnosis alters the pain message and how the pain is perceived and interpreted by the brain and central nervous system. Hypnosis offers new hope in alleviating suffering. For more and more people, hypnosis has proven to be a boon in lowering the threshold of pain and lessening the need for drugs. You can treat headaches, backaches, arthritis, rheumatism, angina pectoris, sciatica, menstrual cramps, labor pains, accident injuries, and the chronic pain of cancer. These are but a few areas where hypnosis helps with pain control. How does hypnosis work as a pain killer? Under hypnosis, the patient is told to visualize himself relaxing and to see the pain in his head or in his body draining away. Scientists are aware that the brain is the center of perception. The brain gives forth morphine like chemical responsible for the lessening of pain. These chemicals are a major part of the bodys defenses. Evidence suggests hypnosis releases endorphins from the brain during hypnosis. This may explain the general feeling of well being experienced by the person who uses hypnosis for pain control or relief. Low level pain can motivate you to rest the injured area so tissues can be repaired, and additional damage can be prevented. Acute level pain can alert us to a problem which needs medical attention. This is the case of pain continuing long after the injury has obviously healed. Chronic level pain may be defined as pain which occurs continually, or intermittently for more than six months. One way to keep from getting caught up in the chronic pain cycle is through pain management. Often, the reduction of physical pain can prevent the cycle from starting.

When you experience pain as a result of illness, disease, or a chronic condition, the anxiety, and the pain are inseparable. In some cases anxiety may be even more sever than the pain. Those who frequently suffer from chronic pain are victims of a resulting cycle of emotional and physical symptoms: anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, and insomnia. Pain perpetuates this cycle and the result is often complete debilitation due to the symptoms of pain. Emotions can also summon pain, and even illness. Pain can be brought on as a means of preventing oneself from becoming aggressive or hostile. Pain is often linked with feelings of guilt. This guilt may, or may-not be from a present emotional condition. Personal traits can often contribute to the determination of the clients susceptibility to pain. These are low motivated people, with a poor self image, lack of pride in accomplishments, and a co-dependency on others. A person with poor self image becomes very vulnerable, because of his perception of self, and he does not practice self control. A person with these traits is much more likely to perceive pain more sever, than a person who deals with stressful situations and possesses a healthy normal aggressive attitude toward pain. The first individual may also not be able to be successfully treated for pain. They see pain as a form of getting excessive attention, which boosts their weakened self esteem. More pain gets them more attention. With less pain they receive less attention, which they need to boost their self image. Your goal, regardless of the origin is to reduce, or eliminate pain. Even though the causes of pain are many and varied, the results produced by hypnosis for treatment of pain are much the same. A word of warning here. Always have your client see a physical first for a correct diagnosis. Pain can be a warning of a sever disease that is far beyond your ability to deal with being only a Hypnotherapist. If you have a diagnosis such as undetermined re-occurring headaches. It would be safe to assume that no dangerous physiological condition really exists that would cause a life threatening endangerment if you removed the pain syndrome. In addition to discovering where and why the problem originated, try to determine what may be contributing factors to the pain. Such as Exertion, stress, anxiety, fear, just to say a few. Once you have decided which you are dealing with a low self esteem person, or a high self esteem person.

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