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Rites Of Passage Unit 2 Plan

Unit Name: Social Development Unit Sub-topic: Social Etiquette Unit Length: 4-5 weeks Grade Level: 6th-8th

Session # 4

Title :

Social Etiquette & Presentation Skills/Combined Lesson Plan (4pm-7pm)

Learning Objectives Students will be able to (SWBAT) understand and apply social etiquette skills to their everyday lives. As well as, pinpoint communication problems and overcoming communication catastrophes, listening skills, communication habits that increase teamwork and productivity, understanding communication types, nonverbal communication; first impressions, handshakes, and verbal communication skills; voice, word choice, using technology politely, and more. Learning Plan A. Introduction: Note- Desks should be set up in a straight row like a long dining table. Introduce what etiquette is and discuss the importance of it. What is etiquette? Dictionary DefinitionEti-quette (eti-ket) n. the conventional requirements of good behavior; proprieties of conduct; good manners. School/Everyday Etiquette- Adopt a can-do attitude. Learn to be a great listener. Set and reach your goals every day. Treat others the way you wish to be treated, with kindness, respect, and consideration. Be a leader and strive to be a role model to others. Pay attention to your grooming and hygiene. Be civilized and pleasant everywhere you go. Be grateful for what you have today. Basic etiquette tips can be as simple as please and thank you.

B. Warm-Up: Etiquette has two branches the first one is social skills which we just spoke about and the second is dining skills
(table manners) Students will be given the opportunity to role play the perfect introduction and the worst introduction according to the guidelines we have discussed so far. Poster #1 The five ingredients of Introductions1. Stand 2. Smile 3. Eye contact 4. State your name 5. Firm hand shake Poster #2 Manners in Introductions Standing when being introduced is polite. When being introduced, say hello! Focus on introduction in order to remember names. The time-old excuse of "I'm really bad with names" is no excuse. Prioritize the importance of standing straight, making eye contact and speaking clearly. Slouching, looking down at the floor, at an area over the shoulder or having a wandering eye during a conversation should not be tolerated. During a conversation with your child, resist the temptation to answer for her when an adult attempts to engage her in conversation, no matter how much she struggles. Always end a conversation with "It was nice to meet you." before leaving.

Getting into the habit of addressing adults as "Mr and Mrs".

C. Main Activity: If a child can read or write or do arithmetic thats nice but what happens if they become a criminal? What happens if their attitude and social skills gear them in the wrong direction? What happens if they curse? What happens if they dont respect others? Then, what good is reading, writing and arithmetic? I think everyone needs to have a basic understanding of how to treat one another, with respect and with dignity and thats what etiquette is all about. Many times childrens attitudes and behaviors get dismissed simply because people choose to believe that, its ok, theyre just kids. I dislike that mentality, if anything we should be well behaved and respectful from the beginning, no one is born with good manners, it is a habit that needs to be learned and that is what we are here for and we will be growing together through this program in order to perfect our social etiquette skills. Tie what they are learning today to what they learned in the past with CONFLICT RESOLUTION, TEAM BUILDING AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS to refresh their memory on how all of what we are learning is tied together. Poster #3 Being a lady. Being a gentlemen. Activity When in doubt, remember this," Do unto others what you would have them do unto you". By making another person feel small, you succeed only in diminishing yourself." Studies suggest that professional success is directly related to a persons Social Quotient( a combination of social skills, people skills and ability to get along with Others). Have someone explain what this means to them and explain it to everyone else. I will split the kids up between boys and girls and we will practice how to be ladies and gentlemen. One by one I will give each girl and guy a role and they will present in front of the class how to act like ladies/gentlemen in role play style.

D. Discussion: Presentation skills- In this discussion we will close out what we have learned by talking about common
courtesies in society. How do we present ourselves? How should we present ourselves to others? Also, understanding the correlation between good etiquette and presentation skills and success for the future. I will have the kids take out their phones and copy, (Poster #4) Adopt a can-do attitude. Learn to be a great listener. Set and reach your goals every day. Treat others the way you wish to be treated, with kindness, respect, and consideration. Be a leader and strive to be a role model to others. Pay attention to your grooming and hygiene. Be civilized and pleasant everywhere you go. Be grateful for what you have today. Just as a daily reminder of what they have learned, since they are so attached to their phones. I will also hand out a follow up tips for the communication skills lesson plan from last time and have students read them out loud.

E. Debrief/Reflection: Poster #5 Which actions do you honestly feel as though you will change after learning the essentials of
social etiquette? What key elements did you learn today? Assessment Discussion/Participation Materials/Budgetary Needs Posters and Markers Napkins, plates, knives and forks(not for real use, just for display) Post Lesson Reflection Debrief

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