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1. How many states of matter are there? Name them. 2. Define a) exothermic b) endothermic. 3.

Name the changes described below and state which are exothermic and which are endothermic. a) Solid to liquid b) Liquid to gas c) Gas to liquid d) Liquid to solid e) Solid to gas f) Gas to solid 4. Outline the differences between the different states of matter in terms of: a) Shape b) Volume c) Arrangement of particles d) Movement of particles e) Density f) Forces of attraction between particles g) Diffusion h) Compression 5. Give 4 examples of materials which sublime. 6. Explain what happens when a solid is heated in terms of the kinetic theory. 7. Explain what happens when a liquid is heated in terms of the kinetic theory. 8. Define diffusion. 9. State what would you see when a purple crystal of Potassium manganite (VII) is placed in a beaker of water for several hours. 10.Which would diffuse faster, an atom of helium or a molecule of oxygen. Explain your answer. 11.State the effect of temperature on diffusion. 12.Name the following laboratory apparatuses:

13.State the suitable method(s) for separating the following mixture types with diagrams: a) Insoluble solid/liquid (sand + water) b) Soluble solid/liqid (salt + water) c) Soluble solid/Insoluble solid (rock salt) d) 2 Miscible liquids (ethanol+ water) e) 2 Immiscible liquids (oil + water) f) 2 solids, one of which sublimes (graphite + iron) g) Soluble solids (ink or amino acids) 14.Define the following with a suitable diagram if possible: a) Filtration b) Evaporation c) Crystallisation d) Saturated solution e) Solubility f) Simple distillation g) Fractional distillation h) Chromatography 15. Define the following: a) Atom b) Ion c) Element d) Compound e) Molecule f) Mixture g) Proton Number (A) h) Nucleon Number(Z) i) Isotopes (give examples) j) Radioactive k) Ionic bond l) Ionic lattice m) Brittle n) Covalent bond o) Intermolecular forces (give an example) p) Intramolecular bonds (give examples)

q) Macromolecule r) Allotropes (give example) s) Metallic structure t) Metallic bonding u) Malleable v) Mole w) Limiting reagent x) Percentage yield y) Percentage purity 16. Name the particles that make up an atom and state where in the atom are they found. 17.Give the relative charges and the relative masses of the particles that makeup an atom. 18.Explain what is meant by the electronic configuration of an atom. 19.Why are all atoms neutral (no overall charge)? 20.Write down the medical and industrial uses of radioactive isotopes. 21.How are ions formed? 22.What is valency? 23. Complete the following: Metal ions have the same electronic configuration as a ______________ which is _______ period _______ than the metal was in. When _____________ atoms form ions they have the noble gas electronic configuration of a noble gas in the same period. 24.Explain 4 properties of ionic compounds. 25.Explain 4 properties of covalent compounds. 26.Explain the structure and properties of diamond. 27.Explain the structure and properties of graphite. 28.Explain the structure and properties of silicon dioxide. 29.Give uses for diamond and graphite. 30.Explain the properties of metals. 31.

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