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University of Management & Technology

Student Name: _______________________ Student ID: Section: A

Course Title: Flight Dynamics and Control Course Code: EE519 Instructor: JAMEEL AHMAD

Semester: Spring Academic Year: 2012 Total Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 150

Date: April 17, 2012 Exam: min. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAM UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO Midterm

The instructions below must be followed strictly. Failure to do so can result in serious grade loss. You may not Talk to anyone once the exam begins. Exchange calculator, book, stationary etc. Use Mobile phone, PDA, Digital Diary. Specific instructions Calculator and laptop Allowed. Please write within space provided. Open Notes. Provide your answers in space provided. You may also use back sides of the paper. Use a ball point or pen. Please do not use lead pencils. Show all work, it helps me give partial credit. I will not grade your examination if you fail to 1) put your name and ID or 2) sign the blank below acknowledging the terms of this test and the honor code policy. Formula sheet is given at the end.

Pledge Signature: ____________________________________________________ I acknowledge the above terms for taking this examination. I have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this exam. I have followed the UMT honor code in preparing and submitting the test. Good Luck! Question Marks Marks Obtained Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 28 Q5 12 Total 100

Student Name: _______________________ Student ID: _______________________ Question 1 (20points)

Part-A (5 Points) Explain the terms Coefficient of lift, Coefficient of Drag, Pitching Moment Coefficient and write down the corresponding mathematical expressions for each. Which coefficient is used for longitudinal static stability of aircraft and missiles? Solution

Part-B (2 points) Consider the following equations:


= CL
2 = C Dmin + K C L .

(1) (2)




Figure 1: Lift and drag for subsonic and supersonic speeds. Qualitatively identify the regions in Figure 1 that correspond to subsonic speeds. Identify the region of attack angles, such that the coefficients are linearly related to .

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ Part-C (3 Points)

Figure 2: Lift coefficient versus angle of attack for a cambered airfoil Explain what is the reason of using cambered airfoils in aircraft? From Figure-2, give a quantitative mathematical expression for CL as a function of . Solution

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ Part-D (10 points) Consider a simple glider as shown in the figure with its center of gravity xcg






Figure 3: Glider (top and side view)

xcg l / 2

It consists of a wing, tail and body. Each item is rectangular, and each has the same thickness, t. Denote the length and width of the wing as lw and ww , respectively. Use similar notation for the dimensions of the tail and the body. Assume center of gravity is given with

xcg =

Ww ( ww / 2) + Wb (l / 2) + Wt (l wt / 2) Wtot

You should assume that the speed is sufficiently slow that the backwash onto the tail region is negligible. Also, assume that drag moments are negligible. In addition to the stated assumptions, we will make the following assumptions: (A1): The body contributes zero lift. (A2): The wing lift force is and the tail lift force is

Lw = ( S w V 2 )

Lt = ( S t V 2 )

is flight path angle, V is air speed, is air density, S is wing span and is angle of attack. a) Determine angle of attack for un-accelerated level flight. For un-accelerated

level flight we must have

Lw + Lt = Wtot

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ b) The pitch moment about the cg is:

C m = Lw ( x cg ww / 2) Lt (l x cg wt / 2) .
Show that

C m / = V 2 [ S w ( xcg ww / 2) S t (l xcg wt / 2)] .

[If the pitch moment, Cm , equals zero for some angle of attack, o , the airplane is said to be in the condition of longitudinal balance. This condition may also be termed longitudinal equilibrium.]

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ Question-2[20 points] brief. Answer the following questions in the space provided. Be

a) What are the factors which decide the flying path of an airplane as a rigid body?

b) Why the airplane is considered as a dynamic system in six degrees of freedom? What are the conditions to be satisfied for equilibrium along a straight un-accelerated flight path?

c) What is meant by control of an airplane, how longitudinal, roll and directional controls are provided in airplane?

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ d) What is meant by static and dynamic stability of an airplane?


What are the characteristic modes of longitudinal motion of airplane?

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ f) What is the purpose of wind tunnel test?

Question-3 (5X4=20 Points) A dynamic system is represented by a set of differential equations as given below.

1. Represent the system in state-space form

2. Determine A,B,C and D matrices of state-space representation.

3. Determine State Transition Matrix

4. Determine C(SI-A)-1 B+D

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ Question-4 (7X4=28 Points) Part-A The body axes fixed to an aircraft are oriented at = -90 deg, pitch = -45 deg and roll = 45 deg, with respect to the inertial reference frame. The aircraft is flying at 300 ft/s, with an angle of attack of 5 degrees and an angle of side-slip at 3 degrees. Calculate a) The body axes velocity components;

b) The direction cosine matrix from the body axes to the stability axes,

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ c) The direction cosine matrix from the body axes to the wind axes,

d) The direction cosine matrix from the inertial to the body axes

Hint: Inter-conversion and Rotation between two axes systems might look like this

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ Part-B I. Determine the missing components (marked x) from the following Direction Cosine Matrix

0.1587 C= 0.8595 x

x 0.1218 0.4963

0.4858 x 0.7195

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ II. After determining the missing components in C matrix in part (I) , determine the corresponding Euler Angles: , and


Determine the corresponding Quaternions from Euler Angles.

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________ Question-5 (6x2=12 Points) [6-DOF Equation of Motion of aircraft] An aircraft is in trim condition (e.g. equilibrium state). Translational Velocity Vector= [U V W] T such that U = U0, V =0, W = 0; Angular Position Vector = [ ] T such that = 0 ; = o; = 0;
Angular Velocity Vector= [P Q R] T Note-1: A cheat sheet on last page is provided to help you solve Question-5

For this case, (a) Using equations for Translational Dynamics (TD), Rotational Dynamics (RD), Rotational Kinematics (RK) and Translational Kinematics (KT), determine all the body axis angular velocity components [P Q R]

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________

(b) Using Translational Dynamics (TD), Rotational Dynamics (RD), Rotational Kinematics (RK) and Translational Kinematics (KT), Find the forces (FX FY FZ[ and moments[L M N] (aerodynamics propulsion/Thrust) in the body frame components in terms of the given flight condition variables, the aircraft mass, m and the acceleration due to gravity, g.

Student Name:________________________ Student ID:_________________________________

Summary of 6-DOF Equations Governing a Rigid Body (Body Frame Equations) Assumptions: Flat Earth
Translational Dynamics U = RV QW g sin + (FXA + FXT )/m V = RU + P W + g sin cos + (FY A + FY T )/m W = QU P V + g cos cos + (FZA + FZT )/m Rotational Dynamics
2 P = Ixz [Ixx Iyy + Izz ] P Q Izz (Izz Iyy ) + Ixz QR + Izz L + Ixz N Iyy Q = (Izz Ixx ) P R Ixz (P 2 R2 ) + M 2 R = Ixz [Ixx Iyy + Izz ] QR + Ixx (Ixx Iyy ) + Ixz P Q + Ixz L + Ixx N 2 = Ixx Izz Ixz

Rotational Kinematics Euler angles = P + tan (Q sin + R cos ) = Q cos R sin = (Q sin + R cos ) / cos Translational Kinematics XI = cos cos U + ( cos sin + sin sin cos ) V + (sin sin + cos sin cos ) W YI = cos sin U + (cos cos + sin sin sin ) V + ( sin cos + cos sin sin ) W ZI = sin U sin cos V cos cos W Note: L, M, N are the roll, pitch and yaw moments (aero/propulsion) in the body frame about the vehicle CG . FXA , FY A , FZA represent the components of the sum of all the aerodynamic forces in the body frame. FXT , FY T , FZT represent the components of the sum of all the propulsive forces in the body frame. m is the mass of the vehicle, I is the moment of inertia matrix of the vehicle with an XB ZB plane of symmetry. Angle of attack, = tan1 U 2 + V 2 + W 2. W U and Angle of sideslip, = sin1 V VT and VT =

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