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Panduan Menjawab Soalan FIzik

Problem Solving Questions No. 7 and No.9 or No.10 Structured Question: 1. 2. 3. Very sure of the concept/ understand the working principle of apparatus and its function. Understand the questions/follow the instructions given. State the methods and reasons / explanations.

Essay type question:

Soalan soalan meilibatkan rumus. 1. Sebelum menjawab soalan pastikan segala rumus yang telah dihafal dituliskan ke atas kertas. 2. Kenalpastikan maklumat yang diberi dan apakah yang hendak dicari? (Kaedah Detektif Conan) 3. Berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi, kenalpasti yang manakah rumus yang sesuai. 4. Ingat ada dua langkah yang diberikan markah

Open 1. 2. 3.

type question Understand the problem given State the method/suggestion/ design / modification to solve the problems State the explanation for the each method /suggestion/ design (Suggestion: use table)

method/suggestion/ design/modification 5

Explanation/reason 5

Guided type Question- usually working principle of apparatus 1. 2. 3. Follow the instruction in the question. Answer can be in the form of diagram or essay. State the method/ways and reasons.

Common mistakes:

a. b.

langkah penggantian jawapan besertakan unit

1. 2. 3.

Suggestion of problem solving does not based on relevant physical concept Give wrong/irrelevant explanation/reason Give redundant/overlap suggestion/method

Making Decision (Questions No. 8 and No.11 or No.12) Structured: 1. Guided decision making 2. Follow the instructions in the questions 3. Justify your answer with reasons

Section B. Definition Suggestion: All the definition must give in sentences. Concepts questions. Similarity or differential Tips: The question is related to definition given. Similarity Item Similarity (obviously 2 points for Subject A and B) Relationship Physics Concept Differential Item Differential (obviously 2 points for Subject A and B) Relationship Physics Concept Modification questions. Items: Reason Subject A Subject B Subject A Subject B

Essay: 1. Question will state the characteristics in the form of diagram or table Study the characteristics carefully 2. Choose the suitable characteristics according to the need of the question. Use the word low or high 3 Explain the chosen characteristics (Suggestion- table form) Characteristic 4 4. 5. 6. Make a ranking based on chosen characteristics Make a justification State the reason

Explanation/ reason 4

Common mistakes 1. 2. 3. Elaborate all characteristics Rewrite the value of characteristic given without stating low or high Does not state all characteristics/ reasons after making a justification

Section C. Definition Suggestion: All the definition must give in sentences. Explanation using physics concepts Tip: Use the concepts related to the definition given above. Items selection. Suggestion: The characteristics of the object needed as the questions mention Use the characteristics given in the table given. Characteristics Reason

Format answer physics paper 3.

Questions 1:
Find the statement : to find out the relationship between ........... to find out the relationship between responding variable, manipulated variable. For example: to find out the relationship between the increase in temperature of cooking oil, and it mass, m.
Must have name of variables and its units

Constant variables :_____________________ It mention in statement. Tabulated data Manipulated ____________(units) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Responding ________________(units)

Extended ________________(units)

From the characteristics given above the suitable items as mention below:Item suitable: Reasons :

Relationship Responding variable directly proportional to manipulated variable inversetly proportional to

Plotting a graph on graph paper form data table. Scale for both axis must suitable Draw graph line must smooth Graph line according to theory. Area used for graph paper at least 80%

Responding v. (units)

Name of graph

Manipulate v. (units)

Questions 2:
responding vs manipluted

Useful Physics Terminologies for Paper 2 JUJ Pahang


No. 1 Density


VALUE Low / small

MEANING Lighter / easy carry/not heavy Heavier / more compact Spring is soft / easy to stretch Spring is stiff / difficult to stretch Easily heated up , short time to heat up



High / large Small 3 Spring constant (k) Large / big


Low / small

Need less heat to raise temperature 4 Specific Heat Capacity (c) More difficult to heat up, takes more time to heat up High / large
0 1 2 3 manipluted 4 5 6


Need more heat to raise temperature, use more fuel Need less heat to melt / vaporise Low / small Time to melt / vaporise is shorter

Relationship Responding variable directly proportional to manipulated variable Inverstly proportional to

Specific Latent Heat (l) Need more heat to melt / vaporise High / large Time to melt / vaporise is longer
Decays faster

Calculate gradient. Draw triangle at graph must bigger and easy to get the value. From graph coordinates,


Reactivity decreases faster Decays slowly

responding 2 responding 1 gradient = manipulate d 2 manipulted 1


Reactivity decreases slowly Radioactivity lasts longer

Intrapolation Refer to grah

Low Melting point / 7 Freezing point High

Melts at low temperature / Freezes at low temperature. Starts melting earlier / Starts freezing later Melts at higher temperature / Freezes at higher temperature. Starts melting latter / Starts freezing earlier



Changes shape easily when acted upon by external force

Does not change shape easily when acted upon by external force Breaks easily / breaks under small external force Difficult to break / Needs a large force to break Does not rust easily / quickly Rust easily / quickly Starts boiling at lower temperature Starts boiling earlier Slower to begin condensation Starts boiling at higher temperature Starts boiling latter Faster to begin condensation Substance that refracts light less Substance that refracts light more Easier for total internal reflection to occur Difficult for total internal reflection to occur Large / long focal length Refract light less Short focal length Refract light more Higher power Lower power Short wavelength High penetration power Low frequency Low penetration power High pitch Short wavelength Spreads out less Having lower resistance compared to wires of the same thickness and length. Having higher resistance compared to wires of the same thickness and length. Supply a larger current through the same resistance. Uses more energy per second Needs a smaller current to produce a fixed amount of power.

Panduan menjawab soalan kertas ke 3 bahagian B Tentukan 1. Manipulated Variable (MV) 2. Responding Variable (RV) 3. Constant Variable (CV) Cadangan Format menjawab Inference: Hypothesis: Aim: Variables: MV : RV: CV: Apparatus and material: List all the material, apparatus and measuring tools involve in the experiment. Diagram Must draw completely and have labels. Procedures: To control manipulate variable To measure responding variable Repeating experiment RV depend on MV When the MV is increase, the RV also is increase. To study the relationship between MV and RV.

High 9 10 Strength Rate of rusting Low High Low High Low 11 Boiling point High Low / small 12 Refractive index High / large Small 13 Critical angle Large / big Low 14 Power (of a lens) High Short 15 19 20 21 22 Focal length Large / long Frequency (of electromagnet wave) Wavelength (for electromagnet wave) Frequency (sound) Resistivity High Long / large High Low / small High / large 23 24 25 e.m.f. of cell Power (of electrical device) Voltage (working voltage of electrical device) Large / big High / large High

Apparatus setup as diagram above. The manipulate variable setup with the intial value . Experiment repeated with the different value of manipulate variable .

Tabulate data. (Optional) Conclusion.

Kepada pelajar SMK Seri Pekan, Pekan: Insyaallah Physics SPM 2010 : A+

1. Diagram 1 shows two measurement instrument X and Y, Rajah 1 2 Diagram 2 shows a watermelon fall off a table and drop on to the floor surface. The watermelon of mass 1.5 kg experienced the change of momentum while falling. Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebiji tembikai terjatuh dari rneja ke atas permukaan lantai. Tembikai yang berjisim 1.5 kg itu mengalami perubahan momentum ketika jatuh.

(a)Name the physical quantity measured by the measurement instruments above. Namakan kuantiti fizik yang disukat oleh atat pengukur di atas. [ 1 mark] [1 mark] (b)What is the value of the smallest division of measurement instrument Y. Berapakah nilai satu bahagian terkecil bagi alat pengukur Y [ 1 mark} (c) Which measurement instrument is more sensitive ? pengukur manakah lebih sensitive? [2 marks] [ 1 mark] (b) Velocity of the watermelon when hitting the floor surface is 2 m s-1. Calculate the momentum of the watermelon at the moment. Halaju tembikai itu ketika menghenlam permukaan lantai ialah 2 m s-1. Hitungkan momentum tembikai pada ketika itu. (a) What is the meaning of momentum? Apakahyang dimaksudkan dengan momentum?

(c) (i) Mark with a (V ) for the correct statement about the impact time between the watermelon and the floor surface. Tandakan dengan (V) bagipernyalaan yang betul mengenai masa tindakan di antara tembikai itu dengan permukaan lantai.

(a) State the energy change involved when using the heater to heat the water. Nyatakan perubahan tenagayang terlibat ketika pemanas itu digunakan untuk memanaskan air. [ 1 mark] (b) The mass of water is 0.5 kg and specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg"' C"!. The initial temperature of water is 28 C. Calculate the energy absorbed by the water to

[1 mark] (ii) Why the watermelon is broken when hitting the floor surface? Mengapakah tembikai itu pecah apabila menghentam permukaan lantai? [1 mark] 3. Diagram 3.1 shows a 600 W electric heater being used to heat a beaker of water on a compression balance. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan suatu pemanas elektrik 600 Wdigunakan untuk memanaskan satu bikar air di atas neraca mampatan.

reach its boiling point. Jism air ialah 0.5 kg dan muatan haba tentu bagi air ialah 4200 J kg "C'. Suhu awal air ialah28C. Hitung tenaga yang diserap oleh air itu untuk mencapai takat didih.

[ 2 marks] (c) When the water is boiling, the reading of the compression balance decreases by 0.04 kg in 160 s. Calculate the specific latent heat of vaporization of the water. Ketika air mendidih, bacaan neraca mampatan berkurang sebanyak 0.04 kg dalam masa 160 s. Hitung haba pendant tentu pengewapan bagi air itu. [ 2 marks]

(d) Explain why at the boiling point, the temperature of water remain unchanged. Terangkan mengapa pada takat didih, suhu air tidak berubah.

[ 2 marks]

Diagram 5.1 shows a water jet spurts out from a hole in a tall vessel at a distance, d1. Diagram 5.2 shows an oil jet spurts out from a hole at the same depth in a tall vessel at a distance, d2. Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan suatu pancutan air keluar dari satu lubangpada satu bekas tinggi sejauh d1. Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan suatu pancutan minyak keluar dari satu lubangpada satu bekas tinggi pada kedalaman yang soma sejauh d2.

(ii) The distance d1 and d2. Jarak d1 dan d2. [ 1 mark] (iii) The pressure produced by the water jet and the oil jet. Tekanan yang dihasilkan olehpancutan air danpancutan minyak itu. [ 1 mark] (c) Based on your answer in (b), state the relationship between the density and the pressure of liquid. Berdasarkanjawapan anda di (b), nyatakan hubungan antara ketumpatan dan tekanan cecair, [ 1 mark] (d) Diagram 5.3 shows the location of a house water tank. Rajah 5.3 menunjukkan kedudukan tangkl airpada sebuah rumah.

(a) What is the meaning of density? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ketumpatan?

11 mark] (b) Observe Diagram 5.1 and Digaram 5.2. Perhatikan Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2. Compare: Bandingkan: (i) Density of water and oil. Ketumpatan air dan minyak. [ 1 mark] Explain why the water tank should be located on top of the roof. Terangkan mengapa tangki air diletakkan di atas bumbung rumah, [3 marks]

Diagram 6.1 a shows circuit contains a dry cell, switch ,ammeter, voltmeter and a bulb. Diagram 6.2 shows a new circuit for Diagram 6.1 when an identical bulb is added to the circuit. Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan suatit litar elektrik terdiri daripada satu sel kering, ammeter, voltmeter dan sebuah mentol. Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan satu litar baru untuk Rajah 6.1 apabila sebuah mentolyang serupa ditambah ke dalam litar itu.

[1 mark]

(iv) Compare the reading of the ammeters. Bandingkan bacaan ammeter-ammeter itu. [1 mark] (b) Based on your answer in (a) (ii) and in (a) (iv) state the relationship between theammeter reading and the voltmeter reading. Berdasarkanjawapan anda di (a) (ii) dan di (a) (iv) nyatakan hubungan antara bacaan ammeter dan bacaan voltmeter. [1 mark] (c) The switch, the ammeter and the bulb are removed from the circuit in Diagram 6.1, Suis, ammeter dan mentol ditanggalkcm daripada litar di dalam Rajah 6,1. (i) What happens to the readi ng of the voltmeter?

(a) Using Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 Menggunakan Rajah 6.1 dan 6.2 (i) What is the physical quantity shows by the reading of the voltmeter? Apakah kuantiti fizik yang ditunjukkan oleh bacaan voltmeter itu? [1 mark] (ii) Compare the reading of the voltmeters. Bandingkan bacaan voltmeter-voltmeter itu.

Apakahyang terjadl kepada bacaan voltmeter tersebut? [1 mark] (ii) Give the reason for your answer in (c) (i). Berikan sebab untukjawapan anda di (c)(1)

[2 marks] [2 markah]

[1 mark] (iii) Compare the brightness of the bulb. Bandingkan kecerahan mentol-mentol itu.

Bahagian B Diagram 9.1 shows a hydraulic lift used to raise loads Q and R. Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan satu pengangkat hidraulik digunakan untuk mengangkat beban Q dan R

Diagram 9.2 shows a cross section of an aeroplane wing. The wing help the aeroplane to be lift up when the plane speeding along the runaway. Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan keratan rentas sayap kapal terbang. Sayap ini membantu kapal terbang terangkat apabila memecut di sepanjang landasan terbang.

Name the shape in Diagram 9.2 and explain how the aeroplane can be lifted up to the air. Namakan bentuk dalam Rajah 9.2 dan terangkan bagaimana kapal terbang boleh terangkal ke udara. [4 marks] (i) What is meant by pressure? Apakah maksud tekanan? (c) Submarine is used to move underwater. Using suitable physics concepts, explain how you can design a basic structure of a small submarine so that it can be used for an underwater exploration. Kapal selam digunakan untuk bergerak dalam air. Menggunakan konsep fizik yang sesuai, terangkan bagaimana anda merekabentuk struktur asas sebuah kapal selam kecil bagi kegunaan penerokaan dalam air. The design should include the following aspects: Reka bentuk hendaklah meliputi aspek-aspek berikut: i. ii. iii. iv. the material and thickness of the wall, bahan dan ketebalan dinding kapal selam, shape of the submarine, bentuk kapal selam, able to submerge, kebolehan untuk menyelam, the equipments to detect underwater obstacles and depth, peralatan untuk mengesan halangan dalam air dan kedalaman. [10 marks]

[1 mark]


A force of 100 N is used to push down piston P and able to raise piston Q and piston R. With reference to Diagram 9.1 compare the pressure acted on piston Q and R, the cross sectional area and the force produced at the piston Q and piston R. Satu daya WON digunakan untuk menolak omboh P ke bawah dan boleh mengangkat omboh Q dan omboh R. Merujuk kepada Rajah 9.1, bandingkan tekanan yang dikenakan pada omboh Q dan omboh R, luas keratan rentas dan dayayang terhasil pada omboh Q dan R. Relate the cross sectional area of the pistons with the force produced on the pistons. Name a physics principle relating the cross sectional area and the force exerted on pistons Q and R. Hubungkaitkan luas keratan rentas omboh dengan dayayang terhasil pada omboh. Namakan satu prinsipfizikyang menghubungkan luas keratan rentas dan daya yang bertindak pada omboh Q dan R. [5 marks]

A hovercraft moves on a cushion of air which is trapped underneath it, as shown in Diagram 9.3. The trapped air reduces the friction. The hovercraft starts from rest and as it starts, the propeller produces a forward force until it reaches a constant velocity. Sebuah hoverkraf bergerak dlatas kusyen udara yang terperangkap di bawahnya seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 9.3 . Udara yang terperangkap menggurangkan geseran. Hoverkraf bergerak dari keadaan rehat dan semasa ia bergerak kipas yang berputar menghasilkan daya ke hadapan sehingga ia mencapai halaju sekata.

Diagram 9.4 shows a canoe Rajah 9.4 menunjukkan sebuah kayak


Sketch a velocity-time graph to show the motion of hovercraft. Lakarkan graf halaju-masa untuk menunjukkan gerakan hoverkraf. Explain why the hovercraft moves with constant velocity in terms of the force acting on it Terangkan mengapakah hoverkraf bergerak dengan halaju seragam dari segi daya yang bertindak ke atasnya [4 marks] [4 markah]

You are required to give some suggestions to design a canoe which can travel faster and safer Using the knowledge on motion, forces and the properties of materials, explain the suggestions based on the following aspects: Anda dikehendaki memberikan beberapa cadangan untuk merekabentuk sebuah kayak yang boleh bergerak lebih laju dan selamat Menggunakan pengetahuan tentang gerakan, daya dan sifat-sifat bahan, terangkan cadangan itu yang merangkumi aspek-aspek berikut: (i) (ii) (iii) the surface of the canoe permukaan kayak the shape of the canoe bentuk kayak the material of the canoe bahan yang digunakan untuk kayak


(iv) the size of a peddle Saiz pendayung (v) material used for peddle Bahan yang digunakan untuk pendayung [10 marks]

Section C

Diagram 11.1 shows Ali standing at the side of a pond. Ali can see the image of the fish and the image of the dragon-fly in the water as shown by the ray diagram. Rajah 11.1 menunjukkan Ali berdiri di tepi kolam. Ali dapat melihat imej ikan dan imej pepatung di dalam air seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh rajah sinar.

Table 11 shows the design of five torchlights P, Q, R, S and T. Jadual 11 menunjukkan reka bentuk bagi lima lampu suluh P, Q, R, S danT

(a) (i)

What is the meaning of virtual image ? Apakah maksud imej maya ?

[1 mark] [1 markah]


Explain how Ali can see the image of the fish and the image of the dragonfly. State the phenomenon of light that is involved in each case. [4 marks] Terangkan bagaimana Ali dapat melihat imej ikan dan imej pepatung. Nyatakan fenomena cahaya yang terlibat dalam setiap kes. [4 markah]

(b) (i)

Calculate the angle 9 and a. [ Refractive index of water is 1.33 ] Hitting sudut 6 dan a. [ Indeks biasan air ialah 1.33 ]

[4 marks] [4 markah] You are asked to investigate the characteristics of the five torchlights s.hown in Table 11. Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the torchlight and determine the torchlight which can produce a strong parallel beam of light. Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks] Anda ditugaskan untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri bagi lima lampu suluh sepertiyang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 11. Terangkan kesesuaian setiap ciri lampu suluh itu dan tentukan lampu suluh yang boleh menghasilkan satu alurcahaya selariyang terang. Beri sebab untuk pilihan anda. [10 markah]

(ii) State one characteristic of the image of the dragon-fly. [1 mark] Nyatakan satu ciri bagi imej pepatung. [1 markah]

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