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agency, 1, 9, 25, 44, 70, 103, 1067, 113,

124, 126, 15960, 168, 178
authority, 71, 73,1212
care, 1328, 142, 184
dependency, 132, 135, 152
opposition, 122, 13746
solitary self, 1720, 1835
Alexander, William, 6
Anderson, Beatrice, 57
ApRoberts, Ruth, 79, 104
Arendt, Hannah, 12, 85
Armstrong, Nancy, 22, 23, 130
assimilation, 122
Auerbach, Nina, 17
Austen, Jane
and Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment, 22,
245, 45, 902, 101, 158, 161, 172,
autonomy, 1, 1213, 21, 24, 77, 1057, 131,
134, 1367, 1445, 149, 150, 155,
183, 185
moral, 21, 106, 107
moral development, 149
and ideological centralization, 84
and interactive rationality, 28
and psychology, 1213
and civil culture, 133
and class mobility, 126, 152
and domesticity, 5, 910, 1314, 20, 25,
48, 84, 134, 141, 170, 176
and emotions, 11, 33, 47, 545, 121, 138,
14955, 178
and feminism, 12, 21, 24, 28, 30, 324,
43, 107, 1302, 139, 146, 155, 162,
1767, 185

and (French) revolution, 1415, 43, 59,

70, 79, 108, 137, 159,165
and gothic fiction, 5960, 62, 657
and gratitude, 62, 69, 109, 120, 1256,
and modesty, 54, 70, 115, 120, 123, 157,
and novels, 734, 142, 1556, 172
and parody, 17, 31, 40
and rank, 67, 456
and Romanticism, 14, 16, 17, 30, 86,
116, 158, 163, 184
and sentimental fiction, 356, 40, 44,
789, 91
and slavery, 1145, 118, 126
and universalism, 24, 1045, 182
and violence, 4, 28, 324, 41, 47, 50, 73,
369, 159, 162, 185
Amelia Webster, 29
Beautiful Cassandra, 34, 37
Catharine or the Bower, 367
A Collection of Letters, 36, 38
Edgar and Emma, 30
Evelyn, 345
Frederic and Elfrida, 29, 30, 36, 38, 157
Henry and Eliza, 32, 34, 36, 406
History of England, 174
Jack and Alice, 29, 31, 33, 34, 368, 72
Lesley Castle, 29
A Letter from a Young Lady, 34
Love and Freindship, 30, 312, 34, 38
Mystery, 34
Sir William Montague, 38
Emma, 245, 85, 108, 119, 12953,
1578, 161, 165, 169, 183




Jane Austens Civilized Women

autonomy, 24, 137, 144, 149
confinement, 1345
disputatio, 1468
Emma as a novelty, 1323, 152
gender, 139, 143, 153
humiliation, 132, 150,
individualism, 132, 136, 137
literary criticism, 129131
matchmaking, 1402
modernity, 1368
philanthropy, 161, 165
Lady Susan, 15, 23, 41, 4759, 601,
635, 67, 69, 715, 80, 109, 157, 183
civil society, 47
court habitus, 48, 52
ending, 589, 73
epistolarity, 49, 51
eroticism, 54
language, 4950, 54
marginalized groups, 567
private persona, 48, 56
surveillance, 52, 723
Mansfield Park, 67, 10, 22, 24, 15,
10528, 143, 151, 168, 1834
agency, 1067, 113, 124, 126
childhood, 1056, 10811
improvement, 1078, 11228
knowing oneself, 1245
resistance, 122, 1267
slavery, 106, 111, 11415, 122,
see also slavery
Northanger Abbey, 23, 478, 49,
5975, 90, 104, 113, 149, 155
and The Adventures of Caleb Williams, 67
see also Godwin, William
ending, 734
gothic, 5960, 62, 657, 68
history, 62
models of femininity, 64, 67
(self )-surveillance, 61, 63, 724
Persuasion, 10, 13, 16, 25, 127, 15579,
182, 184
feelings/emotions, 178
gendered bodies, 171
gendered spheres, 170, 1723, 176,
gentleness, 157160, 162, 169
heroinism, 156, 170, 1767

history, 172, 175, 178

impartiality, 1745
philanthropy, 165
rank, 13
social mobility, 10, 168
sympathy, 161, 1657
universalism, 175, 1789
Pride and Prejudice, 10, 234, 32, 75,
92104, 107, 120, 144, 146, 149,
155, 184
complementarity, 92, 95, 100
conjugal life, 98, 100, 1023
conversation, 1001
differences, 93, 97, 100
education, 99
female beauty, 957
heterosexual love, 93, 96
involvement and detachment, 978
narcissism, 97, 103
(self )-recognition, 97, 98, 101
sisterhood, 945
Sanditon, 49, 182
Sense and Sensibility, 24, 7592, 935,
100, 144, 175, 183
communicative ethics, 76, 83, 89,
90, 178
consensus, 758, 80, 84, 89
dialogism, 767, 80, 823, 88
manners, 75
moral conversation, 767, 83
private interests, 75, 84
sensibility and affectivity, 789, 81,
84, 88, 901
see also Barker-Benfield, G. J.
sensibility and politics, 912
social contract theories, 756, 92
speech act theory, 834
sympathetic imagination, 848, 89
see also Smith, Adam

Bakhtin, Mikhail, 40, 768, 90,183
and carnival, 435
dialogism, 76, 78, 801, 834, 86,
8890, 175
opacity, 88, 175
transgredience, 82
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, 55
Barker-Benfield, G. J., 23, 170, 172
Bartels, Hans-Peter, 18, 126
Bate, Walter Jackson, 85

Beattie, James, 85
Beer, Frances, 31
Benhabib, Seyla, 1112, 1920, 24, 28,
7678, 83, 8990, 104, 1067,
11122, 174, 185
communicative ethics, 76, 83, 8990, 178
see also Habermas, Jrgen
genealogy of the self, 106
Berry, Christopher, 19
Bodichon, Barbara L., 66
Bradbrook, Frank W., 65
Brison, Susan J., 124
Britton Wenner, Barbara, 122
Bront, Charlotte
Letters, 9
Brownstein, Rachel M., 80
Burke, Edmund, 13, 91, 137, 159, 161
Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime
and the Beautiful, 158
Reflections on the Revolution in France,
15, 44, 55
Burney, Fanny, 27
Evelina, 44, 11314, 133
Bury, Charlotte, 132
Butler, Judith, 24, 110, 122, 170, 182
Butler, Marilyn, 16, 127
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 158, 163
Don Juan, 158


Dadlez, Eva M., 7

Davidoff, Leonore, 10, 111, 141, 182
Davidson, Jenny, 22
Davis, Tracy C., 197
Denlinger, Elizabeth, C., 17
Deresiewicz, William, 147
despotism, 55, 59, 61, 67, 75
Di Stefano, Christine, 12
dialectic, 80, 89
dialogic, 23, 767, 80, 81, 83, 88, 89, 92,
183, 184
disputation, 144
see also Emma
Doody, Margaret Anne, 31, 35, 37, 39
Duckworth, Alistair, 64, 108, 115, 134, 136,
Dwyer, John, 9
Eagleton, Terry, 182, 183
Edgeworth, Maria, 113
The Absentee, 114
Belinda, 38, 74, 156, 161, 164
The Grateful Negro, 114
Helen, 143
education, 32, 41, 51, 59, 88, 91, 109, 117,
123, 130, 145
and civilization, 25, 67, 108
and domesticity 5, 8, 67
and gender 1416, 69, 99, 112, 115, 118,
137, 161, 173, 176, 1779
private, 71
Elias, Norbet, 24, 46, 50, 59, 84, 867, 101,
121, 141, 14950
attunement, 21, 52, 134, 1367, 185
Aufstze und andere Schriften, 190
autonomy, 144
The Civilizing of Parents, 1057, 126
The Civilizing Process, 3, 4, 22, 23, 17, 48
The Court Society, 48
Involvement and Detachment, 97, 105
processual, 22, 27, 28, 35, 37, 47, 105,
181, 183
psychogenesis, 4, 27, 47, 181,
social-relatedness, 1820, 778, 103,
131, 183
The Society of Individuals, 71
sociogenesis, 27, 336, 47, 106
endogamous marriage, 123
Emsley, Sarah, 22, 175


Cavarero, Adriana, 46, 1234

Cavell, Marcia, 17
Cavell, Stanley, 108
Chamber, Ross, 141
Chanter, Tina, 127
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of
Letters to His Son, 115
childhood, 14, 22, 24, 105, 106, 1089,
11011, 114, 119, 131, 170
Chodorow, Nancy
psychology and gender 1213
conjectural history, 34, 7, 182
see also Scottish Enlightenment
Corbett, Mary J., 123
Cox, Jeffrey N., 184
civil society, 21, 47, 51, 57, 5960, 70, 105,
133, 178
and attunement, 21, 52, 134, 1367, 185
civilized habitus, 11, 22, 29, 73, 181
and court society, 47, 48, 50, 52, 73
Enlightenment, 1, 4, 6, 910, 19, 25
theory of civilization, 35, 47, 75


Jane Austens Civilized Women

conceptualization of the subject, 131
novels, 22
Jane Austens place in, 2
see also Austen, Jane
relation to twentieth century, 19, 35, 90,
178, 181
see also Scottish Enlightenment
epistolarity, 39, 4751, 58, 68, 78
Esterhammer, Angela, 14

Gregory, John
A Fathers Legacy to His Daughters, 69
Grundy, Isobel, 172
Gubar, Susan, 130

Habermas, Jrgen, 1011, 76, 83, 89, 137, 178

communicative ethics, 76, 83, 8990, 178
separate spheres, 10, 14, 80, 92, 176
Haggerty, George, 44
Hall, Catherine, 10, 141
Halperin, John, 30, 64, 101
Haraway, Donna, 43, 456
Farrer, Reginald, 178
Harding, Sandra, 49, 56, 156, 1745
Favret, Mary A., 73
standpoint theory, 49, 56, 57, 175
feminism, 12, 21, 24, 28, 30, 324, 43, 107,
Jocelyn, 167, 168
1302, 139, 146, 155, 162, 1767, 185
Hays, Mary
harmonia, 135
Memoirs of Emma Courtney, 32
personal and political life, 182
Friedrich, 100
private and public spheres, 13
Heiland, Donna, 60
Fergus, Jan, 27, 31, 33 96, 145
Heydt-Stevenson, Jillian, 42
Ferguson, Adam, 18
heroism, 1512, 156, 166, 1679, 170, 177
Ferguson, Moira, 111, 114, 122, 126
Herrmann, Anne, 89
Foucault, Michel, 50, 131
heteroglossia, 40
Fraser, Nancy, 11
see also Mikhail Bakhtin
Freud, Sigmund, 1213, 39, 165, 181
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 145
Hirschmann, Nancy, 89
Hobbes, Thomas, 12, 18, 20, 75, 103
beauty, 55, 967, 167
Hoeveler, Diana, 64, 68
education, and gender 1416, 69, 99,
Holquist, Michael, 78, 82, 83, 90
112, 115, 118, 137, 161, 173, 176,
Horwitz, Barbara, 56
Hume, David, 18, 22, 31, 89, 171
gothic, 59, 667, 72, 74
Hutcheson, Francis, 4, 5
patronage, 1078, 11112
psychology, 12, 23, 125
improvement, 6, 7, 74, 103, 1078, 11228,
Gibson, Andrew, 79
143, 146, 152
Gilbert, Sandra, 130
individualism, 17, 89, 132
Gilligan, Carol, 30, 124, 125, 139, 1656
introspection, 2, 15, 21, 25, 28, 48, 73, 184
ethics of care, 166
Irigaray, Luce, 93, 96, 97, 127
Godwin, William, 174
Adventures of Caleb Williams, 67, 166
Jimack, Peter, 19
Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, 165, Johnson, Claudia L., 43, 67, 79, 81, 121,
131, 133
and gothic, 67
Johnson, Samuel, 3, 723
and history, 173
Jones, Hazel, 21, 150
Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication,
Kelly, Gary, 152
Goffman, Edwin, 84
Kirkham, Margaret, 72, 73, 108
Goldsmith, Oliver, 150
Knox-Shaw, Peter, 22, 162
Kotzebue, August von
History of England, 174
Lovers Vows, 126
Gooneratne, Yasmine, 40
Goudsblom, Johann, 181
Kramp, Michael, 54


Laclos, Choderlos de, 50
Landes, Joan, 14
landscape, 115, 127
Lane, Maggie, 128
LeFaye, Deirdre, 5, 176
Lennox, Charlotte, 31, 65, 172, 173
Lewis, Mathew
The Monk, 59
Litz, A. Walton, 58, 88
Locke, John, 4, 23, 70, 172
Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 115
luck, 140, 143, 168, 169
Macaulay, Catherine S., 95
Mandal, Anthony, 126, 173, 176
Mandeville, Bernard, 4
Marie, Beatrice, 130
Martin, Ellen E., 29, 34, 142
McAleer, John, 27
McCrone, David, 4
McKellar, Hugh, 195
Mellor, Anne K., 86, 122
memory, 44, 61, 73, 78, 124
Mennell, Stephen, 181
Menon, Patricia, 148, 149
Meyers, Diane T., 124, 150
Meyers, Helene, 59, 74, 124, 131, 150, 152
Millar, John, 2, 4, 171, 1812
Origin of the Distinction of Ranks, 59,
13, 223, 25,
and Elias, Norbert, 36, 149, 181
see also Scottish Enlightenment
Miller, D. A., 99
Monaghan, David, 90
morality, 22, 39, 47, 50, 52, 54, 59, 68,
7890, 106, 123, 143, 185
and difference, 104
epistemological, 49, 183
manners, 13, 15
moral judgment, 12, 705, 88, 129,
rationality, 28
sympathy, 161
Moran, Mary Catherine, 9
More, Hannah, 156, 159
Coelebs in Search of a Wife, 65, 162
coming out, 111, 112, 115
feminism, 142, 143
and gender, 1417, 21, 159, 167


independence, 99, 103, 112, 1201

parental austerity, 60, 61
the Rights of Man, 109
moral judgement, 12
self-sufficiency, 129, 131, 1334, 137
Morgan, Susan, 142
Morrow, Glen R., 88
Mudrick, M., 57, 58, 64, 107, 108
Napoleon, Bonaparte, 168
battle at Waterloo, 168
Newman, Karen, 17
Nussbaum, Martha, 7
OBrien, Karen, 4, 6, 8, 45, 126, 172
ONeill, Daniel, 13, 158
Olson, Richard, 4
Opie, Amelia
Adeline Mowbray, 71
Black Mans Lament, 41
otherness, 959, 1034, 132, 155, 165, 184
carnival, 45
dialogism, 758, 808
imperialistic enterprise, 114
in heterosexual relationships, 923
interactive universalism, 24
Owenson, Sydney
Irish Girl, 176, 178

Palmeri, Frank, 3
Pateman, Carol, 70
patronage, 10, 60, 107, 108, 11112, 114,
143, 151, 169
Perry, Ruth, 130, 131
philanthropy, 160, 161, 163, 165
Pocock, John Greville Agard, 9
Poovey, Mary, 16, 17, 35, 47, 139
Polwhele, Richard, 16, 91
private/ public sphere, 1011, 14, 24, 48,
142, 173, 91, 178
progress, 15, 70, 107, 127, 137, 161, 172
Radcliffe, Ann, 62, 65, 66, 69, 74
Mysteries of Udolpho, 59, 63
rationality, 11, 79, 82, 88, 902, 185
introspection, 28
sociability, 1, 2, 19, 23, 89
relational, 17, 27, 28, 43, 46, 50, 60, 61, 124,
Rendall, Jane, 183


Jane Austens Civilized Women

republicanism, 14, 91
Richardson, Samuel, 6, 72, 170
Clarissa, 66, 68, 79
Pamela, 79
Sir Charles Grandison, 79
Robinson, Mary Darby
Letter to the Women of England, 1516,
91, 171
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 21, 25, 30, 756, 78,
172, 181
Emile, 14, 19, 137, 1589
general will, 63, 75, 84
social contract, 4, 1416, 70, 75, 76, 80,
sympathy, 80, 857, 889, 92, 110, 119,
161, 1656, 1758
Said, Edward, 111, 112
Sales, Roger, 39, 126, 128
Scottish Enlightenment, 22
civilization, 25, 158, 171
conjectural history, 34, 18, 1812
contractarianism, 19
feminism, 8, 9, 45, 1712
sociology, 1, 3, 24
Seeber, Barbara K., 88
self-discipline, 50
self-made man, 16, 167
sentimentalism, 44
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein, 17
Shelley, Percy
Essay on Love, 86
Simon-Ingram, Julia, 75, 92
Simpson, Richard, 129, 130, 131
Siskin, Clifford, 74
situated knowledge, 43, 45
slavery, 55, 111, 112, 113, 114, 122
Smith Adam, 4, 22, 84, 86, 171, 183
sociability, 1, 2, 19, 23, 89
sympathy, 31, 87, 89, 92, 165, 173, 175,
Theory of Moral Sentiment, 79, 89
Smith, Charlotte
Desmond, 79, 142
Smith, Olivia, 54
social contract, 4, 14, 70, 75, 76, 80, 912
Spacks, Patricia Meyer, 64

Stafford, William, 91
standpoint theory, 49, 56, 57, 175
submissiveness, 14, 16, 25, 623, 64, 160,
Sulloway, Allison, 65
surveillance, 24, 52, 72, 73, 109, 121, 150
Tanner, Tony, 60, 62, 65, 101, 108, 110, 147
Thaden, Barbara Z., 129
Thompson, James, 16, 130
Todd, Janet, 79
Trilling, Lionel, 16
Tronto, Joan, 2
Tuite, Clara, 37, 72, 111
uncouthness, 114
Van Krieken, Robert, 4
violence, 4, 28, 327, 3941, 47, 50, 73,
159, 162
see also Austen, Jane
Wakefield, Priscilla
Reflections on the Present Condition, 43, 45
Waldron, Mary, 153, 171
Wallace, Tara Goshal, 41
Walpole, Horace
Castle of Otranto, 59
war, 22, 168
West, Jane
Advantages of Education, 79
Gossips Story, 79
Wiltshire, John, 111
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 16, 25, 45, 545, 58,
92, 119, 155, 159
affections, 201, 178
civilization, 1, 1315, 20, 156, 1813
Historical and Moral View of the Origin
and Progress of the French Revolution,
Letters, 91
Maria, 57, 79, 102, 156
education, 13, 63, 71, 15962, 164, 170
standing armies, 60
Vindication of the Rights of Men, 15, 161
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1, 8,
1315, 45, 123


Young, Iris M., 34, 91, 164, 1745

impartiality, 11, 137, 1745, 178

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