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History Of Differentiation

History Of Differentiation

The concept of a derivative is invented from the problem to finding a tangent of a curve because tangent of curve defines rate of change. So, lets discuss history of differentiation: The first scientist who resembled the modern method to determining tangent of curve is Giles Persone de Roberval during 1630s and 1640s. Roberval determine the constituent motion vectors at a point. Roberval define motion vectors, for a parabola and gives method to find tangent of curve on parabola. At same time, Pierre de Fermat used the notion of Maxima and Minima to finding tangent of curve.
he Norman Conquest Project is an attempt to provide a systematic approach to differentiation. I have identified nine different strategies for delivering differentiation in history. KnowMoreAboutHowToSolveARationalNumber



Differentiation by Content The pupils study different materials within the same topic area but do the same activities. Differentiation by Activities The pupils study the same content but do different activities. Differentiation by Negotiation The pupils study different materials within the same topic area and also do different activities. Teachers help pupils to select appropriate materials. Differentiation by Support The pupils study the same materials, do the same activities, but receive different amounts of support from the teacher or from extra printed information. Differentiation by Extension The pupils study the same materials and do the same activities. Extension work is given to the most able after they have finished the basic activities. Differentiation by Response The pupils are set open-ended assignments that can be interpreted at different levels. Differentiation by Group Work ReadMoreAboutWhatIsCalculus



The pupils work in mixed ability groups. Pupils help each other by working together and interpreting the tasks at different levels. Differentiation by Gradation The pupils are given the same information and activities. The activities become progressively more difficult. The pupils work through the activities at different rates and therefore only the more able do the more difficult tasks. Differentiation by Role The pupils carry out different activities depending on the role they are playing in a simulation. The roles are matched to the abilities, aptitudes and needs of the pupil.


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