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Group 1 : 18 classes

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Clutter type Metropolitan Dense Urban Urban Industrial High Rise Building Dense Suburban Suburban Wooded Suburban Clutter height h (m) h 30 15 h < 30 15 h < 30 h < 18 h 18 10 h < 15 10 h < 15 10 h < 15 Building separation s (m) s < 10 s 10 s5 s < 10 s 10 s 10 Clutter definition Very dense city centres with high office blocks of 10 storeys. Very dense city centre with buildings of 5-9 storeys. Very dense city centre with buildings of 5-9 storeys with wide roads. Area of large or long factory buildings. Outstanding tall or large building. Dense/terraced residential or office areas of 3-4 storeys. Residential or office area of 3-4 storeys with wide roads. Residential or office area of 3-4 storeys with >20% trees. Trees must be equal to or higher than the buildings. Dense/terraced residential areas of 2 storeys. Residential area of 2 storeys with wide roads. Residential area of 2 storeys with >20% trees. Trees must be equal to or higher than the buildings. Residential area of a single storey. Tall trees 5 storeys with >20% trees. Sparse to no buildings. Trees of 2-4 storeys with >20% trees. Sparse to no buildings. Dense area of vegetation with >50% small trees and bushes. Sparse to no buildings. Area of vegetation with >20% small trees and bushes. Sparse to no

9 10 11

Dense Residential Residential Wooded Residential Low Residential High Wood Wood Dense Vegetation Vegetation

5 h < 10 5 h < 10 5 h < 10

s < 10 s 10 s 10

12 13 14 15

h<5 h 15 5 h < 15 h<5

s 10 -



buildings. 17 18 Open Water h<3 s 20 Open areas, parks, fields or paved areas. Sea, bays, canals, lakes, reservoirs, and rivers.

Group 2 : 11-Classes
Index Clutter type Clutter height h (m) Building separation s (m) s<5 Clutter definition

1 2

Dense Urban Urban

Buildings > 10 stories Dense town and city centers with building height between 5 to 9 stories
Area of large or long factory buildings. Outstanding tall or large building.

3 4

Industrial High Rise Building

h < 18 h 18

s5 s5

5 6 7

Suburban/Resi dential Villiage Park/Recreatio nal Land

H < 10 meters


9 10 11

Open in Urban Forest Water

Residential area, offices with building height < 5 stories Small villiage with farmland surrounding Vegetation land in urban or suburban environment, such as golf course, playground, municipal parks or scrub land Fields or grassed areas with no trees and shrubs Area with little or no vegetation, farmland like quarries, derelict land Fields or open area, surrounded by urban, dense urban or suburban Dense trees, Tree height > 5 meters Includes seas, bays, inlets, rivers and lakes Clutter definition Buildings > 10 stories Dense town and city centers with street width < 5 meters and building height between 5 to 9 stories Mix of residential & business communities.
Tall trees 3 storeys with >20% trees.

Group 3 : 7-Classes

Clutter type Dense Urban Urban

Clutter height h (m)

h 30 15 h < 30

Building separation s (m)

s < 10 s 10

1 2

3 4

Suburban Forest

5 h < 10 h 12

s 10 -

Sparse to no buildings.


h < 12

s 10

Parks or fields with small trees < 12 meters. <20% tree density and <20% house density
Open areas, parks, fields or paved areas.

6 7

Open Water


s 20

Same as water in 11-classes

Clutter Class Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 Group1: 18-classes Metropolitan Dense Urban Urban Industrial High Rise Building Dense Suburban Suburban Wooded Suburban Dense Residential Residential Wooded Residential Low Residential High Wood Wood Dense Vegetation Vegetation Open Open Water Group2: 11-classes 1 Dense Urban 1 Dense Urban 2 Urban 3 Industrial 4 High Rise Building 5 Suburban/Residential 5 Suburban/Residential 5 Suburban/Residential 5 Suburban/Residential 5 Suburban/Residential 6 Villiage 6 Villiage 10 Forest 10 Forest 7 Park/Recreational Land 7 Park/Recreational Land 9 Open in Urban 8 Open 11 Water 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 Group3: 7-classes Dense Urban Dense Urban Urban Urban Dense Urban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Rural Rural Forest Forest Rural Rural Open Open Water

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