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# 4 1

Running Head: Constructing Hypotheses

Constructing Hypotheses Exercise #4 Nadiyah Edwards SOWK 300 Tuskegee University February 9, 2012

Ex. # 4 2

Bivariate Hypothesis

Race of convicted criminals provokes the decision to receive the death penalty

Martial status influences the number of friends a person has.

Independent Variable and Values Race 1.American Indian or Eskimo 2. Asian 3.Black, NonHispanic 4. MexicanAmerican or Mexican 5.Hispanic (but not Mexican American or Mexican) 6.Pacific Islander 7.White, NonHispanic 8.Other 1.Martial Status 2.Single, never married 3.Single, divorced 4.Single, widowed 5.Married, first marriage 6.Married, second marriage or subsequent marriage 7.Single, living with special other

Causal Words/ Phrase Provokes the decision

Dependent Variables and Values Receiving the death penalty 1.Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly disagree 5. No opinion


The number of friends 1.None 2.One 3.Two or Three 4.Four or Five 5.Six or more

Ex. # 4 3

Age influences individuals attitudes about changing the drinking age.

Age 1. 19 or younger 2. 20-21 3. 22-24 4. 25-29 5. 30-39


Drinking age

Smoking affects frequency of exercise.

Gang related behavior results in drinking.

Smoking 1.Never 2.Occasionally (once a week or less) 3. Frequently (more than once a week) 4. Almost everyday Gang related behavior Have you ever been in a gang? 1.Yes 2.No


Frequency of exercise 1.Never 2.Occasionally 3.Frequently 4.Almost every day

Results in

Drinking 1.Never 2. Only once in a while 3. Average only 1 or few drinks daily 4. Average 2 drinks daily 5. Average 3 drinks or more daily

Ex. # 4 4

Race and ethnicity has an impact Race on religious preference. 1.American Indian or Eskimo 2. Asian 3.Black, NonHispanic 4. MexicanAmerican or Mexican 5.Hispanic (but not Mexican American or Mexican) 6.Pacific Islander 7.White, NonHispanic 8.Other

Has an impact on

Religious Preference 1.Catholic 2.Potestant 3.Jewish 4.Islam 5.Other 6. I have none

How much sleep you get at night How much sleep has an effect on test scores. you get at night 1.Less than 4 hours 2.4-5 hours 3. 5-6 hours 4.6-7 hours 5.7-8 hours 6. 8-9 hours 7. 9 or more hours Sex of respondents causes Sex of change(s) in attitudes toward respondents types of victims. 1.Female 2.Male

Has an effect on

Test score 1.Very high 2. Above Average 3. Average 4. Below Average 5.Very Low

Causes change(s) in attitudes

Region where respondents live increases their chances of

Region 1.Northeast


Toward types of Victims 1.Pregnant Woman 2. Old Woman 3.Drug Addict 4. Homeless person Death Penalty 1.Strongly agree

Ex. # 4 5

receiving the Death Penalty

2.Midwest 3.South 4.West

10 Age invokes gang related behavior

Age 1. 19 or younger 2. 20-21 3. 22-24 4. 25-29 5. 30-39


2. Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly disagree 5. No opinion Gang related behavior Have you ever been in a gang? 1.Yes 2.No

Ex. # 4 6

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