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Subject : Iniciacin al idioma Ingls Tcnico Nivel Superior en Enfermera. Modulo 1.2 / 2010 Teacher: Ricardo Velsquez C.

Short and long Adjectives Language Objectives: to use adjectives to describe people, cities, emotions etc; To use comparatives and superlatives

Comparative / Superlatives Comparative

Book Upstream page 37

Comparatives are used to compare two things. You can use sentences with THAN, or you can use a conjunction like BUT. Examples 1. Tito is taller than Franco 2. Paela is tall, but Jenny is taller


Superlatives are used to compare more than two things. Superlative sentences usually use THE, because there is only one superlative. Examples 1. Marcarena is the tallest in the class. 2. Mara is tall, and Ana is taller, but Susana is the tallest.

Read the sentences below. Which form do we use to compare? Two people, places, things? More than two people, places, things? The Eiffel Tower is taller than the leaning Tower of Pisa. The Empire State building is the tallest of the three. Complete the table. How do we form the comparative and superlative of: short adjectives (one syllable)? Longer adjectives (two or more syllables)? Are there any changes in spelling? Which adjectives are irregular? Adjective High Small Big Far Long Large Expensive Much / many good bad comparative Higher than Smaller than Bigger than Farther Longer than Larger than More expensive than More than Better than Worse than superlative The highest (of) The farthest(of) The most expensive(of) The worst(of)

Make sentences. Use the comparative or superlative form. 1. Australia / small continent / in the world Australia is the smallest continent in the world. 2. Asia / large / Europe . 3. China / large / population / world . 4. Weather in Spain / good / weather in England. 5. Paris / population / tourist destination / Europe... 6. Antarctica / cold and windy / Artic.. 7. Pacific Ocean / deep /Atlantic Ocean ..

Subject : Iniciacin al idioma Ingls Tcnico Nivel Superior en Enfermera. Modulo 1.2 / 2010 Teacher: Ricardo Velsquez C.

Make four true sentences comparing yourself to members of your family. 1. 2 3 4 Make four true sentences comparing two popular singer or sport men in your country. 1. 2 3 4 Work in pairs. Think of three cities in your country. Make sentences comparing them. Think about: Noise shops hotels people cinema size lifestyle Adjectives Stressful Large boring difficult expensive quiet small cheap big noisy friendly

Comparatives (From book Upstream) page 127 1. Circle the correct item. 1. Bill works longer hours from / than Ann. 2. Shes the more / most intelligent student in the class. 3. Camping holiday arent as comfortable / more comfortable as staying in a hotel. 4. The train journey is least / less tiring. 5. Hes the better / best athlete of all. 6. London is the most / more expensive city in England. 2. Put the adjective in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. 1. The blue whale is the .(large) mammal in the world. 2. Sallys hair is (long) than Beatrices. 3. There are (many) lakes in Canada than in the UK. 4. Thats the (bad) film Ive ever seen. 5. I think chemistry is . (interesting) than biology. 6. This car is . (expensive) than that one. 3. Complete the questions and then answer them. 1. Who is .(good) student in your class? .. 2. Who is .(funny) person in your family? 3. What is ..(difficult) subject at school? . 4. When is ..(cold) time of the year in your country? . 5. What is .(exciting) sport you play? 4. Work in teams. Make three sentences comparing each set of pictures. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. Example: A bicycle is slower than a train.

Subject : Iniciacin al idioma Ingls Tcnico Nivel Superior en Enfermera. Modulo 1.2 / 2010 Teacher: Ricardo Velsquez C.

Use of comparative adjectives 1. What's ___ film you've ever seen? a. The funny b. the funniest

c. funnier

2. What's ___ book you've ever read? a. the borest b. the bore the most boring 3. What's ___ experience you've had? a. the most frightening b. the frightening 4. Which nationality is ___ ? a. the most romantic b. the romatcest 5. What's ___ restaurant you've been to? a. the bestest b. best c. the best 6. Who's ___ attractive man in your country? a. more b. the most 7. What's ___ place you've been to? a. the most cold b. the coldest c. the more cold c. the fright

c. more romanticcest

c. most

8. Who's ___ person you know? a. the most lazy b. the more lazy c. the laziest

9. What's ___ interesting place you've been to? a. the most b. the best

c. the more

10. Which nationality do you think are ___ drivers? a. the worst b. worst c. the worest Plural nouns This / that, these / those; the regular / irregular plurals
1. La mayora de los sustantivos forman el plural aadiendo una S al singular. Book books dog dogs room rooms 2. los sustantivos terminados en O, S, SS, SH , CH, X se aaden ES bus buses dress dresses box boxes torch torches flash flashes tomato tomatoes hay excepciones con algunos terminados en O piano pianos video videos

3. los sustantivos terminados en consonante + Y cambian la Y por IES

Subject : Iniciacin al idioma Ingls Tcnico Nivel Superior en Enfermera. Modulo 1.2 / 2010 Teacher: Ricardo Velsquez C.

baby babies party parties pero si el sustantivo termina en vocal +y este sustantivo pertenece a la regla N 1 toy toys holiday holidays 4. los sustantivos terminados en F o Fe cambian la F o FE por VES shelf shelves wife wives Algunos no cumplen con esta regla. Giraffe giraffes roof roofs 5. Sustantivos irregulares. Man men woman women Child- children ox oxen Goose geese person people 6. algunos sustantivos son iguales en singular y plural. Sheep two sheep fish ten fish mouse mice foot feet tooth teeth

Plurals A. Write the plurals 1. Desk 4. Carrot . 7. Woman .. 10. Baby .

2. Mouse .. 5. Bush . 8. Sheep 11. Torch ..

3. Party . 6. Fox . 9. Knife 12. Tomato .

B. Complete the sentences with the plural of the words that are in parentheses. 1. The ........................(egg) on the ...................................... (Plate) are white. 2. The .........................(mice) are in the ...............................( house). 3. The .........................(present) arent in the ........................(box). 4. The ..........................(leaf) on the ......................................(trees) are green. 5. The ...........................( sheep) are in the .............................(field). 6. Are the ..............................(child) at the party? 7. The ...................................(tomato) are on the ............................(shelf). 8. Are the .............................(torch) on the .....................................(desk)?
Demonstrative Pronouns

This / that / these / those 1. This ( singular ) y these ( plural ) los usamos para hablar de cosas o personas que tenemos cerca de nosotros. This girl is tall these girls are tall That (singular) y those (plural) se usan cuando las cosas o personas estn lejos de nosotros. That box is small those boxes are small. Write these phrases in plural. Make the necessary changes. 1. Look at this bottle. ...................................................................................... 2. This is a radio. ...................................................................................... 3. That mouse hasnt got a tail. ...................................................................................... 4. That pen is blue. ...................................................................................... 5. This is a fish. ...................................................................................... 6. That isnt a glass. ......................................................................................

Subject : Iniciacin al idioma Ingls Tcnico Nivel Superior en Enfermera. Modulo 1.2 / 2010 Teacher: Ricardo Velsquez C.

7. This woman is old. 8. The family is here now.

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