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Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may

cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.

2 February 2012
February 2012 3
In fve days around the New Year, more than 50 fres were set,
mostly in the Hollywood area, but also on the Westside and in
the San Fernando Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Noise exposure is a major cause of hearing loss and can affect
anyone at any age. Heres what frefghters need to know to
understand and protect themselves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
The LAFD Toy Program has distributed 3,000,000 toys in
34 years. The success can be attributed to our partnerships
and all of the wonderful volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Essential knowledge for the four million unmarried couples
living together in the U.S. today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Presidents Message ................................................................................05
Battalion News ..........................................................................................13
Retired Guys ...........................................................................................29
Department in Action ................................................................................30
LAFD Handball
Skid Row Tournament ...........................................................................35
Fall Singles Tournament .......................................................................37
The Station Fridge ....................................................................................39
Mailbox .....................................................................................................40
Memorials .................................................................................................44
Retirement Dinner Announcements ...........................................................45
Cartoon Corner .........................................................................................46
Retirement Luncheon
Thrash, Nowinski and Hunter exit 80s ..................................................47
Search and Rescue
Two In Two Out and Rapid Intervention ..............................................49
Dollars and Sense
A quiz to see whos in control of your money .........................................51
LAFD-HS History
LAFD Arson/Counter Terrorism Section ................................................52
Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................55
Classifeds ................................................................................................58
Vol. lXXXVII FEBRUARY 2012 No. 07
Visit us on the web at
www. lafra. org
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.
on the cover: Hollywood arson Fires
photo submitted by Mike Meadows, ePn
4 February 2012
Paid Advertisements:
offcial publication of the
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association
owner and publisher
dave Wagner Editor..........................................................editor@lafra.org
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Coordinator................jcsanchez@lafra.org
Eric Santiago Creative Editor.....................................esantiago@lafra.org
david Vienna Web/Social Media Editor...........................dvienna@lafra.org
display Advertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Matt Spence, Brian HuMpHrey, erik Scott
Mike MaStro, Frank Borden, Marc eckStein M.d.,
JoHn MittendorF, MicHael SteFano, Monte egHerMan, Jody HouSer
david Blaire, doc deMulle, keitH culloM, roB curtiS, Harry garvin,
Juan guerra, Brian HaiMer, gavin kauFMan, ryan ling, rick Mcclure,
Mike MeadowS, lloyd payne, JeFF ZiMMerMan, yvonne griFFin, laura licHter.
John Jacobsen .........................................................preSident
Juan albarran .................................................vice-preSident
andrew KulJis ........................................................Secretary
boARd oF tRuStEES
Barry HedBerg
cHriS Hart
cHriS Stine
craig wHite
david lowe
david ortiZ
david peterS
doak SMitH
Frank HernandeZ
gary MatSuBara
gene BednarcHik
JaMeS e. coBurn
JeFF cawdrey
kurt StaBel
Mark akaHoSHi
Mike overHolSer
rick godineZ
roBert SteinBacHer
Steve tuFtS
Steven doManSki
tiM larSon
GreG w. Gibson...............Sr. cHaplain
danny leon...........................cHaplain
GeorGe a. neGrete...............cHaplain
aquil F. basheer...................cHaplain
hershy Z. ten........................cHaplain
ricK a. GodineZ.....................cHaplain
MarK r. woolF......................cHaplain
Jesus pasos..........................cHaplain
Fire-relieF ................................................................(323) 259-5200
relieF association toll Free nuMber ...........................(800) 244-3439
relieF Medical plan ..........................(866) 99laFra - (866) 995-2372
Fax nuMber ................................................................(323) 259-5290
david ned sMith executive director............................(323) 259-5201
Marlene casillas developMent & MarKetinG director(323) 259-5217
becKy valverde huMan resources adMinistrator.......(323) 259-5247
todd layFer controller/treasurer.........................(323) 259-5243
bob dillon operations ManaGer................................(323) 259-5233
ana salaZar MeMber services coordinator...............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCoPE benefts
wayne sherMan Medical claiMs ManaGer...................(323) 259-5211
tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association, 815 Colorado blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia 90041. Annual $24 Subscription
included with Association mem ber ship; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6
postpaid. Pe ri od i cals post age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing offce. POST MAS TER: Send
ad dress changes to: tHE FIREMENS GRAPE VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An ge les, CA 90041.
Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas si fed and Display Ad ver tis ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the
month of pub li ca tion. The opin ions ex pressed here in are those of the writ ers and do not nec es sar i ly refect
the offcial views of the Los An ge les City Fire De part ment or the Los An ge les Firemens Relief Association.
February 2012 5
your Fire Relief Medical Plan has very few exclusions when compared
to the rest of the industry, there are some. The only way to know this
for sure would be review your Summary Plan Description or even better
to make a call to us. While we utilize Blue Cross for review, our Fire
Relief Medical plan is what determines the level of beneft. Hence, it
will always be in your best interest to reach out with a phone call. Not
only will this eliminate any uncertainty, it will allow us to assist you at
the highest level possible.
We have cultivated quite a few relationships over the past few
years with some of our community partners. Many have been extremely
generous to the Relief Association and our Widows, Orphans and Dis-
abled Firemens Fund. While our membership is the core donor to our
cause, it is great to see the impact we have on the citizens of our sur-
roundings. It is only because of the efforts and class one presentation of
membership that we continue to reap the benefts of these relationships.
The YNOT Church is one of those local partners we have been fortunate
enough to be a recipient of consistent donations.
John E. Jacobsen
(323) 259-5200
By John Jacobsen
his seems to be the time of year when all of our allergy issues
come to life. The sudden presence of Santa Ana wind kicks up
everything and shortly thereafter, the stuffy head and nose syn-
drome is on you. I only bring this to light as an attempt to knock the
perfect California weather. When you are talking to someone in the
Midwest who is shivering and hasnt seen sunlight in a couple of months,
you have to give them something.
Im not sure how aware our membership is to some of our
internal workings here at the Relief Association, so let me bend your
ear about one of our core tools. Somewhere close to 20 years ago, a
program was put into place to streamline and account for all of the infor-
mation needed to serve our members. From that point in time, the Fire-
mens Relief Information Tracking System (FRITS) has evolved into an
extremely sophisticated tool. All of your information is stored, sorted,
categorized and organized for our constant utilization. This is where I
will make the plea.the fnal product is only as good as what goes into
it. If the addresses, phone numbers, emails, benefciaries etc. are out
of date, then the end result is less than desirable. We have been ahead
of the curve for many years with such a fexible computer data system.
Constant programing and updates keep us remaining on the cutting edge
of being technologically profcient. We routinely run reports that give us
the ability to analyze benefts and their usage, so we can better serve our
membership. Several times each month data is exchanged between our
system and the Citys. Whether you are Active or Retired, it matters not.
Your eligibility, payroll deductions and addition of dependent or spouse
are to name a few of the felds that are examined by the system. The
Controllers offce or Pensions department in return send us their elec-
tronic data to upload and verify in FRITS. When the City goes to a new
payroll system, you guessed it, we need to do programing
changes on our end so we can interface with their new sys-
tem. While most of you havent seen the inner workings of
FRITS, Im sure you can understand the importance.
If you are preparing to undergo a medical proce-
dure, take the time to verify what the exact beneft of your
plan is. Although many of us have a lengthy relationship
with our doctors, the staff at the doctors offce isnt the
one who will be footing the out of pocket bill, if there is
one. Many times a proactive call from the member has
resulted in a favorable outcome and mitigated an other-
wise potential costly mistake. It seems there are endless
pieces of paper with medical jargon making their way into
the mailbox. A letter from Anthem Blue Cross that says
your procedure is deemed Medically Necessary, does
not mean that the procedure is an approved beneft on the
plan. There is language on this same piece of paper direct-
ing you to Verify benefts with your Plan. If you had
some sort of Dental issue needing surgery, it may be medi-
cally necessary, yet the plan excludes almost all Dental is-
sues with a few exceptions. While I can assure you that
6 February 2012
Hear well, live well.
Untreated hearing loss can keep you
from enjoying the activities that mean the most
to youlike spending time with family, catching
up with old friends, or attending a concert or a
flm. It can also strain your personal relationships,
make your work life harder to manage, and put
your safety at risk.
Hearing loss is common in older adults
and often the result of aging. But noise exposure
is another major cause of hearing loss and can af-
fect anyone at any age. Many people may not no-
tice their hearing loss because the damage usually
occurs gradually. If you think youre not hearing
as well as you used to, its important to your over-
all health to have your hearing checked.
CHeCk your Hearing HealtH.
If you have trouble hearing, youre not
alonemillions of Americans young and old cur-
rently live with some type of hearing loss. Ask
yourself these questions to fnd out whether you
may be affected:
Do you often ask people to speak up or repeat
Do you have trouble following conversations in
a noisy room?
Do others complain that your TV or stereo is
too loud?
Do others suggest you might have a hearing
Do you sometimes feel that people are mum-
bling or not speaking clearly?
Do you have trouble understanding speech on
the phone?
Do you have trouble hearing the sound of your
telephone, alarm clock, or doorbell?
If you answered yes to three or more of these
questions, ask your doctor about scheduling a
complete hearing evaluation.
February 2012 7
wHat is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is the medical term for the perception of sound in one or both ears or in the
head when no external sound is present. It is often referred to as ringing in the ears, although
some people hear hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking. Tinnitus can be intermittent or
constant-with single or multiple tones-and its perceived volume can range from
subtle to shattering. To read more about tinnitus and
what it is exactly, visit the American Tinnitus Assn at
EffEcts of ExcEssivE ExposurE
Although noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational
illnesses, it is often ignored because there are no visible effects, it usually
develops over a long period of time, and, except in very rare cases, there is
no pain. What does occur is a progressive loss of
communication, socialization, and responsive-
ness to the environment. In its early stages
(when hearing loss is above 2,000 Hertz (Hz))
it affects the ability to understand or discrimi-
nate speech. As it progresses to the lower fre-
quencies, it begins to affect the ability to hear
sounds in general.
SenSorineural Hearing loSS
SenSorineural Hearing loSS (SnHl)
occurS wHen tHere iS damage to tHe inner ear
(cocHlea), or to tHe nerve patHwayS from
tHe inner ear to tHe brain. moSt of tHe time,
SnHl cannot be medically or Surgically
corrected. tHiS iS tHe moSt common type of
permanent Hearing loSS.
SnHl reduceS tHe ability to Hear
faint SoundS. even wHen SpeecH iS loud
enougH to Hear, it may Still be unclear or
Sound muffled.
Some poSSible cauSeS of SnHl:
drugS tHat are toxic to Hearing
Hearing loSS tHat runS in tHe
family (genetic or Hereditary)
Head trauma
expoSure to loud noiSe
sCan Code to go to Hearing
test using using your smart
8 February 2012
February 2012 9
Los AngeLes Fire DepArtment
CAsh grAnts Up to $20,000
($5,000 per year each year in College)
Who is Eligible?
An applicant must be a dependent child or step-child of an active
or fallen LAFD sworn employee and currently a high school senior
or college freshman who will be enrolled next fall as a full-time student
in an accredited college or university.
The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit.
The single most important factor is academic achievement,
but the all-civilian Selection Committee will also consider other relevant criteria,
including personal character and extracurricular accomplishments.
For more information on this years awards,
go to the departmental website www.lafd.org/scholarship
contact June Andrade at the LAFD Scholarship Fund
by phone at (213) 840-0469 or
by email at june.andrade@lacity.org.
The application deadline is March 30, 2012
Get an application today!
10 February 2012
ver the last 34 years, the Los Angeles Fire Department Toy
Program has distributed more than THREE MILLION toys
throughout the City. The success of the program can be attrib-
uted to invaluable resources and partnerships which include all of the
wonderful volunteers, KABC TVs Spark of Love Toy Program with
their extensive media coverage, and of course, the generous donations of
our Los Angeles community.
Throughout the years, our charity toy program has operated out
of various LAFD facilities including the apparatus shed at Fire Station 3,
and old Fire Stations 23, 27 and 6. We are fortunate that for the last twelve
years, Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center (FHMTC) has served as
the Toy Programs home base.
The LAFD Toy Program offcially opens each year on the Friday
after Thanksgiving, and for the following six weeks, an area of the drill
deck is transformed into what is known as Toy Central. Toys collected
from our fre stations are transported to Toy Central where volunteers sort
items by age and gender. Requests submitted from approximately 750 certi-
fed charitable organizations are processed and transported to the Fire Sta-
tion nearest the requesting organization. Meeting the deadlines requested
February 2012 11
by the organizations can be somewhat challenging. However, this process
has enabled us to reach thousands of children within the dates requested by
the charity organizations.
The 2011 Holiday Season was again very successful. This was
due in no small way to the usual suspects: the Toy Central staff of Firefght-
ers Mike Marquez (76-B) and Ray Topete (61-C), the LAFD Cadet corps
who donated countless volunteer hours and all of our LAFD members and
their families who were kind enough to participate. Hoping everyone had a
great holiday season and is enjoying a very Happy New Year!
12 February 2012
February 2012 13
the views expressed by the battalion News writers do Not necessarily refect those of the Firemens Relief Association
Engine 15 extinguishes an SUV on
Martin Luther King Blvd at Grand in
Photo by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN
Greater Alarm structure fire at 3935 S Vermont Ave in the Exposition Park area on Friday, December 2, 2011.
Photos by Ryan Babroff, EPN - www.socalfirephoto.com
14 February 2012
Greetings and Happy Groundhog Day
from the sinners and the saints of the Second
No comings or goings in our beloved
battalion this month, but some pictures and a
short story made their way to me. Keeping in
mind that this is being submitted just before
Christmas, I want to thank the protectors of
Highland Park who sent me an early present
resulting from a thorough housecleaning. Its a
picture of Engine 12 circa 1934.
On to the subject of Christmas and
working for those who have children and would
like to spend the holiday with them. To those
of you who were willing to work in their stead
and were satisfed with the time and a half, and
gratitude of your co-worker, I congratulate you.
It gives me hope for the new Fire Department.
For those who insisted on playing Lets Make a
Deal to see how much extra compensation you
could extort for a day you were signed up for
anyway from someone willing to risk their life
for you . . . really? Did the fnal bid of $350 re-
ally improve the quality of your life that much?
Please tell me you felt a little guilty.
Thanks to the current protectors of Highland Park this picture of fire eaters from
the past once again sees the light of day.
This story comes from the second
oldest fre station in the City. A long ring comes
in reporting a traffc accident on the 5 Fwy
south. Truck One roars to life and makes its
way toward the scene of the emergency, but
before reaching their destination it is noticed
that the fre truck is taking its name literally.
Thats right boys and girls, the fre truck has
become an on fre truck. Flames from oil
ignited by a seized turbo charger are rolling
down the captains side of the apparatus. Once
stopped, the captain makes his way to safety
by climbing over his and into the cheap seats in
order to make his escape. The composed crew
makes short work of the beast that was bent on
devouring their beloved apparatus as the proper
notifcations are being made.
Big Red is brought to the shops and a
new source of enhancing horsepower is quickly
installed. As a few miles are being racked up
testing the new turbo, a discovery is made. It
turns out that the initial failure was not the result
of the 115, 354 miles of service as frst thought,
but instead the unlikely development of a pin-
hole in the copper oil line supplying the critical
lubrication. There was just enough oil being
diverted through said pinhole to not only cause
bearing failure a second time, but also to supply
a coating of combustible liquid from the seized
bearing all the way to the hot exhaust system.
Fortunately it was nothing that
another tow back to the shops and a few weeks
work couldnt fx.
Thats the story I heard, anyway.
Send your version of the truth to:
the weakest link
16s is safely in quarters as overhaul
is done on a commercial fire three
blocks from their station.
February 2012 15
LAFD Task Force 1 responded to 474 Serrano to a reported structure fire. Upon arrival a suspect met them and started
shooting. Close by Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies responded and shot the suspect. Rescue ambulance 1 treated the
patient for gun shot wounds. LAFD personnel are lucky they were not shot at close range.

Photos, Jeff Zimmerman, EPN
The staff from Keller Williams, Los Feliz
help the firefighters at Fire Station 35
spread some Christmas cheer.
16 February 2012
Truck 27 members make a hasty exit from
the roof of a structure in the Hollywood
Hills. The fire was a exposure to an auto
ignited by the Hollywood arsonist.
Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN
A fire heavily damaged a vacant apart-
ment building on Gramercy Place in
Hollywood on New Years Day. More
than 100 firefighters on the scene
controlled the blaze in one hour.
Photo by Juan Guerra, EPN
February 2012 17
Fire Boat Mates Dave Bender and Todd
Hix preparing for a long day of Helo dives
out at Castaic Lake with Fire 2 and depu-
ties from the Sheriffs Department.
Well friends of the Ninth, we have a
lot of material to cover this month. Lets start at
the top and work our way down.
The C shift recently had a battalion
inspection. Apparently the chief didnt get the
department bulletin on the apparatus inspection
cycle. Just to clarify chief, under carriages are
inspected three times a year. At Pump/Ladder
test, then four months before and four months
after. Now I am no expert on leadership, but
I am pretty sure the department leadership
academy is not teaching that threatening to take
away privileges is the best way to motivate
the guys . . . admitting when youre wrong helps
though! No coffee makers needed.
Next story, the chief on A different
shift has an interesting theory on how long he
should work a crew - sorta like a Barometer?
In the middle of the recent heat waves, a chief,
standing on a hill in full PPEs sipping ice cold
water and doing . . . whatever they do, is a good
gauge of how it is for the fellas that are hiking
the hills, cutting line and pulling hose are doing.
So, on an extended overhaul, what does this
Barometer theory get him? A member in the
ER with heat stroke! Also chief, the crews have
asked that for a new Years resolution you might
smile once in a while, Thanks.
If anyone is looking for some slightly
damaged offce equipment, contact a certain
captain 59s. Cap recently decided it would be
a nice gesture to turn back a Category B assign-
ment because it was right at dinner time. What
a guy! The only catch was the rubbish fre next
to the building extended into the offce equip-
ment storeroom. Luckily Light Force 92 noticed
there was more going on and got the troops
rolling again. After the fre the good captain did
the classy (only) thing and owned his mistake
100%. Take note gold badges, if you own up
to your mistakes the members respect you a lot
more. No community service hours needed.
Each battalion or station has a ftness
coordinator. At 37s it isnt one of the Ride for
911 peddlers, or a guy that competitively runs
100 mile races, or one of the fellas at the 69th
that can bust out 10 stair climbs in 20 minutes,
or one of the studs at 59s bending bars and
fipping tractor tires for fun, or one of the fellas
at the 92nd whos holding the handball Best in
the City trophy. No, 37s has a seasoned gym
monitor, a veteran of Acapulco cliff diving who
can pull off one heck of a Triple Lindy. The
requirement for a ftness coordinator is simple;
little or no athletic ability, rarely seen in the
gym, lots of stretching, talks about how they
used to be, and fnally, they work out same
the underdeveloped muscle group over and over
again without any results. Weird thing though,
most gym police focus on cardio. Maybe it will
help with your rotation and entry?
Finally, the rank and fle are not ex-
empt from my spys. When working a SOD day
at 23s, a paramedic from 59s had a hard time
keeping up with the diffcult pace of the Twenty
Third - between beach ftness, after lunch nap-
ping and the ONE EMS run. When relief got
there in the morning, he was asked if he could
fnish up the paperwork. The paperwork
meaning - ALL of the paperwork! As in, noth-
ing got done, NO ePCR and NO journal entry
for the entire SHIFT! Luckily, the oncoming
captain from 23s called over to 59s to inform
the medic that 23s has higher standards and
Please next time, if its not too much trouble,
Its not personal, its just business!
Minister of Misinformation aka
18 February 2012
Still waiting for B&R (or at least Skinny
Cows!) When the members of Rescue 909
found this police baton in the back of their
ambulance, they immediately returned it
to the West Valley Station. But I guess PD
tradition is different than FD no ice cream
Task Force 88 works a 2 1/2 at the
Glenoaks fire on December 10, 2011.
Exploding propane tanks and welding
materials kept the fire burning into
the night.
Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN
Hello again from the 11th Battalion.
Last months Grapevine showed a picture of
four members on the court at Fire Station 11.
Since I didnt mention it in the article, I will
take this opportunity to do it now (and include
a few more pix from the event). Fire Station
11 hosted its frst ever handball tournament.
Back in the day, many of the departments top
players worked at 11s. The handball court was
a regulation court and used by competitors
during each department sponsored tournament.
That meant many players were using the court
for Spring Singles & Doubles tournaments plus
Fall Singles & Doubles, not to mention the daily
use by members assigned there. Needless to
say, 11s court has seen some action. With that
history still fresh in the minds of our youngsters,
the B shift decided to invite all members who
have worked at 11s back for a day of food,
sport, camaraderie, and stories. Thats where
the picture from last month comes in. It shows
retired Capt Jesse Pasos, Eng John Libby, A/O
Ed Riveros, and F/F Enrique Borboa. All four of
them played OK handball, but the competition
they really won was that they told the best sto-
ries (that is when Borboa stopped talking long
enough to let the others tell their stories). Well,
it was very successful and will, most likely,
become an annual event. Good job guys!
Once again, the ability to keep heavy
apparatus in service for the citizens has become
compromised - especially Trucks. Let me
explain: Recently a Battalion 11 Truck failed its
annual aerial test due to a dimple on an upright
on the fy section. Not in tolerance was the
determination by the Shops. Coincidentally the
Truck is only a couple of years old and it is still
under warrantee, which means Yippee - we
can get it fxed for free! Anyway, the daily
apparatus roster has streamlined the process of
fnding a reserve Truck. The on-duty captain
got on the computer and Viola there was
one reserve truck left in the entire city. Wait a
February 2012 19
minute, what happened to all them there Trucks
put out of service due to the reorganization? The
crazy thing is when the Truckies went to pick up
the reserve apparatus, it wasnt working quite
right. Good thing they brought an A/O and till-
erman. That is just the right amount of people to
drive that Truck back to S&M to get fxed. Well
as the (long) story goes, the management at the
shops approved overtime for a team of mechan-
ics to get a broken down Truck, that has sat at
the shops (uncovered) for 16 months, sea-wor-
thy. The mechanics did a fne job getting the
aerial and drive train to work and after the MDC
and siren were replaced, the Truck was changed
over and put into service . . . at midnight!! This
story ends well though, the fellas changed back
into a decent reserve Truck that same week and
all reports, as of this writing, are positive. Hey
County, do you guys have any trucks you arent
using right now?
Well, the Christmas season has come
and gone without too many hurt feelings, except
over at a certain fre station that is just north of
a certain Pac 12 University. It seems a certain
captain was using his holiday cheer (& SOD
money) on a Nativity display for his home. This
certain captain worked all (SOD) day on his
worthy project. He felt very fortunate this day
because the Truck Company was moved up all
day and he had an abundance of room on the ap-
paratus foor to cut and hammer his manger for
the baby Jesus. Well, fortune only lasts so long.
As the fnishing touches were put on the project,
the Engine was dispatched on a medical run
about the same time the Truck Company was re-
turning to quarters. After a loud CRACK was
heard, a group of Truckies gathered round the
splintered mess trying to fgure out what it once
was. Well that question was answered (loudly)
when the Engine returned from their life-saving
adventure. This certain captains head exploded
when he found out his project had met an
untimely demise. He couldnt understand how
the engineer didnt see his project sitting in the
Engine bay? Of course the Ghost of Christmas
Past reminded this certain captain that if he
couldnt see a large Blue-Line train coming at
him when he used to drive Truck 14, how could
an engineer see a little bitty manger sitting in
the middle of the apparatus foor? At that point
the only sound heard from was the gut laughing
from the peanut gallery!
When confronted with a frefghter vacancy on
an Engine Co and a second frefghter vacancy
on an 800 series RA (all in your Battalion) you
A. Close the 800 and fully staff the
Engine Company.
B. Shut down the 200 series Engines at
both assignments.
C. Tell the protesting Captains to stop
whining, its Christmas.
D. Both B & C




First EvEr Fs 11 HandBall tOurnaMEnt
20 February 2012
February 2012 21
74s TFC shows why its a good
idea for everyone to wear an axe
when you go to the roof.
Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN
Battalion 12 companies found rubbish, numerous vehicles and two garages with pack rat conditions
on Christmas Eve in the North Valley. The stubborn blaze took over an hour to knockdown.
Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN - www.zimmermanmedia.com
22 February 2012
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February 2012 23
Greetings from the Battalion that never sleeps!
As of this writing, we are knee deep
into the Christmas tree season. Yes, that beauti-
ful time of year when the Christmas season is
over and everybody puts their once gloriously
decorated trees out for the trash collector to take
back to Christmas tree land. Unfortunately, most
of the poor trees in our Battalion return to the
tinseled gates as charred, smoldering, needle-
less sticks. Regrettably we never get to see these
magnifcent displays of incineration, as by the
time we show up theyre usually just standing
lonely and worse for wear in the middle of the
Also this time of year brings the
Spark of Love deliveries. Thank you to every-
body who participated! I know there are a lot of
people volunteering their time down at Toy Cen-
tral to transport toys to and from Fire Stations.
I know the station level deliveries in the middle
of your well-planned day dont always ft with
your schedule, and some of the parents never
seem satisfed enough with the free toys, but to
see the happy smiling kids who otherwise may
not have gotten a present at all, its all worth it.
So keep up the good work and thank you for
your participation!
Recently, RA-264 was clearing
Kaiser-Harbor City when a OCD dispatched a
SF at the intersection of PCH and Vermont in
85s frst-in. Being ever so vigilant and literally
on-scene of the address, RA-264 decided to lend
a hand. They were added and promptly went to
bird-dog the location so the frst in companies
would be able to quickly extinguish the fre.
They gave a size-up to OCD with a corrected
address and went to work. When they located
the apartment, the front door was locked, so
forcible entry was the frst obstacle. FF Woo
gave the front door a few mule-kicks to no avail,
so FF Byrne decided to give it a whirl. With
a running start, FF Byrne was going for the
karate kick style entry, and was fully airborne
when his partner fnally got it open and watched
him go fying past into the fre room. My
sources tell me that it looked like Charlie Brown
when Lucy lifted the football at the last minute.
Luckily nobody got hurt and the fre was put out
without any other obstacles . . . except for the
fact that the frst-in TFC was so keyed in on the
intersection address that he failed to notice the
GIGANTIC loom-up straight ahead. So much
for keeping your head on a swivel....
Apparently the new cool thing around
the Battalion isnt planking or Tebowing, it
seems to be food-on-the-stoving at the Fire
Station. LF-64 received an Automatic Alarm
at 1801 E. Century x of Holmes. The address
sounded familiar to the guys and they fnally
realized that it was FS-65. Sure enough, they
showed up and audible alarms were sound-
ing from the outside. After weaving their way
through all the Griswold-style Christmas deco-
rations in the front yard, they made a quick look
through the front door and saw that the smoke
level was to the ground. The crew made entry
and pulled the food off the stove and put it out-
side with a garden hose sticking out of it. Next
was the issue of smoke removal - luckily they
had some practice with their own station the
month before so this operation was easy. A few
blowers in series and some strategic opening,
closing, and opening, and they had the place
smoke free. Finally, they cleaned up a bit in the
kitchen and were on their way back to the barn.
Apparently tradition isnt dead as the Captain
I from E-65 delivered ice cream to the guys in
appreciation for their work. Seems like the way
the order has been going, 66s is next. Let me
Aaaah Handball! What a fun, frustrat-
ing, horribly addictive game. As you know, the
stations that have handball courts usually have a
handball ladder, ranking the crew at the station
and providing some fun and camaraderie. Well
even though 57s has had a court for some time,
one of the members just recently resurrected
the ladder. Carefully thought out and designed,
the member built a new ladder from scratch.
Measured, cut, sanded, and stained - the only
thing left was to put the names on the rungs and
This structure fire on 57th Street near
Western was no match for companies
from Battalion 13.
Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN -
24 February 2012
February 2012 25
get out there for some fun. Apparently building
the ladder gets you into the top 3 even though
you may have been beaten by 4 or 5 of the
current members assigned there. This didnt sit
well with some pranksters who kept moving his
rung to the bottom of the ladder. Results were
attained and a possible cork was witnessed.
The member whose rung kept getting moved
didnt like it, and from what I was told, his face
turned close to the same color red as the engine
he drives. I guess the only way to settle it is to
issue some challenges and fght your way to the
In more handball news, one of the
members at 64s had fought his way to the top
and was sittin pretty. A few guys were on the
prowl and a challenge was thrown down. The
member ended up losing and got bumped down
to #2. Another challenge? Again he lost and
got bumped to #3. Another challenge? Three
straight losses and now hes at #4. Apparently
the soda machine had been opened so many
times, the hinges needed to be greased and the
member was heard swearing off handball for-
ever. To add insult to injury, the explorer riding
along that day decided to issue a challenge over
the P.A. as well . . . still waiting for the results.
Christmas has come and gone but
what kind of Grapevine issue would it be with-
out a few Christmas stories. Over at 64s, the
guys on the C Platoon were trying to fgure
out what to cook for breakfast on Christmas
Day. They came together with a plan and pre-
shopped on the 23rd for some fne vittles. Eggs,
bacon, sausage, French toast, and potatoes were
purchased and put in the fridge on the light
apparatus side with a huge SAVE C sign.
The morning of the 25th, they came in ready
to put together a fne morning meal. When the
cook went to the fridge he found that all the
ingredients were warm. Nothing like room temp
uncooked bacon, sausage, and eggs . . . yuumm-
mmm! Apparently, one of the guys the evening
before wanted to listen to the radio while wiping
down the rescue and the outlet with the fridge
plugged into it seemed to be the most logical
one to use.
Finally, out of 66s comes another
holiday gem. Its Christmas Day and a certain
A/C, normally assigned to Tactical Planning
Section, is working voluntary SOD (he guaran-
teed a month before). Its the typical day at the
frehouse on a MAJOR holiday. The station is
abuzz with holiday cheer and getting ready for
families to show up, while a few members are
busy preparing the Holiday Feast to enjoy with
family and crew. Dinner is called and everyone
is treated to prime rib, ham, mashed potatoes
and gravy, salads, green bean casserole, ambro-
sia, corn, biscuits, etc - quite the spread! So, in
comes the SOD A/C, who hasnt been seen ALL
day, and loads up his plate and is ready to enjoy
a nice Christmas dinner with . . . ? Wait! Where
is he going? Apparently, he loaded up his plate
and instead of sitting with the crew and families,
he retreated back to who knows where to eat.
Kinda strange not to mingle with the frefght-
ers and their families, especially since they all
helped prepare the meal that he is now eating . .
. by himself. And they say that theres no separa-
tion between the ranks. Moving on. Meals are
fnished, families head home, kitchen is cleaned,
and still no sign of the Serve and Run A/C,
Drive-thru A/C, Ill take that to go A/C.
The announcement is made for Collecting in
the kitchen! and since the meal was largely do-
nated by the local church, only house dues was
collected for the day, unless you were working
SOD, then you may want to chip in for dessert
. . . just sayin. So you guessed it, every other
SOD member paid a few bucks extra, except
for?? (I know, I know Im keeping you on pins
and needles) . . . the SOD A/C who promptly
laid down four crisp $1s. Where can you go
and eat a meal like that for $4 and get paid SOD
to do it? Hurry back chief, Easter is right around
the corner and Im sure the on-duty A/C needs a
Well thats all Ive got! Stay safe and
keep taking care of each other! And remember
2+2 makes sense, play nice, stay marginal, and
know your audience. Keep sending your stories
to wattsfre@gmail.com.
Engine 57 was first on-scene at a rubbish fire in an alley that extended
into a garage along 84th Street on Christmas night.
Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN - www.zimmermanmedia.com
26 February 2012
Thats a bunch of BULL!!
Bull Engineer that is. Ron Bruno,
recently retired engineer from FS 69-B,
showed up at Fire Station 89 to bestow
The Bull on Engineer Wayne Naka-
mura. The bull has seen better days (as
you can see from the broken horn) but so
has Nak. Dont know exactly how many
years Ron, the old bull, had in rank but
Nak made engineer way
back in April of 1981.
Most of the members of
Battalion 14 were probably
not even born back then.
The photo of
the two old engineers
does raise a few questions
though. Why does Bruno
have a bunch of grey hair,
but Nak has none? Does
Naks titanium hip really
make him bionic, or does
he just think so? Congrats
on your
Ron! And
the Battal-
ion will be
a little qui-
eter when
Nak fnally
retires in
Fire on Blackhawk St in Chatsworth
Photo by Juan Guerra, EPN
February 2012 27
Battalion 17 companies handle the victims of a single car roll over on Parthenia
near Winnetka on Christmas night.
Photo by Juan Guerra, EPN - juanguerra.smugmug.com
Structure fire on Hatiilo Street in 104s district on December 13, 2011
Photo by Juan Guerra, EPN - juanguerra.smugmug.com
28 February 2012
Paid Advertisement
February 2012 29
the ranks that traditionally were held in the
highest of regard. Individuals that you thought
you knew or believed to be honorable and trust-
worthy are discovered to be false and without
What happened? If theres not a video
camera overhead then anything goes, or did the
Department just run out of role models? Has
money and greed replaced honor and integrity?
Has leadership been reduced to a class where
the attendees are just satisfed to walk away
with a certifcate but dont have a clue how to
treat people or run a Fire Station, a Battalion, a
Division or the Department?
I remember my orientation day, just
prior to startin the drill tower. Captain Howie
Metz was the Senior Drill Instructor and I can
clearly remember him tellin us about honor,
integrity and trust. He told us that as Fireman
we would never make or produce any products
for the community, that we only had the trust
of one another and the trust of the citizens we
would serve and the importance of maintainin
that trust. He spoke of reputations and the im-
portance of maintainin a good one because
it would be the benchmark of how our peers
would judge us. He also told us never to show
up late to the fre station!
Anyway, I dont believe any of
those traits are old fashioned or unrealistic.
The words that Captain Metz spoke to us
that day still remain true today.
Lets not forget the meanin of
these words; HONOR, INTEGRITY and
TRUST. These are the qualities of a Fire-
He who
laughs last, thinks
Change is
inevitable, except
from a vending ma-
If you lined
up all the cars in the
world, end to end, someone would be stupid
enough to try to pass them, fve or six at a time,
on a hill, in the fog.
Give a man a fsh and he will eat for a
day. Teach a man to fsh and he will sit in a boat
all day, drinking beer.
When our lawn mower broke and
wouldnt run, my wife kept hintin to me that I
should get it fxed, but somehow I always had
somethin else to take care of frst. The shed,
the boat, makin beer - always somethin more
important to me. Finally she thought of a clever
way to make her point.
When I arrived home one day, I found
her seated in the tall grass, busily snippin away
with a tiny pair of sewin scissors. I watched si-
lently for a short time and then went into the
house. I was gone only a minute and when
I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. I
said, When you fnish cuttin the grass, you
might as well sweep the driveway.
The doctors say I will walk again, but
I will always have a limp.

Whats happenin? Politicians at lo-
cal, state and federal levels accused or guilty
of stealin, lyin, cheatin or abusin the trust
and honor they swore to uphold. Teach-
ers, coaches and administrators
bringin shame and discredit to
their schools. Priests guilty of
abusin their sacred
trust by com-
mitin the most
evil of sins and
other heartless
people scam-
min individu-
als out of their
hard earned sav-
ins. So why aint
I surprised to see our Fire Department,
almost on a daily basis, on the front pages of
our newspapers? From the Fire Chief(s) all the
way down to Firemen. City employees that lie,
cheat, steal and abuse their rank or position, and
exploit the power or priviledge that they believe
is theirs to do as they choose.
And yes, its a small percentage of in-
dividuals but disturbin to be sure to the major-
ity of honorable men and women that perform
their duties in an admirable and professional
manner. But this behavior was unheard of not
that many years ago. Remember when bucketin
was the most evil of deeds? Now members are
committin federal crimes that will probably put
them behind bars for years. And still others are
displayin behaviors that shame and disgrace
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30 February 2012
Photos by Mike Meadows, EPN
Greater aLarM Fire
Van nuys
coMpanieS FroM Battalion 14 and Battalion 10 Battled tHiS Fire in a Boarded-up Single
FaMily dwelling JuSt prior to 11 pM on cHriStMaS day.
February 2012 31
Photos by Mike Meadows, EPN; Rick McClure, Captain,
oCd-C; and doc deMulle, the Foothills Paper
HiKer & DoG rescueD
LakeView Terrace
on deceMBer 29, 2011, Seven Fire coMpanieS, tHree HelicopterS,
two reScue aMBulanceS and two uSar teaMS reSponded to a Hiker incident at
12001 van nuyS Blvd. in lakeview terrace.
FirSt arriving coMpanieS oBServed a Male and a gerMan SHep-
Herd dog clinging onto tHe Side oF a Steep cliFF approxiMately 150 aBove
tHe ground. due to tHe terrain, a HoiSt operation By Helicopter waS not a
deSiraBle option. uSar teaM MeMBerS uSing a HigH angle reScue went over
tHe Side and StaBiliZed tHe Male victiM and tHe dog. BotH were extracted FroM
tHe MountainSide and no inJurieS were reported.
32 February 2012
HoLLYWooD arson Fires
Photos by Juan Guerra, EPN juanguerra.smugmug.com
& Mike Meadows, EPN
in Five dayS around tHe new year, More tHan 50 FireS were Set, MoStly in tHe Hollywood area, But alSo on tHe weStSide and in tHe San Fernando valley. at 12:23 aM, on
tHe Morning oF Friday, deceMBer 30tH, a SerieS oF incendiary FireS Began in Hollywood. By dayBreak, a total oF 12 FireS Had Been conFirMed in tHe Hollywood area, and Four FireS in tHe
city oF weSt Hollywood. tHeSe 16 intentionally Set FireS were located in carportS under apartMent BuildingS. a Joint taSk Force waS ForMed Between tHe laFd, lapd, lacoFd,
SHeriFFS and tHe atF to inveStigate tHeSe FireS and to appreHend tHe SuSpect or SuSpectS reSponSiBle For tHeSe HeinouS actS.
February 2012 33
at 3 a.M. on January 3, 2012, a reServe SHeriFFS deputy Spotted a Minivan in weSt Hollywood and pulled it over near
tHe SunSet Strip. tHe driver appeared to MatcH tHe identity oF tHe nuMBer one SuSpect and inSide HiS Minivan, oFFicialS
Found Fire Starter StickS, police Said. He waS taken into cuStody, and tHe outBreak oF FireS caMe to a Sudden Halt.
on new yearS Morning tHere were Five More incidentS related to tHiS SerieS oF FireS. one incident involved a veHicle Fire in a carport tHat extended into tHe
Structure. anotHer Fire waS conFined to tHe veHicle and waS controlled prior to extending into tHe Structure. tHe tHree additional incidentS were reported aS Fire outS.
la county Fire alSo reported two incidentS in tHe city oF weSt Hollywood. one oF tHe two incidentS involved Several veHicleS in a carport.
34 February 2012
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February 2012 35
There were several changes to the LAFD Handball Ladder as a
result of this tournament. The new rankings are as follows:
1. John Libby (3-B)
2. Ryan Carlos (92-A)
3. Tati Silveyra (69-C)
4. Eddie Marez (2-C)
5. Joe Castro (Batt. 5-C)
6. Frank Lima (UFLAC)
7. Bernie Ventura (9-C)
8. Chris Yokoyama (92-B)
9. Paul Croghan (49-A)
10. Jeff Ambarian (87-C)
11. Gary Maga (69-C)
12. Chris Hart (26-C)
13. Pete Xenios (49-B)
14. Mario Rueda (BES)
15. Jerry Puga (26-A)
16. Johnathan Stevens (66-C)
17. Eric Mattson (3-B)
18. Juan Marez (2-C)
19. Jared Cooper (92-C)
20. Craig Nielsen (92-C)
n December 8, 2011 the fnals of the LAFD Fall Singles Hand-
ball Tournament were played at the Los Angeles Athletic Club.
After two months of competition between 155 players in all divi-
sions, the fnalists represented the high quality of play necessary to reach
the fnals.
After an upset loss in the 2010 A fnal, John Libby came back
with purpose this year. In October he won the Masters Division of the
U.S. Open of Handball. The he doubled in the LAFD tournament by defeat-
ing Ryan Carlos (92-A) in the A Division and Paul Croghan (49-A) in the
Masters Division. He is now ranked #1 on the LAFD Ladder.
The newest A Player on the LAFD is Johnathan Stevens (66-
C) who defeated Juan Marez (2-C) in the B fnal. Fire Station 66 was well
represented in this tournament with Trevor Insley (66-A) defeating Jason
Moore (26-B) in the C fnal. This match proved to be a crowd favor-
ite with Moores entourage from Fire Station 26 lending their enthusiastic
Veteran player Tony Sandbagger Arnado (50-B) defeated Ty-
ler Tomich (10-B) in the D Division. Colin Smith (90-C) defeated Mike
Rhodes (OCD-B) in the B Masters Division. For the frst tournament
since retiring, Jesus Pasos (retired) defeated Joe Castro (Batt.5-C) in the
Golden Masters Division. Aaron Roupoli (102-B) defeated Sean I-Anson
(66-B) in the E Division.
Any disputes regarding the new rankings must be settled on the
court. Members ranked in the top 20 must play to remain on the Department
the laFd station Challenge update: Fire Station 69 chal-
lenged Fire Station 92. Fire Station 92 currently leads Fire Station 69 two
matches to one, with two matches remaining. Results next month.
a division
C division
B division
d division
golden m
asters B m
36 February 2012
Paid Advertisements:
$34.75 per Shield
$8.27 UPS
February 2012 37
t seems that with fewer and fewer things lasting these days, its pretty
amazing to think that something as simple as a handball game or
two could last 30 years. Thats right, 30 years in the making, the
boys down on San Julian pulled off another annual Skid Row Handball
With black outs, brown outs and whatever else is out these days,
the boys from the Row still managed to strap their gloves on and participate
in this time honored tradition. Even Gene Hill (original Fire Station 9 mem-
ber from 1959) came down to show support to the boys.
It was a great time to hear old stories of the Win-O-Nine-O, how
it has changed, some for better and well, some for worse. Vintage t-shirts
were seen roaming about from the 70s and 80s. A simple reminder of how
important tradition is in our trying times.
All in all it was a wonderful day flled with exciting matches,
food, and great comradery. However it was time to crown new champions
and forever have you name etched on the wall down at 430 E. 7th. Con-
gratulations to the 2011 Champs : LITTLE CLASS CHAMPIONS Elliot
Ibanez/ Mark Tostado and NO CLASS CHAMPIONS Dave Dunivan/
Justin Voyson.
So get your gloves on, get on the court, and start practicing. Next
years tournament will be right around the corner. Thanks to everyone who
helped out and for those who came to play. Hope to see more alum next
year and keep this tradition 31 years strong.
Paid Advertisement:
A portion of fre-related
jewelry profts donated to
the Widows, Or phans and
Disabled Firemens Fund.
38 February 2012
1. Register online at www.ralphs.com. (A) Sign in or follow the steps to create for a free account
(Youll need a Ralphs Rewards card if you dont have one, you can also register for a card once logged in)
2. Click My Account
3. Click Edit Community Contribution Program Information (B)
4. In the Find Your Organization eld, enter 84853 and select
Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund from the list (C)

5. Click Save
6. Buy groceries and use your Ralphs Rewards card at checkout
7. Ralphs Donates
8. We Thank You!
Important Information About Your Sign-Ups!!
If you have trouble signing up, contact Angelica Patino at
(323) 259-5235 for a copy of the form that you can take to the store.
Check your account occasionally you may be required to
re-enter your Community Rewards information once a year.
And remember to re-register every September.
February 2012 39
1. Register online at www.ralphs.com. (A) Sign in or follow the steps to create for a free account
(Youll need a Ralphs Rewards card if you dont have one, you can also register for a card once logged in)
2. Click My Account
3. Click Edit Community Contribution Program Information (B)
4. In the Find Your Organization eld, enter 84853 and select
Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund from the list (C)

5. Click Save
6. Buy groceries and use your Ralphs Rewards card at checkout
7. Ralphs Donates
8. We Thank You!
Important Information About Your Sign-Ups!!
If you have trouble signing up, contact Angelica Patino at
(323) 259-5235 for a copy of the form that you can take to the store.
Check your account occasionally you may be required to
re-enter your Community Rewards information once a year.
And remember to re-register every September.
40 February 2012
dear laFra,
Thank you so much for your help when Mom
was alive, after Dad (Firefghter Kenny Rupp) was
killed in the line of duty in 1971. You were there
for Mom (and us four kids) throughout her life - as
Ted Aguire said we were always under the LAFDs
umbrella. My deepest and most sincere gratitude
goes to you all and Andy Kuljis for helping us kids
with fnal arrangements when Mom passed this
Oct. 27. It truly was a blessing knowing you were
taking care of things that you could for us during a
time so diffcult.
A special, heartfelt thanks goes to the LAFD
Chaplain who performed Moms memorial
services. It was a diffcult day for me and I cannot
recall his name, Im ashamed to say. It was very
special to us kids that a LAFD Chaplain stepped up
to the plate for us; Mom must have been jumping
for joy in Heaven seeing him at the chapel service
- the same way she did when a frefghter moved in
next door to us!
Mom and us kids have always loved and trusted
frefghters and tears come to my eyes because
looking through the photos in the Grapevine I see
my dear Daddy in the eyes of everyone of those
God bless you all with Deepest Gratitude,
Cynthia Rupp Luciene and siblings Susan,
John, and Mike; and grandkids John, Jennifer,
Kenny, Danielle
dear Mr. dolan:
It is with gratitude and deep appreciation that
I have received the fag presented to me from the
offcers and board members of the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Association in honor of my
husbands, Felix V. Piere, dedicated service to the
City of Los Angeles. His devotion and dedication
to his job as a frefghter knew no bounds. His pride
of service was his badge of honor.
I was deeply touched to know that he was given
a ceremony commemorating his service at Fire
Station 109. He was so fond of recounting stories
of his life as a frefghter, and especially pleased to
have served at 109s.
The encased fag with his personalized plaque
has, and always will have, a place of honor in my
home. His love of service with the Los Angeles
Fire Department can be recognized by all who
knew him in this symbol of your appreciation for
He would have been so proud to know he
received this, and I thank you, his brothers in
service, from the bottom of my heart.
Yours respectfully,
Susan Piere
Hemet, CA
dear la Firemens relief association,
I just wanted to say thank you for everything
you have done for my family and I. And for the
checks that have been sent to me these past
Christmases. I am very grateful and want to
express my appreciation. Thank you so very much
and have a happy holiday!
Jessica Urquiza
Newbury Park, CA
Hello John,
The breakfast gang got together again and a
good time was had by all. We collected 17 bucks
from the guys to give to you [for the Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund]. I was
wondering if you could put an ad in the Grapevine
about the breakfast. We meet at the Firehouse Caf
on the corner of Sycamore and Royal in Simi
Valley at 0800. We do this every third Thursday of
the month. Thanx for all you do.
Happy motoring,
dear Mr. Jacobsen and the entire Firemens
relief association.
The Firemens Relief Association has supported
our family for many years, providing so many
benefts and services. Thank you for always
being there to assist and guide our family. Dad,
Jack Davis, was in failing health for many years
and your association provided support 100%.
The association is the perfect example of serving
community. We are humbled and blessed to be
a part of this family. You eased the pain of his
The Davis Family
Eunice, John, Tim, Marcia and Mayann
Saugus, CA
dear liz [Perez]
Thank you so much for all of your help to get
Dads replacement badge to me by Christmas.
Here is the donation to the Widows & Orphans
Fund that we talked about.
Many Thanks!
Merry Christmas
Jill Moody
Meadow Vista, CA
Please accept this donation in memory of B.
June Rupp, spouse of my dearest friend Kenny
Rupp, LAFD Fallen Fireman Sylmar Earthquake.
Kenny and I met as teenagers on Mios Woendi,
New Guinea in World War II. Both will be
remembered but surely missed.
Clarence and Phyllis Stapel
Valencia, CA
dear andy:
I wanted to thank you for your help with
Marenstein & Company. Things started to happen
fast after your phone call. I had no idea what a
powerful man you were!
Im late on these donations to the Relief
Association Widows and Orphans Fund for my
fallen friend, but better late than never. Please
accept these donations for each of the following;
Douglas Murphy, Robert Harvey, Marvin Morris,
Christopher Irons and Thomas Ennis.
Andy, old friend, may you and yours have a
Merry Christmas.
J.B. Benoit
Coeur DAlene, ID

Send your letters &
comments to
the editor at:
February 2012 41
Come and honor the 2011
Firefighter of the Year
A/O Doak S. Smith
Tickets are available for $36.00 per person.
Tables of ten are available for $350.00

Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 12 Noon
at the
Kyoto Grand Hotel
120 S. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles
Please RSVP to (213) 386-3316
by March 19, 2012
34764 Avenue E
Yucaipa, CA 92399
dear andy,
I am enclosing a check as a donation to our
relief Association. I am so thankful for the speedy
and complete delivery of medical equipment sent
to me in my time of need. It was really a blessing
and I am so appreciative.
God bless you and our wonderful fre department.
James R. Leake
Laguna Niguel, CA
dear andy,
Your kindness and concern have meant so very
much and will always be remembered. Thank
you for your kind and reassuring support. Having
the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Associations
services were a tremendous comfort during the
loss of our father, Norm Devereux.
Christa Jackson & Craig Devereux
Studio City, CA
dear la Firemens relief association,
Please accept this donation to the Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory
of Thomas A. Tony Ennis.
Tony and I were Auto Firemen in Battalion1
in the mid 70s. Tony was at 10s and I was at 4s,
and to this day I remember a drill he put on about
High Rise Building Systems as they related to the
fre department. Later, I was assigned to the Fire
Prevention Bureau and for a part of the time, Tony
was the Assistant Fire Marshal. My memories of
Tony are of a competent, grounded, serious and
conscientious person. Regardless of rank.
Several months ago, two other LAFD members
and I went to visit Tony shortly after he had started
his treatment. He was in good spirits, and it seemed
that the chemo wasnt having the debilitating side
effects it is known for. So it was an unwelcome
surprise when I saw the Death Notice not that
much later.
Richard Watters, LAFD retired
Agoura Hills, CA
Hi John,
Please accept this small token to the Widows
& Orphans Fund in memory of Captain II Kirk
Basore. I worked with Captain Basore back in the
late 60s and early 70s at Fire Station 15 before he
transferred to his fnal assignment at Fire Station
35 in Hollywood. He was a tough, old school,
freman and offcer who loved his job and crew.
During his long and well deserved retirement, he
stayed involved with the department through his
loyal support of the LAFD Historical Society and
our Fallen Firefghter Memorial. Earlier this year,
at the ripe old age of 97, he was still volunteering
and cooking pancakes, along with his long-time
friend Barney Nip, at the Historical Societys
annual Pancake Breakfast. He will be missed by
all who knew him.
Glenda & Roger Gillis
Lake Arrowhead, CA
los angeles Firemens relief association,
A heartfelt thank you for your kind expression
of sympathy. Thank you so much for the beautiful
fowers and the kind words making Teds memorial
so special.
Mrs. Ted Wolfe
Lisa and Judy
San Juan Capistrano, CA
to the los angeles Firemens relief association,
It was appreciated more than you know. All
of the kindness and support I have received from
you has meant more to me than I can convey with
words. Today I received your most generous gift
and again I thank you.
Rebecca Stanis
Culver City, CA
42 February 2012
ow times have changed. Less than 22%
of American households are composed
of married couples with dependent
children, according to the latest U.S. Census.
That number has dropped signifcantly: In
1970, 40% of households ft in that category.
Meanwhile, over the past 40 years, the number
of unmarried couple households has tripled to
nearly 4% of the population; there are currently
about four million such households in the Unit-
ed States.

legal proteCtions
Unlike married couples, unmarried
partners lack many of the legal protections or
rights granted to spouses in the event of divorce
or death. Although most states will consider a
claim by an unmarried partner, there is no spe-
cifc legal precedent in the absence of a written
contract. Therefore, couples may wish to
consider creating a domestic partnership agree-
ment. This document can detail the sharing of ex-
penses as well as the ownership and distribution
of assets should the relationship end. A domestic
partnership agreement is especially important
in situations where one partner is the primary
breadwinner or owns the majority of assets.
Decision making control is another
crucial issue. Unmarried partners should create
durable power of attorney and health care proxy
documents. Some states also require a living will
to address life-support issues. Creating a let-
ter of instruction regarding burial or memorial
preferences should also be considered. If such
documents do not exist, an unmarried individual
may fnd that his or her partners blood relatives
will be allowed to make these key decisions if
the need arises.
Unmarried couples with children face
another concern: legal guardianship. Nearly 40%
of unmarried couples have children under the
age of 18.
Yet legal guardianship of these chil-
dren may not be as sound as for married couples.
Because of this, unmarried couples should
consider signing a written agreement acknowl-
edging parental rights and responsibilities and
having each partner name the other as primary
guardian in wills.
aCHieving a ComfortaBle retirement
Although both married and unmarried
couples need to save for retirement, unmarried
couples may need to save more. Why? Because
they will not be eligible for each others Social
Security benefts and, in some cases, employer-
sponsored retirement plan distributions. Un-
married partners should check their plan rules
and specify plan benefciaries. The IRS now
allows a nonspousal benefciary of an IRA to take
required distributions over his or her lifetime
rather than in a lump sum, allowing for potential
tax-deferred growth over a longer period of time.
Therefore, you may wish to contribute the annual
maximum to an IRA ($5,000 in 2011; $6,000 age
50 and over)) before maximizing contributions
to an employer-sponsored retirement account.
Annuities may also be an attractive
investment vehicle since they allow for unlim-
ited after-tax contributions, regardless of income
or sources of income. Additionally, the payout
methods of annuities usually include insurance
features, enabling a named benefciary or ben-
efciaries to receive payments if the owner dies
before withdrawals begin.
When discussing retirement issues
with your trusted advisors, remember to review
all fnancial documents, including employer-
sponsored retirement accounts, IRAs, annuities,
and life insurance policies, to ensure named ben-
efciaries are consistent with those mentioned in
estate planning issues
For a spouse, a marriage certif-
cate is the gateway to a number of fnan-
cial benefts that unmarried partners
do not necessarily possess. This
disadvantage is especially appar-
ent in regard to estate planning.
Its essential for domes-
tic partners to create wills. If you die
without a will, the state may distribute
your partners assets to his or her clos-
est blood relatives. To help rebut
a challenge to a will, domestic
partners may want to videotape
their wishes in the presence
of an attorney. Addition-
ally, a living trust may be
desired because it remains
confdential and is not
subject to probate.
Transferring as-
sets upon death requires
careful planning for un-
married partners. For ex-
ample, federal tax law allows all assets to pass to
a spouse tax free and no applicable estate taxes
are due until the second spouse dies. Unmarried
couples do not enjoy this tax advantage.
If you have signifcant taxable assets,
it will be necessary to pursue other avenues to
potentially reduce estate tax. Currently, the fed-
eral estate tax is 35% on estates over $5 million,
but the rate is scheduled to increase to 55% and
apply to estates in excess of $1 million in 2013
unless Congress enacts new legislation. To help
reduce tax liabilities for the surviving partner,
you can purchase life insurance to pay any po-
tential federal and state estate taxes. A surviv-
ing partner must own the insurance to avoid it
becoming part of the estate of the deceased.
Therefore, each partner must own enough insur-
ance to pay any anticipated taxes on the assets of
his or her partner.
estate planning for domestiC partners
An unmarried partner may wish to
bequest a portion of his or her estate to children
from a previous relationship
or to charity. Here are two
legal mechanisms to help
achieve these goals while
still providing for a sig-
nifcant others fnancial
security. Note: Because
trusts are complex instru-
ments, consult a com-
petent estate planning

February 2012 43
total return trust - Similar to a charitable
unitrust, this mechanism may potentially provide
both income (for the remaining partner, who is
the income benefciary) and long-term capital
appreciation (for grandchildren or other principal
heirs). Defning income as a percentage of the
principal of the trusts assets should appease both
life estate - If a home is only in one persons
name, the homeowner can include a life estate
stake in the home to the partner in his or her will.
This gives possession of the home to the remain-
ing partner - to live in the home or rent it and
retain the rental income - for the remainder of his
or her life. Upon the death of the second partner,
the title of the property transfers to the heir(s) in
the will.
points to rememBer
1. Unmarried couples may wish to create
a domestic-partnership agreement, which should
detail the sharing of expenses as well as the own-
ership and distribution of assets should the rela-
tionship end.
2. Legal protections, such as durable pow-
er of attorney and health care proxy documents,
and in some cases, a living will, can help safe-
guard decision making control, if one partner is
unable to make fnancial or health care decisions.
3. Domestic partners may need to save
more for retirement than married couples.
Annuities and IRAs may be attractive
retirement savings vehicles for such couples.
4. Careful estate planning, including the
use of trusts, may be appropriate for effective
wealth transfer as unmarried partners will not
enjoy tax advantages that federal law bestows
upon spouses.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, based on 2009
census estimates (latest available).
for more information
If youd like to learn more,
please contact Jodie Cohen, 800-247-2265,
Potential purchasers seeking to use an annuity to fund a
qualifed or other tax-advantaged retirement plan should understand that
the use of an annuity for such purpose is not necessary to defer taxation of
investment earnings.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and its Financial Advisors
do not provide tax or legal advice, are not fduciaries( under ERISA,
the Internal Revenue Code or otherwise) with respect to the services or
activities described herein, and this material was not intended or written
to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed
on the taxpayer. Individuals should consult their personal tax and legal
advisors before making any tax or legal related decisions.
The author(s) and/or publication are neither employees of
nor affliated with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (MSSB). By
providing this third party publication, we are not implying an affliation,
sponsorship, endorsement, approval, investigation, verifcation or moni-
toring by MSSB of any information contained in the publication.
The opinions expressed by the authors are solely their
own and do not necessarily refect those of MSSB. The information and
data in the article or publication has been obtained from sources outside
of MSSB and MSSB makes no representations or guarantees as to the
accuracy or completeness of information or data from sources outside
of MSSB. Neither the information provided nor any opinion expressed
constitutes a solicitation by MSSB with respect to the purchase or sale of
any security, investment, strategy or product that may be mentioned.
Article written by McGraw Hill and provided courtesy
of Financial Advisor Jodie Cohen, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.
Member SIPC.
Do you want your money, home, cars and other assets to go to your
loved ones or someone else you never intended?
If you do not have an Estate Plan, your valuable assets could end up
in the wrong hands. Even worse, your family could end up paying
huge amounts in taxes and legal fees, and face lengthy battles.
To help make sure this does not happen to you, the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Association oers its members a one-time, $600
Estate Planning Benet.
We encourage you to make sure your aairs are in order and avoid
putting o this important and simple process.
Protect Your Family!
Ask for your Getting Started Kit today by calling
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44 February 2012
vinCent l. CHavez, apparatus operator. Appointed June 10, 1961.
Retired on a service pension July 05, 1981 from FS 2-A. Passed away November 22, 2011.
JaCk m. davis, engineer. Appointed September 23, 1940.
Retired on a service pension June 01, 1975 from FS 37. Passed away November 27, 2011.
douglas p. mC donald, Captain. Appointed April 30, 1966.
Retired on a disability pension May 11, 1991 from FS 72-C. Passed away November 30, 2011.
kirk f. Basore, Captain. Appointed November 22, 1943.
Retired on a service pension October 01, 1977 from FS 35. Passed away November 02, 2011.
JaCk w. Creager, fireBoat mate. Appointed October 27, 1947.
Retired on a service pension November 01, 1976 from FS 110. Passed away December 03, 2011.
stanley B. green, fireman. Appointed October 27, 1947.
Retired on a service pension March 01, 1976 from FS 99. Passed away December 03, 2011.
wayne H. Jepsen, engineer. Appointed December 19, 1955.
Retired on a service pension January 05, 1986 from FS 8-A. Passed away December 08, 2011.
william r. antisdel, Battalion CHief. Appointed March 18, 1947.
Retired on a service pension June 01, 1976 from BN 17. Passed away December 19, 2011.
douglas a. morton, firefigHter. Appointed June 21, 1954.
Retired on a service pension September 11, 1977 from FS 104-B. Passed away December 19, 2011.
Carl r. marino, fireman. Appointed September 23, 1957.
Retired on a disability pension December 01, 1974 from FS 61. Passed away December 25, 2011.
paul mClaugHlin, engineer. Appointed September 24, 1940.
Retired on a service pension June 01, 1978 from FS 2-C. Passed away December 29, 2011.
opal Bryant, sUrviving spoUse oF grADy e. BryAnt, pAsseD AwAy novemBer 25, 2011.
margaret tusCHer, sUrviving spoUse oF CLAyton L. tUsCher, pAsseD AwAy novemBer 30, 2011.
may a. maJor, sUrviving spoUse oF rAymonD h. FArreLL, pAsseD AwAy DeCemBer 01, 2011.
onez polk, spoUse oF pAUL L. poLk, pAsseD AwAy DeCemBer 05, 2011.
zetta l. sHeeHan, sUrviving spoUse oF wArren h sheehAn, pAsseD AwAy DeCemBer 10, 2011.
mary miller, spoUse oF JAmes g. miLLer, pAsseD AwAy DeCemBer 14, 2011.
February 2012 45
Paid Advertisement:
JoHN W. MARTINEZ - Operations Control Division
Battalion Chief, A Platoon
THURsdAY, MARcH 1, 2012
san Antonio Winery
737 Lamar St. - Los Angeles, CA 90031
Lunch: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Menu: Chicken picatta
$45, includes tax, tip, gift (Sorry, NO DJ...it was an error)
RsVP by February 21, 2012, to OCD
Michael Rhodes or Natalie Goshi, (213) 485-6009
RAYMUNd E. PERAlTA, Engineer, FS 35-C
MoNdAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2012
The odyssey
15600 Odyssey Drive
Granda Hills, CA 91344
Social Hour 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM
MENU: Buffet - $60.00 includes tax, tip & gift
Contact Fire Station 35 - (213) 485-6235
sPoUsEs WElcoME.
FREd A. loPEZ, Captain II FS87-B
sUNdAY, APRIl 29, 2012
sportsmens lodge
12833 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91604
Social Hour: 11:00 AM Lunch: 12:00 PM
Menu: Chicken Breast in lemon herb caper sauce or grilled salmon
$40, includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 48 by April 15th - (818) 368-3568
sUNdAY, MARcH 4, 2012
Bridgeport Valencia community center
27002 Edgewater Lane - Valencia, CA 91355
Social Hour/Dinner: 2:00 PM-6:00 PM
Menu: Buffet
$25, all beer, wine & sodas are provided.
If you have a favorite liquor, BYOB.
Call FS 87 - (818) 756-8687 or Tom Kephart - (661) 816-4476
or Neal Jones - (661) 252-3272
cHRIs KAWAI, Battalion Chief, Battalion 5-B Platoon
Brookside Golf club
1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena, CA
Golf Tourney: February 17, 2011 (same day)
Brookside Course #1 (same place) - Tee off @ 11:00 AM
$60.00 includes cart - Contact Joe Castro, Batallion 5 C
(213) 485-6275 or Cell (213) 709-1546
Social Hour 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM
MENU: Chicken or Beef - $55.00 includes tax, tip & gift
Contact Fire Station 27 - (213) 485-6227
KENNETH cAssIdY, captain I, Fs 56-A
sUNdAY MARcH 11, 2012
old Fire station 56
2838 Rowena Ave.
los Angeles, cA 90039
2pm 7pm
Menu: TBD
$50, includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 56 213-485-6256
46 February 2012
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February 2012 47
host of family and friends, plus dozens of present and past co-workers
gathered at Fire Station 80 to send off three of the B shifts fnest.
Steve Nowinski was appointed to the LAFD on January 29, 1978 and
came to Battalion 4 in 1979. He retired on July 8, 2011. Steve was joined by his
wife Debbie, daughter Lauren, mother Beatrice, brother Stanley with wife Janice,
brother Stuart, and two sisters Sally and Susan.
Vince Thrash started the drill tower on February 27, 1977. He began his stint in
Battalion 4 on January 11, 1981 and fnally pulled the plug on February 26, 2011.
His guests for the luncheon were his wife Nadia and good friends Earl Wyatt, Mike
Dempsey, and Richard & Peggy Sullivan.
Rick Hunter began his LAFD career on August 10, 1980. His fnal day on the job
was January 7, 2011. Rick came to the battalion in November of 1981 and spent the
next 17 years at Fire Station 80. Attending the farewell party for Rick were his
domestic partner Susie, sister Melinda, brother-in-law Larry, nephew Christopher, and longtime friends Steve Gamboa and Greg Shaghoian.
The loss of these three fne airport frefghters leaves a huge void of skill and know-how in the crews there. As you can see from each of their
years of experience, they will be diffcult to replace. Good luck in your retirements gentlemen!
livinG trusts
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48 February 2012
February 2012 49
tWO-in/tWO-Out rulE
By now, the fre service is familiar with
the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
ministrations two-in/two-out rule that requires
at least four personnel on the freground before
entering an IDLH (immediately dangerous to
life or safety) environment. Although there is a
debate over the practical application of this law,
it is the law of the land and it is mandatory that
fre departments, whether paid or volunteer, are
familiar with its application as it can dramatically
affect search operations. Specifcally, OSHA 29
CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection Standard
includes the two-in/two-out rule and states the
Members operating inside a structure
shall operate under the buddy system and shall at
all times remain in direct visual or voice contact
with one another.
Interior structural frefghting op-
erations will not commence until four (4)
trained and properly equipped members
are present on the scene.
An interior search can be
conducted with less than four
trained and properly equipped
members that are present on-
scene if there is suffcient cause
to believe there are trapped-
saveable occupants.
standard directly applies
to search operations from
two basic perspectives - (1)
when conducting a search in
the interior of an IDLH, a search
team shall consist of a minimum
of two persons who shall remain in visual or
voice contact, and (2) although a minimum
of four persons are required to be on-scene
before interior operations (such as a search)
are initiated, a search can be initiated with
less than four exterior personnel if there
is suffcient cause to believe that a search
is necessary. The defnition of suffcient
cause can be defned as information
from a neighbor, cars in a driveway,
and other similar examples that
would indicate a high probability
or a knowledge of someone trapped
within a burning structure.
raPid intErvEntiOn tEaMs
Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT) are
not a primary search team but can be better cat-
egorized as a secondary search (and potential
rescue) team whose primary focus is to be avail-
able during freground operations to conduct a
search to fnd trapped frefghters, and then affect
a rescue to alleviate the problem. When a RIT
team is implemented, it is important to have the
proper training, tools, and equipment handy and
ready for immediate use, and be able to perform
the following minimum operations:
Be thoroughly familiar with basic and
advanced search techniques.
Forcible entry and forcible exit. Spe-
cifc attention should be directed towards deter-
mining if a structure needs additional forcible
exit openings.
Strategic placement of portable
ground ladders. Are additional ladders necessary
to assist in a timely exit for interior personnel?
Remove a frefghter from an upper
foor window.
Removing a frefghter from the inte-
rior of a structure in a timely manner (may re-
quire different types of carries, the use of Skeds,
Stokes, etc). Remember that removing an uncon-
scious frefghter is not a simple lift and go opera-
Able to hoist or lower an unconscious
Breaching walls (may consist of exte-
rior and/or interior walls, etc) and/or being able
to enlarge an opening.
It is also important that a while a RIT
team is staged, an additional size-up of the struc-
ture be conducted and the freground radio chan-
nel is closely monitored. A continuous size-up of
the incident must be conducted until the incident
has been stabilized or until hazardous conditions
to freground personnel have been minimized to
an acceptable level.
Remember, if you are ever assigned to a RIT
team, be sure you have maximized forcible exit.
From another perspective, be sure it is easy for
interior personnel to exit the building if neces-
sary. A high percentage of freground deaths are a
result of interior personnel not being able to exit
the structure in a timely manner.
By John Mittendorf
50 February 2012
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February 2012 51
s the trusted provider of premier fnancial services to our Fire Fam-
ily, LAFCU strives to improve the fnancial lives of its members.
And with the New Year still young, I hope this months article will
help you set realistic goals by simply analyzing your fnancial situation.
Have you ever wished for more money just enough to get a
handle on your current fnancial situation? Or, perhaps youve dreamt about
winning the lottery and the fnancial freedom such a win would bring? While
wishful thinking may be fun, it makes more sense to spend time analyzing
your spending and saving habits to see if you can maximize the money you
already have.
Take this quick quiz to see if youre in control of your money or vice-versa.
1. Do you know how much you spend each month?
a) Yes, I have a carefully balanced budget.
b) Not exactly. I know how much is gone, but I couldnt tell you where
it went.
c) No, I always have more month left at the end of my money.
2. Do you pay your bills on time?
a) I never miss a payment.
b) Usually, but sometimes I make a late payment if Im out of town.
c) I have so many bills; I pick and choose different bills to pay each month.
3. Do you know the balances on your credit cards?
a) Thats easy I pay my credit cards in full each month.
b) Most of the time, but it bothers me that Im paying so much in interest
each month.
c) No, but I always pay the minimum amount due on the card carrying my
highest balance.
4. How does your credit rating look?
a) Pretty clean I just checked it before applying for a car loan.
b) I dont know, but I havent been turned down for credit yet.
c) You mean I can see my own credit rating?
5. If you received a tax refund, bonus or other windfall, where would you
stash your cash?
a) Id put it in an investment account for the future.
b) Id pay off my credit card debt.
c) Vegas baby, Vegas.
6. Do you save or invest a percentage of your monthly income?
a) I contribute the maximum amount allowed to my Individual Retirement
Account (IRA).
b) If I have anything left after paying my bills, Ill deposit it in my savings
c) Are you kidding?
7. In a fnancial emergency, what funds would you tap to cover three months
worth of bills?
a) I have a rainy day savings account just for that purpose.
b) I would use my credit cards.
c) My retirement accounts are sitting unused.
If you answered (a) to each question, congratulations! Youre doing
a lot of things right. If you fell into the (b) category, the following tips could
help you improve your spending and saving habits. If you answered (c) to any
question, you could be headed into fnancial trouble. Read on.
1. You cant be in control unless you know where your money goes.
Analyze your monthly cash fow by listing all your expenses and subtract-
ing them from your net income. A shortfall means youre living beyond your
means and may need debt management assistance. A surplus means you have
excess funds that could be earmarked for investing.
2. Late or missed payments end up costing you money in penalties or
poor credit ratings. Consider signing up for automatic bill paying services to
avoid delinquent payments.
3. Carrying high balances on multiple high-interest rate credit cards is
asking for trouble. Consider consolidating this type of debt with a low-interest
rate card or with a home equity line of credit where the interest may be tax-
deductible. (Consult your tax professional for advice.)
4. Your credit report can make or break your application for a loan, a
rental or even a job. The three credit reporting agencies - Experian, Equifax,
and Trans Union - track personal credit data and supply it to potential credi-
tors. According to U.S. Public Interest Group, approximately 80% of people
surveyed had an error in their report, while 25% had a serious error within
their report. So, it pays to review your own fle for accuracy. Consumers can
get a free copy of their credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com.
5. Since a windfall represents money you hadnt planned on, why not
put it into a long-term investment to allow for greater growth potential? Pay-
ing off high-interest rate debt is also a good use of the money.
6. If you put off investing now, you may have a diffcult time catching
up later. Open an IRA and contribute the maximum amount allowed or if you
are eligible for participation in a tax-deferred retirement plan at work, do so.
Your returns compound and taxes are deferred until time of withdrawal usu-
ally at a lower tax rate. Even better, stop by to talk to us about our fnancial
planning services.
7. An emergency savings account or unused lines of credit are two
good ways to safeguard your fnancial security in the event of a job loss or
other unexpected event.
We can help you get back in control of your money through a vari-
ety of fnancial services, credit lines and, savings vehicles. Stop in and see us

The more business we do together as a Fire Family, the greater the fnancial
reward will be for all of us.
by Mike Mastro, President/CEO
Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union
52 February 2012
LAFD Arson/Counter-terrorism seCtion
Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS
LFDHistorical Society
he Arson/Counter-Terrorism Section was
originally formed as the Arson Bureau in
1918 by then Chief Engineer Archibald J.
Eley. When fre prevention efforts and respon-
sibilities increased, Chief Eley made the Arson
Bureau part of the Fire Prevention Bureau. Lieu-
tenant Eugene H. Enos, a frefghter recovering
from injuries, was appointed as the frst arson in-
vestigator. Assisting him was a police detective.
During the Arson Bureaus frst years,
125 fres classifed as unknown origin were in-
vestigated and 29 of them were found to be in-
cendiary. Arrest and convictions resulted in near-
ly every case. Unlike most large city departments
during the Depression, the LAFD escaped wide-
spread incendiary fres set by professional arson-
ists hired by business owners in fnancial trouble.
A major explanation lies in the effectiveness of
the Arson Bureau, which earned a national repu-
tation for its expert chemists and laboratory tech-
Notable, however, was the mysterious
explosion and fre that stopped clocks at 7:30
a.m., October 17, 1930, in the 12-story Garment
Building at 217 East Eight Street. Hundreds of
windows for many blocks around were shattered.
Even as the last of 48 burned and lacerated work-
ers were being taken to hospitals, arson investi-
gators, (aided by photographers and the police),
began looking for the cause. An arson investiga-
tor theorized that a combination of natural gas
and gasoline, set off by an electrical contriv-
ance, caused the $1 million explosion and fre.
It was then the worst downtown explosion in the
Citys history.
The largest arson caused fres and re-
sulting investigations were from the 1965 Watts
Riot and the 1992 L.A. Riot. 977 buildings were
damaged or burned in the 1965 Riot resulting in
a $40 million dollar direct loss. 34 people were
killed including LA City Fireman Warren Til-
son (a classmate of mine). 3,438 arrests were
made and the arson fre investigations went on
for months. The 1992 riot was unfortunately
even bigger with 3,600 fres set destroying 1,100
building. Direct loss was $1 billion. 53 people
were killed and 12,000 arrests were made. Arson
investigations were made with large multi-agen-
cy task forces.
By 1978, arson had become the fastest
growing crime in the United States. The reasons
for the phenomenon were as complex as they
were varied. Most law enforcement agencies put
a low priority on incendiary fres, unless death
or serious injuries resulted. Arson is, moreover, a
unique crime to prove to the point where convic-
tions are possible or successful. Given the high
incidence of fres of suspicious nature and the
less than two dozen arson investigators in the
LAFD at the time, the problem was then acute.
The prevailing opinion was that all fre losses,
even if incendiary in cause, were covered by in-
On October 5, 1978, Mayor Bradley,
at the suggestion of then Chief Engineer John C.
Gerard, appointed an Arson Suppression Task
Force. One of the frst major activities of the Ar-
a dramatiC pHoto taken By mike meadows Just as tHe roof
Collapses at Cugees restaurant killing apparatus operator tom
CirCa 1950s pHoto of lafd arson
investigator ray straeter at tHe
sCene of a fire.
February 2012 53
son Task Force was the development of a pub-
lic awareness program by a committee headed
by Paul Ditzel, a newspaper reporter. Captain
Patrick McGuinness, Commander of the LAFD
Arson Section and Mr. Ditzel worked with tele-
phone offcials in establishing Californias frst
statewide toll-free arson tipster hotline.
The fre that took the life of Firefghter
Lynn R. Hazlett of Squad 39 on May 12, 1979,
resulted in the frst joint investigative efforts by
the LAFDs Arson Section, the ATF, and the
LAPD. Investigators believed a professional
arsonist was hired to do the job but was never
caught. However, a different outcome occurred
in the Cugees Restaurant fre, which took the life
of Apparatus Operator Thomas G. Taylor on Jan-
uary 28, 1981. A joint task force effort between
LAFD and ATF investigators, with the help of
over 100 frefghters and police, sifted through
the debris following the tragic event. The investi-
gative work of the joint task force, and especially
Investigator Gary Cooper, gathered enough evi-
dence to successfully prosecute Mario Catanio
for the murder of A/O Taylor. Investigator Coo-
pers extraordinary work earned him a commen-
dation from U.S. Attorney Stephen S. Trott.
On April 25, 1979, Firefghter Brian E.
Phillips was killed during frefghting operations
at the Mullin Lumberyard in North Hollywood.
Phillips was operating a ladder pipe from the aer-
ial ladder. The ladder pipe assembly came loose
from the aerial ladder and knocked Firefghter
Phillips from his position. He fell about 50 feet
to the ground. This was also an arson fre. The
museum has a display in memory of Brian that
was donated by his widow Brenda.
The current Los Angeles Fire Depart-
ment Arson Investigation Section shares the re-
sponsibility of fre investigation with the Bureau
of Emergency Services. This responsibility is
granted under authority of the Los Angeles City
Charter. The Arson Section is currently com-
prised of 21 uniformed members and 4 civilian
All special-duty arson investigators
share on-call duty responsibilities. The on-call
investigators augment the platoon-duty investi-
gators at scenes involving fre fatalities, House
of Worship fres, and all fre-related domestic ter-
rorist incidents.
The newest member to join the Arson
Investigation Section rank was Buster, an ac-
celerant detection canine, who was trained by the
ATF. Buster and his handler (Investigator Frank
Oglesby) are on call 24 hours a day. The team
has assisted local and federal agencies through-
out the country as members of the National Re-
sponse Team. The Accelerant Detective K-9 Pro-
gram has successfully aided in the prosecution of
suspects in several signifcant fres. Busters keen
senses have many times outperformed modern
day technical equipment.
The Arson Investigation Section is
currently participating in three arson task forces.
The LAFD/ATF Arson Task Force has been in
effect since November 1, 1984. This Task Force
was formed to combat arson fres related to in-
surance fraud, organized crime, and serial arson.
One example of the cases investigated by this
task force involved one of the most prolifc serial
arsonists in US history, John Orr, a Glendale Fire
Department Captain. This individual was iden-
tifed, investigated, arrested, and successfully
prosecuted by the LAFD/ATF Arson Task Force.
The Los Angeles House of Worship
Arson Task Force was formed in June 1996.
This Task Force is comprised of members from
the LAFD Arson Investigation Section, LAPD
Criminal Conspiracy Section, ATF, and FBI. The
Task Force investigates all arson and hate-related
fres that occur to a house of worship within the
The Angeles Arson Terrorism Work
Group is the latest task force. The Arson Inves-
tigation Section has been participating on along
with the LAPD Anti-Terrorism Division, ATF,
and FBI. The Task Force was developed follow-
ing the tragic September 11, 2001 attacks and in-
vestigates all arson incidents related to homeland
security, domestic terrorism, and eco-terrorism.
In addition to performing investigative
duties, the Arson Investigation Section is respon-
sible for processing and supplying Fire Reports
to requesting parties. The Section receives ap-
proximately 500 requests for Fire Reports per
month (at a nominal fee). The Arson Investiga-
tion Section is also the subpoena-processing
center for the Fire Department. Approximately
250-400 subpoenas are processed monthly for
Department members.
In 2004, the LAFD Arson Investiga-
tion Section expanded to include an active role
in counter terrorism and tactical planning. The
Section has now been designated as the Arson/
lafd arson investigators riCk priCe
and Bill tHost Conferring on tHe
evidenCe at a suspiCious fire.
Counter-Terrorism Section. The objective of
these enhancements is to allow the Arson Inves-
tigation Section to effectively contribute to the
LAFDs ability to reduce the impact of a local
event on lives and on the local economy.
This expanded role has also created
the new position of the Terrorism Liaison Offcer
(TLO). The objective of the TLO Program is to
develop and maintain effcient channels of com-
munication between local Health, Fire, and Po-
lice Departments and the Terrorism Early Warn-
ing Group (TEW) relative to terrorism threats
and vulnerabilities.
Training is a vital part of the job. The
members of the Arson/Counter-Terrorism Sec-
tion are required to qualify with their duty weap-
on as well as take advanced tactical training. The
Los Angeles Police Department administers the
training and qualifcations. Arson investigators
keep their skills up by attending several accred-
ited courses every year.
With the number of fres increasing on
an annual basis and the added responsibilities of
the Arson/Counter-Terrorism Section, the Los
Angeles Fire Department will continue to focus
concentrated efforts aimed at combating this hei-
nous crime.
The Museum at Old fre Station 27
has just added a new LAFD arson display on the
apparatus foor and has acquired a unique badge
that may have been from the time the Arson Bu-
reau was formed.
don dodd stands next to tHe Brand new
arson display He set up at tHe museum. tHe
items were donated By glen luCero and
frank oglesBy. frank put togetHer tHe
memoraBilia of merel m. pugH, wHo was an
lafd arson investigator.
don dodd put a new Badge
on display at tHe museum
But He is still doing re-
searCH on its History. it is
a los angeles poliCe fire
Badge, possiBly from tHe
early days of tHe forma-
tion of tHe arson Bureau.
54 February 2012
We mourn the loss of retired LAFD
Captain Kirk Basore who passed away in De-
cember at the age of 97. Kirk was one of the
original 1998 members of the LAFDHS. He and
his close friend, retired Captain Barney Nipp,
would volunteer for various jobs and events at
the museum. Kirk was famous for cooking the
sausages on Barneys Grill for our annual pan-
cake breakfast. Fortunately Kirk had trained a
few LAFD members like Terry Cooper to make
them as good as his own. We are all grateful that
we had Kirk as a friend for so many years both
on and off the job and we thank him for his long-
time service to others.
CalEndar for February & March 2012
February 2012
March 2012
EvEnts and HaPPEninGs
HarBor museum panCake Breakfast and Car
Members of Fire Station 112 headed
up by Captain Wayne Havron are planning a
great event to raise funds for the rehabilitation
of Old Fireboat #2, the Ralph J. Scott. On Sat-
urday, March 24th a pancake breakfast and car
show will be held at the Harbor Museum at old
Fire Station 36 in San Pedro. This is the second
annual event run by Wayne and the crew, and
he promises that it will be even bigger. He even
bought a vintage car for the show.
lafdHs volunteers
The LAFD Historic Society is oper-
ated entirely by volunteers from oversight to
administration to docents, maintenance, repairs,
fundraising, event coordination and on. We are
looking forward to a great new year and with
that more volunteers, so sign up now by phone,
email, fax or letter or just come to the museum
for your orientation. Last month we held our An-
nual Volunteer of the Year ceremony at the Glen-
dale Country Club thanks to retired Engineer
and LAFD Handball Champion Vito Maggipinto
who is a longtime Club member and LAFDHS
supporter. The two members selected for 2011
were Tom Moran and I. Other outstanding mem-
bers who made major contributions as volunteers
for the Society were also recognized with Cer-
tifcates of Appreciation presented by LAFDHS
President Jim Finn.
memBers from fire station 112 at last
years panCake Breakfast and Car sHow
ready to make a great Breakfast for tHe
i mentioned retired memBers and new
volunteers Buzz gunnerson and Jim
morrow last montH, But now i Have a
pHoto of tHem pausing long enougH for
a pHoto of tHem mopping tHe museum
floors. tHey are BotH doing a great JoB
and tHeir past experienCe is paying off.
kirk Basore in His mid 90s at tHe grill
Cooking sausages at our annual panCake
Breakfast and enJoying it.
February 2012 55
November 3, 2011
cAll To oRdER
President John Jacobsen called
the Meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Association to
order at 10:40a.m.
Roll cAll
John Jacobsen, President
Juan Albarran, Vice President
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary
Trustee Jeff Cawdrey Batt.1
Trustee Gene Bednarchik Batt. 2
Trustee James Coburn Batt. 4
Trustee Gary Matsubara Batt. 5
Trustee Chris Stine Batt. 6
Trustee Doak Smith Batt. 9
Trustee Frank Hernandez Batt. 10
Trustee Chris Hart Batt. 11
Trustee Craig White Batt. 12
Trustee Mark Akahoshi, Batt. 13
Trustee Bob Steinbacher Batt. 14
Trustee Steven Domanski Batt. 15
Trustee Steve Tufts Batt.18
Trustee David Lowe Pension 1
David Ned Smith - Exec. Director
Controller Todd Layfer
Trustee Mike Overholser - Batt. 3
Trustee Rick Godinez Batt.7
Trustee David Peters Batt.17
Trustee David Ortiz HQ 1
Trustee Kurt Stabel HQ 2
Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension 2
Trustee Tim Larson Pension 3
-Tom Stires, Retired
-Garth Flint, Beacon Pointe
-Mike Breller, Beacon Pointe
INVocATIoN & Flag salute
Andy Kuljis led the invocation.
David Lowe led the fag salute.
John Jacobsen entertained a
motion to ratify and dispense
with the reading of the minutes
of the Board of Trustees meeting
held October 6, 2011. Gary
Matsubara so moved. Gene
Bednarchik seconded the
motion. There was no further
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to ratify and
dispense with the reading of the
minutes of the Board of Trustees
meeting held October 6, 2011.
Garth Flint and Mike Breller
of Beacon Pointe Advisors
provided a summary report on
LAFRAs investment portfolio.
Garth mentioned that the last
quarter was one of the worst
quarters on record since 1974
and indicated that the market
was down about 15%.
Mike referred to the LAFRA
composite and mentioned that
LAFRA is still ranking in the 18th
percentile in the 3, 5, and 7 year
period and are ahead of the
policy index. He mentioned that
Stralem has been doing very well
in near term but still struggles
with the 3-year number. He
referred to the International
managers and mentioned that
IVA was added in the quarter
to strategically move out some
of the risk in the International
markets and add a down market
protector. He indicated that
they are comfortable with the
International managers rankings
with the 3, 5 and 7 year periods.
Robert Steinbacher stated that
because of Seligmans poor
performance, he asked for the
Boards approval to terminate
their contract with them that day.
He also mentioned that he and
Jacobsen were going to visit
three new possible investment
managers in Pittsburg, Rich-
mond and Dallas.
1) Jacobsen stated that they
have had a lot of involvement
with the Pensions Department
and indicated that they are going
to meet with them later in the day
to discuss and present the audit
information. He indicated that
they dont expect any obstacles
and hope that the audit goes
2) Jacobsen reported that they
have received the funds from the
ERRP fling totaling about $1.1
million. He indicated that these
funds will be used for premium
reductions and/or plan beneft
3) Jacobsen stated that the
Relief Committee wanted to
place a policy in the Policy
Manual that when active
members go to retired status
that they have a set time period
of 60 days to change their status
and the same payroll deductions
would continue for 60 days that
were in place at the time of
retirement. He mentioned that
when a member retires, LAFRA
sends a packet of information
asking them to inform LAFRA
about their status change. He
stated that when members do
not return their packets in a
timely manner, currently the
accounting department has to
send notices and track members
down regarding their status
4) Jacobsen reported that
he went to a meeting in the
Controllers offce where they
reviewed how the electronic pay
system is being revamped. He
indicated that it will affect LAFRA
with programming changes and
reformatting fles.
5) Jacobsen referred to the
travel policy and stated that they
are looking to have expenses
submitted and paid within 60
days from a conference.
6) Jacobsen stated that they
continue to battle with Tri-Star
on outstanding workers comp
claims. He mentioned that they
had a tentative agreement with
Tri-Star to waive penalties and
interest if they paid a particular
claim within a two week time
period. He stated that Tri-Star
had reneged on the agreement.
He stated that they will demand
penalties and interest from this
point forward but will continue to
allow Tri-Star to utilize the Blue
Cross network for discounts.
7) Jacobsen mentioned that
there has been some discussion
affecting non-Medicare retirees
and Medicare retirees about
what their subsidy is tied to.
He indicated that Medicare
eligible retirees are tied to a
single payer LACERS plan that
could change to a single party
LACERS Medicare Advantage
Plan. He stated that this could
result in a reduction of around
$100 of a members subsidy.
He mentioned that this issue will
be discussed at Pensions in the
near future.
1) David Smith addressed the
LAFRA Holiday Trustee/Staff
dinner and asked Trustees to
RSVP back to Irma Mondragon
regarding their attendance. He
also mentioned that they have
arranged a hotel room discount
for those that wish to spend the
2) David Smith mentioned that
the DISCO investment is being
returned as its life is completed;
the return received was excellent.
He also mentioned that PIMCO
management is starting to ask
56 February 2012
for capital calls on their new fund
which is called BRAVO. We are
in essence transferring funds
from DISCO to BRAVO .
3) David Smith referred to the
Loughran Estate and mentioned
that the funds have been moved
from the Loughran Merrill Lynch
account to LAFRAs Union Bank
account. He indicated that they
are in the process of doing a
detailed accounting.
4) David Smith reported on the
open enrollment for LAFRA and
mentioned that we have 62 new
members with 172 dependents.
He indicated that approximately
10 members have left the
LAFRA Medical Plan.
Robert Steinbacher presented
the following motions.
The committee recommends
and I so move to pay the usual
and customary bills in the
amount of $906,870.81. There
was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the usual
and customary bills in the
amount of $906,870.81.
The committee recommends
and I so move to pay the
professional fees in the amount
of $36,963.94. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the
professional fees in the amount
of $36,963.94.
Steinbacher indicated that it
has been recommended to
scan all old Grapevine issues
and dispose of the old hard
copies. He indicated that it was
suggested that they send the old
issues to the museum and/or
give away to the members.
The committee recommends
and I so move to approve up to
$5,000 in seed money for the
Buzzard Baits event. There was
no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve up to
$5,000 in seed money for the
Buzzard Baits event.
Robert Steinbacher presented
the following motions.
The committee recommends
and I so move to accept the
applications to the Medical Plan.
There was no discussion and no
Motion carried to accept all
applications to the Medical Plan.
James Coburn presented the
following motion.
The committee recommends
and I so move to pay:
The Sick & Injury benefts in the
amount of $17,523.68
The Estate Planning beneft in
the amount of $4,650,
The Life & Accident Withdrawals
in the amount of $2,082
The Relief Death Benefts in the
amount of $45,000
There was no discussion or
Motion carried to pay the above
Relief benefts.
Williard S. Atkins
Jerry L. Bjork
Richard C. Kimball
Jack H. Nowell
Paul J. Berokoff
Paul Baernstein
Aubrey L. Monroe
August F. Oddo
Glenn V. Smith
Ferris F. Murdy

James Coburn read the names
of members who recently
passed and asked for a moment
of silence from the Board.
James Coburn presented the
following motions.
The committee recommends
and I so move to accept the
donations in the amount of
$5,263.48 to the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemens
Fund. There was no discussion
or objections.
Motion carried to accept the
donations in the amount of
$5,263.48 to the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemens
The committee recommends
and I so move to approve the
fnancial assistance applications
for surviving spouses, active and
retired members. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve the
fnancial assistance applications
for surviving spouses, active and
retired members.
James Coburn presented the
following motion.
The committee recommends
and I so move to approve the
emergency advancement
applications for active and
retired members. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve
the emergency advancement
applications for active and retired
Chris Hart mentioned that
they are in the process of
scanning all the old Grapevine
magazines and placing them
in the archives on the website.
He also mentioned that have
been discussing how they
would operate the website in
the future. He indicated that they
are working towards having the
LAFRA staff perform more of the
work rather than contracting with
a web company.
Doak Smith mentioned that Rick
Godinez has offered to help with
the Scholarship program for
2012. He mentioned that there
has been confusion between the
LAFRA Scholarship Program
and the LAFD City Scholarship.
He indicated that he spoke to
Juan Carlos in the Grapevine
department about remedying
the situation and how the
LAFRA Scholarship program is
Andy Kuljis reported that the
Trustee elections are going to
be a white ballot this year and
indicated that there was only
one candidate for the Battalion
6 Trustee position. He asked the
Trustees to encourage members
to vote for the by-law changes.
1) LAFRA Open House
November 5th
2) LAFRA Trustee/Staff Holiday
Dinner December 8th

1) Bob Turner November 5th
& 6th Hyatt Regency Valencia
2) John Buck December 5th
Ports OCall Restaurant (Kuljis?)
John Jacobsen entertained
a motion to adjourn. Gary
Matsubara so moved. Jeff
Cawdrey seconded. There was
no discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to adjourn. The
Board of Trustees meeting
adjourned at 11:46am.

John Jacobsen, President
February 2012 57
donations to Widows, orphans & disabled Firemens Fund
October 2011
lYnn d. rOGErs
lOWMan ElEMEntarY sCHOOl
MarJOriE J. WilliaMsOn
stEvEn vEntura
BEttY v. larsOn
Mr. & Mrs. WilliaM r. CHidsEY, Jr.
lEEannE Hill
Juan CarlOs sanCHEZ
JOHn d. BadGEtt
WAS ON THE JOB FROM 09-07-42 THROUGH 06-29-78. HE
58 February 2012
FOr rEnt Or lEasE. Town-
house in Valencia. 2 BDRM & 2
BTHRM with garage and carport
in gated complex with pool & spa.
Located next to city park and YMCA.
$1750 with all appliances. Avail-
able in Jan 2012. Call Jesse (310)
HOrsE PrOPErtY, laKE
viEW tErraCE - Near FS24. 3
bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled
kitchen with granite countertops and
stainless steel appliances. Formal
living room, plus family room. 3 pipe
corrals, arena, 2 barns, trail access.
Motor home and horse trailer park-
ing. Gardener included. Available
October. $2800/month. Eng. Ames
(818) 257-4549.
lOvElY 110 Yr. Old HistOr-
iC HOusE to share in San Pedros
historic waterfront dist. Private
bedroom with private full bathroom,
kitchen, laundry, air conditioning,
spacious back yard, sorry, no private
parking, $700 month. Cindy 310
tHis CHarMinG sPaCiOus 2
BEdrOOM HOME is centrally lo-
cated in the heart of Encino. Features
hardwood fooring throughout with
a large master suite, bath, cathedral
ceilings and walk-in closets. The
upstairs can be separate with its own
entrance. Downstairs is a bedroom,
full bath and powder room. Big
backyard, garage and additional
parking for RV. $2500 for the above,
or rent just the master suite, $1000,
downstairs for $1500 a month. Call
Tracy (818) 704-9592.
40 X 13 stOraGE WitH rOll
uP dOOr. Boat or RV. Gated
complex with security, RV dump,
restrooms, all concrete. Located near
boat ramps in Lake Havasu. (562)
301-4557. $30,000 or OBO. Steve
Dickinson, 12-A.
Build YOur drEaM HOME on
beautiful San Juan Island in Washing-
ton State. 10 acres with views of water,
neighboring islands and Mt. Baker.
$550,000. Retired Capt II LAFD (360)
378-2190. Ask for Wendy.
CustOM lOG HOME- Kings
Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq ft, 2
story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths. Master
bed has walk in closet w/French doors
and deck. Large game room w/bar and
wood burning stove. Huge gourmet
kitchen w/six burner professional
Garland range, Sub-Zero freezer and
refrigerator. Hard rock maple counters
and maple cabinets. Large loft with
library and offce overlooking great
room with vaulted ceilings and river-
rock freplace. Pella windows and
doors. Hardwood foors throughout,
tile in kitchen, laundry and baths.
Central vac. Deck on three sides. 15
acres fenced. Tennis court, pool, 2 car
garages, 40X60 metal bldg. Septic
and 40 gpm well. $650,000. Contact
Ray Oster (559) 338-2220 or email
rsoster1@dishmail.net for more info
and photos.
FOr salE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath
condo fully furnished in Barra de
Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short
walk to small fshing village, beach,
restaurants, etc. LAFD retired. (909)
HElP! MaKE OFFEr! nOrtH-
Ern ariZOna elevation 6500 ft.
Cool summers 4 1/2 acres fenced.
Fruit, shade, native cedar, & pine
trees. Very nice home, near fshing,
elk hunting & ski resorts. Price re-
duced - $55,000. Call (620) 234-6165
home or (620) 960-4002 cell. Pictures
availabe upon request.
lOvElY 2800 sQ Ft 3 bedroom,
2 bath home on Marrowstone Island
near Port Townsend, Washington. Sits
on 4 plus partical wooded acres with
Puget Sound. 230 foot waterfront
view. Has barn for RV storage. City
water, oil heat in foor. Past home of
LAFD get together. Call Vonnie Rog-
ers (360) 385-7544.
rivEr ParCEls. Three 20 acre
Klammath River frontage parcels
in beautiful Northern California-
30 miles from Oregon. Electric-
ity and telephone available. Rarely
used County-maintained road runs
through. Very private. 6 miles from
Happy Camp. Each parcel has more
than 700 front feet of river. $195,000
- $295,000. Contact Troy Bonar,
LAFD retired. PO Box 466, Happy
Camp, CA 96039 or call (530) 493-
2453 or fax (530) 493-2589 or email:
sKi tHE suMMit! BiG BEar,
4+2, 5 minutes from snow summit,
downtown and the lake. Located
in the desirable Fox Farm area. 2
story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs 2+1
turn key condition, ready to enjoy.
Fully furnished. Investment Vacation
or Retirement. $359,000 Call Therese
(818) 216-4628 or theresewyman@
tEn MinutEs tO laKE
naCiMiEntO- Beautiful 2400
sq ft, 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath home.
Spacious open foor plan, remodeled
kitchen, solid surface countertops,
4 car garage, covered porch is great
for enjoying the breathtaking views
on 11 acres, new roof, raingutter,
exterior paint, will sell furnished. Jill
Johns (805) 490-8196.
aa FrEE COnsultatiOn
at the Law Offces of EDWARD R.
DANOFF - Located in Santa Anas
We provide services for SERIOUS
including auto, boat, motorcycle
accidents, dog bites, and wrong
death cases. DIVORCES, including
custody, support, modifcations and
restraining orders. REAL ESTATE
FIREFIGHTERS. Thirty years
experience. Former volunteer freman.
Orange and Los Angeles Counties call
(714) 972-8355 - Inland Empire and
Palm Springs/ Desert Area call (800)
aBatEMEnt OF WEEds,
trEE triMMinG - Landscap-
ING, Grading, horse arenas/rock re-
moval, concrete & asphalt demo, post
holes drilled. Clean-Ups etc. Tractor
& dumptruck at reasonable rates.
Larry D. Brown (818) 489-5126.
altErnativE tErMitE Treat-
ments: ECOLA Services, Since 1983.
Fumigation/ tenting is NOT your
only option. Direct heat, environ-
mentally caring, no poison gas, no
need to vacate for days. Electro-Gun/
Microwave/ Tim-Bor. 2 year written
warranty on all work performed.
Lifetime renewal option available.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Susan
Fries (800) 332-BUGS (2847). Fire-
mans wife.
BOat & PWC stOraGE
Firemens discount. 10% off frst
months rent & no deposit required.
Winter rates available. Located on
the Colorado River, close to launch
ramps. All Seasons Storage 800
North K St., Needles, CA 92363.
(760) 326-2001.
BuildinG Plans. Residential:
patios, decks, additions/remodeling,
repairs, new construction, design.
Commercial: tennant improvement,
ADA compliances and more. George
Lavallee (805) 532-1905 offce.
CruisE - Princess Cruises, Royal
Caribean, Holland American, Carni-
val and more... 3 to 21 day getaways
to Alaska, Hawaii, The Bahamas and
many other exciting destinations.
Call Patricia at (661) 265-9440 or
toll free at (877) 7HI-SEAS, or email
pliefeld@qnet.com wife of LAFD
Mechanic, sister of LAFD Captain.
CraiG sanFOrd HEatinG
& air - Free estimates, residential,
commercial. Great rates for LAFD
and LAPD. Toll free (877) 891-1414,
(661) 298-3070, FAX (661) 298-
3069. State License No. 527114
CranE sErviCE All kinds of
lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construction,
Beams, Poles, Appliances, Man Bas-
kets available. Insured and bonded.
Leonard Campbell Owner/Operator
(818) 340-8907
drYWall sErviCE, new
construction, remodel, repair,
acoustic ceilings removed. All types
of textures. Licensed, bonded and
insured. Gregg Avery, F.S. 66 A
residence (805) 494-9037.
FirEFiGHtErs taXEs - Are you
getting the most from your tax returns?
I am a wife of a frefghter and special-
ize in their returns, with 60% of my
clients being frefghter families. Taxes
done at you convenience; my offce or
by phone. Available year-round. Tax-
Pro, Barbara Ravitz, 661-257-7606.
FirEFiGHtEr disCOunts. At
Farmers Insurance Group, I can assist
you in deciding what options best meet
your insurance needs. Free competi-
tive quotes available for homeowners,
auto, life, RVs, boats motorcycles and
more. As a former LAFD and LAPD
Commissioner, and coming from a
family of frefghters (3 brothers and
1 nephew), I understand your need for
an agent that can make your life a little
easier. For a free quote, please call the
Corina Alarcon Insurance Agency at
(818) 263-1723.
FlOWErs FOr all OCCa-
siOns. La Petite Florist offers only
the fnest foral arrangements, plants
February 2012 59
and gifts delivered in Orange County
and nationwide through Telefora.
Family owned and operated since
1976. Browse our website for hun-
dreds of ideas at www.lapetiteforist.
com or call (800) 682-3327. Gina
Cawdrey, LAFD wife.
Hai tECH lasErs inC. - For all
your engraving needs. X-mas gifts,
Retirement etc. Friend of the LAFD.
Hai Tech Lasers Inc., 25026 Anza
Dr., Santa Clarita CA 91355. (661)
indOOr BOat stOraGE in
Simi Valley. Secure facility with
state-of-the-art video and alarm
system. Spaces from 15ft. to 40 ft.
Protect your investment and prevent
weather damage. Limited spots
available. FREE SERVICE WITH 6
MONTH LEASE. Sorry no RVs.
its taX tiME aGain.
Specializing in Firefghter and Para-
medic Returns, Electronic
Filing available, year round book-
keeping and accounting, business
and partnership returns, payroll. All
computerized processing with over
25 years experience. Call early for an
appointment around your schedule.
Robert Sanchez LAFD-OCD retired
(818) 367-7017, cell (818) 216-1040.
rEal EstatE FinanCinG.
Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows.
Refnance & Purchase Loans, Invest-
ment/Second Home Loans/ Equity
Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No Points/No
Fees Loans, VA, FHA, Conventional
Loans, Lending in many other states.
Mortgage lending with exceptional
customer service, integrity, strength
and experience. For your Free Mort-
gage Analysis, call (714) 469-8900.
Jay Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker.
DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591.
rEal EstatE sErviCEs - Start
a new life in the gorgeous com-
munities of Temecula and Murrieta.
Top rated schools, world renowned
wineries, numerous golf courses,
lakes, shopping and a great family at-
mosphere. Located 78 miles from HQ
between Los Angeles and San Diego.
Call Mike Utley at (951) 775-8491
(LAFD Retired).
rEBECCa Martin land-
sCaPE. Architectural landscape
design and installation. A full service
design/build landscape frm that
creates unique custom exterior envi-
ronments that will increase the value
of your home and bring you years of
outdoor enjoyment. Rebecca Martin,
LAFD wife. (818) 216-3637. Lic#
936577. rebeccamartinlandscape@
taX alErt FOr FirEFiGHt-
Ers Dont lose thousands of dollars
during your professional career to
GROUP, the specialists in frefghter
tax services, prepare your tax return
and review your prior years tax
returns. We specialize in tax planning
and preparation for frefghters. We
also offer FREE REVIEW of your
last four years of tax returns. Call us
today at (800) 573-4829 or visit our
website at www.alhewitt.com
WHEtsEl taX sErviCEs -
Specializing in law enforcement and
frefghter tax preparation. Call or
fax Mari Whetsel at (661) 360-8707
or visit at 27726 Briarcliff Place,
Valencia CA 91354.
WindOWs & PatiO dOOrs -
vinyl replacement windows & Patio
doors. I also carry aluminum, wood
and entry door systems. Rick Bran-
delli, Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C (800)
667-6676. www.GeeWindows.com
4 BEdrOOMs, 4 BatHs, Game
Room, 3000 sq. ft. upscale Big Bear
Lake cabin. Pool table, foosball,
darts, ping-pong, gas BBQ. Private
road close to lake, Village. Walk to
Snow Summit, great for summer.
Accommodates 13. Until November:
Midweek-$250; Weekends: $295.
For summer specials or holiday/
winter rates call (949) 683-3028.
BEaCH FrOnt sunsEt
BEaCH OaHu, HaWaii - North
Shore at Sunset Beach. Two separate
homes 2+ den, 2ba, sleeps 8. $225
per day and 2br + 1ba, sleeps 6. $200
per day! Both share large tropi-
cal yard. View 7 surf breaks from
backyards to pipeline. Contact Betty
at (808) 372-7558 or Barker LAFD
retired (805) 985-4001.
BiG BEar CaBin - All season,
restful views from decks. Two story,
sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus
miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood,
cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen,
completely furnished except linens.
Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day minimum).
$550/$600 a week, Beep or Donna
Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475.
BiG BEar laKEs FinEst-
Deluxe lakeside townhouse, 2
bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs,
HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning
freplaces, laundry room, tennis court,
indoor pool, sauna, spa, boat dock.
Fully equipped, including all linens.
Sleeps 6. 310-541-8311 or email
BiG BEar vintaGE CaBin.
2 minute walk to village. 5 minute
drive to both slopes. Lake view. 2
bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact: big-
Owned by LAFD member.
Catalina BEaCH COttaGE
- 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block to
beach, view, fully equipped house-
keeping unit. Marci (818) 347-6783
or Clarence (310) 510-2721.
dEluXE laKEsidE tOWn
HOME. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fre-
places, washer, dryer, gas barbeque.
Indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, locker
room with shower. Tennis court,
boat dock, cable TV, HBO. Fully
furnished including linens. 3 miles
from Snow Summit. Sleeps 6 max.
(310) 541-8311
dEsErt COndO Rancho Mirage
(near Palm Springs), 2 bedrooms, 2
bath, fully furnished condo & WiFi
Internet. Also 2 bedroom and den,
2 bath, TV and VCR, pools, spas,
tennis courts, gated community. From
$110 per night. No pets or smoking.
Barbara (626) 798-2484.
FOrMEr l.a. FirEFiGHtEr
and Family offering gorgeous Baja
Mexico Property for rent. Coast-side
Gated Community with pool/spa,
surfng, and loads of fun. 4 Bed-
rooms, 4 Bathrooms. Fully Equipped
Kitchen. Call Kathy at 510-468-5003
for more information. Go to:
for pictures, availability calendar, and
information on the area.
-OtHErs! savE $$$ On HOtEl
ratEs!! Luxury condo rental -
Direct from Owner. One bedroom two
bath luxury condo located in Mexi-
can resort area of Nuevo Vallarta, just
15 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta
Intl Airport. Unit is part of Grand Ma-
rina Villas, part of the Paradise Village
Hotel complex, and includes use of
18 hole El Tigre Golf Course. Weekly
or monthly rates. For info: Web site:
e-mails: edynichols@mac.com or
(310) 395-7804.
Havasu landinG - Waterfront
on Lake Havasu. 3 bedroom, 3
bath. Boat mooring out front. Fully
furnished. Direct TV, WiFi, BBQ,
Casino, new grocery/meat market.
No pets/smoking (310) 418-1577.
JunE laKE CaBin - Scenic
2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views. 5
minutes from Fishing and Ski-
ing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck,
Sleeps 8, wood burning stove, full
kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo, phone.
Detached garage/room for boat. Call
for summer/winter rates. Cleaning
fee applies. Jeff Easton 105-A, (805)-
217-5602 - junebound@gmail.com
KaPalua, Maui. Luxurious
ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and 2
bedroom villas from $145/$250, 7th
night FREE. Fully equipped with
washer/dryer, Hi speed internet,
Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort shuttle,
minutes from ocean. Features 3 white
sand beaches including BEST
BEACH in the world, Kapalua Bay
Beach, 100 miles of hiking trails, 2
golf courses with great discounts, 10
tennis courts, zip lines, 2 spas, golf
academy, horseback riding, snorkel-
ing, swimming, surfng, kayaking,
shops, restaurants. Contact Terry or
Diane @ 800-326-MAUI (6284).
ridge.asp or email info@kapaluava-
laKE arrOWHEad Blue Jay
cabin charming two-story with creek,
large deck, two baths, complete kitch-
en, TV,VCR/DVD, freplace, washer
and dryer, walk to Blue Jay Village.
Sleeps 6. $90/night. NO PETS! Bruce
or Sue Froude, (805) 498-8542.
laKE Havasu BEaCH
FrOnt. Located at HAVASU
LANDING RESORT a gated com-
munity on the California side of Lake
Havasu. Swim, Ski or fsh from the
front yard. Buoys in front of home for
overnight boat(s) tie-ups. No need
to launch boat each day. Walking
distance to a CASINO, restaurants
and grocery store. Adjacent to miles
of off-road desert trails, great for
ATVs, 4 wheelers and Motorcycles.
Beautiful landscaping with a lawn
from the home to the lake. Covered
patio with furniture and a gas BBQ.
Four bedrooms with beds for 10.Two
full bathrooms. Check Craigslist for
pic. $350. Per night 10% discount for
a week. For Reservations call Bud
@ 818 352-4422
laKE Havasu BEautY FOr
rEnt - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft.
Fully furnished with all amenities-
Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3
car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from
launch ramp. Close to downtown
shops & restaurants. View of the lake.
Quiet street in good neighborhood.
No pets. No smoking. Snowbird
rates. Call Mike (661) 510-6246
laKE Havasu HOME for rent.
Built in 2004. 1800 square feet, 3
bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/fully
60 February 2012
furnished w/all amenities of home.
Large garage 20x32 with tall doors.
Large area for guest parking. Located
less than a mile from lake on a quiet
cul-de-sac! RV hookups. Ask for FF
discount. Call Ryan Penrod (310)
804-1801 or Nicole (909) 263-8177.
laKE Havasu HOME - Beauti-
ful 3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps 8.
Lake view, RV access, boat parking,
everything is new. Quiet street in
great neighborhood, just minutes
from London Bridge. Call John for
pricing at (323) 449-4473. Snow-
bird rates and fremen discount
laKE Havasu Landing Cali-
fornia. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wif,
DirecTV, BBQ, full laundry, slip-in
marina included, just steps away. 180
degree view of lake and your boat in
slip. Huge covered patio. No pets. No
smoking. Larry Mc Andress ret 112A
(714) 963-9344 or (714) 393-1464.
laKE Havasu vaCatiOn
HOMEs for rent. Each fully fur-
nished with all amenities of home.
Every home has a lake view, pool,
RV access, boat parking, ample guest
parking and sleep up to 8 people.
Check out our website @ weren-
thavasu.com or call (928) 855-5848
or (661) 212-3191.
laKE taHOE GEtaWaY 3
bedroom, 2 bath home with all of the
amenities complete kitchen, washer/
dryer, TV/ VCR. Quiet neighborhood
near the lake, casinos and ski slopes.
$600.00 per week. Call Cal or Linda
@ (805) 584-2718.
laKE POWEll HOusEBOat.
68 Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2 cuddy
cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep 10 to 12. 2
ref. fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, TV,
DVD, Twin A/C. Party top, fybridge,
V8 drives, 12 KW ge., 100 gal. aux.
fuel tank with pump. Dan Coyle
(805) 494-8854.
la Quinta - Gated community,
fully furnished deluxe home, three
bedrooms, three baths on the 10th
fairway of the Dunes Golf Course
in La Quinta Country Club. Two car
garage, large patio with barbecue. No
pets, no smoking. $200/night - 2 week
minimum, plus refundable security
deposit. Call (323) 254-3874
lEOna vallEY. 4BR 3BA 2100
sq ft ranch style home on 3 acres.
$555,000 (addl acreage available)
zone AZ. Jennifer Gil (Keller WMS
Realty Acton) cell (661) 733-2054 or
offce (661) 449-8900.
MaMMOtH COndO Cozy 2 bed-
rooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI,
3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk to
shuttle, Old Mammoth area. Winter
$115, Summer $90, plus maid $126.
Includes linens. No pets, no smoking.
Call (310) 540-4648.
MaMMOtH COndO - Fully
furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths,
sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All
amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry on
premises. Fall/Winter prices. $100/
night. Spring/Summer $85/night. One
time $70 cleaning fee. No smoking,
no pets, contact: Julian Edwards
(909) 573-3815
MaMMOtH - 1 bedroom Summit
condo, sleeps 6. Convenient under-
ground garage parking, jacuzzis, gym
(pool, tennis in summertime), shuttle
right outside! Across from chair 15.
Winter $110 per night, Summer $80
per night plus $65 cleaning fee per
stay. All linens included. Drew or
Nancy Oliphant (661) 513-2000.
dOla villaGE - Fully furnished
three bedroom, two bath with linens/
maid service. Pool, jacuzzi, all
amenities. Walk to the new gondola,
shops, restaurants. Park at front door.
Winter $225/night, Summer $150/
night, Holidays $275/night. Call
Mike Whitehouse, FS 69A (805)
987-6122 or email: btkwhitey@
yahoo.com or Bruce Galien, FS Ret.
(661) 645-7448 or email: luvbaja2@
MaMMOtH COndO - MaM-
MOtH EstatEs, 4BR/3BA, fully
furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/
DVD, stereo, freplace, pool , jacuzzi,
sauna. 2 blocks from gondola vil-
lage. 1 block to ski shuttle. Winter
$315/night, Summer $200/night,
plus cleaning. Includes city bed
tax. No pets, no smoking, sleeps 8.
Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or Kelly
Corcoran (310) 619-5355.
MaMMOtH COndO - Mammoth
Estates. 4br/3ba. Fully furnished.
All amenities: Sauna, Jacuzzi, Pool
& Recroom. Walking distance to
Gondola & Village. On free shuttle
route. Multiple night discounts. Price
includes cleaning + linens. Sleeps 10.
No smoking, no pets. Mike Jacalone
(805) 529-2052.
MaMMOtH COndO - 2 bdrm,
2 bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool,
jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens.
Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/
night. Weekends and Holidays $110
midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/
week. No smoking. No pets. Jim
Johnson (818) 992-7564, FS 80C.
MaMMOtH COndO - Clean
1 bedroom, 2 bath. Sleeps 6. Walk
to Village and Gondola. Shuttle
out front. Close to Canyon Lodge.
Fully furnished, spa, ski locker,
underground parking and wireless.
Midweek special. No pets. No smok-
ing. $120 winter, $90 summer. $65
cleaning fee, includes linens. Jeff or
Tonya Clemens (805) 499-8160.
MaMMOtH COndO Mammoth
Estates newly remodeled 4BR/3BA,
sleeps 11, fully furnished, 1 block
from new gondola village. Jacuzzi,
pool & sauna, recreation room. Call
Glen Mackie @ (760) 930-0544 for
frefghter pricing. For more informa-
tion go to mammothgondolavillage.
MaMMOtH COndO - Sierra
Manors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2
bath. Fully furnished except linens.
2 TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dish-
washer, microwave, sauna, jacuzzi,
pool. No smoking/No Pets. Shuttle
at door. Winter $140/night, Summer
$90/night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and
City Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage
LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752.
MaMMOtH laKEs - One
bedroom, extremely charming
wildfower condo. Full amenities,
close to shuttle. Antiques, art, satellite
TV, freplace. Sleeps 4. Winter $110,
Summer $85. Call (818) 371-6722
Email: shakesong@aol.com
MaMMOtH rEntal BY
OWnEr - Studios 1, 2, 3 & 4 bed-
room rentals, budget to luxury rates,
fully furnished, stocked kitchens,
bedding, towels, all locations, some
pet friendly, complimetary WiFi.
Mammoth Rental by Owner affliated
with Mammoth Lodging Association,
high standard cleaning, maintenance,
24/7 emergency contact. Visit www.
photos and descriptions. Contact
us info@mammothrentalbyowner.
com or call (818) 883-2488 or (888)
MaMMOtH sKi & raCQuEt:
Southwestern decor. Sleeps 4. King
bed. Full Kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD.
Garage parking. 5 min walk to Can-
yon Lodge. Winter $155/nite, $175
Fri, Sat, & Holidays; Summer $100/
nite. 2 nite min. addl nites less. Jeff
& Lisa Moir. LAFD Air Ops (661)
MaMMOtH COndO Wildfower,
1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and
queen sofa bed. Fully furnished,
freplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/
DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and
tennis court. Linens and cleaning fee.
On shuttle route. Winter rate $100/
night, summer rate $70/night. Mike
Greenup (805) 583-8239 or cell (805)
MaMMOtH sKi & raCQuEt:
Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft
sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen,
2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR,
DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite;
Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning
fee $100. Non smoking complex.
Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email:
cat25sailor@juno.com or (213)
MaMMOtH. sKi in - sKi Out
at lift 15, 2 bedroom including master
suite, 2 bath condo. TV/DVD in
living room. Good sound system.
Gym, spa, freplace, very roomy,
underground parking, tennis courts,
pools, and outside BBQ area. (310)
476-4784. Email: barbarawinters@
yahoo.com or visit website:
Maui BEaCH FrOnt COndO
On naPili BaY - 50 from water.
Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury furnish-
ings + full kitchen. All the amenities!
Mauis best snorkeling/beach. All
island activities & Kapalua Airport
within 4 minutes. 5-day minimum,
from $125.00 night (regularly $310
night). Call Sandra or Bill for info/
reservations (818) 886-3000 or (800)
889-8641 toll-free or pmimaui@aol.
com Please visit: www.napilibay-
Maui Kapalua Wailea condomini-
ums. Enjoy sunny beaches, pools and
great golf and tennis discounts.
Luxury oceanview 1 and 2 bedroom
condos. Call owner (808) 572-4895
or email: glen@aloha.net or www.
Maui COndO 1 and 2 bedrooms.
Centrally located on beautiful
Maalaea Bay. Excellent swimming
and snorkeling; white sandy beach.
Minutes from golf, tennis, fshing,
shopping, airport and resort areas.
Marsha Smith or Jeanne McJan-
net. Toll free (800) 367-6084. www.
Maui COndO - naPili BaY
Tired of samll hotel rooms? Fully
equipped, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2
car garage condo. Sleeps 8. Just 200
from secluded Napili Bay. Large
lanai with bbq and seating. Great
for families. Excellent snorkeling
& swimming. Minutes from resorts,
shopping, golf and island activities.
Call owner at (714) 968-1907 or log
on to westmauivacationrentals.com
February 2012 61
Mauis MOst BEautiFul
BEaCH - Napili Bay. Beautiful
furnished condo with kitchen and
daily maid service. 15% discount off
already lowest prices in the area. Don
Sprenger (949) 548-5659 or (800)
niCaraGua surF COndO -
Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIENDLY
SAFE COUNTRY. Golf a new course
and hang out by the pool. Walking
distance to beach. 3 bedroom 2 bath.
See for yourself at: nicasurfnturf.com.
Contact Chris Hart (714) 742-3325 or
email: Chrismhart22@verizon.net
OaHu, HaWaii nOrtH sHOrE
at Sunset Beach. Two ocean front hous-
es on large tropical yard. 2 bedroom
and den, two baths and 2 bedroom, 1
bath. Each looking at the sunset break.
Completely furnished. Contact Betty
Suratt regarding Barker Houses (805)
985-4001 or (808) 372-7558.
OXnard Ca - silvEr strand
BEaCH - Beach house vacation
rental. 3 story, fully furnished 3br/2ba
main house+1br/1ba guest house,
sleeps 8-12. Linens included, wire-
less internet, cable tv/dvd, washer/
dryer, bbq, ping-pong, bikes, boogie
boards, beach chairs, large decks, and
views. 1 small block to beach. (805)
www.BeachHouseOxnard.com www.
PalM dEsErt. 3 bedroom, 2 bath.
Fully furnished. All new. Direct TV
and WiFi all bedrooms. Private patio
with BBQ. Private 60 unit complex
with 2 pools, 2 jaccuzzis, 2 tennis
courts. Near College of the Desert.
One level. (310) 418-1577.
PalM dEsErt sinGlE-lEvEl.
2 master suites. Turnkey located in
Ironwood a gated community near
The Living Desert and just 2 miles
from the El Paseo. 6 swimming
pools/spas, mountain views, 4 patios,
courtyard, fruit trees, 2-car garage, 2
nights Mon. stay. 25% off for LAFD.
Bob (714) 504-1763.
ParK CitY COndO. Fully
furnished, 2 bedroom & loft; 2 bath,
well appointed kitchen, sleeps 8,
with 4 queen size beds. Just minutes
from Canyons, Deer Valley, and Park
City skiing. About 40-60 minutes
to Alta, Snowbird, Brighton, etc.
Common area amenities include:
large, year-round heated swimming
pool, jacuzzis, saunas, exercise room
and a huge recreation room with full
kitchen, pool table, and big screen
TV. Rates vary from $90.00 to
$225.00 per night depending on time
frame desired. Olympic dates avail-
able at higher rates. Call for quotes:
(8.00) 645-9762 or e-mail: knhack@
PGa WEst (la Quinta) tPC
stadiuM GOlF COursE
COndO. Luxurious 3+2 lake front
condo on the 11th green of the world
famous Stadium Course. Gated, com-
munity pool & spa, 4 TVs/cable/dvd,
washer/dryer, BBQ, garage, no smok-
ing or pets please. $150/night w/6
night min. + cleaning. Seasonal/ex-
tended stay discounts. Buzz - LAFD
(949) 322-7979
POiPu-Kauai 3 BEdrOOM
2 BatH OCEan and GOlF
HOME W/ sPa. Ocean and Moun-
tain views, a few walking or biking
minutes from the beaches of Poipu,
Robert Trent Jones Golf and the
fnest dining on Kauai. New to rental
market (June 05). Rates $1600-2100
weekly. 10% Discount to Firefghters,
contact Rick @ (908) 327-2167 or
ranCHO MiraGE 2-2, gated
complex, double garage, tennis,
pools, spa, bikes, cable tv/vcr, micro-
wave, bbq, washer/dryer, decorator
furnished. Close to golf, restaurants,
and shops. $90/night. Margo Idol
(805) 498-1513 or Ruth (805) 498-
rEd lOdGE, MOntana
sWiFtWatEr - This is a new
luxury town home located at Island at
Rock Creek in Red Lodge, Montana.
3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, sleeps
6-8 people with all the amenities you
could want. The Master bedroom
and second bedroom have a balcony
overlooking rock creek with a majestic
view of the Beartooth Mountains.
Beverly (800) 967-1986 or email
(2-3 night min.)
rEd lOdGE, MOntana
COWBOY COndO - 2 bedroom, 2
bath town home located at Red Lodge
Mountain golf course as seen on the
Amazing Race. Sleeps 6-8 with
full kitchen, fre place, TV & hot tub.
Close to Yellowstone, Skiing, Golf-
ing, fshing, hiking and all outdoor
adventures. Located in Beautiful Red
Lodge, Montana. (2-3 night min.)
Beverly at (800) 967-1986 or email
rOsaritO BEaCH Cottage.
Charming 2 br./2 ba beach cottage
(not a condo) located in the Quinta
Del Mar project approximately 25
miles south of San Diego. 24-hour
security, lg. patio w/ocean view, bbq,
freplace, cable TV, microwave, 3
pools, jacuzzi, tennis, horses, 2 rest.
(music and dancing), ride the waves,
off-track betting, golf nearby. 2-day
min, $95 day. Midweek/weekly rates
available. Photos and info @ Lock-
hart (619) 429-4060. choice1.com/
san ClEMEntE BEaCH
HOusE - Two bedroom fully
furnished private home. Sleeps 6
laundry, wireless internet, tv/dvd,
movie channels. Enough off street
parking for 4 SUVs, large enclosed
backyard, 3 minute walk to pier.
5 minute walk to downtown, pet
friendly. David Laub, LACOFD
(949) 306-5532 or dlaub@aol.com or
san ClEMEntE BEaCH. This
stylish 1 bedroom/1bath rental is
only 200 yards from the beach and
a 10-minute walk to the pier or
downtown. The unit is beautifully
decorated and has all the comforts of
home. Includes large plasma in living
room and smaller TV in bedroom.
See more info and photos @ VRBO.
com/344173. Rates: Oct - Apr $150/
night (2 night min.) weekly $850.
May - Sept $200/night (2 night
min.) weekly $1150. Non refundable
cleaning fee $100. Call Ron or Kathy
(949) 831-7693 or email klm318@
sKi tHE GrEatEst snOW
On EartH In Park City, Utah
and avoid the 5 hour grueling drive
to Mammoth. 2 bedroom/2 bath.
Tri-level townhome. Located a short
drive to three world-class ski resorts.
(Deer Valley, PC Mountain Resort,
The Canyons) $1100/week - $1600/
Holiday. Call Ron (310) 415-6788
sOutH laKE taHOE Romantic
Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2 bath
plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable TV,
washer/dryer, microwave, woodburn-
ing stove. 7 minutes to casinos and
Heavenly. Located in Tahoe Paradise.
Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at (661)
250-9907 or (661) 476-6288.
vaCatiOn rEntal - So Lake
Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with all ame-
nities. Close to Lake, Casinos
and Ski Slopes $650 wk or $130
nt $100 Cleaning. www.SLTget-
away.com. Call Cal or Linda @ 805
584-2718 or email LSchlotzhauer@
2006 MOtOrHOME FOr rEnt.
Very clean 31 Fleetwood Jamboree
Class C. 2 slide-outs, sleeps 6, 2
TVs/ DVD/VCR, tow hitch, awning.
Winter -$150/night, Summer -$200/
night. 3 night minimum. No pets. No
extra fees. Dale (951) 768-3809.
aMEriCa travElEr rv
rEntals - We rent motor homes
and travel trailers. Special discount
for Fire and Police. Check out our
sales department. (661) 273-7479.
MOtOr HOMEs FOr rEnt:
Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor
Homes, with Double Slide Outs,
Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping
Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices
Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per
night. Serving family & friends of
Fire, LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs
ask for our 25% off weekly rental
rates. Visit us at www.so-calrv.com or
call 661-714-7689 or 661-297-2398.
CABINS, 3 bedroom 2 bath with pool
tables & spas. PLEASE CALL FOR
WitH us!
email your
ad to
or fax
your ad to
815 Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041 800-231-1626 www.lafirecu.org
At Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union, we are committed
to helping firefighters improve their financial lives.
Reach financial success with
BalanceTrack. As a member of
the Credit Union, you can receive
free financial guidance with the
BalanceTrack program.
Use the program to:
Develop a plan to get out of
debt and improve your credit
Learn how to save money and
reach your financial goals.
Teach your teens to make
money-smart decisions
and become financially
Prepare for large expenses
such as a college education.
The BalanceTrack program is free
and confidential. Get started
today, call (888) 456-2227, or visit
Funds on deposit are insured up to $500,000 per
account. This institution is not federally insured,
and if the institution fails, the Federal Government
does not guarantee that depositors will get back their money.
Accounts with this institution are not insured by any state government.

BalanceTrack Ad 2:Layout 1 11/2/10 9:14 AM Page 1
815 Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041 800-231-1626 www.lafirecu.org
At Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union, we are committed
to helping firefighters improve their financial lives.
Reach financial success with
BalanceTrack. As a member of
the Credit Union, you can receive
free financial guidance with the
BalanceTrack program.
Use the program to:
Develop a plan to get out of
debt and improve your credit
Learn how to save money and
reach your financial goals.
Teach your teens to make
money-smart decisions
and become financially
Prepare for large expenses
such as a college education.
The BalanceTrack program is free
and confidential. Get started
today, call (888) 456-2227, or visit
Funds on deposit are insured up to $500,000 per
account. This institution is not federally insured,
and if the institution fails, the Federal Government
does not guarantee that depositors will get back their money.
Accounts with this institution are not insured by any state government.

BalanceTrack Ad 2:Layout 1 11/2/10 9:14 AM Page 1

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