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Hung Orgyen yul gyi nub jang tsam In the northwest land of Uddiyana, Pema gesar dong po la
on a blooming lotus flower,

Ya tsen chok gi ng drub nye Pema jung ne zhe su drak

You have attained supreme wondrous siddhi.

You are renowned as Lotus Born,

Khor du khan dro mang ph kor Kye kyi je su dak drub kyi

Surrounded by your retinue of many dakinis.

We practice following your example,

Jin gyi lab chir shek su sl Guru pema siddhi hung OM AH HUNG BEDZRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG Du sum sang gye Guru Rinpoche
Buddha of the three times, Guru Rinpoche,

Please approach and grant your blessing.

Ngo drub kun dak dewa chen po zhab

Master of the siddhis, abiding in great bliss,

Bar che kun sel dun dul drak po tsol Sol wa deb so jin gyi lab tu sol
We pray for your blessing!

Manifest your power to vanquish evil and dispel all obstacles.

Chi nang sang wai bar che zhi wa dang Sam pa lhun gyi drub par jin gyi lob
And our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.

Grant the blessings that outer and inner obstacles be pacified

Ge wa di yi nyur du dak orgyen pema drub gyur ne

By this virtue, may I quickly accomplish the state of Orgyen Pema

Dro wa chik kyang ma lu pa de yi sa la go par shok

And establish all beings without exception on that level.

May all beings benefit! www.lotusspeech.ca

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