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(prepared to meet the English tasks) Lecturer: Isti Purwaningtyas

Compiled by: Chafida Rofiatul Chasnaq 115100301111016 TIP / F


There are different styles of reading for different situations. The technique we choose will depend on the purpose for reading. For example, we might be reading for enjoyment, information, or to complete a task. If we are exploring or reviewing, we might skim a document. If we're searching for information, we might scan for a particular word. To get detailed information, we might use a technique such as SQ4R. We need to adjust our reading speed and technique depending on our purpose. Many people consider skimming and scanning search techniques rather than reading strategies. However when reading large volumes of information, they may be more practical than reading. For example, we might be searching for specific information, looking for clues, or reviewing information. Web pages, novels, textbooks, manuals, magazines, newspapers, and mail are just a few of the things that people read every day. Effective and efficient readers learn to use many styles of reading for different purposes. Skimming, scanning, and critical reading are different styles of reading and information processing. We will probably be aware that we are already skilled in using different reading strategies for different purposes in our daily life. We may feel less confident about doing this in our academic studies: maybe we read everything too thoroughly. Or perhaps we have become too confident and have discovered from the feedback from our tutor or supervisor that we do not read key texts thoroughly enough. It is important to match our reading strategy to the reading purpose. Skimming and scanning are two techniques that can help readers quickly gain information from a book, magazine, newspaper or website without having to read every word. When used well, both skimming and scanning can save readers time and allow them to study more efficiently. Reading in English is like reading in our native language. This means that it is not always necessary to read and understand each and every word in English. Remember that reading skills in our native language and English are basically the same.

scanning reading

Scanning is the first thing that we do when we select a resource. It answers the question: Is this the right resource to help me find the answers to my questions? Will it give me the answers I want? Recall how we find a word in a vocabulary? We don't read any more than necessary to find the word we seek. Notice that we go directly down a column. Maybe we use our finger to guide our eyes. This type of reading is usually called scanning. Scanning is a technique we often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. We search for key words or ideas. In most cases, we know what we're looking for, so we're concentrating on finding a particular answer. Scanning involves moving our eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. Scanning is also used when we first find a resource to determine whether it will answer our questions. Once we've scanned the document, we might go back and skim it. When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or

next. Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin. Reading off a computer screen has become a growing concern. Research shows that people have more difficulty reading off a computer screen than off paper. Although they can read and comprehend at the same rate as paper, skimming on the computer is much slower than on paper. Think about:

Is it relevant? Is there any thing in it that answers the target questions?

Look at:

Title page. The contents page. Are there chapters or sections that we may want to read?

Are there maps, diagrams, pictures, captions? Do they look as if they would be helpful? Scanning involves running our eyes down the page looking for specific facts or key words and phrases. Similarly, scanning skills are valuable for several purposes in studying science. First, they are an aid in locating new terms, which are introduced in the chapter. Unless we understand the new terms, it is impossible to follow the author's reasoning without dictionary or glossary. Thus a preliminary scanning of the chapters will alert us to the new terms and concepts and their sequence. When we locate a new term, try to find its definition. If we are not able to figure out the meaning, then look it up in the glossary or dictionary. (Note: usually new terms are defined as they are introduced in science texts. If our text does not have a glossary, it is a good idea to keep a glossary of our own in the front page of the book. Record the terms and their definition or the page number where the

definition is located. This is an excellent aid to refer to when we are reviewing for an examination, as it provides a convenient outline of the course). Secondly, scanning is useful in locating statements, definitions, formulas, etc. which we must remember completely and precisely. Scan to find the exact and complete statement of a chemical law., the formula of a particular compound in chemistry, or the stages of cell division. Also, scan the charts and figures, for they usually summarize in graphic form the major ideas and facts of the chapter. Just start Scan how the page is laid out, and use bold headers and captions to get an overview of the ideas and themes.

Use peripheral vision; don't focus only on the logical flow of the text. Observe what we're reading with a wide-angle scope, as if we were looking at an image rather than a block of text. Use the same wide-eye span as we do when driving, looking at all that surrounds us and heading our way.

Using the wide-span approach, there are several methods in which we can "read" a page. - Read paragraphs diagonally, and place emphasis on the key words. - Read the page in a "Z" - Read in a "U", moving down the page, and back up.

Skim the text by reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Try to speed up our eye movements to take in more per reading, rather than stay fixated and focused on a word.

Use the help of our index finger, by moving it at a slightly faster pace than our reading speed. When reading on the Internet, scroll down quicker than we actually read. Readers scan a piece of writing when they quickly search it for specific information.

For example, a reader might scan a biography of Abraham Lincoln, looking out only for significant dates. The reader would skip over descriptions of Lincoln's upbringing, his struggles and his achievements, stopping only to note the years. Scanners will make use of a book's index and contents page. When running their eye over the text, they will look out for keywords relevant to their search. Scanning allows the reader to efficiently gather information, which may be scattered throughout a long piece of writing. It encourages the reader to research in a purposeful way and avoid distractions. According to Anne Arundel Community College's Reading and Study Skills Lab, scanning can be done at approximately 1,500 words a minute, or even more. Scanning can be monotonous and the technique is not suited for long periods of study, as it is easy to lose concentration. Although scanning is a good way to quickly gather facts, it is not always thorough and a key fact may be overlooked. The context in which a fact appears may affect its meaning. Without reading the surrounding text, it is easy to misinterpret a fact's true significance. Scanning: for a specific focus The technique we use when we're looking up a name in the phone book: we move our eye quickly over the page to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to the task we're doing. It's useful to scan parts of texts to see if they're going to be useful to us:

the introduction or preface of a book the first or last paragraphs of chapters the concluding chapter of a book.

sKIMMing reading

Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When we read the newspaper, we're probably not reading it word-by-word, instead we're scanning the text. Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time. Use skimming when we want to see if an article may be of interest in our research. There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen. We might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations. Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph. This technique is useful when we're seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension. Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places. It might be used to review graphs, tables, and charts. Skimming is the most rudimentary type of reading. Its object is to familiarize us as quickly as possible with the material to be read. We may use it for entire books or for shorter sections. We leaf through the material looking at titles, subheadings, illustrations,

maps, and charts. We are trying to become familiar with the subject matter. Remember, both speed and comprehension depend on familiarity. The more comfortable we are with the manner in which the material is presented, the faster we will move through it and the more we will retain. Two to three minutes is ample time for a chapter, ten to fifteen minutes for a book. Skimming may also be used to search out certain short passages we have lost. Our eye should race over the pages looking for clues which will help us narrow down the probable location. Though we feel completely lost, the act of skimming will refresh our memory and lead us to the passage. Trust our memory. If it says upper left-hand corner, look there first. With practice we can develop a memory which will allow us to recall the exact location on a page of a piece of information. After that, patient speed will do the rest. Skimming before we start is valuable for any type of reading, even pleasure reading, except perhaps for mysteries. Readers skim a text when they look it over quickly to get a general idea of the subject-matter. The reader is not interested in all the detail, getting the gist is enough. Skimmers run their eye down the page or screen looking for pointers that sum up the contents. Subheadings or bullet points attract their attention, as do the introductory phrases of paragraphs and the concluding ones. In longer texts, skimmers check the contents lists, the opening and closing paragraphs of chapters, and any introductions, conclusions or summaries. Skimming is useful when we have to decide if a long piece of writing is worth close study. If a student with an hour to do some research is presented with 10 textbooks and, there won't be time to read them all. It makes sense to swiftly appraise them and choose the most relevant one. Skimming can also be an effective way of quickly reviewing

something that has been read previously, so that the reader can recall the most significant parts. The Reading and Study Skills Lab at Anne Arundel Community College, Maryland, estimates skimming can be done at approximately 1,000 words a minute. Skimming a book, article or webpage only gives the reader a general idea of its contents. Nuances, vital details and caveats are easily missed. This can produce a confused or misleading impression. Skimming works well when dealing with clear subjects that lend themselves to a general overview, such as a chronological description of an event. Skimming is far less effective in making sense of complex discussions or detailed arguments. Skimming: for getting the gist of something The technique we use when we're going through a newspaper or magazine: we read quickly to get the main points, and skip over the detail. It's useful to skim:

to preview a passage before we read it in detail to refresh our understand of a passage after we've read it in detail.

Use skimming when we're trying to decide if a book in the library or bookshop is right for us.

Scanning vs SKIMMING It is impossible to say which technique is better, as it depends on the reader's purpose. According to the Advanced Institute of Management Research at Cranfield University, in the United Kingdom, skimming and scanning have their place, but only if we "match our reading strategy to the reading purpose." If we need a general idea of a book's subject-matter, choose skimming. If we need to gather specific information from a newspaper article, choose scanning.

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