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Tutor: Brittany Brown Tutee: Ashlee Grade Level: 4 Reading Level: 4 Lesson #: 2 Evaluation/Reflection from last lesson: The

first lesson went pretty well. We started out talking about the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I knew that Ashlee had read this book before which was apparent when she was telling me what she knew of the book. She said that she couldnt remember everything that happened but she was able to tell me that it rained soup and juice and when the weather got worse the food got bigger and bigger. Ashlee was able to read the book pretty fluently. She did stumble on the word chewandswallow which is referring to the name of the town so I wasnt very concerned. Next, we transitioned into the guided reading section of the lesson by me presenting the book Stellaluna to Ashlee. I explained to Ashlee that we would be looking at some text features such as the title and big bold words and pictures to make predictions about what we think will happen in the book. I asked Ashlee if she makes predictions when she reads and she said she does sometimes. I asked her if she knew WHY making predictions would help her to remember more about the story to which she replied because it makes you think harder because you are always wondering if what you guessed would happen actually happens. I was pleasantly surprised with her response. With that, we continued on to our before reading strategy where Ashlee made her predictions about what she thought would happen in the story. Ashlee did a good job of using the text features to come up with her predictions. She predicted by one of the pictures that Stellaluna was hurt and that is why she was hanging onto the branch with her wings. Ashlee did fairly well with the I wonder question strategy. I think next time I should be more specific about why I wonder questions are helpful during reading (as I did with the prediction strategy) because I noticed that some of her I wonder questions were very similar to her I predict ___ because ___ questions. For example, with her prediction listed above (I predict Stellaluna got hurt because in the picture she was hanging onto a tree branch and she looked scared) she wrote a very similar I wonder question (I wonder what happened to Stellaluna and why she looked scared). I feel that maybe using these strategies together were good and bad. Good because she was able to kind of connect ideas between strategies but bad because she relied on her predictions to come up with her I wonder questions instead of referring more to the text to come up with her questions. Next we moved on to the post reading activity where Ashlee was really able to open up and share some interesting connections she had with the text. She told me that she was able to relate with Stellaluna because she sometimes feels different than everyone else in her family. Ashlee was able to go back and revisit her predictions and she did get one of her predictions right which was great! She was able to answer two of her I wonder questions using the text as her source. Ashlees writing needs a lot of work as does her spelling. Finally, we moved onto the picture sort. I think this sort was very easy for Ashlee but it was my intent to make it easy so that she could easily distinguish between short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds. By doing this sort first, I think it will help her when we start getting into the long vowel silent E words and words with long A silent E. Due to the amount of time it took to do the above components in the lesson, we were not able to get to the shared reading. I will save this for our next session.

N/A Goals:
To implement strategies for long vowels.

To develop inferential skills using a variety of strategies Provide opportunities for student to show growth in her literacy skills which will give her the self-confidence needed to have a lifelong love for reading!

Rationale: Based on the CRI, Ashlee struggled with answering inferential and problem resolution comprehension questions when asked to retell the story. By implementing a variety of strategies, I hope to achieve the goals listed and show Ashlee that reading can be fun!

Familiar Reading (5 min): Ashlee will read Theres a Boy in the Girls Bathroom as I help guide her if needed. After we stop at the pre-selected point, I will ask Ashlee to retell the part of the story we just read. *Because this is a long chapter book, we will continue working with this book during the familiar reading section for the duration of our sessions together.

Rationale & Selection: Ashlee told me that this is one of her favorite books; therefore, I thought it would be a good book to start our session with.

Theres a Boy in the Girls Bathroom By: Louis Sachar

Guided Reading (25 min): Goals: -To develop comprehension skills using a variety of strategies -To build literacy skills using strategies that support problem/solution inferential comprehension.
-To provide literature that presents opportunities to work on comprehension skills.


White Socks Only By: Evelyn Coleman

Before Reading Activity: Ashlee will be doing the word sort for literature strategy using the book White Socks Only. *Before reading, I will give Ashlee a word sort containing several different words and phrases from the book. There will be a mixture of 9 words/phrases in a plastic baggie. *Ashlee will review the words/phrases and lay them out in the order she predicts they will appear in the story. *When she lays them out I will ask her to explain to me why she put the words/phrases in the order that she did. *Leaving the words in that order, we will transition into the during reading activity.

Rationale/Purpose: When I asked Ashlee what she was learning about right now in her class she said that they were talking about slavery and the civil rights movement. This book supports the concept of what she is learning about in class and I feel it is also a great book to practice this strategy with. Although this strategy is used primarily for vocabulary, I changed it a little bit to fit the needs of my student, which is more inferential comprehension. This strategy was from my Literacy Instruction II course (Prof. Pam Norton).We practiced this strategy in my class and I found it to be highly engaging and really helpful for comprehension. I think this strategy will really help Ashlee with improving her problem/solution inference skills Rationale/Purpose: Readers move beyond literal thinking to grasp meaning that isnt explicitly stated in the text.

During Reading Activity: *Ashlee will be instructed to move the words/phrases from her word sort around in the order that she hears them appear throughout the story. *I will then read the story aloud to Ashlee as she follows along. *To promote problem/solution inference during reading, I will pause at preselected points to ask Ashlee these questions: - What is the problem so far in the story? - What do you think will happen next in the story and why? - What is a possible solution that you think would help fix the problem?

Tompkins, Gail E. Literacy in the Middle Grades New Jersey: Pearson, 2004. P. 183

Post-Reading Activity: *After the story is read, Ashlee and I will review her order of the word sort to make sure that she was following along and was able to correctly sort the words. I will have Ashlee practice the illustrating the story strategy *Ashlee will illustrate the beginning, middle and end of the story, making sure to include the problem and solution in her illustrations. I will then ask Ashlee to use those pictures to support her oral retelling of the story.

Rationale/Purpose This strategy is discussed on page 79 of Revisit, Reflect,Retell by Linda Hoyt. Students engaging in retells must review all they know about a text; select key points that reflect main ideas; consider key events, problem, solution, characters, and setting, then eave the information into a meaningful communication. Retelling has been found to significantly improve comprehension and sense of story structure while enhancing oral language proficiency.

Writing (10 min): See illustrating the story in the post-reading activity

Rationale/Purpose: See above.

Word Study (10 min)* Ashlee will be doing a teacher-directed two-step sort for long vowels, focusing specifically on words with long A. She will be doing the sort using the following set of words: made, name, take, bake, page, face, wave, tape and safe.

Rationale/Purpose: The QSI assessment that Ashlee was given demonstrates that she is in the middle within word stage. This sort comes from the Words Their Way book page 212 and will help Ashlee by specifically focusing on long a sounds and patterns.

Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, Johnston. Words Their Way, New Jersey: Pearson, 2008.
Shared Reading (10 min) I will be reading the book Lost aloud to Ashlee, demonstrating fluent reading and reading with expression. Ashlee will be sitting next to me, following along with as I read. Rationale & Selection I chose this book because Ashlee expressed to me that she really loves dogs and has two of them. I thought this would be a great selection because it is suspenseful and very engaging, especially for dog lovers. LOST by: Paul Brett Johnson


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