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Hearsay & its exceptions

Evidence Outline John Stoller

Page 1: - Hearsay generally - Things that just arent hearsay o Including verbal acts doctrine Page 2: - Assertive acts doctrine - Machine evidence - Admissions o Party opponent o Adoptive o Representative Page 3 - Admissions - Prior statements o Inconsistent CEC &FRE Page 4 - Prior statements o Consistent CEC &FRE - Prior identification Page 5 - Child witnesses & their prior statements - Past recollection recorded/refreshed - Declaration o Declaration against interest CEC Page 6 - DAI FRE - Dying declaration Page 7 - Confrontation and dying declaration o Sworn statements by victims of gang violence - Excited utterance o Testimonial problems Page 8 - Crawford and excited utterance - Contemporaneous statements (CEC) - Present sense impression (FRE) - State of mind Page 9 - State of mind, CEC v. FRE (differences) o Remembered facts not covered in SOM o Future plans in re SOM o Remembered state of mind getting in through 1251 - Hearsay of crime victims Page 10

Emerging exceptionsvictims statements o Testimonial problems/Crawford o Elder or child victim statements Declarations describing physical conditions o CEC 1250 then-existing conditions o FRE 803(4): medical diagnosis

Page 11 - Declarations describing physical conditions o CEC 1253: medical diagnosis of children - Declaration regarding wills and estates o Dead man statute o FRE 803(3) apparently applies - Declarations of Ws made unavailable by D forfeiture Page 12 - Business records generally o Foundation in CEC & FRU o Records w/o custodian Page 13 - Trustworthiness of business records - Opinions w/in Business Records - Absence of entries - Official records CEC and FRE generally Page 14 - Official records, CEC v. FRE - Official records FRE criminal cases - Convictions as official records, but not proof of underlying conduct - Computer/electronic business records - Business records as testimonial evidence - Other official records Page 15 - Former testimony for same or different parties CEC - The foundation for former testimony o testimony o Unavailable hearsay declarant o Same or similar interest of party PAGE 16 - Former testimony as hearsay (authentication and SER) - Depositions - Former testimony in the FRE - Confrontation and Crawford in FT

Page 17 - Children and minors o Other protections for children that look like former testimony - Learned Treatises o California and FRE o Commercial lists o Ancient documents Page 18 - Judgments o CC Felonies o Misdemeanors impeachment CEC o FRE o Civil judgments

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