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History Test Final

World War II The Good War This war ends the depression, most Americans agree that this is a good fight, we will come out as a global super power Allies v. The Axis Powers The Big Three o United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union Convenience (Soviet Union) and Ideology (we are a lot alike with Great Britain) The enemy of my Enemy is my Friend Military alliance, first since 1776 Two Front War for U.S. Germany First (Hitler needed to be everyones first priority) 1942 Problematic Year for Allies Europe is Difficult to Access o 1942 was the peak year for the German navy US focuses on technological development o Radar will be invented in the US o Longer range flight capabilities o US focuses on producing war material o 1942 was the prep time Second Front Controversy Battle of Stalingrad o Turns the Tide in Eastern Europe o Winter of 42 and 43 o Stalin will demand a second front for two years before it happens For 2 years, Stalin asks for second front o Millions of Russians dying o Stalin starts to distrust the Allies Churchill wants focus on Africa and Mediterranean o Colonies and Oil Lines from Middle East Attaching Germany Africa o Operation Torch Battles in Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia May 1943 Africa will be regained be the Allies Mediterranean o Sicily and Italy This started in July of 1943 Took a year to a year and a half D-Day AKA Second Front o 6-6-1944

o 200,000 American, Canadian, and British troops were dropped off the coast of Normandy o Over a few weeks over a million troops were dropped there o Largest amphibious dropping in world history o By August the allies had liberated parts of France o By September the allies had already hit German soil V-E Day (Victory in Europe) Forces converge on Germany o May 8, 1945 Final solution Holocaust o 6 million Jews, millions of poles, gypsies, Slavs, Czechs, etc. o Not just death camps, all about medical experimentation Missing April 9th The War at Home Women o 15 million men were sent off to war during WW2 350,000 women were also mobilized Were fined to clerical positions, not aloud to see combat o Opened up a lot of jobs for women, the federal government encouraged this o Rosie the Riveter Created by Norman Rockwell Was made to encourage to take more manly jobs o Told women this is their way to help win the war, patriotic duty o 1/3 of all ship building, air craft production was done by women, 1/3 of the workforce is women This was the highest percentage of women in the workforce up to this point o Temporary necessity They are only working to bring the men home from war Huge discrimination in pay o Women found problems finding daycare Government will help sponsor 2800 daycare centers, which is not enough Campaign Double V The civil rights started during all of this, WW2 o (Victory) over fascism and segregation called on by African Americans o Eye opening experiences 1 million African American men joined the military in WW2 Military is still segregated, and they are given the worst jobs in transportation, construction, cleaning the mess jobs In the navy blacks could only cooks or waiters Being trained by southern generals

The Europeans treated the African Americans with more respect Some said that the Nazi POW were treated than African Americans o Second Great Migration Close to 1 million African American move to the north to get jobs This causes race riots in northern cities Worst riot in Detroit in 1943 o Left 34 people dead, 10 wounded Then had a hate strike 20,000 white workers walked off the job at this plant o A. Phillip Randolph Head of the brotherhood of sleeping car porters (black union) Calls for a march on Washington 3 demands Equal access to defense employment o The good WW2 jobs An end to segregation National Anti Lynching Law o Executive Order 8802 How FDR responds to the demands This order demands discrimination in the defense industry This order also creates the FEPC (fair employment practices committee) This committee monitors compliance o NAACP & CORE The national association of advancement of colored persons increased in numbers 50,000 to over 500,000 The congress for racial equality Started in 1942 Staging sit ins during WW2 Japanese Internment o Executive order 9066 FDR All persons of Japanese decent living on the west coast had to turn themselves over to the military to be sent to interment camps And they would stay there until the war was over Men could get out if they joined the military o Korematsu v. United States Fred refused to turn himself in so he got arrested He fought this order and said it was unconstitutional In 1944, the supreme court upheld this executive order This has never been overturned

In 1988 congress will officially apologize for Japanese internment They tried to make up for money and property lost Offer 20,000 to each survivor Fred Korematsu got the presidential medal of freedom in the 90s Wartime Economy The unemployment is extremely low at its lowest 1.2% o War production board o Corporate board will be run by CEO o FDR is making sure that business will make money off of WW2 Donald nelson (Sears) and Charlie Wilson (General Electric) o They will get cost plus fixed fee contracts The government will pay the cost to convert to making new material, materials, and labor cost and guarantee you certain amount of profit o Government spending o The government will spend a lot increased 5 time in 1941 to 1944 o Spent twice as much money as it had up to that point in its history o But unemployment was at the lowest ever at 1.2% o Statistics Won the most produced hands down against the other nations o Science and technology Made synthetic rubber Rubber had been cut off cause the resource was in indo china Invented radar To detect planes and submarines The first computer was invented The Manhattan project o Industrial expansion During in WW2 lots of investment will be made in the south and the west Lots of military bases and POW camps will be put in the south Billions of dollars will be invested in ship yards on the west coast and many other industries 10% of money will be invested in California o Los Angeles will become the second largest manufacturing center by the end of WW2 o Over 2 million Americans migrate to Cali for these jobs o Paying for the War o Taxes and Bonds

For the first time in American history millions of Americans will pay income taxes These taxes covered about 50% of the cost of WW2 The government will start selling war bonds 135 billion in bonds during WW2 They had to pay back the American citizens for these though with interest o Inflation and Rationing o Actively try to control this through the office of price administration (OPA) They set maximum prices for goods to try and control inflation o Certain supplies were rationed out to the population, because they soldiers needed or they were difficult to get a hold of The population ended up saving during the war o Families received coupons from the government Could only use so much gasoline per month, sugar, butter, coffee, beef (to feed the troops) Shortage of vegetables, so Americans had victory gardens o Harry S. Truman o Reconversion Issues Women and minorities get laid off and unemployment rises OPA is taken away and inflation starts to take its toll Lots of strikes throughout 45 and 46, 4.5 million workers went on strike Mostly in railroads and miners Truman took over the mines and got the military ran them Wage cuts due to the government not helping out anymore, and no more having lots of hours Divorce rates doubled Fighting in a war changed a lot of these men Suddenly 9 million men are returning Congress passed the Servicemens readjustment act or G.I. Bill Gave unemployment insurance for soldiers Federal housing assistance Higher education o Over 1 million veterans are enrolled in college, half of the college population o Fair Deal Federal aid for education Federal health insurance Federal housing initiatives Expand social security to everyone

o Civil rights Truman will not get any of these things, and will lose southern democrat support because Truman was for civil rights Have the national civil rights commission created This will call for an end to segregation and an equal right to housing and employment Wants this to be permanent National anti lynching law and do away with poll taxes all in his plan NONE of this will pass He will desegregate the military in 1948 through an executive order o 1948 Presidential Election Dixiecrats or states rights democratic party Will nominate their own J. Strom Thurmond o He called for complete segregation in the U.S. o Compared Truman to Hitler Progressive also a branch of democrats Nominate Henry Wallace o A lot like Truman liked the fair deal o He believed that the cold war was dangerous, expensive Republicans Thomas Dewey Dont put a lot of effort due to thinking that they have it in the bag Democrats Henry S. Truman Not even Truman expected to win, he won by about 2 million votes George Kennan- the father of containment 3 events that changed U.S. mind 1949 soviets made atomic weapons China fell to communism Korean war The Cold War 1952-1974 NSC 68 (national security council derivative 68) o US must fight communism everywhere Assumes that US is losing the Cold War WWIII Monolithic Communist Threat They believe that all communism everywhere is the same and it all comes from the soviet union o Not true but this is what Americans believed

Domino Theory If one nation falls to communism in a region then all other nations will fall to communism as well Massive military build-up The government is starting to pump millions of dollars into the military Dwight David Eisenhower o Leader of the D Day forces, fairly popular o 1952 ran under republican o Saw NSC 68 as dangerous Doesnt like high spending or the mind set of NCS 68 o NEW LOOK Build up Nuclear Weapons Massive Retaliation- any little thing that the other side does we will threaten them o Increases the amount of M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction) Rollback Communism (push it out of certain areas) Had two chances but didnt help either time 1953 E. Germany 1956 Hungary Increase Military Alliances SEATO 1954 (south east Asia treaty organization) CIA Covert operations o They are cheaper and could use plausible deniability, bypass congress Psychological Warfare Broadcasting the propaganda to tell them how bad communism is and how much better democracy is Implementing New Look o Massive Retaliation 1954, 1958- China tries to take Taiwan the US pretends like china doesnt exist and Taiwan takes their place which china doesnt like, when threatened with massive retaliation they back off o CIA Covert Operations (cheap, plausible deniability) 1954 Guatemala (Operation PB Success) put up an economic embargo in the US, cut off its shipping, arms embargo, wage psychological warfare, work with the wealthy and the catholic church to try to get the people to hate the prez, CIA is training a gorilla warfare, revolt breaks out and the prez is replaced with someone the Americans find acceptable 1953 Iran

Threaten to nationalize the oil companies so Iran could make the money, not the British, he wasnt a communist but the communist party supported him. Shah became ruler in Iran, most people didnt not like this guy that was in power Ike and the Cold War, cont o 1957- sputnik (traveling companion) Made Americans think that the soviets were ahead in science and technology Produces myth of the missile gap They have more missiles than the US did Starts space race o Emergence of the Third World (at this time all the nations that had not picked democracy or communism) Ike steps up aid to French in Vietnam Suez Crisis (1956) The new Egyptian prez Nasser wants to nationalize the British owned Suez control. The British, French, and Israelis attack Nasserism Pan-Arab movement Eisenhower Doctrine US will provide aid to nations in the Middle East threatened with communism or internationalism (i.e. Nasserism) John F. Kennedy o Ran for president in 1960 o Flexible Response (containment policy) Green Berets Counterinsurgency Specially trained soldiers in gorilla warfare and counterinsurgency o They are sent abroad to train other groups Peace Corps WHAM! (Win the hearts and minds) Help other countries to show them the greatness and benefits of liberal capitalist system Alliance for Progress Aid to Latin America Military Build Up Cold War Challenges o Cuba 1959, Fidel Castro, communism Eisenhower had the CIA start a similar plan that was used in Guatemala, Kennedy inherited this plan

April 1961-bay of pigs This will be a total failure Operation mongoose Multiple ways over the next few years in trying to get rid of Castro Nixon and Vietnam o Peace with honor , wanted to get out of the war but in a honorable fashion Vietnamization Give them money and weapons Nixon doctrine Will provide aid but no troops Greatly reduces troops during his first term During this time drug use increases for the troops, race riots, and fragging (killing your own men, mainly commanding officer) o Laos and Cambodia Under Nixon there is bombing in these countries and other indo china countries o Christmas Bombings (1972) For a 12 day period there was extreme bombing more than in 1969-1971 all together, but still pulling out American troops o Madman Theory Threatens to nuke and wanted the north Vietnam to think he was crazy o Rediscovering Big China Nixon wanted to reopen relations with china Uses great power diplomacy, using a bigger country to pressure another country This will work, also look to soviet union and reopen/clear cold war tensions to pressure Vietnam o 1973-US out, 1974-north Vietnam takes the South by march 1975, Vietnam will be united but under communist control Assessing Vietnam o Colonial conflict distorted by cold war o Expensive: 150 billion, budget/trade deficits Starts American economic decline. By end of Reagan, US=worlds largest debtor nation Nixon has to take the dollar off of the gold standard o 58,000 Americans dead, millions of Vietnamese, Lao, Cambodians o US discovers chinaagain Used wedge theory, or using what the Chinese communists and the soviet communists dont like each other to help us o War powers Act 1973

This says if a president sends troops abroad, he must recall them in 60 days if congress doesnt declare war, direct reflection of Vietnam (war was not called) o Limits to American military Just because we are a global super power, does not mean we can beat anyone at any time Leads to a defeated attitude American Society 1952-1974 Civil rights movement o Three phases of the movement Legislative lobbying 1954-Brown v. Board of Education o Will rule separate but equal not only violates the 14th amendment but is not equal o Will order that all schools be desegregated Southern Manifesto o Southern congress men signed, 82 of 106 signed, denounces the brown v. board of education o Take 25 years for school to be integrated Trying to change the laws Non-violent protest Montgomery bus boycott (1955) o Rosa parks o 75% of bus riders were African Americans o After 381 days of boycott and legislative work, congress will say segregation in transportation is unconstitutional Martin Luther king, Jr. o Minister, preacher, charismatic, uses religion to appeal to Americans Sit ins, freedom rides, boycotts, non-violent coercion o Wade ins Segregated pools or beaches, like sit ins o Freedom rides were black and white students riding down into the south Usually got assaulted They beat the students horribly o Non violet coercion Was showing the American public in order to coerce the American public to think about this more Birmingham, AL (1963) Dr. King and others started marching and protesting, then they sent young people out to do the

same non violence protesting, and the police chief retaliated with violence, aired on television o August 1963, over a quarter of a million Americans will march on Washington Civil rights act (1964), Voting Rights Act (1965), 24th amendment Voting rights act allowed federal officials to register voters in the south 24th amendment outlaws the poll tax Violence and decline (3 rd phase?) o Economic Equality Through the law social and political equality was changed but this was not in the beginning o Urban Rioting Began in Harlem, 1964 Long, Hot Summers (1964-1968) Watts Uprising (1965) One of the largest one, 50000 people, took 15000 police and national guard men to take this down, 900 injured, 35 deaths, 30 million dollars in property damage o Black Power Movement A group that believed there was no way there would ever be equality and they could live in peace, and they believed in segregation, advocated socialism and violence This scared white America Fun Fact: the cia and fbi had watch over the leaders of civil rights movement because they thought this might be the works of the communism The Affluent Society o Golden Age of Capitalism Europe/Japan, cold war, WWII savings, etc By 1960, 60% of white Americans were in the middle class o New American Dream Owning a home of your own preferably in suburban areas Being able to purchase all the modern appliances Having at least one car Being able to do this with the man being the sole bread winner and having the woman stay home and having more children (baby boomers) o Suburbia-why suburbia grew Auto culture Now you can live farther away from work, now lots of road construction White flight

More minority going into the cities, so white get out of the cities to get away from poverty, crime, and the minorities GI bill, FHA, low interest mortgages Lots of veterans start this movement of buying homes Banks lowering interest rates to help this movement o William Levitt Forefront of constructing suburbia Applies assembly line process to home construction Levitt towns spread throughout the united states This is for whites only Mainstream America (middle class WASPS) in the 1950s o Pictures Feminism o Woman were told that all they had to be happy was have a family and make babies o Reaction against domesticity/suburbia Betty friedan-the feminine mystique (1963) Problem that had no name She believed that a woman needed goals or a career, they needed something to fulfill their lives in some way o Why Feminism? More woman in the workplace They have to work to help maintain the new standard of living More woman in the higher education 35% were woman in 1960, 41% in 1970 Availability of birth control Female experiences in civil rights and student movements Made women realize that they have been treated wrongly too o More Feminism Title VII of civil rights act of 1964 Bans discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, and gender National Organization for Women (NOW)-1966 Lobby against the law that are discriminatory against women Women in their 30s usually joined this group Womens Liberation Branch (radicals) They take their name from cold war conflicts Generally younger woman See this as a war against the men Bra burners is what media called them Backlash against Feminism

Equal rights amendment o Equality under the law could not be based unbridged (?) on gender Phyllis schlafly o Said the free enterprise system Is what is liberating women Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society o Kennedys vice president, became prez when he was assassinated o From Texas, 1932 became a congressional aid, new deal administrator, senator, had quite the temper, most legislation passed by a president (70%), Johnson treatment (in your face) Had a primary democrat congress, and was a senator for a long time o War on poverty Inspired by Michael Harringtons the other America o Civil rights act and voting act This is under Kennedy but its Johnson that pushes it o Elementary and secondary education act (1965) This is where the national began to fund public schools For libraries, books, new technology etc. o Higher Education Act (1965) System of pel (sp) grants and federal loans o Medical care Act (1965) Controversial, this was Medicare (for elderly) and medicade (for the poor) o National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities Primary funder of PBS o Water Quality act (1965), Air quality Act (1967) Testing water supply to make it more safe, set standards for industrial and auto emissions o Model cities act (1966) Federal aid for cities to clean up slums and to develop infrastructure o Community action program and VISTA Wanted the people in the actual community could have a say in what was being done, Vista a peace corps but in the united states o This was the first time that federal money was used for public schools, and to help the poor, like the welfare state in Europe Controversial due to a lot of federal spending while Vietnam in going on (we could only afford one of these things) Watergate Richard Nixon o 1968 Victory=Biggest political comeback in US history

o Nixon was in the senate, VP for Eisenhower, had a lot of losts before presidency o Ran on a law and order campaign 1968 is known as the year of the nervous breakdown Height of urban rioting MLK is assassinated Kennedy is assassinated Democratic national convention tons of crazy things going on o Nixon Paranoid, thinks everyone was out to get him, talks about himself in third person Against forced school integration, opposes voting rights act Tries to win over the southern democrats by using racism Against LBJs Great Society Best record in foreign affairs Opens relations with china, SALT treaties with soviets (strategic arm limitation treaties), ends Vietnam Anti Feminism, Anti hippie, anti yippie (politically active hippies), hates anti war protestors Operation Chaos o Has CIA and FBI go into these groups with the goal to break the groups apart from the inside Cointelpro o Used CIA and FBI they tried to trigger feuds between groups and try to insight these groups to be more radical and extreme so mainstream America will lose sympathy Enemies list o Jane Fonda, Paul Newman, Barbra Streisand, presidents of Harvard and Yale, etc Do anything to make these people lives more difficult o Pentagon papers A leak outlining what the defense department has been doing in Vietnam for a long time, showed didnt know they were doing presidents lied So he did everything in his power to keep things from being leaked o Plumbers Established to Fix leaks Former CIA, FBI Watergate

o 1972 presidential election George Mcgovern (D) The democrat party is beginning to break from within George was far left, mainstream America did not want him, Nixon won all states except for one o CREEP (committee to re-elect the president) G. Gordon May, June 1972-plumbers/CREEP bug democratic national headquarters at Watergate hotel Get caughtand arrested Spying illegally o Obstructing Justice Nixon attempts to cover up Orders destruction of evidence, pay off for men caught, bailed men out of jail and paid to keep mouths shut Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and Deep throat (agent mark felt) Media now reporting Ervin Committee (congress investigation) Demand tapes from oval office o Nixon refuses says in the name of national security o Later sends blacked out transcripts Shocking, perverted and racist comments Finally forced to give tapes August 8, 1974- Nixon resigns to avoid being impeachment Effects of Watergate o Shook Americans faith in the government and in politics o Church committee releases details of CIA/FBI Laws restrict CIA activities Freedom of Information Act passed Made America distrust government, was shocking o Watergate=Triumph for the American system of checks and balamces

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