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Shortwood Practising Infant, Primary & Junior High Grade 7 Mathematics Test Topic: FRACTIONS Name: _____________________________ Class: _________________ Date: _____________________________

1. Match the words on the left with the correct descriptions on the left A. B. C. A Fraction The Numerator The Denominator 1. tells us how many equal parts the whole is divided into. 2. is less than one, and the numerator is smaller than the denominator. 3. is made up of a whole number and a fractional part. 4. represents a part of a whole 5. tells us how many parts we are interested in. 6. is greater than one, and the numerator is bigger than the denominator. (6 marks) 2. Label the parts of the fraction, choosing the words from the list below

D. A Proper fraction E. An Improper fraction F. A Mixed Number

Denominator, Vinculum, Numerator, Whole number, Smaller part, Bigger part (3 marks) 3. Give an example of where fractions are used in real life. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 4. Say what fraction of each shape is shaded (i) (ii) (iii)

_________ 5.


___________ (3 marks)

a) What fraction of the balloons is red? (Give your answer in a sentence.)

_____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

b) Miguel has 9 chocolate bars. He gives one to Leon and one to Kayon . He keeps the rest for himself. 1. What fraction of the chocolate bars did he give away? ________________ (2 marks)

2. What fraction of the chocolate bars did he keep for himself? _________________ (2 marks) 6. Classify the list of fractions given as proper fractions or improper fractions. Proper fraction Improper fraction

(4 marks)

7. Fill in the blanks to make the following fractions equivalent to the first one. a) b) c)

(4 marks)

8. Rewrite each of the following fractions in their simplest form.(Use the boxes to do your working)

9. a) Reduce to its lowest terms.

(6 marks)

(2 marks) b) Reduce to its lowest terms.

(2 marks)

c) Are the fractions


equivalent to each other? Give a reason why or why not.

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 10. Give an example of a mixed number. _________________________________________ (1 mark)

11. Express the following Improper fractions as mixed numbers.(Use the boxes to do your working)

(4 marks) 12. Express each of the following Mixed numbers as improper fractions. (Use the boxes to do your working)

a) Compare the fractions and draw diagrams and shade the fractions above)

(4 marks) and say which is bigger.(Use the rectangles below to

_____________ is bigger than _____________

(3 marks) b) Compare the fractions and fill in the blank with a <(less than) or >(greater than) symbol. 1. 2. 3. (6 marks) END OF TEST

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