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A Demonolatry Ritual

By Geifodd

This ritual is to be performed in a darkened room or outdoors at night, with one or more
black candles, some form of altar (it doesn't have to be anything fancy, a desktop or a
tree stump would be just fine) and something representative of the Demon or Demons
that you wish to invoke (which can be a pentagram, a Baphomet, a picture of the
Demon(s), a Demonic sigil, or a picture that you drew of a Demon yourself). You will
also need some kind of pointy object, which can be either an athame or a kitchen
utensil. Just use whatever you can find.

Before conjuring the Demons, it is of utmost importance that you do a banishing, so that
all and any thoughts, concerns or worries will be wiped from your mind and you can
concentrate enough in order to have a successful working. Some people like to do the
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and from what I understand there are even
more complicated ways of doing it. I prefer to use a rather simple tactic:

"I focus my mind and my Will upon the Demons [or, if you have a particular Demon
that you would like to invoke, say their name instead of "the Demons"]". Say this nine
times, slowly, and facing the altar with your eyes closed. Then, once you're finished,
say, "I hereby banish all vague and useless thoughts from my psyche, that my mind and
Will be straight as a sword and sharp as a razor's edge."

I don't think it particularly matters what direction your altar is facing -- whatever
direction seems right should be fine -- as I've tried it in all four directions (North, South,
etc.) with success. If you want particularly to invoke one of the Demons associated with
the cardinal directions (i.e., Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan or Belial), it might be helpful to
face the altar in their respective directions.

(On her website, Diane Vera makes several good points about why it is not a good idea
to use the normal directional associations established by Anton LaVey for demonic
rituals; however, I don't really see any problem in associating Satan with the South, as

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I've been doing it for so long and it seems to be working fine for me. I might experiment
with something else in the future, in which case I will update this ritual and make the
necessary changes, but I don't really see much reason to, seeing how I no longer
venerate Satan as my primary deity, but as just one member of my personal pantheon. I
normally associate Lucifer with the east, Belial with the north, Leviathan with the west,
and Satan with the south.)

Once you've completed your banishing, face the West and, pointing your athame in that
direction, say, "In the name of Leviathan, I cry unto the West: All praise unto the
Demons, the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Left Hand Path, of This World, and of
The Flesh!" Then trace a pentagram in the air, right in front of you, with the athame.

Then turn to the north and say, "In the name of Belial, I cry unto the North: All praise
unto the Demons, the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Left Hand Path, of This World,
and of The Flesh!" Then trace the pentagram in the air.

Turn to the east and say, "In the name of Lucifer, I cry unto the East: All praise unto the
Demons, the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Left Hand Path, of This World, and of
The Flesh!" Then trace the pentagram in the air.

Then face south and say, "In the name of Satan, I cry unto the South: All praise unto the
Demons, the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Left Hand Path, of This World, and of
The Flesh!" Then trace the pentagram in the air.

Now face the altar, and point your athame/dagger/fork/spoon/whatever at the flame of
the black candle(s). Say, "I stand before this altar in praise of the Demons, and I rejoice
in my flesh. I marvel at my being, I take pride in my nature; I live as a beast of the earth,
a child of Nature, a creature of the night, and a brother/sister to the Lords and Ladies of
the Left Hand Path. Hail to the Demons!"

"Hear me, oh great Lords and Ladies of the Underworld: Open wide the Gates of Hell,
and come forth from the Abyss! Come forth, manifest, and greet me as your
brother/sister and friend! I stand not in a circle, meek and scared; I stand instead before
this altar with nothing but love and respect in my heart for the Gods and Goddesses of
This World. Come forth, oh ye Demons, and help me, your brethren and friend, to make
my dreams into reality, my mind into matter, and my Will into Flesh."

At this point, it would be good to play some sort of music, preferably something dark
and moving (anything from classical music to your favorite Slayer song), and dance to
it. Dance as CRAZILY as possible; you need to summon up carnal, demonic energy
from inside yourself. When the song is over, or when you just can't take anymore, stop
the music and stand once again in front of the altar. Point your athame/spoon/whatever
to the black candle(s) and focus all the energy you've pulled up from inside yourself
onto the flame(s). Then, make whatever request it is that you have for the Demons. Say
it as respectfully as possible; do NOT try to "command" the Demons to do whatever
you want. Ask them for whatever it is that you want or need, but be very specific, and
speak graciously. Believe me, you probably wouldn't want to piss anybody off.

When you are done, say the following:

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"I give many thanks to all of you, the Gods and Goddesses of Hell, for answering my
call and for being there for me. Being mortal, I may not always completely understand
you or your ways; but nonetheless I am thankful, and I believe in your power and your
authority and your divinity. Thank you for all that you have done for me, even for the
things of which I am unaware; and may the force of our Wills combined be triumphant,
forever and ever!"

Then blow out the candle(s) and leave the altar, or if you have to stay in the same room,
direct your attention from it in some way. If you are performing this ritual with
somebody, now would be a good time to shake hands, grab a beer, sit down and just
shoot the breeze. Or, if you are alone, now would be a good time to play some music
and just "mellow out." Whatever you do, do NOT banish the Demons. Do not say
ANYTHING like "I hereby dismiss you from my presence" or whatever. If you are to
be a Demonolator, then you must never attempt to banish the Demons. I'm not saying
that you'd get into any trouble for it (though it's certainly possible), but it's just plain
disrespectful and you shouldn't do it.

Remember, I'm not the Pope, so if you have a problem with the way I've designed this
ritual, then please feel free to make whatever adjustments in your personal practice that
you deem necessary. Or, if reading this inspires you to develop your own style of ritual,
then that's even better. I'm of the opinion that everyone on the Left Hand Path needs to
design their own rituals.

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