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NCA 2011 Gifts

Acknowledging Sources Makes You a Better Speaker Arata Miyazaki (Wayne State University, USA) Noriaki Tajima (Kanda University of International Studies, Japan)

Abstract: With fears of making their speech less unique of original, students are often unsure of the need and reasons for providing citations in public speaking situations. It is our contention that our lass activity idea will help students understand that acknowledging others voices is such a critical communication practice, whether for public speaking or in their everyday life situations, to become an ethical responsible communicator.

Procedure: Time Required: 30-40 minutes Resources needed: A handout or a PowerPoint 1. Conduct a lecture on relevant chapters/discussions (ex. Communication ethic, oral, written citations, speech delivery) 2. Assign students their partner (can be done with groups) 3. Show and read aloud the first scenario on a PowerPoint (or use a handout) 4. Let students discuss the scenario with their partner and make their own decision if they think the situation discussed is acceptable or not. 30 seconds approx. for each scenario. Ask them to share their decision with class by a show of hands. 5. The post-activity class discussion will follow after the last scenario. Students are encouraged to focus on two aspects of each scenario: (1) the source of information and (2) the context the information is the later used. 10 Sample Scenarios: Scenario 1 (A Friends Experience) You had a conversation with a good friend, and he said he saw Eminem at a McDonalds in downtown. You got very excited and told other friends about it the next day as if you were the one who witnessed Eminem. Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario II (Facebook Updates) Your friend made a wall update with her philosophical idea about life, and you found it very thoughtful. While having lunch with your other friends a couple of days later, you introduced that phrase and impressed your friends, which made you feel very good. Seeing your friends positive reactions, you become hesitant to reveal the fact that the phrases was not your own. Is it acceptable, or not?

Scenario III (Facebook Pictures) You are randomly checking personal pictures posted on Facebook and come across two personal pictures you like: one is your friends and the other is someone elses you do not know at all. You decide to make a copy of the pictures without any permission, and then share the pictures with your other friends on your Facebook page. Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario IV ( A Medical Doctors Suggestion) You got a cold and went to see a doctor. Your doctor gave you tips to get better that you did not know, and that you thought most of your friends would not know, either. After you recovered, you found your friend got sick also and decided to tell him the information as if it was your own. Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario V ( Lyrics of Popular Songs 1) You and your friend were playing poker. She was winning almost all the time, so you said to her Are you cheating or something!? Then she replied, po-po-po-po-ker face, po-po-po-kerface.. cant read my, no you cant read my poker face!! Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario VI (Lyrics of Popular Song 2) You made a speech about free health care to the elderly and claimed that sharing the sense of security for senior citizens is important for the vitality of the entire society. You quoted the Beatles without saying so and concluded that it is necessary for society to say yes to the question, Will you still need me, will you still need me , when Im sixty-four? Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario VII (Proverb/Maxim/Clich) You found your friend was so depressed after failing to pass a very important exam. Trying to encourage her, you said Tomorrow is another day. Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario VIII (Wikipedia) You are a big fan of Apple computer and tried to persuade your friends how great their products are. At lunch, you told a story about a number of achievements they have made based on the information from Wikipedia without telling where you obtained the information. Is it acceptable or not?

Scenario IX (TV News) You watched a weather forecast on TV, and the newscaster provided a warning against a water contamination. Though It was somewhat lengthy, the newscasters statements was so impressive that you remembered exactly what she said and the way she said it and eventually remembered it verbatim. On your speech about global warming, you used the exact same statement as an attention getting device as if it was your own. Is it acceptable or not?

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