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Draft 2
Joey Ku 02/05/2012

(Text based narration)

Act 1:
Starting from the outside of the human body we are quickly taken in to the leg bone, where the cancer is about to happen in a close up shot. We stop at the destination, but zoom in and fade out to reveal tiny micro sized cells, floating around in harmonized tone. Everything in our bodies begins with cells. Our cells divide to create new ones. Our cells continue to divide until they are too old and tired to duplicate. When a cell is too old to duplicate it dies. We see an example of this as an old cell splits and form two new ones. Cancer cells are different A shot of a single cell does a shudder like move before turning into an cancerous cell and going to an out-of-sync tone, different than the normal cells. This little cell then multiplies itself. As that happens, the text begins to read: A cancer cell makes new copies of itself but doesnt know when to stop. Fades out.

Act 2:
Fades back in again to reveal the cell system (similar to the style of a monopoly like board) in long shot Before a cell can divide, it goes through a series of checks to see if it is healthy. If there is a problem with the cell, it is disposed of. A close up shot of a normal cell going through different check points and passes. Another cell goes up to the first checkpoint, it fails and lasers blow it up. A cancer cell cheats... A close up shot of the cancer cell going into the check point, as each of its barriers closes, the cancer cell swerves and misses from being stopped and continues forth. The screen zooms out and fades out, fades back in to show the cancer cells being among other cells grouped together, forming two different music tones.

A close up shot of the cancer reluctantly doing another shudder like movement, as it does its tentacles begins to extend and reaches out to other surrounding cells which in the end turns into the cancer ones. Pause. The cancer cell grows and changes. If the cancer changes a little, its called a Benign tumor. Benign tumors can be destroyed easily or removed with the help of doctors. A large version of a tweezer enters from the side and takes hold of the cancer. Both cancer and tweezers exit. Cancer fades back into its original place in preparation for the next shot.

Act 3:
If the cancer cell changes too much, it can damage the area around it. This is called a Malignant Tumor. Back to the shot where the cancer cell is doing the shudder-like movement, it shudders rapidly and camera begins to zoom out to show the spreading of the cancer. Some cancer cells move to other parts of the body where they grow into other tumors. This spreading of cancer cells is called Metastasis. If the malignant tumors are big enough, they can be shrunk by medical treatments, removed, or zapped by doctors. Close up shot of laser hitting the tumor, signal like waves surrounding the tumor makes it become small and tweezers enter and removes the tumor. Pause. The outcome of cancer treatment depends on many factors, such as type of cancer, its location and speed of diagnosis. With the help of medical research and development, cancer treatments are seeking to better manage symptoms and prolong life.

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