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Peace Corps Volunteer 2010 Annual Volunteer Survey


Office of Strategic Information, Research and Planning

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 1 of 62

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 3 A. Basic Information .............................................................................. 5 B. Preparing for the Peace Corps ......................................................... 6 C. Your Peace Corps Assignment ........................................................ 8 D. Training for Your Peace Corps Assignment ................................. 12 E. Volunteer Assignment Goals and Impact ...................................... 16 F. Peace Corps Support ...................................................................... 20 G. Your Safety and Security ................................................................ 25 H. Volunteers Working in HIV/AIDS .................................................... 47 I. Your Life in the Peace Corps.......................................................... 48 J. Overall Assessment of Your Peace Corps Service ....................... 55 K. Demographics and Factors Affecting Extensions........................ 56

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The Annual Volunteer Survey was conducted from June August 2010 and 81 percent of the Volunteers (5, 239) responded, the highest number in the 35-year history of the survey. Most Volunteers (89 percent) completed the online version of the survey, and another 11 percent completed a paper version of the survey. This report conveys the responses to the survey from Volunteers serving worldwide. The report contains the tables from the questions offering a finite set of possible responses. The results provide a picture of the activities, experiences and views of Peace Corps Volunteers in 2010, including areas where Volunteers confirm that their needs are being well met and where improvements may be needed. Other reports have been prepared for each post to share the Volunteers extensive narrative responses to eight open-ended questions on the survey. These country-specific reports, 2010 Annual Volunteer Survey Open Ended Responses, are being distributed separately to the Regional and Country Directors. ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT The country report contains eleven sections, corresponding to the major sections of the survey questionnaire. The tabular results are presented in the order in which the questions appeared in the 2010 AVS, which corresponds roughly to the phases of Volunteer service. Initial questions asked about preparing for Peace Corps. These were followed by questions about assignment activities and training. The final set of questions asked about extending service beyond two years. The tables show the percent of post respondents that selected each choice and the total number of post respondents that answered the question. Most survey questions asked respondents to select one answer from a set of choices. The percentages for the select one responses add up to 100 percent. Questions that allowed Volunteers to mark all that apply result in percentages that total to more than 100 percent. This is because each percentage equals the number of respondents selecting that choice divided by the number of respondents who answered the question. The 2010 AVS included most questions from earlier annual and biennial surveys. A dozen open-ended questions were excluded this year to reduce the reporting burden and internet connection costs to Volunteers.

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Key questions were added to gather more information about: Experiences with insensitive comments and behavior based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation Observations or comments about harassment/discrimination experiences (added to the online 2010 AVS after the survey began) Reasons that might influence whether or not to extend Volunteer service beyond two years

A crosswalk between the 2009 and 2010 questions is posted on the OSIRP intranet under 2010 AVS Reports Reference Documents. Earlier surveys and global, regional and post reports are also on the OSIRP Intranet. HOW TO USE THE INFORMATION Posts are encouraged to share the results with staff and Volunteers. These reports are an excellent way to initiate a dialogue with staff and Volunteers at post about what is working well and areas for improvement. In the past, posts have found it useful to share the results with their Volunteers, via the VAC, monthly newsletters, summary bulletins, and presentations at PST and IST. Future reports will compare these 2010 results with the 2008 and 2009 survey results to identify trends and changes over time.

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Basic Information

This section reports on the overall response rate and percentages of online and paper surveys completed, as well as the Volunteers descriptions of their project and site. Results are more representative of all Volunteers at post when the response rate is above 50 percent. The 2010 Annual Volunteer Survey global response rate for was 81%.

Completed Online and Paper Surveys Percent Online Paper Total 89% 11% 100% Number 4659 580 5239

A2: How many months have you been in country? Percent 6 months or less 7 to 12 months 13 to 20 months 21 to 27 months 28 months or more Total 18% 24% 28% 26% 5% 100% Number 923 1242 1479 1341 254 5239

A4: Please choose the best description of your assigned site. Percent Village/rural area (pop. under 2,000) Rural town (pop. 2,000 + 25,000) City (pop. over 25,000) - not the capital Capital of the country Outer island (regardless of size) Total 38% 38% 19% 3% 2% 100% Number 1999 1993 988 151 104 5235

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Preparing for the Peace Corps

This section reports Volunteers motivations in applying and accepting a Peace Corps assignment, as well as how prepared they are currently to meet the challenges of service.

B1: What prompted you to apply to the PC? Mark all that apply. % Selected This PCV Responses Personal interest in the Peace Corps Returned Peace Corps Volunteer whom you met or know personally Peace Corps campus or community information session Peace Corps website Peace Corps recruiter Other: Please specify Article or book about the Peace Corps Family member/s who served in the Peace Corps Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who spoke to your school or group about the Peace Corps Americorps service Radio, TV, or print advertisement Peace Corps material in the mail Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc. Total Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply." 197 136 123 31 4% 3% 2% 1% 5227 1229 1156 692 640 517 428 358 24% 22% 13% 12% 10% 8% 7% 3986 1480 Choice 76% 28% Total PCVs Responding

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B2: How important were the following factors in accepting a PC assignment? Somewhat Not Important Different culture Work experience Help others International experience Language Personal growth U. S. job market Serve my country Travel/adventure Other: Please specify below 4% 9% 1% 3% 13% 2% 53% 28% 3% 18% important 12% 31% 12% 13% 31% 15% 29% 39% 23% 10% Important 84% 60% 87% 84% 56% 83% 18% 32% 74% 72% Total 5206 5179 5214 5205 5174 5211 5083 5163 5203 345

B3: How prepared do you feel today to meet the challenges of PC service? Not at all B3 0% Minimally 3% Adequately 29% Considerably 53% Exceptionally 15% Total 5230

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Your Peace Corps Assignment

This section reports Volunteers work on their primary assignment and their secondary activities. The term primary assignment refers to the Volunteers assignment which is part of an overall project plan designed by the host country partners and in-country Peace Corps staff.
C1: Which best describes the focus of your primary assignment/work? Percent English teaching Youth development Health extension Community development Business education/advising HIV/AIDS Environmental education Other: Please specify Teacher training NGO development Agriculture/fish/livestock Math/science teaching Other education Water sanitation Information & communications technology (ICT) Agroforestry Forestry/parks Urban & regional planning/municipal development Total 21% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 100% Number 1111 542 462 397 338 312 275 261 250 219 210 192 149 144 127 125 44 41 5199

C2: Are you a Masters International student? Percent No Yes Total 96% 4% 100% Number 4998 185 5183

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C3: Which of the following activities does your primary assignment/work include? % Involved in PCV Responses Working with youth English teaching HIV/AIDS Girls education Working with NGO(s) Nutrition education Income generation Environment work Literacy Rural development World Wise Schools/ Correspondence Match Water and sanitation Working with special groups (e.g., disabled, elderly, ethnic minorities, orphans) Business advertising Information and communications technology (ICT) Sports/fitness Library development Natural resources management Arts Microenterprise development WID/GAD Household food security Community food security (production/marketing) Biodiversity conservation Mobilize host country nationals (HCNs) to volunteer Child survival Other: Please specify Urban development/municipal development Total Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply." 739 724 660 607 602 596 569 564 513 490 448 438 423 375 259 14% 14% 13% 12% 12% 11% 11% 11% 10% 9% 9% 8% 8% 7% 5% 5230 2793 2059 1512 1304 1180 1169 1131 1075 955 895 781 749 748 Activity 53% 39% 29% 25% 23% 22% 22% 21% 18% 17% 15% 14% 14% Total PCVs Responding

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C4: Hours Spent on Primary Assignment During Average Work Week None C4Hrs6grp 1% 1-10 hrs 13% 11-20 hrs 31% 21-30 hrs 30% 31-40 hrs 19% More than 40 hrs 6% Total 5125

C4: How many hours do you spend on your primary assignment during an average work week? All Volunteers C4 5239 Average 25.0 Lowest reported 0 Highest reported 80 Did not answer 114

C5: Which of the following do your secondary activities (other than your primary assignment work) include? % Involved in PCV Responses Working with youth English teaching Sports/fitness Girls education HIV/AIDS Arts Working with NGO(s) Environment work World Wise Schools/ Correspondence Match Library development Nutrition education Literacy WID/GAD Income generation Working with special groups (e.g., disabled, elderly, ethnic minorities, orphans) Information and communications technology (ICT) Rural development Mobilize host country nationals (HCNs) to volunteer Water and sanitation Other: Please specify Business advertising Microenterprise development 608 545 506 464 443 403 303 13% 11% 11% 10% 9% 8% 6% 2246 2192 1310 1226 1204 1110 947 914 881 845 825 778 738 680 654 Activity 47% 46% 27% 26% 25% 23% 20% 19% 18% 18% 17% 16% 15% 14% 14% Total PCVs Responding

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Community food security (production/marketing) Natural resources management Household food security Biodiversity conservation Child survival Urban development/municipal development Total

266 262 259 208 184 158

6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 4775

Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply."

C5: No Secondary Activities Percent NA No secondary activities Total 91% 9% 100% Number 4775 464 5239

C6: Hours Spent on Secondary Activities During Average Work Week None C6Hrs6grp 2% 1-10 hrs 64% 11-20 hrs 26% 21-30 hrs 6% 31-40 hrs 1% More than 40 hrs 1% Total 4892

C6. How many hours do you spend on secondary activities during an average work week? All Volunteers C6 5239 Average 11.1 Lowest reported 0 Highest reported 90 Did not answer 347

C7: How personally satisfying is your--? Not at all Primary assignment Secondary project activities 3% 3% Minimally 16% 7% Adequately 33% 29% Considerably 35% 41% Exceptionally 13% 20% Total 5208 4969

NOTE: See the Open-Ended Responses report for Volunteer comments (C8) about their satisfaction with the work they do

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Training for Your Peace Corps Assignment

This section reports Volunteers assessment of the effectiveness of Pre-Service Training (PST) and In-Service Training at post. In-Service Training (IST) includes: Reconnect, Technical IST, Mid-Service and Close of Service Conferences, project management/leadership conferences, and other post-sponsored training sessions.
D1: How many weeks of PST did you have before you were sworn in? Less than 8 weeks D1GRP 5% 8 weeks 17% 9 weeks 18% 10 weeks 30% 11 weeks 18% 12 weeks 10% More than 12 weeks 2% Total 4594

D2: How effective was your Pre-Service Training (PST) in preparing you to-Not effective Manage cultural differences Deal with adjustment issues Work with counterparts/community partners Use language needed in work and social interactions Perform technical aspects of your work Work on your project goals and objectives Conduct a participatory community needs assessment (e.g., PACA) Monitor your project goals and outcomes Maintain your physical health Maintain your mental/emotional health Maintain your personal safety and security 3% 1% 2% 1% 19% 6% 8% 2% 42% 29% 34% 20% 27% 38% 36% 39% 7% 26% 19% 37% 1% 1% 4% 2% 5% 3% 4% Poor 5% 7% 22% 9% 20% 15% 14% Adequate 32% 38% 45% 30% 37% 41% 36% Effective 42% 40% 22% 33% 26% 30% 30% Very effective 19% 14% 6% 24% 10% 10% 12%

D2: How effective was your Pre-Service Training (PST) in preparing you to-NA/No training Manage cultural differences Deal with adjustment issues Work with counterparts/community partners Use language needed in work and social interactions Perform technical aspects of your work Work on your project goals and objectives Conduct a participatory community needs assessment (e.g., PACA) 0% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 4% Total 5223 5217 5217 5211 5214 5207 5217

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Monitor your project goals and outcomes Maintain your physical health Maintain your mental/emotional health Maintain your personal safety and security

3% 1% 1% 1%

5203 5207 5215 5208

D2: How effective was your Pre-Service Training (PST) in preparing you to-- (excluding "NA/No training" responses) Not effective Manage cultural differences Deal with adjustment issues Work with counterparts/community partners Use language needed in work and social interactions Perform technical aspects of your work Work on your project goals and objectives Conduct a participatory community needs assessment (e.g., PACA) Monitor your project goals and outcomes Maintain your physical health Maintain your mental/emotional health Maintain your personal safety and security 3% 1% 2% 1% 19% 6% 8% 2% 43% 29% 34% 20% 27% 38% 37% 39% 7% 26% 19% 37% 5064 5149 5173 5158 5% 3% 4% 20% 15% 15% 37% 42% 37% 27% 30% 31% 10% 10% 13% 5135 5130 5033 1% 1% 4% 2% Poor 6% 7% 22% 9% Adequate 32% 38% 45% 31% Effective 42% 40% 22% 34% Very effective 19% 14% 6% 25% Total 5209 5189 5174 5154

D3: How many days of PC-sponsored training have you had since you were sworn in? None D3GRP 15% 1-5 days 16% 6-10 days 29% 11-15 days 19% 16-20 days 10% 21-39 days 8% 40+ days 3% Total 5121

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D4: How effective was your In-Service Training (IST) in preparing you to-Not effective Manage cultural differences Deal with adjustment issues Build and strengthen working relationships with counterparts/community partners Use language needed in work and social interactions Perform technical aspects of your work Work on your project goals and objectives Conduct a participatory community needs assessment (e.g.,PACA) Monitor project goals and outcomes Maintain your physical health Maintain your mental/emotional health Maintain your personal safety and security 2% 2% 2% 1% 8% 5% 6% 3% 33% 28% 28% 25% 26% 24% 25% 28% 9% 11% 11% 16% 3% 2% 2% 4% 10% 9% 7% 11% 29% 29% 29% 28% 21% 29% 31% 16% 9% 12% 13% 5% 2% 2% 2% Poor 6% 7% 10% Adequate 34% 33% 29% Effective 24% 25% 29% Very effective 6% 7% 11%

D4: How effective was your In-Service Training (IST) in preparing you to-NA/No training Manage cultural differences Deal with adjustment issues Build and strengthen working relationships with counterparts/community partners Use language needed in work and social interactions Perform technical aspects of your work Work on your project goals and objectives Conduct a participatory community needs assessment (e.g.,PACA) Monitor project goals and outcomes Maintain your physical health Maintain your mental/emotional health Maintain your personal safety and security 21% 30% 28% 26% 5101 5106 5109 5102 28% 19% 19% 36% 5116 5109 5109 5117 27% 26% 20% Total 5124 5114 5109

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D4: How effective was your In-Service Training (IST) in preparing you to-- (excluding "NA/No training" responses) Not effective Manage cultural differences Deal with adjustment issues Build and strengthen working relationships with counterparts/community partners Use language needed in work and social interactions Perform technical aspects of your work Work on your project goals and objectives Conduct a participatory community needs assessment (e.g.,PACA) Monitor project goals and outcomes Maintain your physical health Maintain your mental/emotional health Maintain your personal safety and security 3% 2% 2% 2% 10% 7% 9% 5% 41% 40% 39% 34% 34% 34% 35% 37% 12% 16% 15% 22% 4016 3570 3673 3790 3% 2% 6% 11% 8% 17% 36% 36% 43% 36% 38% 26% 14% 16% 8% 4130 4155 3274 5% 14% 40% 29% 12% 3698 3% 2% 3% Poor 8% 10% 12% Adequate 47% 44% 36% Effective 33% 35% 36% Very effective 9% 9% 14% Total 3738 3778 4111

D6: How well can you communicate in the language used by most local people in your community? Not at all D6 1% Poorly 16% Adequately 38% Well 27% Very well 18% Total 5224

Local language proficiency (D6) by Time in Country (A2) Not at all 6 months or less 7 to 12 months 13 to 20 months 21 to 27 months 28 months or more Total 2% 2% 1% 2% 1% 1% Poorly 22% 19% 15% 12% 9% 16% Adequately 49% 43% 37% 28% 19% 38% Well 18% 24% 31% 32% 29% 27% Very well 9% 12% 16% 26% 42% 18% Total 922 1236 1476 1337 253 5224

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Volunteer Assignment Goals and Impact

This section reports Volunteers self-assessments of their impact on the individuals and organizations in the communities in which they serve. The results address the extent to which Volunteers work and other community interaction have achieved the following three goals: Goal 1: To help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women by transferring skills to, and building capacity of, host country partners Goal 2: To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served Goal 3: To help Americans understand the people and cultures of other countries
E1: To what extent does your Volunteer work assignment address the following? Not at all Meets the objectives of the project plan Builds local capacity for sustainability (goal 1) Involves local people in planning and implementing activities Complements other local development activities Transfers skills to host country individuals and organizations (goal 1) Mobilizes host country individuals to volunteer Helps promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served (goal 2) Helps promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans (goal 3) E1: To what extent does your Volunteer work assignment address the following? NA Meets the objectives of the project plan Builds local capacity for sustainability (goal 1) Involves local people in planning and implementing activities Complements other local development activities Transfers skills to host country individuals and organizations (goal 1) Mobilizes host country individuals to volunteer Helps promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served (goal 2) Helps promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans (goal 3) 3% 5209 7% 2% 5196 5214 6% 3% 5209 5208 4% 3% 3% Total 5198 5209 5208 2% 8% 25% 36% 25% 12% 1% 29% 6% 28% 24% 18% 40% 6% 27% 5% 2% 17% 13% 32% 30% 30% 37% 11% 16% 1% 3% 2% Minimally 9% 17% 13% Adequately 32% 34% 29% Considerably 39% 32% 36% Exceptionally 15% 11% 17%

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E2: How effective have you been in transferring knowledge and skills to help the following persons or groups build their capacities? Not at all Your counterpart/community partner An organization other than your host institution Members of your host community Other Peace Corps Volunteers 4% 7% 2% 2% Minimally 15% 18% 14% 9% Adequately 29% 31% 37% 33% Considerably 33% 24% 35% 37% Exceptionally 14% 7% 9% 14%

E2: How effective have you been in transferring knowledge and skills to help the following persons or groups build their capacities? NA Your counterpart/community partner An organization other than your host institution Members of your host community Other Peace Corps Volunteers 4% 13% 3% 5% Total 5218 5213 5212 5204

E2: How effective have you been in transferring knowledge and skills to help the following persons or groups build their capacities? (excluding "NA" responses) Not at all Your counterpart/community partner An organization other than your host institution Members of your host community Other Peace Corps Volunteers 4% 8% 2% 2% Minimally 16% 21% 14% 10% Adequately 31% 35% 38% 34% Considerably 34% 27% 36% 39%

E2: How effective have you been in transferring knowledge and skills to help the following persons or groups build their capacities? (excluding "NA" responses) Exceptionally Your counterpart/community partner An organization other than your host institution Members of your host community Other Peace Corps Volunteers 14% 8% 10% 14% Total 4994 4516 5049 4932

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E3: Based on your contact with host country nationals, to what extent have they gained a better understanding of Americans? Not at all E3 0% Minimally 5% Adequately 23% Considerably 47% Exceptionally 17% Too early to tell 6% Total 5197

E3: Based on your contact with host country nationals, to what extent have they gained a better understanding of Americans? (excluding "Too early to tell" responses) Not at all E3 0% Minimally 6% Adequately 25% Considerably 50% Exceptionally 19% Total 4874

E4: In which of the following third goal activities have you participated during your PC service? Mark all that apply. Total PCVs PCV Responses Electronic updates Hosting American visitors Personal website or blog Enrollment in the CWWS/CMS program Hard copy/paper update Pen pal program/letter exchange While on home leave, spoke at a school or community group Podcasted/created a slide show or video posted online Other please specify Peace Corps Week activities Posted to PC Digital Library Total Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply." 315 233 197 113 6% 5% 4% 2% 5139 4679 3002 2762 2201 2192 828 668 % Doing This 91% 58% 54% 43% 43% 16% 13% Responding

E4: When asked about third goal activities, Volunteer answered "No involvement in third goal activities." No third goal NA No Goal 3 activities 99% activities 1% Total 5239

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E5: Based on your contact with Americans, to what extent have they gained a better understanding of host country nationals? Not at all E5 0% Minimally 6% Adequately 23% Considerably 45% Exceptionally 21% Too early to tell 5% Total 5229

E5: Based on your contact with Americans, to what extent have they gained a better understanding of host country nationals? (excluding "Too early to tell" responses) Not at all E5 0% Minimally 6% Adequately 24% Considerably 47% Exceptionally 22% Total 4961

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Peace Corps Support

This section reports Volunteers satisfaction with in-country Peace Corps staff support and how the Volunteers communicate with the post.
F1: How prepared for your arrival were the host people with whom you would be working? Not at all F1 7% Minimally 24% Adequately 36% Considerably 24% Exceptionally 9% Total 5229

F2: To what extent is your CD aware of Volunteer issues and concerns through interactions with PCVs? Not at all F2 4% Minimally 16% Adequately 34% Considerably 31% Exceptionally 15% Total 5214

F3: How satisfied are you with the health care you received from your PCMO(s)? Not at all F3 1% Minimally 6% Adequately 20% Considerably 30% Exceptionally 40% Not Used 3% Total 5227

F3: How satisfied are you with the health care you received from your PCMO(s)? (excluding "Not used" responses) Not at all F3 1% Minimally 6% Adequately 21% Considerably 31% Exceptionally 41% Total 5091

F4: How satisfied are you with the following support provided by in-country PC staff? Not at all Administrative/logistical Cross-cultural Emotional Feedback on my work reports Job assignment Language learning Medical Safety and security Site selection/preparation Technical skills 2% 2% 4% 7% 5% 2% 1% 1% 8% 4% Minimally 10% 8% 14% 19% 16% 10% 6% 4% 19% 17% Adequately 33% 36% 34% 31% 32% 30% 22% 21% 28% 40% Considerably 34% 35% 27% 20% 30% 33% 32% 34% 26% 26% Exceptionally 21% 17% 15% 11% 17% 23% 38% 39% 18% 11% NA 0% 2% 7% 11% 1% 2% 1% 1% 0% 2% Total 5215 5222 5220 5219 5216 5224 5223 5222 5224 5196

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F4: How satisfied are you with the following support provided by in-country PC staff? (excluding "NA" responses) Not at all Administrative/logistical Cross-cultural Emotional Feedback on my work reports Job assignment Language learning Medical Safety and security Site selection/preparation Technical skills 2% 2% 4% 8% 5% 2% 1% 1% 8% 4% Minimally 10% 8% 15% 22% 16% 10% 6% 4% 19% 17% Adequately 33% 36% 37% 34% 33% 30% 22% 21% 29% 41% Considerably 34% 36% 29% 23% 30% 34% 32% 34% 26% 27% Exceptionally 21% 18% 16% 13% 17% 24% 39% 39% 18% 11% Total 5189 5103 4849 4660 5140 5112 5162 5189 5204 5104

F5: What level of PC support have you received to help cope with stress from issues such as HIV/AIDS, food insecurity, etc. in your community? (Including PCVs w/no need for support) Adequate No support F5 3% Minimal support 13% support 25% Considerable support 15% Exceptional support 6% NA / I have no need for support 37% Total 5211

F5: What level of PC support have you received to help cope with stress from issues such as HIV/AIDS, food insecurity, etc. in your community? (excluding "NA/No need for support" responses) Considerable No support F5 5% Minimal support 21% Adequate support 39% support 24% Exceptional support 10% Total 3276

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F6a: How would you rate your interaction with the Country Director (CD) in terms of the following? Inadequate CD Responsiveness CD Informative content CD Comfort level CD Site visits 13% 12% 20% 36% Adequate 87% 88% 80% 64% Total 5090 5066 5088 4883

F6b: How would you rate your interaction with the PTO in terms of --? Inadequate PTO Responsiveness PTO Informative content PTO Comfort level PTO Site visits 12% 12% 16% 32% Adequate 88% 88% 84% 68% Total 4929 4881 4892 4684

F6c: How would you rate your interaction with the APCD/Program Manager in terms of --? Inadequate APCD/PM Responsiveness APCD/PM Informative content APCD/PM Comfort level APCD/PM Site visits 16% 16% 16% 18% Adequate 84% 84% 84% 82% Total 5074 5026 5050 4941

F6d: How would you rate your interaction with the PCMO in terms of --? Inadequate PCMO Responsiveness PCMO Informative content PCMO Comfort level PCMO Site visits 8% 7% 8% 22% Adequate 92% 93% 92% 78% Total 5066 5014 5029 4793

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F6e: How would you rate your interaction with the Safety and Security Coordinator (SSC) in terms of --? Inadequate SSC Responsiveness SSC Informative content SSC Comfort level SSC Site visits 6% 7% 7% 21% Adequate 94% 93% 93% 79% Total 5105 5067 5073 4868

F6f: How would you rate your interaction with the Training Manager in terms of --? Inadequate TrMngr Responsiveness TrMngr Informative content TrMngr Comfort level TrMngr Site visits 10% 10% 13% 28% Adequate 90% 90% 87% 72% Total 5023 4956 4974 4717

F6g: How would you rate your interaction with administrative staff in terms of --? Inadequate Admin Responsiveness Admin Informative content Admin Comfort level Admin Site visits 10% 9% 12% 27% Adequate 90% 91% 88% 73% Total 5086 5022 5033 4753

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F7: What is the best method for you to communicate with your Peace Corps office? Percent Cell phone Email Text messaging (SMS) In-person visits Other: Please specify below Telephone at residence or work Telephone not at residence or work Letters/postal service Fax Total 60% 22% 11% 4% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 100% Number 3150 1161 585 212 48 46 10 9 2 5223

F8: In general, how do you rate the effectiveness of your communication resources for contacting your PC staff in-country? Not effective F8 1% Poor 6% Adequate 27% Effective 38% Very effective 29% Total 5228

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Your Safety and Security

This section reports on how safe Volunteers feel. Volunteers experiences with various types of insensitive remarks or behaviors, harassment or discrimination, and crime are summarized, as well as whether harassment and crime events were reported to Peace Corps.
G1: How safe do you feel...?

Not at All Safe Where you live Where you work When you travel in-country City where main Peace Corps office is located 0% 0% 1% 2%

Often Unsafe 2% 1% 6% 8%

Adequately Safe 11% 8% 29% 31%

Usually Safe 27% 22% 44% 37%

Very Safe 60% 70% 20% 23%

Total 5229 5220 5229 5222

G2: Have you encountered insensitive comments or behavior toward you based on your race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation from any of the following sources?

Yes Host/home stay family Community members Other Volunteers PC in-country staff Other 14% 55% 8% 4% 14%

No 83% 44% 91% 94% 30%

NA 3% 1% 1% 1% 56%

Total 5224 5221 5210 5219 2487

G2: Have you encountered insensitive comments or behavior toward you based on your race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation from any of the following sources? (excluding "NA" responses) Yes Host/home stay family Community members Other Volunteers PC in-country staff Other 14% 55% 8% 4% 32% No 86% 45% 92% 96% 68% Total 5078 5165 5149 5142 1085

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G3: Please indicate the number of times you experienced the following types of discrimination/harassment: PERCENTAGES None Age H/D Anti-American H/D Disability H/D Gender H/D Racial/color H/D Religious H/D Sexual orientation H/D Sexual harassment (physical) Sexual harassment (verbal) 87% 65% 99% 70% 70% 85% 96% 82% 59% Once 2% 9% 0% 3% 2% 3% 1% 8% 5% 2-5 times 6% 18% 0% 10% 8% 6% 2% 8% 12% 6-10 times 2% 4% 0% 4% 4% 2% 1% 1% 5% 11-25 times 1% 2% 0% 4% 4% 1% 0% 1% 5% 26+ times 2% 2% 0% 8% 12% 2% 0% 1% 14% Total 4181 4273 4101 4197 4198 4159 4112 4182 4205

G3: Please indicate the number of times you experienced the following types of discrimination/harassment: NUMBERS None Age H/D Anti-American H/D Disability H/D Gender H/D Racial/color H/D Religious H/D Sexual orientation H/D Sexual harassment (physical) Sexual harassment (verbal) 3638 2796 4069 2925 2923 3525 3941 3423 2487 Once 76 376 11 130 98 144 39 337 197 2-5 times 260 773 14 433 342 247 65 317 501 6-10 times 95 174 1 178 182 96 29 43 214 11-25 times 48 82 1 176 159 58 18 23 202 26+ times 64 72 5 355 494 89 20 39 604 Total 4181 4273 4101 4197 4198 4159 4112 4182 4205

G3: Volunteers experiencing AGE discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Age H/D Never Age H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 55 224 87 41 54 461 20 Once 9 7 2 2 3 2 9 1 1 2 2 4 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 64 235 89 47 58 493

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 26 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing AGE discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Age H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 9 72 29 19 24 153 know Responsible 6 55 31 14 20 126 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 20 66 30 14 21 151 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 7 17 6 3 3 36 1 19 Peace Corps staff Responsible 5 5 8

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G3: Volunteers experiencing AGE discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Age H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 2 12 8 11 5 38 5 2 1 1 9 Other Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

G3: Volunteers experiencing ANTI-AMERICAN discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Anti-American H/D Never Anti-American H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 303 639 144 71 63 1220 Once 24 30 9 2 4 69 14 4 2 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 327 683 158 75 70 1313

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .
2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 27 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing ANTI-AMERICAN discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Anti-American H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 170 373 95 36 35 709 know Responsible 20 109 43 19 22 213 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 9 40 13 5 6 73 2 5 10 2 1 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible Peace Corps staff Responsible 1 5 4

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G3: Volunteers experiencing ANTI-AMERICAN discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Anti-American H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 4 20 14 3 6 47 Other Responsible 8 11 2 1 5 27

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 28 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing DISABILITY discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Disability H/D Never Disability H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 8 12 1 1 3 25 1 1 1 1 Once 1 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 9 13 1 1 4 28

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G3: Volunteers experiencing DISABILITY discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Disability H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 3 10 2 10 3 6 1 4 2 7 know Responsible 2 6 3 supervisor, co-worker Responsible Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 2 1 1 Peace Corps staff Responsible 1

G3: Volunteers experiencing DISABILITY discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Disability H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 2 1 1 2 Other Responsible

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 29 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing GENDER discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Gender H/D Never Gender H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 99 355 137 135 284 1010 Once 16 12 9 4 15 56 12 4 8 16 40 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 4 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 115 379 151 148 321 1114

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G3: Volunteers experiencing GENDER discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Gender H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 25 150 89 95 207 566 know Responsible 20 114 71 71 150 426 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 21 89 52 50 111 323 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 2 6 4 5 13 30 Peace Corps staff Responsible 5 6 4 10 12 37

G3: Volunteers experiencing GENDER discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Gender H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 7 22 21 29 42 121 Other Responsible 1 5 3 3 11 23

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 30 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing RACIAL/COLOR discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Racial/color H/D Never Racial/color H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 70 283 141 120 383 997 Once 9 9 8 5 22 53 6 5 2 21 34 3 5 2 1 1 2 6 6 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 79 298 156 128 436 1097

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G3: Volunteers experiencing RACIAL/COLOR discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Racial/color H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 38 170 104 93 312 717 know Responsible 10 67 37 40 174 328 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 2 22 14 20 106 164 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 6 21 1 5 14 47 3 7 16 Peace Corps staff Responsible 3 3

G3: Volunteers experiencing RACIAL/COLOR discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Racial/color H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 2 22 9 7 51 91 Other Responsible 1 6 3 5 11 26

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 31 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing RELIGIOUS discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Religious H/D Never Religious H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 109 207 84 47 74 521 Once 9 6 1 2 2 20 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 118 215 87 51 77 548

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G3: Volunteers experiencing RELIGIOUS discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Religious H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 15 59 31 29 42 176 know Responsible 35 87 42 29 42 235 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 9 22 13 14 28 86 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 10 9 4 4 4 31 3 1 1 2 7 Peace Corps staff Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G3: Volunteers experiencing RELIGIOUS discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Religious H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 16 21 8 10 18 73 Other Responsible 3 4 2 4 4 17

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.
2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 32 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ORIENTATION discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Sexual orientation H/D Never Sexual orientation H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 31 56 22 15 9 133 Once 6 1 1 2 2 12 1 3 1 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s . G3: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ORIENTATION discrimination/harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Sexual orientation H/D 26+ times Sexual orientation H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 1 1 Total 37 58 24 17 13 149

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G3: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ORIENTATION discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Sexual orientation H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 6 22 8 7 10 53 know Responsible 5 19 8 5 9 46 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 2 10 2 3 6 23 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 2 7 4 2 3 18 4 15 Peace Corps staff Responsible 4 5 2

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 33 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ORIENTATION discrimination/harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Sexual orientation H/D Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 3 4 2 2 11 1 2 6 Other Responsible 1 2

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

G3: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s . Sexual harassment (physical) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total Reported Sexual harassment (physical) Never 196 188 28 18 26 456 Once 112 61 6 3 4 186 39 4 1 1 45 1 1 1 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times

G3: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Sexual harassment (physical) 26+ times Sexual harassment (physical) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 2 2 Total 308 288 38 22 35 691

. NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 34 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Sexual harassment (physical) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 120 144 21 14 23 322 know Responsible 29 58 11 9 14 121 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 13 27 4 2 9 55 1 7 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 1 4 1

G3: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family Peace Corps staff Responsible Sexual harassment (physical) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 3 2 3 3 27 1 member Responsible 7 14 Other Responsible 3 3 1 1 1 9

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G3: Volunteers experiencing VERBAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Sexual harassment (verbal) Never Sexual harassment (verbal) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 125 374 167 156 428 1250 Once 46 35 11 12 34 138 13 3 7 37 60 3 1 5 9 4 1 5 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 35 of 62

G3: Volunteers experiencing VERBAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Number of Reports to PC Reported Sexual harassment (verbal) 26+ times Sexual harassment (verbal) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 10 10 Total 171 422 184 180 515 1472

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G3: Volunteers experiencing VERBAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Sexual harassment (verbal) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 64 234 109 104 340 851 know Responsible 24 75 46 48 182 375 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 13 26 15 19 91 164 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 4 4 2 3 8 21

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G3: Volunteers experiencing VERBAL SEXUAL harassment: Events by Person Responsible Host country family Peace Corps staff Responsible Sexual harassment (verbal) Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 2 6 10 2 member Responsible 3 5 6 7 28 49 3 4 9 17 Other Responsible 1

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.
2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 36 of 62

G4: Please indicate the number of times you experienced the following types of crimes: PERCENTAGES None Buglary Theft Robbery Physical assault Aggravated assault Sexual assault Rape 86% 67% 94% 92% 98% 95% 100% Once 11% 23% 5% 6% 2% 3% 0% 2-5 times 3% 10% 1% 2% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6-10 times 0% 0% 11-25 times 0% 0% 26+ times Total 4276 4418 4174 4179 4122 4146 4112

G4: Please indicate the number of times you experienced the following types of crimes: NUMBERS None Buglary Theft Robbery Physical assault Aggravated assault Sexual assault Rape Attempted rape 3667 2953 3923 3838 4054 3933 4095 4074 Once 463 1001 224 263 62 139 14 28 2-5 times 135 445 27 71 6 66 1 4 2 4 5 2 6-10 times 9 15 11-25 times 2 4 26+ times Total 4276 4418 4174 4179 4122 4146 4112 4102

G4: Volunteers experiencing BURGLARY: Events by Number of Reports to PC Buglary Reported Never Buglary Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 137 359 85 581 105 30 1 1 Once 336 18 4 1 2-5 times 1 81 3 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 442 129 8 2

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 37 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing BURGLARY: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Buglary Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 195 93 8 4 2 150 43 2 know Responsible 60 28 5 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 5 3 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 3 1 Peace Corps staff Responsible 2

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G4: Volunteers experiencing BURGLARY: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Buglary Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 48 12 29 16 3 Other Responsible 9 3

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

G4: Volunteers experiencing THEFT: Events by Number of Reports to PC Theft Reported Never Theft Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 517 670 174 4 1365 374 139 3 1 Once 554 114 1 1 2-5 times 2 165 6 1 3 1 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 930 418 13 4

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s.
2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 38 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing THEFT: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Theft Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 653 117 10 13 3 441 202 8 2 know Responsible 48 62 6 1 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 2 7 1 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 6 7 Peace Corps staff Responsible 1 2

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G4: Volunteers experiencing THEFT: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Theft Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 48 26 24 23 1 Other Responsible 18 7 1

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

G4: Volunteers experiencing ROBBERY: Events by Number of Reports to PC Robbery Reported Never Robbery Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 44 174 16 234 37 7 Once 169 5 2-5 times 1 15 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 207 27

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 39 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing ROBBERY: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Robbery Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 140 4 1 128 12 know Responsible 3 1 1 supervisor, co-worker Responsible Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible Peace Corps staff Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G4: Volunteers experiencing ROBBERY: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Robbery Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 1 2 1 Other Responsible 1 1

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

G4: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL ASSAULT: Events by Number of Reports to PC Physical assault Reported Never Physical assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 149 149 9 307 109 35 3 2 Once 125 22 2 9 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 234 66 5 2

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s.
2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 40 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL ASSAULT: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Physical assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 155 15 3 1 121 31 2 1 know Responsible 6 6 2 1 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 3 1 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible Peace Corps staff Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G4: Volunteers experiencing PHYSICAL ASSAULT: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Physical assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 1 3 1 Other Responsible 3

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 41 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing AGGRAVATED ASSAULT: Events by Number of Reports to PC Aggravated assault Reported Never Aggravated assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 10 49 4 9 1 Once 48 1 4 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s. G4: Volunteers experiencing AGGRAVATED ASSAULT: Events by Number of Reports to PC Aggravated assault Reported 26+ times Aggravated assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 63 Total 57 6

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s.

G4: Volunteers experiencing AGGRAVATED ASSAULT: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Aggravated assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 27 5 26 1 know Responsible 4 1 supervisor, co-worker Responsible Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible Peace Corps staff Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 42 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing AGGRAVATED ASSAULT: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Aggravated assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 1 1 1 Other Responsible 1

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

G4: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ASSAULT: Events by Number of Reports to PC Sexual assault Reported Never Sexual assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 98 81 18 197 66 29 2 1 Once 62 16 1 2 16 1 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 128 61 4 4

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 43 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ASSAULT: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, Someone you Stranger Responsible Sexual assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 75 29 7 5 1 44 26 3 2 know Responsible 16 10 1 2 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 2 4 1 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible 2 3 Peace Corps staff Responsible 1

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. G4: Volunteers experiencing SEXUAL ASSAULT: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Sexual assault Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 7 1 1 5 1 1 Other Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 44 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing RAPE: Events by Number of Reports to PC Rape Reported Never Rape Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 6 10 16 2 4 Once 9 1 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 13 1 2

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G4: Volunteers experiencing RAPE: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Rape Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 2 3 1 2 know Responsible 3 supervisor, co-worker Responsible 1 Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible Peace Corps staff Responsible

G4: Volunteers experiencing RAPE: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Rape Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 1 1 Other Responsible

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible.

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 45 of 62

G4: Volunteers experiencing ATTEMPTED RAPE: Events by Number of Reports to PC Attempted rape Reported Never Attempted rape Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 11 14 25 11 Once 14 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total 25

NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering how many times they reported the event/s .

G4: Volunteers experiencing ATTEMPTED RAPE: Events by Person Responsible Counterpart, NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Someone you Stranger Responsible Attempted rape Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs 9 5 9 know Responsible 5 supervisor, co-worker Responsible Peace Corps Volunteer Responsible Peace Corps staff Responsible

G4: Volunteers experiencing ATTEMPTED RAPE: Events by Person Responsible Host country family member Responsible Attempted rape Once 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-25 times 26+ times Total PCVs NOTE: Some PCVs provided the number of events without answering who was responsible. Other Responsible

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 46 of 62


Volunteers Working in HIV/AIDS

This section reports Volunteers level of involvement in HIV/AIDS work. It also reports Volunteers assessment of their Peace Corps HIV/AIDS training and the perceived effectiveness of their HIV/AIDS work with host country individuals or groups.
H1: Which of the following best describes your involvement in HIV/AIDS activities? Percent HIV/AIDS work is my primary assignment. HIV/AIDS work is part of my secondary activities. My HIV/AIDS efforts are not part of primary/secondary actvities. I have not been involved in any HIV/AIDS activities. Total 44% 100% 2245 5150 16% 20% 20% Number 814 1038 1053

H2: How effective was the PC training you received in preparing you to undertake your HIV/AIDS activities? Not effective H2 4% Poor 12% Adequate 32% Effective 25% Very effective 14% NA 14% Total 3749

H2: How effective was the PC training you received in preparing you to undertake your HIV/AIDS activities? (excluding the "NA" responses) Not effective H2 5% Poor 14% Adequate 37% Effective 29% Very effective 16% Total 3220

H3: In working with HC individuals or groups, how would you rate the effectiveness of your specific HIV/AIDS activities? Sometimes Seldom effective H3 5% effective 26% Often effective 29% Almost always effective 9% Don't know 30% Total 3623

H3: In working with HC individuals or groups, how would you rate the effectiveness of your specific HIV/AIDS activities? (excluding both the "NA" and the H1="No involvement in HIV/AIDS activities" responses) Sometimes Seldom effective H3 6% effective 38% Often effective 43% Almost always effective 13% Total 2411

NOTE: See Open-Ended Responses Report for PCV explanations and examples of their H3 answers)
2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 47 of 62


Your Life in the Peace Corps

This section reports Volunteers descriptions of and adjustments to their living conditions, including stress factors and how Volunteers cope with stress.
I1: Have you lived with a host country individual or family?

Percent No, I have never lived with a HC individual or family. Yes, I lived with a HC individual or family only during PST. Yes, in my community (not during PST). Yes, both during PST and later in my community. Total 2% 36% 2% 59% 100%

Number 105 1881 129 3106 5221

I1: How long (in months) have you lived with a host country individual or family? 1 month PST Only Post-PST PST & Later 3% 12% 1% 2 51% 17% 3% 3 44% 21% 7% 4 1% 11% 14% 5 0% 1% 10% 6 0% 5% 13% 7-11 0% 19% 21% 12-16 0% 6% 14% 17-26 0% 9% 15%

I1: How long (in months) have you lived with a host country individual or family? 27+ mos PST Only Post-PST PST & Later 3% 0% Total 1702 120 3016

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 48 of 62

I2: How often do you interact with HCNs in community/family social events?

Several times a Daily I2 42% week 20% Weekly 14%

Several times a month 12% Monthly 7%

Less than once a month 5% Total 5225

I3: How integrated into your community do you feel now?

Not at all I3 1%

Minimally 9%

Adequately 30%

Considerably 40%

Exceptionally 20%

Total 5225

I4a: Do you have the following at your worksite? Never Electricity Running water 13% 26% Sometimes 16% 18% Usually 39% 29% Always 31% 28% Total 5187 5164

I4b: Do you have the following at your residence? Never Electricity Running water 13% 23% Sometimes 13% 16% Usually 43% 33% Always 31% 28% Total 5054 5048

I5: How often do you have access to--? Not at all Landline phone Computer Internet Cell phone (voice) Text messaging Voice over internet, e.g., SKYPE Webcam/internet video 41% 2% 2% 1% 1% 26% 36% Less than monthly 6% 2% 4% 0% 0% 12% 11% Monthly 5% 9% 14% 1% 1% 13% 12% Weekly 9% 16% 30% 4% 3% 17% 14% Daily 40% 71% 50% 93% 95% 31% 27% Total 5211 5217 5216 5219 5214 5203 5193

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 49 of 62

I6: Where do you most frequently connect to the Internet? Another person's Your residence I6 34% At work 15% home 2% Internet cafe 29% PC office/satellite office 13% Other: Please specify 7% Total 5223

I7: How long do you travel to access the internet using your typical transport method (one-way trip)? From two to four Less than one hour I7 70% One to two hours 15% hours 9% Four to eight hours 4% More than eight hours 1% Total 5053

Percent of Volunteers Traveling to/from Internet Connection in One Day (I8) by Travel Time (I7) I8 Return same day from traveling to Internet connection? Yes I7 Typical time to reach Internect connection Less than one hour One to two hours From two to four hours Four to eight hours More than eight hours Total 76% 16% 7% 1% 0% 100% No 6% 10% 36% 34% 14% 100% Total 3511 775 478 183 63 5010

Number of Volunteers Traveling to/from Internet Connection in One Day (I8) by Travel Time (I7) I8 Return same day from traveling to Internet connection? Yes I7 Typical time to reach Internect connection Less than one hour One to two hours From two to four hours Four to eight hours More than eight hours Total 3486 734 329 42 3 4594 No 25 41 149 141 60 416 Total 3511 775 478 183 63 5010

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I9: Have you participated in the Coverdell World Wise Schools/Correspondence Match (CWWS/CM)? Yes - Please describe your activities/interactio n withCWWS/CM I9 40% No - Please describe your reason(s) for not participating 60% Total 5185

NOTE: See the Open-Ended Responses Report for PCV descriptions of participation and reasons for not participating.

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I10: To what extent do the following create stress and/or emotional health issues for you? Minimally Not at all stressful Cultural issues Dealing with violence in country Health/medical problems Issues including family, friends, loved ones in U.S. Isolation/loneliness Local language Primary assignment Romantic relationships in-country Interactions with other Volunteers Interactions with PC Staff Safety and security Other: Please specify below 7% 34% 19% 16% 15% 13% 10% 33% 47% 40% 35% 7% stressful 32% 35% 42% 39% 35% 35% 29% 22% 35% 37% 42% 2% Moderately stressful 37% 15% 25% 27% 28% 31% 34% 13% 12% 15% 16% 5% Considerably stressful 19% 7% 9% 13% 16% 17% 19% 6% 4% 5% 4% 6%

I10: To what extent do the following create stress and/or emotional health issues for you? Exceptionally stressful Cultural issues Dealing with violence in country Health/medical problems Issues including family, friends, loved ones in U.S. Isolation/loneliness Local language Primary assignment Romantic relationships in-country Interactions with other Volunteers Interactions with PC Staff Safety and security Other: Please specify below 5% 3% 3% 4% 6% 5% 7% 2% 1% 2% 2% 7% NA 0% 7% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 23% 1% 1% 1% 71% Total 5207 5205 5210 5215 5218 5214 5213 5205 5209 5212 5197 1581

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I10: To what extent do the following create stress and/or emotional health issues for you? (excluding "NA" responses) Moderately Not at all stressful Cultural issues Dealing with violence in country Health/medical problems Issues including family, friends, loved ones in U.S. Isolation/loneliness Local language Primary assignment Romantic relationships in-country Interactions with other Volunteers Interactions with PC Staff Safety and security Other: Please specify below 15% 13% 10% 43% 47% 40% 35% 25% 35% 35% 29% 29% 36% 37% 42% 9% 28% 31% 35% 17% 12% 15% 16% 19% 16% 17% 19% 8% 4% 5% 4% 22% 7% 37% 20% 16% Minimally stressful 32% 37% 43% 39% stressful 37% 16% 25% 27% Considerably stressful 19% 7% 10% 13%

I10: To what extent do the following create stress and/or emotional health issues for you? (excluding "NA" responses) Exceptionally stressful Cultural issues Dealing with violence in country Health/medical problems Issues including family, friends, loved ones in U.S. Isolation/loneliness Local language Primary assignment Romantic relationships in-country Interactions with other Volunteers Interactions with PC Staff Safety and security Other: Please specify below 6% 5% 7% 3% 1% 2% 2% 25% 5181 5182 5172 3994 5171 5184 5167 455 5% 3% 3% 4% Total 5195 4856 5141 5180

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I11: Please mark all of the typical ways in which you cope with stress. % Using This PCV Responses Friends/family in U.S. Pursue personal hobbies/interests PCVs outside my community Participate in sports/exercise Leave community for a time Co-workers/friends (not PCVs) PCVs in my community Get involved in other projects My host family Meditate Pray PC in-country staff Other activities Peer Support Network Others Attend individual/group counseling Office of Special Services Total *Percents total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "mark all that apply." 4362 4129 3767 3379 3373 2740 2399 2377 1484 1361 1138 1000 591 368 366 127 72 Stress Reducer 85% 81% 73% 66% 66% 53% 47% 46% 29% 27% 22% 19% 12% 7% 7% 2% 1% 5129 Total PCVs Responding

I8: When asked about ways of coping with stress, Volunteers who answered "No stress"

Yes, I have no NA I11.NOSTRESS 98% stress 2% Total 5239

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Overall Assessment of Your Peace Corps Service

This section reports Volunteers level of satisfaction with their Peace Corps service and their expectations about completing their service.
J1: How personally rewarding do you find your--?

Not at all Overall Peace Corps service Community involvement Experience with other Volunteers Work with counterparts/community partners Experience with other host country nationals 1% 1% 1% 1% 3%

Minimally 6% 9% 8% 14%

Adequately 24% 31% 25% 33%

Considerably 40% 38% 40% 35%

Exceptionally 30% 22% 27% 16%

Total 5210 5205 5203 5206






NOTE: See the Open-Ended Responses Report for PCV comments on J7 "What has been the best aspect of your PC service?"

J2: Today, would you make the same decision to join the Peace Corps? No J2 1% Probably not 2% Possibly 8% Probably 21% Definitely 68% Total 5210

J3: Would you recommend Peace Corps service to others you think are qualified? No J3 1% Probably not 2% Possibly 9% Probably 21% Definitely 68% Total 5212

J4: Do you intend to complete your Peace Corps service? No J4 1% Not sure 4% Yes 70% Might extend 25% Total 5213

J5: Would your host country benefit most if the Peace Corps program was---? Refocused/redesig Discontinued J5 3% Reduced 5% ned 44% Maintained as is 23% Expanded 24% Total 5173

NOTE: See the Open-Ended Responses Report for PCV comments on J6 "How can the PC better address the needs of your host country?"

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Demographics and Factors Affecting Extensions

This section reports on the age and gender of all respondents. It also reports on the importance Volunteers place on various factors that may influence their decision to extend or not extend their service beyond two years. Volunteers who answered that they either were considering an extension or were already serving beyond two years were asked to rate nine motivating factors and nine challenging factors. Volunteers could also write in any of their own motivating or challenging factors not included in the list.
K1: What is your age? 20-29 AGE3grp 82% 30-49 10% 50+ 8% Total 5166

K2: What is your gender? Female GENDER 62% Male 38% Total 5109

K3: Are you Hispanic/Latino? Yes, Hispanic/ Latino (Of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Sou ETHNICITY 6% No, not Hispanic/ Latino 94% Total 5118

K4: What is your race? Mark as many as apply to indicate what you consider yourself to be. % Selected This PCV Responses $MultiRace White Prefer not to answer Asian American Other Black or African American American Indian or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Total Percents may total to more than 100% since Volunteers were asked to "Mark all that apply." 4242 324 310 258 197 61 43 Choice 82% 6% 6% 5% 4% 1% 1% 5178 Total PCVs Responding

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K5: What was your marital status when you joined the Peace Corps? Single, never married MARITAL 84% Married/ serving with spouse 10% Married/ serving without spouse 1% Divorced 4% Widowed 1% Domestic Partner 1% Separated 0%

K5: What was your marital status when you joined the Peace Corps? Total MARITAL 5188

K6: What is the highest educational level completed to date? High School diploma or equivalent EDUCATION 0% Technical school graduate 0% Community college/Associate 's degree 0% Bachelor's degree 81% Master's degree 15% Doctoral degree 2%

K6: What is the highest educational level completed to date? Other: Please explain EDUCATION 2% Total 5205

K8: Are you considering a 3rd year extension? Percent No May extend beyond my original COS date I am now serving beyond my original COS date Total 58% 35% 7% 100% Number 3030 1834 343 5207

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Ext Q1: Comparison of Reasons for Extending by Importance to PCVs Who May Extend Beyond COS Somewhat Not Important Ability to partner with an NGO and/or government counterpart Additional financial compensation (higher living allowance, etc.) Flexibility to design my extension assignment Opportunity for more substantive work Opportunity to finish or be more productive in my project Opportunity to serve in a different site, country or project Opportunity to take on additional responsibilities with PC at post Recognition of excellent performance Support from local Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 39% 22% 3% 28% 33% 3% 29% 43% 26% 4% 3% 68% 1776 1773 546 25% 30% 41% 4% 1781 26% 20% 48% 5% 1776 6% 4% 11% 24% 18% 20% 68% 76% 65% 2% 2% 4% 1779 1779 1778 23% 31% 43% 2% 1781 21% important 25% Important 49% NA 5% Total 1774

NOTE: This table includes only PCVs who answered K8="May extend beyond my original COS date"

Ext Q1: Comparison of Reasons for Extending by Importance to PCVs Serving an Extension NOTE: This table includes only PCVs who answered K8="Now serving beyond my original COS date" Ability to partner with an NGO and/or government counterpart Additional financial compensation (higher living allowance, etc.) Flexibility to design my extension assignment Opportunity for more substantive work Opportunity to finish or be more productive in my project Opportunity to serve in a different site, country or project Opportunity to take on additional responsibilities with PC at post Recognition of excellent performance Support from local Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 31% 19% 5%
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Somewhat Not Important 20% important 18% Important 51% NA 11% Total 341






8% 3% 10%

22% 12% 12%

62% 81% 65%

7% 4% 13%

341 341 340











28% 29%

33% 43% 42%

8% 9% 53%

340 340 120

Ext Q1: Comparison of Reasons for Extending by Importance to PCVs Who May Extend and PCVs Serving an Extension (excluding all "NA" responses) Are you considering a 3rd year extension? May extend beyond my original COS date Somewhat Not Important Ability to partner with an NGO and/or government counterpart Additional financial compensation (higher living allowance, etc.) Flexibility to design my extension assignment Opportunity for more substantive work Opportunity to finish or be more productive in my project Opportunity to serve in a different site, country or project Opportunity to take on additional responsibilities with PC at post Recognition of excellent performance Support from local Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 41% 22% 9% 29% 34% 11% 30% 44% 80% 1702 1715 175 6% 4% 11% 28% 26% 24% 19% 21% 21% 31% 70% 77% 68% 51% 43% 1743 1740 1703 1682 1705 24% 32% 44% 1738 22% important 27% Important 52% Total 1686

NOTE: See Open-Ended Responses Report for "other" reasons for extending beyond COS Ext Q1: Comparison of Reasons for Extending by Importance to PCVs Who May Extend and PCVs Serving an Extension (excluding all "NA" responses) Are you considering a 3rd year extension? I am now serving beyond my original COS date Somewhat Not Important Ability to partner with an NGO and/or government counterpart Additional financial compensation (higher living allowance, etc.) Flexibility to design my extension assignment Opportunity for more substantive work Opportunity to finish or be more productive in my project Opportunity to serve in a different site, country or project 9% 3% 12% 22% 24% 13% 14% 21% 67% 84% 74% 57% 316 328 297 294 33% 31% 35% 322 22% important 20% Important 58% Total 302

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Opportunity to take on additional responsibilities with PC at post Recognition of excellent performance Support from local Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below





33% 21% 11%

31% 32%

36% 47% 89%

314 309 56

NOTE: See Open-Ended Responses Report for "other" reasons for extending beyond COS

Ext Q2: Comparison of Reasons for Not Extending by Importance to PCVs Who May Serve Beyond COS Somewhat Not Important Adjustment to new country or site Bureaucratic challenges related to extension process Delaying the pursuit of professional/educational opportunities Family and personal reasons Feeling that I am ready to go home Fellow Volunteers are leaving/have left Lack of information about/difficulty defining the 3rd year extension role Lack of professional development opportunities Lack of support from Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 30% 32% 6% 32% 32% 3% 28% 24% 9% 9% 12% 82% 1729 1730 485 12% 14% 40% 32% 31% 33% 35% 35% 52% 47% 18% 23% 5% 7% 6% 10% 1736 1731 1726 1727 40% 29% 22% important 29% 34% 27% Important 22% 31% 46% NA 10% 7% 6% Total 1725 1728 1732

NOTE: This table includes only PCVs who answered K8="May extend beyond my original COS date"

2010 Annual Volunteer Survey: GLOBAL For internal use only; do not distribute without Peace Corps authorization. Page 60 of 62

Ext Q2: Comparison of Reasons for Not Extending by Importance to PCVs Serving Beyond COS Somewhat Not Important Adjustment to new country or site Bureaucratic challenges related to extension process Delaying the pursuit of professional/educational opportunities Family and personal reasons Feeling that I am ready to go home Fellow Volunteers are leaving/have left Lack of information about/difficulty defining the 3rd year extension role Lack of professional development opportunities Lack of support from Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 24% 26% 5% 21% 21% 1% 22% 18% 7% 32% 34% 88% 314 314 120 11% 16% 31% 29% 25% 24% 27% 21% 37% 33% 14% 17% 27% 27% 28% 33% 315 315 313 315 32% 30% 14% important 17% 22% 23% Important 20% 19% 34% NA 31% 28% 28% Total 315 315 315

NOTE: This table includes only PCVs who answered K8="Now serving beyond my original COS date"

Ext Q2: Comparison of Reasons for Not Extending by Importance to PCVs Who May Extend and PCVs Serving an Extension (excluding all "NA" responses) Are you considering a 3rd year extension? May extend beyond my original COS date Somewhat Not Important Adjustment to new country or site Bureaucratic challenges related to extension process Delaying the pursuit of professional/educational opportunities Family and personal reasons Feeling that I am ready to go home Fellow Volunteers are leaving/have left Lack of information about/difficulty defining the 3rd year extension role Lack of professional development opportunities Lack of support from Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 33% 36% 33% 36% 37% 16% 31% 27% 51% 1570 1529 87 13% 15% 43% 35% 32% 35% 38% 39% 55% 50% 19% 26% 1646 1616 1616 1562 44% 31% 23% important 32% 36% 28% Important 24% 33% 49% Total 1559 1611 1626

NOTE: See Open-Ended Responses Report for "other" reasons for not extending beyond COS

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Ext Q2: Comparison of Reasons for Not Extending by Importance to PCVs Who May Extend and PCVs Serving an Extension (excluding all "NA" responses) Are you considering a 3rd year extension? I am now serving beyond my original COS date Somewhat Not Important Adjustment to new country or site Bureaucratic challenges related to extension process Delaying the pursuit of professional/educational opportunities Family and personal reasons Feeling that I am ready to go home Fellow Volunteers are leaving/have left Lack of information about/difficulty defining the 3rd year extension role Lack of professional development opportunities Lack of support from Peace Corps staff Other: Please specify below 35% 40% 40% 32% 32% 7% 33% 28% 53% 212 206 15 15% 22% 42% 43% 35% 33% 38% 31% 50% 45% 19% 26% 230 229 226 210 46% 42% 20% important 25% 31% 33% Important 29% 27% 48% Total 216 226 227

NOTE: See Open-Ended Responses Report for "other" reasons for not extending beyond COS

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