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5 Which is not a characteristic of shifting cultivation a land is cleared by slashing the vegetation b debris is burned to provide the soil

with nutrients c a new site is designated every few years d animals and crops have a symbiotic relationship e all of the above 6 Shifting cultivation is found primarily in which climate region a humid low-latitude b dry c warm mid-latitude d cold mid-latitude e Mediterranean 16 All of the following differentiate subsistence farming from commercial farming except A purpose of farming B percentage of farmers in the labor force C size of the yield D use of machinery E all of the above 24 Sustainable agriculture A is similar to subsistence agriculture Bmore sensitive land management is C includes intensive use of pesticides D incorporated genetic engineering E strictly separates cultivation of crops and livestock 40. Because of the use of _______, it is now more likely that an entire crop may be lost to a disease or pest a. field blends b. sterile hybrids c. chemical fertilizer d. monoculture e. pastoral nomadism 43. What is the general location of the largest areas of commercial farms? a. in tropical zones b. in north america c. in the temperate zones d. in the countries of the former soviet union e. in sub-saharan africa 51 What are the three main crops of large farms in America a wheat, corn, soy b soy, sugar, wheat c corn, soy, sugar d wheat, corn, barley e none of the above 52 What do smaller farms use less of than large farms and why a chemicals b machines c processing for foods d preservatives to get the foods to markets and extend their shelf lives e all of the above 53 How is the distribution of chickens different here than in China a more condensed b highly clustered c densely clustered d concentrated e all of the above 55 How does monoculture make a country more susceptible to problems

a less genetic variety b one crop can get hit by one problem wiping it out everywhere c weaker plants are used that cannot grow as well d designed to go with one culture e both a and b 2. Organic food in the United States now constitutes _____ percent of the total food production. a) 50 b) 25 c) 10 d) 2 7. The ratio of percent of labor force to percent of GDP in the agricultural sector of Canada (3% of labor force : 2.3% of GDP) indicates that Canadas agricultural sector is ______________ intensive. a) labor b) machine c) subsistence d) small scale 29. The average size of a family farm in China is ________ acres. a) 75 b) 10 c) 5 d) .5 The average size of a single commodity farm in America and what this makes them Why is corn produced as such large levels today Define agribusiness Define Industrial, corporate and factory farm What do large farms tend to do that small farms do not How do obesity rates relate to levels of development and why How is farming in MDCs different from that in LDCs 1. The most egalitarian organization of people is the a band b chiefdom c State d tribe e both a and c 2. An area controlled by an outside independent political unit is a a colony b nationality c satellite d State e both a anc c 3. Describes a factor that could disrupt unity in a state a centripetal force b multi-national state c self determination d unitary state e nation-state 4 The attempt by one country to impose political control over another territory is a imperialism b constitutionality c self-determination d sovereignty e nationalism 5. The most extreme economic specialization occurs in a a chiefdom b tribe c band d State e nation 6. A multi-national state is a a politically organized area in which nation and State occupy the same space b a shared cultural community that shares the same borders as a country c a state with several ethnic groups seeking self determination d a territory recognized by the United Nations as a State e all of the above

7. The area a nation occupies is often a good example of a a formal region b spatial interaction c cultural diffusion d a state e a perceptual region 8. A frontier in contrast to a boundary a separates two States b is an area not a line c separates States more often than the other d has a set area and exists in modern times e all of the above 9. Which shape, forgetting geographic features, allows for the easiest defense and allows you to control your borders the easiest a compact b elongated c fragmented d prorupted e none 10. The boundary between the Ireland and Northern Ireland is a geometric b linguistic c natural d ethnographic e both a and c 11. The Basque are a a Stateless nation b multi-State nation c people within a nation-state d a state e all of the above 12. An increasing number of States have adopted a federal form of government primarily to a satisfy the demands of competing nationalities b encourage the break up of the superpower alliances c govern compact States more effectively d meet all of the above needs e impose the dominant values of one nationality 13. A state which places most power in the hands of a central government is a a federal state b nation-state c fragmented state d unitary state e formal state 14. Which of the following conditions most limits the ability of some countries to participate in the global economy a prorupted b perforated c large frontier d fragmented e landlocked 15. The UN is primarily what kind of cooperative effort a political b military c economic d all of the above e none of the above 16. EU is primarily a political b military c economic d all of the above e none of the above 17. The boundary between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is an example of what kind of boundary a physical boundary b geometric boundary c frontier d cultural boundary e antecendent boundary 18. The shape of a State has all of the following effects except a it controls the length of boundaries with other states b it can help generate conflicts c elongated shapes help communication it may create a unique identity d it can act as a centripetal force e it affects the potential for communication

19. The state where the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary much is which kind of state a elongated b fragmented c compact d perforated e prorupted 20. All of the following are benefits of a frontier except a it is a zone where no state has complete political control b it provides an area of separation c it is a thin imaginary line d it is a geographic area e it is sparsely populated 21. Where is the idea of a nation-state least extensively used a Europe b Asia c North America d Africa e none of the above 22. All of the following are examples of cultural boundaries except a India and Pakistan b Congo and Rwanda c Germany and France c Austria and Germany d Bosnia and Serbia e both C and D 23. A superimposed boundary is a a political border that has ceased to function b a boundary created by powerful outsiders c a political boundary that existed before the cultural landscape emerged d a political boundary that usually ignores pre-existing culture patterns (i.e Africa) e both b and d 24. The struggle facing a country to limit water usage of a river that crosses a border is which kind of border dispute a definitional b locational c operational d allocational e relic 25 Devolution goes along with a the creation of smaller States b more effective communications c no desire to empower nationalities d the desire of one nationality to rule over another in one country e the spread of communism 26. Russia is a a compact state b elongated state c fragmented state d prorupted state e both b and c 27. Which of the following is not considered to be a centripetal force preserving a state's cohesion a UN membership b nationalism c effective transportation and communication d effective organization and administration e State religion 28. All of the following are terms that connote nation-state except a political b ethnicity c religion d language e racial 29. Why is tribalism a centrifugal force in Africa a because the Europeans drew the boundaries b because Africa has many multinational countries

c because Africa has many stateless nations d all of the above e a and b 30. Which area of the world does shatterbelt best apply a Balkans b China c Australia d Japan e United States 31. Which is an example of a stateless nation a Palestinians b Japanese c Africans d Americans e none of the above KURDS 32. Why is the ideal shape for an ethnic hood also circular a fosters the establishment of effective internal communications for a smaller state b allows for the least amount of necessary contact with outsiders c allows for a center that can more easily reach everyone d creates the least amount of borderline e all of the above 33. What type of government is the most likely to go with a nation-State a federal b unitary c democratic d dictatorship e none of the above 34. What is a strong centripetal force in Japan a ethnicity b elongated country shape c religion d the large number of Arabs that do live within the country of Israel e none of the above 35. What is the difference between the EU and NAFTA a NAFTA is a customs union while the EU is a free trade zone b Mexico and the U.S. have the same trade policies with other countries around the world c The EU made it easier to do trade across borders whereas NAFTA did not d In the EU, all countries have agreed to some common policies of trade with outside countries e The EU and NAFTA are the same basic idea but applied to different countries 36. Where in the world are you least likely to find a state a Europe b Africa c Latin America d Asia e None of the above 37. An area is not likely to be made up of a nation-States if a the borders are superimposed borders b the Berlin conference divided the countries according to European interests c there are too many differing groups within many countries to make that feasible d there is no realistic way to redraw the boundaries to make this possible e all of the above 38. What kind of nation-State is India a homogeneous country b is not a nation-state c is a nation state with a large religiously-defined minority within it d is a nation state with a large ethnically-defined minority in it e none of the above

39. What is the most visible difference between the rest of Canada and Quebec a linguistic b physical geography c ethnic d architectural e all of the above are equally visible 41 An ethnographic boundary apply least well to division created by a linguistic b religious c ethnic d cultural e race 42 The difference between ethnicity and nation is that nation implies a the desire for self determination b that a group of people believe they have a common hearth c a racial difference d boundaries e none of the above 43 . The language spoken officially in fifty countries worldwide A Mandarin B Cantonese CEnglish D Hindi E Spanish 44. In which state would alcohol consumption be unusually low A Vermont B Maine C Illinois D Utah E Hawaii 45. Ethnicity implies A you have a biological connection to a group of people B you share a common religion with a group C you share a common cultural heritage D you share a common hearth area E both C and D 46. the concept that nationalities have the right to govern themselves is known as the right of A centripetal force B nation-state C self-determination D sovereignty E ethnic identity

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