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Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE

Intelligent Buildings Energy Supply Following Climate Parameters Variation Fuzzy Control
MIRCEA GRIGORIU1, MARIUS CONSTANTIN POPESCU2 Hydraulic, Hydraulic Machineries and Environmental Protection Department, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, 313 Spl.Independentei, Bucharest-6, ROMANIA 2 University of Craiova, 13 A.I.Cuza Street, zipcode 200585, Craiova, ROMANIA mircea.grigoriu@gmail.com, http://www.hydrop.pub.ro popescu.marius.c@gmail.com,http://www.ucv.ro

Abstract: - The paper presents two optimal control models of the climate variables for an intelligent building room. The models are applied for a typical real case of temperature adjustment. As conclusions, the two methods are compared, emplacing their strong and weak points. Keywords:- Climate variables, Controller fuzzy.

1 Introduction
Usually, the optimal operation adjustment of variable climate parameters of a room situated in an intelligent building is operating by a processor as in Fig. 1 under a numerical system. There are controlled the heating and lighting of the rooms systems, like: shutters position, intensity of light, effort of heating radiators. There are considered the passive walls isolation, natural ventilation [1], [6], in an appropriate way to be ensured both optimal heating and illumination of the rooms, at optimal energy consumption. The heating distribution is considered by a capillary network through walls, realizing the passive cooling.

D E e (kTe)+ w(kTe), A A


where: i (kTe) inside temperature at the momentum kTe 0 (Te sampling period), [ C]; Qi(kTe) amount of heat according to the classical heating system; Qs(kTe) transferred solar energy through the windows; e (kTe) outside temperature; w(kTe) process disturbance; caused by the operation errors; A, B, C.. names of polynomial under z transform
1 2 A=1+a1z- +a2z- +..., 1 2 B=b +b z- +b z- +..., 0 1 2


1 according to the delay operator z- on a certain parameter 1 z- x(kTe)=x[(k-1)Te].


Fig.1: Representing the heating and ventilation systems distributions.

2 Optimization Model
According to the operation structure presented in fig. 1,the optimization model is presented as a discrete of n order as follows [10]

i (kTe)=

B C Qi(kTe)+ Qs(kTe)+ A A

To get the correct value of the polynomial coefficients it is considered an estimator appellant on the last meteorological data [3], [8]. The adjustment structure is based on previous knowledge and estimation of the future development. The general rules are based on IF and THEN. For example, IF weather cooling and heating are predicted for the same day, THEN nothing is change. The second optimization model considered, related to adaptive systems structure (Fig. 2), take the following equation system of state

ISSN: 1790-5117


ISBN: 978-960-474-179-3

Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE

i z (with z , temperature of the inside wall surface); u command vector, which has the same dimension (2x1), and command the shutters position for the room shading and heat quantity); w disturbance vector, which has the same dimension (2x1), and represents the meteorological data; y output parameters, which has the dimension (1x1), represented by the requested i .

y=Cx+Du, (3) where: x state variables vector, which the dimension (2x1), including the temperature measured values i

& x =Ax+Bu+Ew,

where: xd requested inside temperature at a moment; M cost matrix for energy consumption, which is symmetrical and semi positive, and with the dimension 2x2. The algorithm request a prediction of energy costs consumption, M, of the inside requested temperature xd, and the state x. The future states are predicted using meteorological prediction programs. Having the initial conditions vector x0, the algorithm developed in [7], compute the optimal control strategy


min J(x0; t0, u(t)), {


With the following restrictions: minimum classical heating involvement and maximum solar energy utilization.

Fig. 2: Structural schema for the climate variable adjustment with fuzzy regulators . The method for identification of the matrix of coefficients A(2x2), matrix of command B(2x2), matrix of transition C(2x1), and matrix of output D(2x1), is described by de Bacot [2]. The adjustment structure operate with an algorithm, which get control variable in a [t, t+N] space, with N horizon of search, minimizing following the criterion: J=

Fig. 3: Bloc structural schema for climatic variable adjustment in buildings.

3 Results
The algorithm is applied for a particular case (one input and several outputs) corresponding to the automatically temperature adjustment of a room from the building presented in Fig. 2, which is powered by a classical heating system also. Using the adjustment device it is replaced the firm order (input caloric energy equal to the lost in the same time), with an input variable i (inside temperature). The optimal inside temperature is selected i = 210 C (characteristic for the optimal thermal comfort in a living room), corresponding to

1 (x(t ) x d )M(x(t ) x d )T + C T u(t ) dt, 2

ISSN: 1790-5117


ISBN: 978-960-474-179-3

Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE

a degree of firm order is the unit). There are accepted for the comfort description the following key words: VLT very low temperature; LT low temperature; MT medium (optimal) temperature; HT high temperature; VHT very high temperature. The definitions are done by the function marked with fa in the Fig. 3. In the dissipated energy description there are accepted the following key words: QZ - zero power dissipated: QR - reduced power dissipated; QM - medium (optimum) power dissipated; QH - high power dissipated; QVH very high (maximum) power dissipated. The definitions are done by the function marked with fa in the Fig. 4. (MATLAB).

R5: IF ( i =VHT) THEN (u=QZ) corresponding to a rule like: IF the room is comfortable, THEN dissipated power is 2 kW; IF the room is very cold, THEN dissipated power is 4 kW; . Considering the reference value of the inside 0 temperature 20-25 C, then will be activated the roles R1 and R2., evaluated by the product MIN*MAX, followed by the command. The correlations PREMISE-CONCLUSION (COMMAND) for each role or for the set of rules are usually illustrated by decisions matrix, which could by presented graphically as in Fig. 5.

R4: IF ( i =HT) THEN (u=QR),




Fig. 4: a) Temperature graphic function; b) Power dissipated graphic function. Accepting discreet values for the basis function 0 0 (from 0,5 C to 0,5 C), the thermal comfort definition and the dissipated power by the radiators are presented graphically [10]. The restrictions which are coordinate the adjustment (R), are take into consideration as key factor the inside temperature, as follows: R1: IF ( i =VLT) THEN (u=QVH), R2: IF ( i =LT) THEN (u=QH), R3: IF ( i =TM) THEN (u=QM),

Fig. 5: Command matrix surfaces for the rules: a) R1; b) R1 i R3. The vague product should by de-fuzzyfied because for a definite value of input variable is corresponding also a finite and unique value of the command. For the firm command computation u*(defuzzyfication of vague information), corresponding to the temperature 20.250C, it is adopted the gravity

ISSN: 1790-5117


ISBN: 978-960-474-179-3

Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE

center method, which is represented by the following relation for function type singleton

Fig. 7: Simulation structural fuzzy adjustment block schema.

f a (ik , Q ik )Q ik k =1 u*(Qi*)= =2.71[kW], 17 f a (ik , Q ik ) k =1



where fa( ik ,Qik) - the degree of conclusions achievement, according to the activated rules Rk, Qik singleton abscise used to characterize the key words of output variables. In Fig. 7, the firm command realization by activating the rules R1 and R2 is presented. Fuzzy command simulation is realized in MATLAB Fig. 6), and it is illustrated graphically in Fig. 8 (curve 2), comparing to the conventional regulator tip P. This problem could be solved [10] considering as INPUT the adjustment error, and as OUTPUT (conclusion) the firm command (norm values described).

Fig. 8: Temperature adjustment: curve 1-type P regulator, curve 2- fuzzy regulator.

4 Practical Approach
It is necessary to compare the results obtains considering the two operation adjustment structures described by fig. 1 and fig. 2. The first method demand a longer period of time to compute the solution, missing a mathematical optimization algorithm [11]). On the other hand, it could appear complex solutions, caused by the discontinuity of the of system type. For temperature adjustment, it is proposed a five simulation modules structural block schema (Fig. 9). The Module four should contain the mathematical model of the room and to simulate a dynamic answer of the inside temperature to the outside one, considering the solar radiation heat, natural convection heat, internal heating sources and traditional heating source (radiators) Room model is expressed by the equation

Fig. 6: Function graphic corresponding to rules R1 and R3

y=Cx+Du, cu y= i (t ) , where: u1 inside command variable; u2 solar radiation wall heating command variable; u3 outside temperature command variable. The Module one should contain a meteorological prognoses data base [AAAA]. The Module two should provide a correlation of the solar radiation heat to the direct and diffuse heating heat on the room surface In the specific automatically temperature adjustment system, there are summarized the energy

u1 & x =Ax+Bu, cu u = u 2 , u 3


ISSN: 1790-5117


ISBN: 978-960-474-179-3

Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE

provided by direct radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation [4]. The module three should simulate the shading effect, computing the natural lighting and energy provided by solar radiation, according to the sun position and room location and boundaries Qp [9]. The lighting computation problem is solved by the Day lighting factor method, which take into consideration the room parameters: dimensions, windows thermal properties and dimensions, walls dimensions and materials, and also the solar isolation [5]. The module five should compute the heat provided by natural sources (convection and ventilation), considering the wind speed and direction and windows opening direction, which is an adjustment factor. The heat provided by radiators is considered as a linear function of the command variable of system temperature [12].

The optimal climate adjustment method has advantages both in reducing heating consumption, but also providing the best room lighting.

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Data Prognosis Solar Radiation Energy Global Radiation Transfor Qdir Qdif Shading System Qr Qp Light



Natural Convectio

Operating Control Module Lighting Heating

Fig. 9: Simulation block schema.

5 Conclusions

ISSN: 1790-5117


ISBN: 978-960-474-179-3

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