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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

#Introduction #Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis #Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis #Example 3: Transient Analysis #Example 4: AC Analysis #Example 5: Subcircuits #Example 6: Transient Analysis #Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode #Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode #Example 9: Noise Analysis

16 18 24 29 34 39 45 51 56 61

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

#Example 10: Direct Model Evaluation #Example 11: Transistor Subthreshold Behavior #Example 12: MOS Transconductance Amplifier #Design Examples

64 68 72 76

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial


This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to the integrated components of the T-Spice Pro circuit analysis suite. The tutorial examples follow a standard format, involving sample files (included upon installation) of various types: Schematic data files (.sdb) describing the circuits to be analyzed in graphical form, for display and editing by S-Edit Schematic Editor. Simulation input files (.sp) describing the circuits to be analyzed in textual form, for editing and simulation by T-Spice Circuit Simulator. (The listings of input files in this chapter exclude comments.) Simulation output files (.out) containing the numerical results of the circuit analyses, for manipulation and display by W-Edit Waveform Viewer.

T-Spice Pros waveform probing feature integrates S-Edit, T-Spice, and W-Edit to allow individual points in a circuit to be specified and analyzed (see Waveform Probing on page 84).

Running the Examples

; Launch T-Spice.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial


; ; ; ;

Use File > Open to open the specified SPICE (.sp) file. Use Simulation > Run Simulation to start the simulation. In the Run Simulation dialog, under Waveform options choose Show during. Click Start Simulation. W-Edit will automatically display the results.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis

DC operating point analysis finds a circuits steady-state condition, obtained (in principle) after the input voltages have been applied for an infinite amount of time. Schematic Input Output
invert1.sdb invert1.sp invert1.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis


This CMOS inverter is also used in Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis on page 24 and Example 3: Transient Analysis on page 29.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis

Most of the module instances visible in the main schematic Page0 of module invert1 have SPICE OUTPUT properties associated with them. For example, module Operating point consists of a labeled rectangular (box) symbol and the property

When the schematic is exported as a SPICE netlist (T-Spice input file), this module becomes the .op command. Similarly, module MOSFET_P has the property
[SPICE OUTPUT=M# %{D} %{G} %{S} %{B} ${model} L=${L} W=${W} AD=${AD} PD=${PD} AS=${AS} PS=${PS}]

The variables prefixed by % are replaced by the appropriate node names, and the variables prefixed by $ are replaced by the appropriate (numerical or string) values (also specified as properties), in the exported netlist. Property values specified when the module is instanced take precedence over default values: in this case, the default values for the transistors width and length are 22u and 2u, respectively, but these are overridden by the specifications W=12u and L=5u at the level of this modules instancing in module invert1.

c2 out Gnd 800ff .include ml2_125.md

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis

m1p out in Vdd Vdd pmos L=5u W=12u m1n out in Gnd Gnd nmos L=5u W=8u .op Vdd Vdd Gnd 3.0 vin in Gnd 1.0 .END

A capacitor c2 (signified by the key letter c), connecting nodes out and GND, is defined, with a capacitance of 800 femtofarads. (Strictly speaking, the capacitor could be omitted from the circuit for this example, since it does not affect the DC operation of the inverter.) The .include command causes T-Spice to read in the contents of the model file ml2_125.md for the evaluation of transistors m1n and m1p. This file (which must be in the same directory as invert1.sp) consists of two .model commands, describing two MOSFET models called nmos and pmos:
.model nmos nmos + Level=2 + Nsub=1.066E+16 + Gamma=.639243 + Uexp=4.612355E-2 + Vmax=177269 + Nfs=4.55168E+12 + Tpg=1.000 + Cgdo=2.89E-10 + Cjsw=1.74E-10

Ld=0.0u Vto=0.622490 Phi=0.31 Ucrit=174667 Xj=.9u Neff=4.68830 Rsh=60 Cj=3.27E-04 Mjsw=0.195

Tox=225.00E-10 Kp=6.326640E-05 Uo=1215.74 Delta=0.0 Lambda=0.0 Nss=3.00E+10 Cgso=2.89E-10 Mj=1.067

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis

.model pmos pmos + Level=2 + Nsub=6.575441E+16 + Gamma=0.618101 + Uexp=8.886957E-02 + Vmax=63253.3 + Nfs=1.668437E+11 + Tpg=-1.000 + Cgdo=3.35E-10 + Cjsw=2.23E-10

Ld=.03000u Vto=-0.63025 Phi=.541111 Ucrit=637449 Xj=0.112799u Neff=0.64354 Rsh=150 Cj=4.75E-04 Mjsw=.307

Tox=225.000E-10 Kp=2.635440E-05 Uo=361.941 Delta=0.0 Lambda=0.0 Nss=3.00E+10 Cgso=3.35E-10 Mj=.341

ml2_125.md assigns values to various Level 2 MOSFET model parameters for both n- and p-type devices. When read by the input file, these parameters are used to evaluate Level 2 MOSFET model equations, and the results are used to construct internal tables of current and charge values. Values read or interpolated from these tables are used in the computations called for by the simulation.

Two transistors, m1n and m1p, are defined in invert1.sp. These are MOSFETs, as indicated by the key letter m which begins their names. Following each transistor name are the names of its terminals. The required order of terminal names is: draingatesourcebulk. Then the model name ( nmos or pmos in this example), and physical characteristics such as length and width, are specified. The .op command performs a DC operating point calculation and writes the results to the file specified in the Simulate > Start Simulation dialog. Two voltage sources are defined: Vdd, which sets node Vdd to 3.0 volts relative to system ground, and vin, which sets node in to 1.0 volt relative to ground.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis

The output file lists the DC operating point information for the circuit described by the input file (in addition to comments of various kinds, not shown here).
DC ANALYSIS v(out) = v(in) = v(Vdd) = i(Vdd) = i(vin) =

2.9309e+00 1.0000e+00 3.0000e+000 -5.8215e-006 0.0000e+000

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis

Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis

DC transfer analysis is used to study the voltage or current at one set of points in a circuit as a function of the voltage or current at another set of points. This is done by sweeping the source variables over specified ranges, and recording the output. Schematic Input Output
invert2.sdb invert2.sp invert2.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis

.include ml2_125.md m1n out in GND GND nmos l=5u w=8u m1p out in vdd vdd pmos l=5u w=12u c2 out GND 800ff vdd vdd GND 3.0 vin in GND 1.0 .dc vin 0 3 0.02 vdd 2 4 0.5 .print dc in out

This circuit is identical to that of Example 1: DC Operating Point Analysis on page 18. The .dc command, indicating transfer analysis, is followed by a list of sources to be swept, and the voltage ranges across which the sweeps are to take place. In this example, vin will be swept from 0 to 3 volts in 0.02 volt increments, and vdd will be swept from 2 to 4 volts in 0.5 volt increments. The transfer analysis will be performed as follows: vdd will be set at 2 volts and vin will be swept over its specified range; vdd will then be incremented to 2.5 volts and vin will be reswept over its range; and so on, until vdd reaches the upper limit of its range.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis

The .dc command ignores the values assigned to the voltage sources vdd and vin in the voltage source statements, but they must still be declared in those statements. The results for nodes in and out are reported by the .print dc command to the specified destination.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 2: DC Transfer Analysis

4.0 3.5 3.0
v(in),0 v(in),1 v(in),2 v(in),3 v(in),4

Volt (V)

2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 00 05 10 15 20 25 30

4.0 3.5 3.0

v(out),0 v(out),1 v(out),2 v(out),3 v(out),4

Volt (V)

2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

vin (V)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 3: Transient Analysis

Example 3: Transient Analysis

Transient analysis provides information on how circuit elements vary with time. The basic T-Spice command for transient analysis has three modes. In the default mode, the DC operating point is computed, and T-Spice uses this as the starting point for the transient simulation. Example 3 illustrates this option. (The other modes, powerup and preview, are treated in Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode on page 51 and Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode on page 56.) Schematic Input Output
invert3.sdb invert3.sp invert3.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 3: Transient Analysis


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 3: Transient Analysis

.include ml2_125.md m1n out in GND GND nmos l=5u w=8u m1p out in vdd vdd pmos l=5u w=12u c2 out GND 800ff vdd vdd GND 3.0 vin in GND PWL(0ns 0V 100ns 0V 105ns 3V 200ns 3V 205ns 0V 300ns + 0V 305ns 3V 400ns 3V 405ns 0V 500ns 0V 505ns 3V 600ns 3V) .tran 2n 600n .print tran in out

This circuit is identical to that of Example 1, except that voltage source vin, instead of setting the voltage between nodes in and GND at a constant value, here generates a piecewise linear waveform input (indicated by the keyword PWL) to in. The successive legs of the waveform are delimited by the corners, whose times and voltages are specified in the arguments to PWL. Between 0 and 100 nanoseconds, the voltage at in is zero; between 100 and 105 nanoseconds, the voltage is linearly interpolated (ramps up) between 0 and 3; between 105 and 200 nanoseconds, the voltage stays at 3; and so on. The parameters of the device statement that defines vin are continued to the next line with the + character in the first column.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 3: Transient Analysis

The .tran command specifies the characteristics of the transient analysis to be performed: it will last for 600 nanoseconds, with time steps no larger than 2 nanoseconds.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 3: Transient Analysis

3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Volt (V)

3.0 2.5


Volt (V)

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Time (ns)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 4: AC Analysis

Example 4: AC Analysis
AC analysis characterizes the circuits behavior dependence on small-signal input frequency. It involves three steps: (1) calculating the DC operating point; (2) linearizing the circuit; and (3) solving the linearized circuit for each frequency. Example 4 involves a standard operational amplifier, consisting of seven MOSFETs (four n-channel and three p-channel) and two capacitors. Schematic Input Output
opamp.sdb opamp.sp opamp.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 4: AC Analysis


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 4: AC Analysis

.include ml2_125.md mn1 vn1 vbias GND GND nmos l=10u w=6u mn2 vm1 in1 vn1 GND nmos l=6u w=6u mn3 vf1 in2 vn1 GND nmos l=6u w=6u mp1 vm1 vm1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=6u mp2 vf1 vm1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=6u mn4 out vbias GND GND nmos l=10u w=6u mp3 out vf1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=20u cout out GND 2pf ccomp vf1 out 2pf vin1 in1 GND 2 Vdd Vdd GND 5.0 vbias vbias GND 0.8 vdiff in2 in1 -0.0007 AC 1 90 .ac DEC 5 1 100MEG .print ac vdb(out) .print ac vp(out) .acmodel opamp1m.out {*}

Three voltage sources (besides Vdd) are defined.

vdiff sets the DC voltage difference between nodes in2 and in1 to 0.0007

volts; its AC magnitude is 1 volt and its AC phase is 90 degrees.

vin1 sets node in1 to 2 volts, relative to GND. vbias sets node vbias to 0.8 volts, relative to GND.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 4: AC Analysis

The .ac command performs an AC analysis. Following the .ac keyword is information concerning the frequencies to be swept during the analysis. In this case, the frequency is swept logarithmically, by decades (DEC); 5 data points are to be included per decade; the starting frequency is 1 Hz and the ending frequency is 100 MHz. The two .print commands write the voltage magnitude (in decibels) and phase (in degrees), respectively, for the node out to the specified file. The .acmodel command writes the small-signal model parameters and operating point voltages and currents for all circuit devices (indicated by the wildcard symbol *) to the file opamp1m.out. This example will generate two output files: opamp1.out, specified by the Simulate > Start Simulation command, and opamp1m.out, specified by the .acmodel command.

The output file opamp1m.out lists small-signal data for all relevant devices.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 4: AC Analysis


150 100 50


0 -50 -100 -150 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7


150 100 50


0 -50 -100 -150 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7

Frequency (Hz)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 5: Subcircuits

Example 5: Subcircuits
Subcircuit definitions allow arbitrarily complex arrangments of nodes and devices to be easily reused multiple times in a circuit. Example 5 uses a NAND gate to illustrate the use of subcircuit definitions and subcircuit parameters. Schematic Input Output
nandgate.sdb nandgate.sp nandgate.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 5: Subcircuits


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 5: Subcircuits

.include ml2_125.md .subckt NAND in1 in2 out Vdd length=5u nwidth=10u pwidth=10u mt1 out in1 n1 GND nmos l='length' w='nwidth' mt2 n1 in2 GND GND nmos l='length' w='nwidth' mt3 out in1 Vdd Vdd pmos l='length' w='pwidth' mt4 out in2 Vdd Vdd pmos l='length' w='pwidth' .ends xnand1 a b outab Vdd NAND nwidth=8u pwidth=12u vvdd Vdd GND 5.0 .ic nand1.n1=2V va a GND PWL(0ns 0V 100ns 0V 105ns 5V 200ns 5V 205ns 0V + 300ns 0V 305ns 5V 400ns 5V 405ns 0V 500ns 0V 505ns 5V + 600ns 5V) vb b GND 5 .print tran a outab nand1/n1 .op .tran 1n 600n

Subcircuits are defined by blocks of device statements bracketed with the .subckt and .ends commands, and instanced by statements beginning with the key letter x. The .subckt command includes the name of the subcircuit being defined (NAND), a list of terminals, and three subcircuit parameters. The terminals do not have a predefined order, but whatever order is used in the definition must be used in instances. Parameters can be written in any order in both definition and

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 5: Subcircuits

instances. Parameter values specified in the definition are used as defaults when not specified in instances. Within the subcircuit definition, four MOSFETs are defined in the usual manner (and in these statements the order of terminals is important: draingatesource bulk). Node n1 is the source of transistor mt1 and the drain of transistor mt2. Subcircuit parameters, enclosed by single quotes, are used in place of numerical values. The subcircuit definition must be terminated by the .ends command. It is a common mistake to omit this line accidentally. After the subcircuit is defined, an instance of the subcircuit is created. The instance statement begins with the key letter x, but the name of the instance (by which it is to be identified in the rest of the input file) is nand1, not xnand1. The list of terminals on the instance statement must have the same order as on the first line of the subcircuit definition: a b outab Vdd (instance) corresponds to in1 in2 out Vdd (definition). The next argument of the instance statement is the original subcircuit name (NAND). Two of the default subcircuit parameter values, as originally specified by the definition, are overriden by instance-specific assignments. These assignments may appear in any order. The parameter omitted from the instance statement (length) retains its default value.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 5: Subcircuits

Initial conditions on node voltages and currents can be set for the purposes of computing the DC operating point. The .ic command sets node nand1/n1 (that is, node n1 of instance nand1) to 2 volts for the duration of the DC operating point calculation. When the transient analysis begins, the node will return to a floating voltage state. Voltage source va supplies a PWL (piecewise linear) input waveform to node a. Two analyses are carried out on this circuit: a DC operating point calculation (.op) and a transient simulation (.tran) with a duration of 600 nanoseconds and a maximum timestep of 1 nanosecond. The .print command reports the results of the simulation for the voltages at nodes a, outab, and nand1/n1.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 5: Subcircuits

5 4


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

5 4


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

5 4


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Time (ns)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 6: Transient Analysis

Example 6: Transient Analysis

Transient analysis on a CMOS static D-latch demonstrates the analog D-latch characteristics of a digital circuit. The circuit has four inverters and four transmission gates. Schematic Input Output
dlatch.sdb dlatch.sp dlatch.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 6: Transient Analysis


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 6: Transient Analysis

.include ml2_125.md *** Inverter Subcircuits .subckt invmod1 in out vdd GND mn out in GND GND nmos l=5u w=8u mp out in vdd vdd pmos l=5u w=12u .ends invmod1 .subckt invmod2 in out vdd GND mp vdd in out vdd pmos l=5u w=12u mn GND in out GND nmos l=5u w=8u .ends invmod2 *** D Latch Circuit mtg1p n1 phi1 data vdd pmos l=5u w=12u mtg1n n1 phi2 data GND nmos l=5u w=8u mtg2p n2 phi2 n1 vdd pmos l=5u w=12u mtg2n n2 phi1 n1 GND nmos l=5u w=8u xinv1 n1 n3 vdd GND invmod1 xinv2 n3 n2 vdd GND invmod2 mtg3p n5 phi2 n3 vdd pmos l=5u w=12u mtg3n n5 phi1 n3 GND nmos l=5u w=8u mtg4p n4 phi1 n5 vdd pmos l=5u w=12u mtg4n n4 phi2 n5 GND nmos l=5u w=8u xinv3 n5 Q vdd GND invmod1 xinv4 Q n4 vdd GND invmod2 cQ Q GND 64ff cdata data GND 32ff

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 6: Transient Analysis

cphi2 phi2 GND 204ff cphi1 phi1 GND 212ff cn4 n4 GND 24ff cn1 n1 GND 96ff cn3 n3 GND 64ff cn2 n2 GND 24ff cn5 n5 GND 96ff * All time specs x5 vphi1 phi1 GND bit ({0011} ft=1.25n) vphi2 phi2 GND bit ({1100} ft=1.25n) vdata data GND bit ({1000} ft=1.25n) vvdd vdd GND 3 .print tran phi1 phi2 data .tran 0.2n 200n

pw=10n off=0.0 on=3.0 rt=1.25n pw=10n off=0.0 on=3.0 rt=1.25n pw=20n off=0.0 on=3.0 rt=1.25n

n1 n3 n5 Q

The first three statements beginning with v define voltage sources for custom input waveforms. Following each voltage source name are the names of the input nodes and the type of waveform. Here, however, not piecewise linear but rather bit waveforms are used. Following the keyword bit in parentheses are the parameters specifying the waveform characteristics. The four-digit sequence in curly brackets { } specifies the sequence of the waves states (either 1, on, or 0, off). This sequence will be repeated until the simulation is complete. The pulse width (pw) is 2 nanoseconds. The off voltage is zero, the on voltage is 3 volts, and the rise (rt) and fall (ft) times are each one-quarter of a nanosecond.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 6: Transient Analysis

Voltage source vdd sets the voltage between power and ground to 3 volts. The .print command writes the results of the simulation for the voltages at six nodes to the specified file. The .tran command instructs T-Spice to perform a 200-nanosecond simulation while printing node voltages at least every 0.2 nanoseconds.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 6: Transient Analysis

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150

Volt (V)


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150


Volt (V)

3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150


Volt (V)

3 1 0 50 100 150


Time (ns)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode

Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode

Some circuits do not have a DC steady state or quiescent point. Because such circuits are constantly fluctuating with time, finding the starting point for their simulation is a problem. More precisely, the question is how to define the initial state of a circuit which has no definite DC steady-state condition. This is done in T-Spice with the powerup option of the .tran command. The powerup option essentially sets the entire circuit to zero for time equal to zero. As the simulation proceeds, the voltage sources are allowed to ramp up to their specified values. The ring oscillator is an example of such a time-dependent circuit. Schematic Input Output
ring.sdb ring.sp ring.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode

.include ml2_125.md .subckt inv in out Vdd mt1 out in GND GND nmos l=5u w=8u mt2 out in Vdd Vdd pmos l=5u w=12u c2 out GND 800ff .ends inv xinv1 a1 a2 Vdd inv xinv2 a2 a3 Vdd inv xinv3 a3 a4 Vdd inv xinv4 a4 a5 Vdd inv xinv5 a5 a6 Vdd inv xinv6 a6 a7 Vdd inv xinv7 a7 a1 Vdd inv cinv1 a7 GND 400ff vdd Vdd GND 3.0 .print tran a1 a2 a7 .tran/powerup 1n 800n

A subcircuit named inv is defined with three terminals. (This inverter is structurally identical to the one used in Example 1 and Example 4.) Seven instances of the subcircuit, with names inv1 through inv7, are defined next. The output of each inverter is connected to the input of the next in the ring. The powerup option of the .tran command eliminates the DC convergence problem for unstable circuits. If the powerup option were not specified, then

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode

T-Spice would try to calculate a DC operating point, which would lead to problems for this oscillator.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 7: Transient Analysis, Powerup Mode

3.0 2.5


Volt (V)

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

3.0 2.5 2.0


Volt (V)

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

3.0 2.5


Volt (V)

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time (ns)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode

Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode

Before a lengthy transient simulation is run on a large circuit, the input waveforms can be examined using the preview option of the .tran command. This option causes T-Spice to report specified input stimuli only, and to forego simulation of the remainder of the circuit. Input Output
wave.sp wave.out

In addition to illustrating the preview mode, this simple wave circuit showcases the variety and flexibility of input patterns available to current and voltage sources in T-Spice. For a description of this circuit, see Input, below.

r1 n1 GND 2k r2 n2 GND 2k r3 n3 GND 2k

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode

r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 v1 + v2

2k 2k 2k 2k 2k 2k pwl (0n 0 100n 0 101n 5 300n 5 301n 0 500n 0 680n 5 700n 0 880n 5 900n 0) n2 GND pwl (0n 0 100n 0 101n 1 200n 1 201n 2 300n 2 301n 3 + 400n 3 401n 4 500n 4 501n 5 600n 5 601n 4 + 700n 4 701n 3 800n 3 801n 2 900n 2 901n 1) v3 n3 GND sin (2.5 2.5 30MEG 100n) v4 n4 GND bit ({01010 11011} on=5.0 off=0.0 pw=50n rt=10n ft=30n) v5 n5 GND bit ({5(01010 5(1))} pw=10n on=5.0 off=0.0) .vector bb {n6 n7 n8 n9} vb bb GND bus ({50(Ah) 30(7d4) 20(1000)} pw=5n on=5.0 off=0.0) .print tran n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 .tran/preview 1n 1u

n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n1


Nine resistor/node/voltage source combinations, numbered 1 through 9, are defined. Each resistor has a resistance of 2 kilohms; each voltage source, connected across the corresponding resistor to ground, supplies its characteristic waveform to the corresponding node.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode

Two voltage sources, v1 and v2, generate pwl (piecewise linear) inputs. v1 produces a single pulse followed by a pair of sawtooth cycles, and v2 produces a staircase waveform which takes 1-volt steps from zero up to 5 volts and back down to 1 volt. Voltage source v3 generates a sin (sinusoidal) input. It has an amplitude of 2.5 volts, a frequency of 30 MHz, an offset of 2.5 volts from system ground, and a time delay of 100 nanoseconds after the start of the simulation before the wave begins. Voltage source v4 generates a bit input. Enclosed in curly brackets { } are two binary-valued five-bit patterns specifying the waveform. The two patterns alternate in time. The on voltage value is 5.0 volts; the off voltage value is zero. The pulse width (pw), 50 nanoseconds, is the time the wave is either (ramping up and) on, or (dropping down and) off. The rise time (rt), 10 nanoseconds, is the time given for the wave to ramp from off to on; and the fall time (ft), 30 nanoseconds, the time given for the wave to drop from on to off. Voltage source v5 generates a repeating bit input. Two distinct patterns are given again, but now multiplier factors are included. The wave consists of two alternating patterns: the first pattern contains five bits, the second is a single bit. The five-bit pattern is followed by five successive repetitions of the single-bit pattern, and this sequence is repeated five times. (The same pattern could be described by {5(3(01) 4(1))}.) The pulse width and on and off voltages are again specified, but the rise and fall times take default values.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode

The .vector command defines the bus waveform generated by voltage source vb. The command assigns the bus a name (bb) and specifies by name the number of bits the bus waveform will have (four: n6 through n9). The voltage source statement, which contains the bus keyword, specifies waveforms with one or more patterns, along with pulse width and level information. The patterns can be in binary, hexadecimal, octal, or decimal notation. (For decimal patterns the number of lower-order bits to be collected is also given.) The first pattern is Ah (hex) = 1010 (binary). Thus, using the names given on the .vector command, n6=1, n7=0, n8=1, and n9=0. The pattern is repeated 50 times (that is, maintained for a time period equal to the pulse width multiplied by 50). The next pattern is 7d4 that is, 7 (decimal) = 111 (binary), or, to four lower-order bits, 0111. So n6=0, n7=1, n8=1, and n9=1. The pattern is repeated 30 times. The last pattern is 1000 (binary), so n6=1, n7=0, n8=0, and n9=0. The pattern is repeated 20 times.

The .print command writes the results at the output nodes of all nine voltage sources. The .tran preview command reports the input waveforms in place of running the simulation.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 8: Transient Analysis, Preview Mode

Volt (V)
5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 00 5.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09


Volt (V)











Volt (V)











Volt (V)











Volt (V)











Volt (V)











Volt (V)











Volt (V)











Volt (V

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Time (us)

T-Spice Pro User Guide




Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 9: Noise Analysis

Example 9: Noise Analysis

Real circuits, of course, are never immune from small, random fluctuations in voltage and current levels. In T-Spice, the influence of noise in a circuit can be simulated and reported in conjunction with AC analysis. The purpose of noise analysis is to compute the effect of the noise associated with various circuit devices on an output voltage or voltages as a function of frequency. Schematic Input Output
opamp2.sdb opamp2.sp opamp2.out

For a description of this circuit, see Example 4.

.include ml2_125.md mn1 vn1 vbias GND GND nmos l=10u w=6u mn2 vm1 in1 vn1 GND nmos l=6u w=6u mn3 vf1 in2 vn1 GND nmos l=6u w=6u

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 9: Noise Analysis

mp1 vm1 vm1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=6u mp2 vf1 vm1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=6u mn4 out vbias GND GND nmos l=10u w=6u mp3 out vf1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=20u cout out GND 2pf ccomp vf1 out 2pf vin1 in1 GND 2 Vdd Vdd GND 5.0 vbias vbias GND 0.8 vdiff in2 in1 -0.0007 AC 1 90 .ac DEC 5 1 100MEG .noise v(out) vbias .print noise inoise onoise transfer dn(mn1) inoise(tot) onoise(tot)

Noise analysis is performed in conjunction with AC analysis; if the .ac command is missing, then the .noise command is ignored. With the .ac command present, the .noise command causes noise analysis to be performed at the same frequencies: starting at 1 Hz, ending at 100 MHz, 5 data points per decade. The .noise command takes two arguments: the output at which the effects of noise are to be computed, and the input at which the noise can be considered to be concentrated for the purposes of estimating the equivalent noise spectral density. The .print noise command, with six arguments, writes to the output file 11 numbers for each frequency analyzed. Many other options are available.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 9: Noise Analysis

Volt (uV/Rt(Hz))

30 20 10 0 1 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8

inoise(mag) onoise(mag)

Volt (mV/Rt(Hz)

Volt (V/V)


400 200 0 -200 -400 1 80 60 40 20 0 1 80 60 40 20 0 1 300 200 100 0 1 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8

dn(mn1,RD) dn(mn1,RS) dn(mn1,FN)

Volt (nV/Rt(Hz)


Volt (nV/Rt(Hz)


Volt (mV)

Volt (kV/A)


1.0 0.5 0.0 1 10 100 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 1E8

inoise(total) onoise(total)

Frequency (Hz)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 10: Direct Model Evaluation

Example 10: Direct Model Evaluation

T-Spice employs two fundamental techniques of simulation: direct model evaluation and table-based evaluation. In direct model evaluation, values are computed as needed from analytical equations, returning results as accurate as the models used allow. In table-based evaluation, tables of values are precomputed from analytical equations at finite resolution, and needed values are linearly interpolated from stored values. This technique is slightly less accurate, but is significantly faster.

Table-based evaluation is T-Spices default simulation technique. Direct model evaluation can be explicitly called for, as in Example 10, which repeats the transient analysis of the inverter of Example 1. Schematic Input Output
invert4.sdb invert4.sp invert4.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 10: Direct Model Evaluation


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 10: Direct Model Evaluation

.options deftables=0 .include ml2_125.md m1n out in GND GND nmos l=5u w=8u m1p out in vdd vdd pmos l=5u w=12u c2 out GND 800ff vdd vdd GND 3.0 vin in GND PWL(0ns 0V 100ns 0V 105ns 3V 200ns 3V 205ns 0V 300ns + 0V 305ns 3V 400ns 3V 405ns 0V 500ns 0V 505ns 3V 600ns 3V) .tran 2n 600n .print tran in out

This input file is identical to that of Example 1, with one addition: the command .options deftables=0, which turns off default table generation and causes the circuit to be simulated by direct evaluation of device models.

Compare invert4.out, obtained using direct model evaluation, to invert1.out, obtained using internal table-based evaluation. For the inverter or other digital circuits there will be only slight differences in the results. For analog circuits, however, there can be greater discrepancies between results from the two evaluation techniques.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 10: Direct Model Evaluation

3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Volt (V)

3.0 2.5


Volt (V)

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Time (ns)

T-Spice Pro User Guide




Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 11: Transistor Subthreshold Behavior

Example 11: Transistor Subthreshold Behavior

Modern analog designs are required to meet strict specifications with tight tolerances. Designers therefore need models that can accurately simulate semiconductor device behavior over all regions of operation. It has been traditionally difficult to model the operation of MOSFETs in the subthreshold region, particularly through the transition from subthreshold to above threshold. This region is of special interest to designers of low-power and advanced analog designs, in which MOSFETs are sometimes intentionally biased to operate in this transition region. In subthreshold, the saturation drain current of a MOSFET is an exponential function of the gate voltage, and the drain current saturates at a drain voltage that is independent of gate voltage. Well above threshold, the transistor drain current is a quadratic function of the gate voltage, and the drain current saturates at a drain voltage which is a function of the gate voltage. T-Spice supports the simulation of MOSFETs in the subthreshold region in the following ways. The BSIM3 models (revisions 2 and 3) in the Advanced Model Package include subthreshold characteristics. The Maher-Mead model simulates MOSFETs over all regions of operation with continuous functions for superior accuracy and convergence.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 11: Transistor Subthreshold Behavior

The T-Spice simulation engine can accurately simulate low-current operation without convergence problems even when internal tables are used for improved speed.

Example 11 simulates the gate characteristics of a transistor in subthreshold by sweeping its gate voltage while holding its drain voltage fixed. Input Output
trangm.sp trangm.out

.include ml5_20.md mn5 drain gate GND GND nmos l=10u w=6u vdrain drain GND 5 vgate gate GND 0.85 .dc vgate .5 1.5 0.01 .print dc id(mn5) .options abstol=1E-14

Voltage source vgate is attached to the gate terminal of the MOSFET mn5 and is swept from 0.5 to 1.5 volts with the .dc command. Voltage source vdrain is attached to the drain terminal with a fixed value of 5 volts, which keeps the transistor well in saturation. The source and bulk terminals are grounded.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 11: Transistor Subthreshold Behavior

The .print dc command reports the current through the drain terminal of mn5. The .options abstol command changes the absolute value of the current tolerance that T-Spice uses, so that low-current and subthreshold behavior can be simulated accurately. The results are quite accurate when T-Spice uses internal tables (its default simulation technique) to represent the model. More accuracy can be achieved by defining a larger gridsize (finer resolution for example, .gridsize mos 500 500 500), or by using direct model evaluation (with the .options deftables=0 command), but this is not necessary in most cases.

The output is a logarithmic plot of the drain current against the gate voltage. The logarithm of the current is a straight line for low gate voltages and shows a smooth transition between low-current exponential behavior and high-current quadratic behavior.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 11: Transistor Subthreshold Behavior




Current (A)















vgate (V)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 12: MOS Transconductance Amplifier

Example 12: MOS Transconductance Amplifier

The basic transconductance amplifier produces an output current proportional in magnitude to the difference between the input voltages. Proper modeling of the transconductance amplifiers output current behavior, over a broad range of differential voltages, requires accurate subthreshold modeling of its transistors. Otherwise, the predicted trasnconductance characteristics will be inaccurate. This circuit can be simulated correctly in subthreshold by T-Spice. Schematic Input Output
transamp.sdb transamp.sp transamp.out

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 12: MOS Transconductance Amplifier


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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 12: MOS Transconductance Amplifier

.include ml5_20.md mn1 vn1 vbias GND GND nmos l=10u w=6u mn2 vm1 in1 vn1 GND nmos l=6u w=6u mn3 out in2 vn1 GND nmos l=6u w=6u mp1 vm1 vm1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=6u mp2 out vm1 Vdd Vdd pmos l=6u w=6u vin1 in1 GND 2 Vdd Vdd GND 5.0 vbias vbias GND 0.7 vdiff in2 in1 0.0 vout out GND 2.5 .options abstol=1E-14 .dc vdiff -1 1 0.01 .print dc i1(vout)

This circuit is identical to the one described in Example 4, except that the output stage (inverter) has been removed, and a voltage source has been connected to the output so that the transconductance characteristics of the amplifier can be measured. The .options abstol command changes the absolute value of the current tolerance that T-Spice uses, so that low-current and subthreshold behavior can be simulated accurately.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Example 12: MOS Transconductance Amplifier


Current (nA)

1 0 -1 -2 -1 0 -0 5 00 05 10

2 1 0 -1 -2 -1 0 -0 5 00 05 10

Current (nA)


Current (nA)

1 0 -1 -2 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

vdiff (V)

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

Design Examples
Following are design examples created and simulated by T-Spice Pro. Use S-Edit to run all of the examples.

Wide-Band GaAs IC Amplifier

This example describes the design and performance of a wide-band GaAs IC amplifier. The amplifier consists of two cascaded stages. It features a high-voltage gain (>20 dB), wide bandwidth, and very low input VSWR. This amplifier is useful for many signal processing and instrument/measurement applications. The example consists of four sub-examples for characterizing the AC, DC and transient performance and measuring S-parameters of the circuit. The example files are in the ~\example\gaasamp directory. The contents of the directory are: gaas.mdGaAs amp_ac.sdb amp_dc.sdb MESFET and diode model parameters for the example. The amplifier schematic, containing commands for AC, noise, and small-signal parameter analysis. The amplifier schematic, containing commands for DC transfer analysis.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

amp_spar.sdb amp_tran.sdb

The amplifier schematic, containing commands for analyzing the scattering parameters of the circuit. The amplifier schematic, containing commands for transient analysis.

AC Analysis Example
; ; ; ; Use File > Open to open amp_ac.sdb. Use Module > Open to open module amp_ac (the top module) if it is not already open. Follow the procedures described in the Waveform Probing Tutorial on page 95 to export, simulate and probe the design. To probe into a subcircuit, select the subcircuit and use the Probe toolbar buttons to move through different levels. Click the Probe Push button to get into the next lower level of the circuit, the Probe Pop button to go back to the next higher level, and the Probe Top Level button to go to the top level. Use the analysis buttons on the Probe toolbar to view the results of different types of analyses. ; Select the AC/Noise button and click on nodes to view AC analysis results. Click on devices to view noise analysis results.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

Select the Operating Point/Small Signal button and click on nodes to view DC operating point values. Click on devices for small signal parameters. The measurement results are listed in the output file amp_ac.out.

DC Analysis Example
; ; ; ; ; Use File > Open to open amp_dc.sdb. Use Module > Open to open module amp_dc (the top module) if it is not already open. Follow the procedures described in the Waveform Probing Tutorial on page 95 to export, simulate, and probe the design. Select the DC Transfer button in the Probe toolbar. Click on nodes to view DC transfer analysis results. Select the Operating Point/Small Signal button and click on nodes to view DC operating point values. Click on devices for small signal parameters.

Transient Analysis Example

This example contains a polynomial voltage controlled voltage source. This provides a ramp-up sinusoidal wave as an input source.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

; ; ;

Use File > Open to open amp_tran.sdb. Use Module > Open to open module amp_tran (the top module) if it is not already open. Follow the procedures described in the Waveform Probing Tutorial on page 95 to export, simulate, and probe the design. Use the analysis buttons on the Probe toolbar to view the results of different types of analyses.

; ;

Select the Transient button and click on nodes to view transient analysis results. Click on devices to view noise analysis results. Select the Operating Point/Small Signal button. Click on nodes to view DC operating point values. Click on devices for small signal parameters.

S-parameter measurement example

; ; Use File > Open to open amp_spar.sdb. Use Module > Open to open module amp_spar (the top module) if it is not already open.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

The circuit is wired in the same way that s-parameters are measured. The module amp in the circuit is the amplifier that was studied in the previous three examples. ; ; Follow the procedures described in the Waveform Probing Tutorial on page 95 to export, simulate, and probe the design. Click on ports S11, S21, S12, and S22 to find the s-parameters S11, S21, S12, and S22 of the amplifier.

Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator

This example describes the design and performance of a voltage-controlled ring oscillator. The ring VCO consists of a control stage that provides bias and tuning voltage and seven differential cells that form a ring oscillator. The tuning voltage from the control stage controls the frequency of the ring oscillator. The applications of VCO include frequency modulators, tone generators, A/D converters, and digital voltmeters. The example files are in the ~\example\ringvco directory. The contents of the directory are:

MOSIS MOSFET 2um model parameters. This is the model that is used in simulating the design.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples


The ring oscillator schematic, containing commands for transient analysis. A small library of technology setup modules which can be included in S-Edit schematics. Some of these modules are used in the above design. An external T-Spice macromodel of a voltagecontrolled oscillator. A DLL which contains the VCO macromodel described above. This DLL is used by T-Spice during simulation. A Spice file showing the performance of the VCO macro-model. This file has macromodel parameters that were tuned to match the performance of the actual circuit in ringvco.sdb.





; ; ;

Use File > Open to open ringvco.sdb. Use Module > Open to open module ringvco (the top module) if it is not already open. Follow the procedures described in the Waveform Probing Tutorial on page 95 to export, simulate, and probe the design.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

This example will be modeled using the user-defined external model feature in T-Spice. The file vco.c is the ring VCO model written in the C programming language. You can compile and build the file into a dynamically linked library, vco.dll, before you simulate the circuit. You can then include vco.dll in the SPICE file for simulation in T-Spice. ; ; Use File > Open to open vcomacro.sp. This file includes the file vco.dll. Select Simulation > Run Simulation to simulate the file.


For more information on the external model feature in T-Spice, see User-Defined External Models on page 634 of the T-Spice User Guide and Reference.

8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter

The design used in this example is an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The converter digitizes music signals with a frequency range of 20Hz20kHz. Due to the limitations of practical anti-aliasing filters, the sampling rate is set to be 83 kHz, about twice the Nyquist rate. The A/D conversion time is 12ms. In order to archive 8-bit accuracy, the quantization error should be less than 0.01V. The example file is in the ~\example\adc directory. ; Use File > Open to open adc8.sdb.

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Circuit Analysis Tutorial

Design Examples

; ;

Use Module > Open to open module adc_sp (the top module) if it is not already open. Follow the procedures described in the Waveform Probing Tutorial on page 95 to export, simulate, and probe the design.

T-Spice Pro User Guide




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